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The Utopian Empire
00:28:22 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Samual:

Part one- Introduction


Its is the year 14 AD, Augustus was succeeded by his stepson Tiberius. Rome is becoming a large empire and expanding through out its borders, and no one can stand up to the mighty Roman Empire many have tried and failed to over throw the Roman's but have failed only some tribes to the north of Europe, are safe as the Roman's dare not face up to the mighty warriors. The biggest and most fierstest out off all the tribes was the Utopian. Through out the land the Utopian name could be heard it even spread down and shocked the mighty Carthaginians, but there was one man who made the Utopians, one man who stood for all off Utopia, his name, dare be spooken was Samual, even his wife was afraid to say his name, as only those with no fear, only those who were couragious, only the bravest off the Utopians could speak his name. Samual was a tall, strong, brave and couragious man, with one large appatiate. He went round the areas off Norway, Sweden, Finland and somtimes even as far as Russia, and raised villages off the race off the earth and stole everything from them. Samual was starting to get angrey all the tribes what were up north had turn to Roman allies, they no longer belived in Samual, and even the Romans themselves were starting to doubt the previous myth off the legandary Samual, and started sending platoons, to come serch for Samual but every time Samuals men were ready for them and the Roman platoons were killed instatly. Samual was starting to get parannoyed many of his men were now doubting him and spies were starting to roam the city, if Samual thought anyone was a spy he'd have them executed. Samual knew he had to come up with a plan to get his allies and most off all his mens trust and loyalty back, but what could he do, he thought about starting to expand southwards toward the Romans, but he'd need allies, so who could he ask...


*Ill be typing up Part two- The plan/idea shortly, if anyone is intreasted in being introduced to this story and becoming a part please message me*

13:05:51 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Ah and I was thinking that it'd never end.
Improved spellings and commas would do you much good by the way.

19:20:54 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

hey yer soz im taking over from this as many now know i am samual just his multi and i deserted the other acc but'll be finishing this off

Edit- Im going to be reading what ive currently wrote then picking up from where i left off maybe with some more improvments not sure yet, ill think about it after ive read the intro

Edit- Just realised while skimming through it i was called Samual i am going to be keeping that for now, as next era im changing back to my proper known title

19:35:30 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Ok reading through the first 2/3's, of it i can see spelling mistakes, lines what dont fit in, with the rest off the story and some lines what just shouldnt be in the section of the story there in, adding to that it dosnt flow very well there are lots of 'pointy edges', furthor more i picked up that i have said, the name Samual quite alot and it starts to get boring, i need to expand my vocabulary and come up with some new lines. Altogether though the basic overview of the story i plan to keep, but the structure of the lines and punctuation will change...

EDIT- sorry i dont seem to be able to get rid of that gap after 'i picked up that'

21:20:31 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Part two- Old tales


Scouts were sent all around the Utopian empire trying to convince former allies, to come back to there previous leader. Some tribes still resisted to come back to there former leader, so divisions were instantly assigned to raid the tribes. The soldiers who were assigned to kill the tribes were ruthless men, some previous criminals, who showed no mercy to peasents. After some weeks though, the tribes of the north started to become afraid of the Utopian empire. Messangers from the now again allied tribes, send word back to Samual who was getting more annoyed by the day

"My Lord, the tribes of Allergon, Fumged and Hertford have once again reformed the once broken alliance with us"

"Thank you for informing me with this wonderful news, now please return back to the tribes you just returned from with 100 peices of food and gold each"

The Lord who had gone from powerful and mighty, to weak and small, was now, once again returning to his former glory. Standing at his window looking over his land, the lord looked the healthiest he had ever looked in the previous years. Then that evening the Lord declared a royal dinner and invited all the leader's of the tribes to come and join him at this special meal, when a tower messanger bursted into the royal chamber.

"What is this nonsence !!"

"My Lord, Romans are coming"

"What, where !!"

"To our southern walls they aproach"

"Do you know how many troops are approaching"

"Our scouts report that about 900 men are on there way"

"Then we must get ready for attack, quickly go and prepare the defences and arm the men"

"Right away my Lord"

*The messanger then rushed of to ring the invasion bell to alert the men, while the king turned to face his guests*

"Sorry friends but I now have issue's to attend to as you've heard, and trust me I wont let the romans pay lightly with this interferance. Also before I go you must stay as it will be dangerous to try and exit the area with romans on there way"

The defenders of the Utopian empire capital, now stood on the premeter wall waiting for the romans to apear. Suddenly the Roman soldiers then came into sight slightly to the east of the now setting sun. Then before anyone knew it they were within 2000 yards of the city. The earth under the very feet of the city started to shake as the drums of the romans started to beat there tremendous drums. The lord who had wittnessed the events as they had unfolded standing on the far south- eastern tower then gave the order for the archers to prepare there bows. Then the Roman horn gave a tremendous honk, and the roman liight infantry suddenly charged at the city.



