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Forums / Roleplaying / War of the Forts

War of the Forts
18:18:05 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

the rule of this is to build a fort and then battle other people who have also built a fort you may put a ton of weapons on put only allowed to use 3 per battle. you also are only allowed to battle 3 times so its not just you clogging up the forum.

you may NOT use super weapons like nuke or ghosting. in a battle you take a turn you can either repair fire a weapon or build up your fort more which is kinda like  making your max health go up.

you start out with a wooden fort configured to your liking and each real day it upgrades to like big wooden fort and the small stone fort and then big stone fort, you get the idea. those are the rules.and i more thing your weapons have to go with the age of your fort like a wooden fort is primitive so you have primitive weapons. the last thing is that you may also go on foot so if the enemy has fixed defenses you can came up behind them

Mr. OMG the creator of the first fort ever will now show off his fort.

It is kinda like a log cabin with stairs going to the roof and i have a small watch tower to shoot from and if it gets destroyed i still have have shooting holes from within my cabin. My weapons are a bow and arrow, a bolt action rifle and up top on my tower i have a tiny catapult which can go 360 degrees.

18:23:04 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Alban III:

  1. Alban

Alban looked at his fort in satisfaction. the wooden walls, while not verr robust, were well supported by more wooden beams that line the inside of the wall. inside there were many small arrow slits, and when on the top five trebutchets lined the wall top. they all had large boulders ready in the firing cradles, and were protected by four walls of wood, one per side, which could be drawn back when the trebutchets were in use. everything was ready. Alban patted his crossbow on his left side, and his well used knife hanging from his belt. he was ready.

18:30:03 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

Alban that fort is a large wooden fort not a small one...

18:32:56 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Alban III:

no it isnt

ok, the five trebutchets are right next to each other, covered by the same wooden wall.

the trebutchets are not very big trebutchets

18:44:17 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

then their catapult because trebutchets are huge they cant be small. also I declare war on you!

21:11:17 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Tower Demonsul is a tall thin wooden structure, with two spires which belch smoke from their tips, and armed with various archers recruited from a nearby village in position at arrow slits. There is also a protected campfire (cannot accidentally burn down my fort, but produces the smoke for the spires) in the center that allows flaming arrows to be used by the archers, although most choose not to use them due to lack of experience.
There is also a small catapult on a flat space at the top of the tower between the spires, that is armed with flaming rags. It can turn 360 degrees, and can fire over the spires and also quite far because of its high position. The cataplt crew are reasonably experienced.
Inside the tower, each floor has men who have been given a spear but no training, and on the top floor, just below the roof/catapult deck there is Demonsul's quarters.
Demonsul unsheathed his thin sword and held it out of the window. "Tower Demonsul will not fall!" he shouted, but all the response he got was a flock of geese taking off and a quiet "yes it will" from somewhere downstairs.

[This is all reasonable compared to what you have]

21:41:01 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Omg:

i agree and i declare war on you! i undeclare war on alban and declare war on you!

Fort Omg is ready for battle sir! (i forgot to mention i have a rifle man and a archer and the catapult fires 100 pound rocks... that can hurt. one more thing i forgot to mention catapults need ammo, so i have 5 50 pounder and 3 100 pounder rocks) Get ready for battle my valiant men! Today we fight! Fort Omg first turn: hp: 100. I attack this turn!
Fire the catapult! Omg fires a 50 pound rock for accuracy and... it hits the top of the tower destroying the roof! Tower Demonsoul Hp: 90 P.S. catapult is unhurt

10:29:19 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

my catapult or yours?

"flaming archers open fire!"
Two flaming arrows fly from the fort (no one else is brave enough to use the fire), and by sheer chance one of them strikes your catapult. It is now on fire!
Tower Demonsul HP: 90
Fort OMG HP: 100 (catapult health: 50%)

DIPLOMACY! Alban, will you help me in this war against this guy who was at war with you recently?