--Next part coming either later today, or tomorrow-- Part three- Revenge--

21:51:55 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Part three- Revenge

Suddenly Samual, ordered a volley of arrows on the light infantry charging against them. The Utopian lord then gave a mighty roar of laughter at the fact with one volley of arrows about 120 of the roman men had been killed or wounded. It was then ordered that the four large catapults, on top of the towers at the front of the city, fire a hail of rocks onto the roman soldiers. Then after half hour of bitter fighting with only 30 roman soldiers visibly still alive, it was ordered that the drawbridge was to be opened and a platoon of calvery go across and finish the last of the romans off. Then with the Lord satisfied that the Roman division had been defeated, he returned to his guests who had sat there patiantly waiting for the Lord to return.

"How did the battle turn out"

"We slaugtered every last one of them"

"Great news that is what comes to my ears"

"We will now resume our dinner where we left of now"

The lord then went and sat at the top of the table ready to address his guests with the important infomation he was ready to share with them.

"One of the main reasons I have called you all hear is because I need have an annoucment to say"

"Please share this with us"

"Well I predict that we are now ready to launch an attack on northern denmark"

"But my lord, we would need boats, and a lot more reasources"

"Yes there is a roman dock towards the south of Sweden. Also if the infomation we have collected is correct there is a reasource center, towards the north east of denmark, with a barracks somwhere near that, where we can find weapons"

"Well the infomation seems well, but we still would need the co- operation of at least two other tribes to be able to pull this task off"

"Have patiance my friend we will find the right tribes to form an alliance with us..."


--Next part coming up probably tomorrow or possibly later-- Part four- Action--

01:01:02 Dec 26th 09 - Lord Himanilviii:

Spellings are visibly improved from last time, discrepancies still exist but tell me, you don't know much about the Romans now do you?

01:01:07 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

About part two and three please can you not count the actions, as ive just seen your not aloud actions to be able to get RP points



@Himanilviii- To be honest I studied romans in junior school and didn't learn a lot from it, but it isnt a teast about history knowledge, its a test on writing : D

01:08:35 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Add on to last message (sorry its to late to edit) dont count these bits if you judge it for RP points (or any bits like this)

*The messanger then rushed of to ring the invasion bell to alert the men, while the king turned to face his guests*

12:53:17 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

(Scratch last posts, ive found out you dont get points for stories but ill carry on anyway because I was enjoying writing it)

Part four- Action

"General, how many tribes are alive around us"

"My Lord, there are only Samjed and Glatons surviving, but there over towards the south western coasts of Norway"

"Then we must head there, to be able to attack the Romans we need them"

"Should I ready the men ??"

"No, well not yet anyway, we need to try diplomacy first"

"But my Lord what happens if they reffuse to join us"

"We will get to that when and if it comes to be that they reffuse our offer"

"Yes my Lord"

"Can you get the Diplomate's to report to the council hall"

"My Lord, I will do so right away"

With the General now gone, Samual decided that he must report to the council hall. The lord started to walk down the hall when he a;; of a sudden thought he heard the general's voice coming from one of the furthur down chambers. He then caught the flickering of a torch out the corner of his eye against the wall. Samual then drew his sword quietly and started to shuffle towards the chamber where the voices were coming from.

"What on earth could a torch be doing in the castle, in broard daylight ?!?"

As the Lord was about five yards from the chamber he started to hear the voices a bit more clearly

"Once we blow up his chamber you my General and Lord will be able to take the throne"

"Yes but we must hurry or the King will be out of his chamber soon"

"Quickly, go and see if the King is still in his chamber"

The Lord Quickly hid in a dark patch of shadow, as there are no windows in the central part of the corridor, just as the general left the chamber to go see if the King was still in his chamber. Then just a the general had passed the king, who was still in shadow, he lept out from behind the general and plunged the sword into his back. The general then fell onto his knee's and the colapsed onto the ground. Samual was now standing in the general's blood when he remembered that the soldier, who was with the general was still in the chamber full of, what the king thought, was explosive's. As the Lord edged toward the chamber, he heared a match being lit. The lord the rushed into the chamber and confronted the soldier.

"What the hell are you doing !!"


"Come with me right away!!"

The lord then put the soldier under arrest and at sword point forced him to the jail. It seemed like walking to the jail would take a lifetime, but eventually the pair came outside the old rusty jail doors. The lord pulled back the door and then took the soldier into the jail. They went straight up to the jail officer's office, and told the officer what had happened and that the explosive's were still in the chamber next to the king. The officer then marched the, now ex, soldier to the jail's and sent a group of soldier's who were near the jail to go and clear up the general's body and to transport the explosive's straight to the explosive room. With the Lord alone he took a while to think about the events what just took place. Then he decided he needed to take a walk round the city, to get some air. After two hours of walking the lord finally remembered that he was going to talk to the diplomates about going on a peace message to the tribes of Samjed and Glatons. He then decided to go to the diplomate's chamber and talk to them there.


--Next part coming up later-- Part five- Diplomacy--

11:55:40 Dec 28th 09 - Lord Himanilviii:

Do check the spelling of diplomat and explosives during the times of the Romans?

14:43:51 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Yeah maybe there were not explosives during the time of the romans, but there was a (somthing along the lines of a) senate

Ill type up the next part later

22:32:29 Dec 31st 09 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I'd make an appearance, but I know you're going to make the Romans lose somehow, so I'm going to preserve my honor and not get killed by a bunch of insane barbarians during Rome's Golden Age. It isn't a very accurate picture of Rome, but your writing has improved. Good job Samual.

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