14:39:42 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith had a small wooden building. It was long and narrow, about 50m long by 15m wide. It had a wooden pallisade, around 10metres high, surrounding it. There was no space for catapults, so his soldiers all trained with longbows. They could shoot flaming arrows from the roof of the fort and so they could just about see over the pallisade. *


[Can I join in? I dont think its anything extra-ordinary =P]

14:44:42 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Diplomatic request sent for Wraith to be my ally in this war vs Omg

14:48:26 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

It wouldnt be fair, 3 on 1. =P

*Wraith orders his soldiers to fire a set of flaming arrows at Demonsul.*

14:55:09 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

its not 3 on 1! alban hasn't replied!

anyway im the defender! im not going to counter invade or anything!

14:57:12 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Oh well. Too late now. =P

Btw, how are you calculating damage?

14:57:59 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

??? dont know

on evaluation, this isnt a very well thought out thread

14:59:12 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

But its fun... why don't we just roll dice?

15:01:47 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

will have to be confirmed by mr omg...but its a good idea (as long as he knows how)

EDIT: If he doesnt, tis is how; you go into chat and put /dice
EDIT EDIT: You can roll a dice with a custom number of sides by putting /dice [NUMBER]

15:03:16 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Yeah... so for example, for 50 archers you would type /dice 50 and post it here.

15:10:47 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

i will sort of semi-take over this thread and put a calculation guide!

CALCULATION GUIDE (Name of troop and what to roll) (X=Close Range)
Archer:                    Roll 3            roll-1=damage (eg roll of 2 makes 1 damage)
Fire Archer:             Roll 4            roll-1=damage, if 4 do 5 damage to wood
Rifle Man:                Roll 5            roll-1=damage
Small Catapult:         Roll 10         roll-3=damage
S. Fire Catapult:      Roll 12          roll-3=damage, if 11 or 12 do 15 damage to wood
Spearman (X):         Roll 4            roll=damage

I think thas all current units

15:14:26 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

For multiple units roll the normal roll*number of units, then do calculation (fire damage applies for the number of fire numbers (eg s. fire catapult has 2)*number of units then bonus damage is fire damage*number of units

  • For multiple units roll the normal roll*number of units, then do calculation
  • Fire damage bonus range: normal range*number of units
  • Fire Damage Bonus: normal bonus*number of units

15:48:04 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Omg:

your right i shouldve thought of damage calcuation we will roll the dice at home and plz pretty plz be honest about it. btw  attackers can damage weapons and defenders get one less on each die roll so like archer would be get 1 or higher

archer get 2 or higher: damage: 3
F. archer get 4 or higher: damage: 3 has a change to do 100% more damage.
small catapult get 5 or higher: Damage 10
F. small catapult roll DD. get 8 or higher: Damage 10. has a chance to do 50% more damage.
spearman get 4 or higher: damage 7. has a chance to destroy men
L. catapult DD. get 10 or higher: damage: 15
L. F. catapult TD. get 12 or higher: damage: 15. has a chance to do 5 more damage
trebuchet TD. get 15 or higher: can do disease , fire or 150 pounder rock

I upgrade my fort and then attack! it now has a stockades and a battlement. with a L.F. catapult and 2 fire archers

18:41:15 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelfs fort is a 15m high tower with a small catapult on the top. The tower is 10m x 10m and on the top floor below the roof there are arrow slits on each wall. there are 5 archgers that can use fire arrows. they can fire from the roof or the slits.

[if its 2 big i can make it smaller] 


20:08:56 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Omg:

i think its fine... plz help me fight demonsoul!

20:39:28 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

[Can I join in?]

Plato decided to build a fort more on the defence and less offence.  He got the best he could afford for walls, and got slate and willow logs.  He built up a wall that would keep footsoldiers out and put manypointed logs outside it.  The only way in was the gate made of oak.  The offence was terrible, only having a few catapults and archers.  If they could get there hands on enemy gold and silver, they could buy some more offencive weaponry...

[We can roll our dice on the forums.]

23:09:09 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Zryike:

sure you can this is open to everyone. (hi guys its me Omg my people fled their citys and married orcs so i became orc but then i see my enemy completely bypassed are citys and so when i can they shall be mine again

12:05:40 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

tower demonsul falls will take some time to rebuild

[you can go back to war with me later, i just want to see how this progresses]

22:08:39 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

ok that was weird...

22:12:56 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

I'm allianced with OMG IT'S ZRYIKE!

22:59:19 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

upgrade your fort! i upgrade mine to small stone fort it is now the same except everything is stone and thicker

23:00:55 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Gold came in.  He got the catapults he wanted and even got  a tall enoygh wall that 3/4 enemy archers couldn't get it over the wall.

23:10:11 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

ive upgraded my fort 2 big wooden fort its a bit taller ,has a small fire catapult and 2 spearmen defending the door 

23:32:58 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I have 4 Spearmen and 20 Fire Archers. No Catapults (I think its fair). Also, The wooden pallisades are double the thickness and the Building in the middle is strengthened with logs. I attack Plato with all my Fire Archers (Can someone calculate it for me please?)

23:36:25 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

right, I have a even number of catapults and archers, fire or not.  12 catas and 12 archers, 6 fire, rest noremal

00:15:00 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

you did 90 damage! plato now has 60 health left i am his ally so i attack with my 2 trebuchets and 4 F. catas doing... my trebuchets both hit with a fire and rock doing... 20 and 25! my fire did not get its chance for extra damage. only one of my F. Cat*beep* doing 20 making Mr. wraith have... 85 hp!

L. W. 150 hp
S. S. 200hp
L. S. 250 hp
S. C. 300 hp
L. C. 350 hp

Fortress castle 400 hp
C: castle
L: large
S: small or stone its stone when used as second letter
W. wooden

13:59:22 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Alban III:

[sorry guys, went away for the weekend forgot to say, is it still ok for me to play?

14:37:10 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

yeah... im waiting for plato to attack Mr. wraith and i am no longer attacking you...

23:24:05 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Mr. Plato throws a D-24: 23

00:28:46 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

uh how much damage? and mine is now upgraded to L.S. fort! it now has a tower in the middle of it the pretty high like... 5 stories. then i have battlements 20 meters beyond it that has the castle look, that also go around the whole fort and on the 2 front corners i have small towers that are 2 stories high and on the back corners i have 1 room boxes that have windows. each story and room has a brazier to make fire arrows from and i now have 4 F. archers in every room and story. also behind each corner i have 2 F. Catapult on swivels that are 1 story lower then the walls and they are 2 stories high. my 2 trebuchets are in my garage which is in front of my big tower. i have 10 regular archers on each side of the wall and 3 snipers on each side.

archer get 2 or higher: damage: 3
F. archer get 4 or higher: damage: 3 has a change to do 100% more damage.
small catapult get 5 or higher: Damage 10
F. small catapult roll DD. get 8 or higher: Damage 10. has a chance to do 50% more damage.
spearman get 4 or higher: damage 7. has a chance to destroy men
L. catapult DD. get 10 or higher: damage: 15
L. F. catapult TD. get 12 or higher: damage: 15. has a chance to do 5 more damage
trebuchet TD. get 15 or higher: can do disease , fire or 150 pounder rock
Snipers get 6: instant kill to men does 0 damage to buildings.
Rifleman get 4 lowers men to half health and has a grenade special attack that does 10 damage, you have to get a 6

machinegun men will be out soon and so will world one stuff

00:42:15 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

I know have a small castle and it now has is the same thing but imagine another around the first one and in the same make, one more thing the back corner are now 2 stories high to. and i have trebuchets on each corner and in everystori 2 grenadier men and 2 machine gunners and 2 snipers. i have the same setup for wall except archers are now machine gunners. i will get stats for them later

20:37:40 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

I found me! this was my most successful thread O.O

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