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Forums / Roleplaying / WarTorn

22:33:39 Oct 24th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

I was unsure of whether or not to post this thread here; I have posted it on another forum beforehand. For this Reason I shall post the roleplay, but on this site shall not take part in it myself. Posted for other peoples enjoyment only =)

The world is in chaos, but then it has been for as long as anyone can remember. The reason for the war between the two different superpowers has been long forgotten, but it rages on. Attempts have been made to find peace, but all have failed. Even when a peace treaty has been signed, within the next few months the war would start all over again. The people of the world were too used to war; if there was no war, they reasoned, then what was their purpose in life? So the battle continued. Both sides were strong, but neither any more so than the other. When two powers, which were unequal in terms of strength, go to war, it usually ends after twenty years or so. But this war is too evenly matched, and it seems none can stop it. At times it seems none want to, but this is not so. There are always groups of people seeking peace, although it is almost impossible they will get it.

Some of those who want peace are simply tired of the fighting; many have lost friends and family in the violence. Others are the wives of men fighting in the war, sick with fear that their husbands will never come home again. They hold many non-violent protests. They are ignored. In a world of violence, nothing else grabs peoples attention. Even away from the frontlines, fights break out. No one does anything to stop them, the fights are seen as good entertainment. Often a barkeeper would pay two men to start fighting, or only pay whichever one was the victor. Even without these bribes fights would start anyway, the bribes were simply an excuse to start fighting even more quickly than they would have if they had been waiting for some accidental physical contact, a misplaced word perhaps, using these also as excuses to being a fight.

As it becomes apparent from the fights I speak of above, there are those who love the violence. They are the majority; and this is why the war always restarts when peace treaties are reached. The bulk of both sides both want the violence to continue, and so when the peace treaties are made they will make up any reason they can think of to convince their ruling government to abolish the peace agreement. Around a third of the government of one side, The Olkun’ut, and around the same from the opposing side, The Kerait. Those people supported these appeals and eventually one side or the other abolished the peace agreement.

But there is a third nation. Or at least there was. This nation had the misfortune to be in between The Olkun’ut and The Kerait. In the bloody conflicts they were imprisoned. Those who were useful were made to help the side they had been captured by, those who were not had been killed. The two sides had no place for those who were of no use, and who were also not their own.

Some of this nation still survives, although it is a nation no longer. They are wanderers, herdsmen. They have no nation to whom they owe allegiance. They are now left alone for the most part, but they still remember the horrors of the attacks on them in an attempt to get to the real enemy, from both directions. Some wanted revenge, some wish to be left in peace.

The two Nations are tearing each other apart. If there is any end to the violence, it lies in one thing for both sides. Complete and utter Destruction.


If you take up this role, you will be trying to convince the leaders of your chosen nation to either stop the fighting, or arguing that the fighting should continue. There will be little in the way of action, in the form of fighting and such, but it will be an interesting role, forming debates over this issue, one that is present in some countries of the world we live in today.

As the name suggests, if you take up this role you are a soldier on the front lines. The style of warfare is as it was in WWII, the same kind of machinery and so forth. As a soldier you could also take the role as a commanding officer; this is a position that may be of more interest.

One of the people who was once part of the third, smaller nation. This role could admittedly been seen as a boring one; but you could make it come alive. Perhaps you are captured by one of the two great nations, and are forced to work for them. Maybe while you are there you instigate a rebellion amongst the others who were once of the third nation. You decide

Someone who is staging non-violent protests against the war. The diplomats work with you and speak for you; protestors make up the main part of the people who wish to get rid of war. This role provides an interesting insight into the lives of the citizens of both nations also; you can choose the living conditions the war has caused. I am happy to let you choose some of those details; otherwise I will leave nothing for you to say in effect.

Some protestors are violent, although only a small number. These seem to get the most attention; the nations live in war and anything other than war is unremarkable, something that is to be overlooked, or, at times, destroyed.

two people can take the roles as head of the two nations, perhaps have a vote to decide who gets that position?

Enjoy =)

00:59:40 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[Well here is my first shot at it.]]

Name: Dak Perkins
Age: 25
Faction: Kerait
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Class: Soldier - Sniper Commando
Weapon: Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Build: Athletic
Personality: Quick and precise, Dak is a perfect example of a young man with extraordinary talent.  He is a very careful thinker and has only made one mistake in his military career, but even then it was nothing severe.  He is calm under pressure and surprisingly is not the cold or quiet type.  He is very warm and open outside of missions and is cold and precise when in them.
Description: He grew up hunting with his father and then joined the Kerait military as a sniper.  His hunting skills made him a silent and deadly man which led him to become a commando.  He rose through the ranks and when he turned 25 years old he was promoted to Staff Sergeant. He was given four men under his command and they did surgical strikes on Olkun’ut facilities. 
Corporal Phil Calsbi(Rifleman)
Corporal Finn Hughs(Rifleman)
Private Tom Olsey(Spy/Assassin)
Private First Class Ulren Wallace(Submachine Gunner)

Staff Sergeant Dak Perkins sat outside the Kerait military hanger and listened to the news.  Kerait and Olkun’ut were on the brink of war once again and Dak would be one of the first people into combat.  Corporal Phil Calsbi and Private Tom Olsey walked over from the large cargo plane that would take them into combat.  Phil fixed his uniform up a little and saluted Dak.
"Hey sir, have we recieved any word yet?"
Dak stood up and tied his boots up tightly and looked over Phil's uniform.
"Nothing yet Phil, the 'diplomats' are pretending to want peace, but they are just itching for another war.  This will be the second or third war that I will have been in.  You need to fix up your buttons Phil...they are all messed up and you know how the captain likes us to look good for the higher ups."
Tom walked over after fixing his uniform up and glanced over at Phil's.
"Mine ok Dak?"
Dak looked Tom's over and nodded.
"You are fine Tom.  Phil will be in a moment.  Finn and Ulren are already sitting in the plane.  They have been waiting for almost two hours now, expecting to be sent in pretty fast."
Tom and Phil looked at each other and laughed.  The three then gathered up their weapons and munitions to be loaded onto the cargo plane.

03:03:27 Oct 25th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Name: General James Septim
Age: 41
Faction: Kerait
Rank: General
Class: Soldier - Supreme Commander
Weapon: Automatic pistol (Colt .45), he also carries an old cavalry sword that belonged to his Great Uncle.
Build: Athletic
Personality: He has a dry sense of humor, and he holds great respect for his men. He shows little tolerance for battle-fatigue.

Description: Born in the city of Gerot in the third nation, his family was slaughtered by the Olkun’ut General Harold Yelevon when he was only eight. He was instead raised by his uncle, a former Commando from Kerait. He was taught to use pistols, rifles, snipers, and many other weapons. He was also taught the art of stealth. At the age of eighteen, he joined the Kerait Military. By the age of thirty he was already a Colonel, three years later he became the youngest General in the history of Kerait. By thirty-seven, he was given supreme command of the Kerait Military. To this day, his tactical knowledge makes him an invaluable asset. He has a scar running down his face from the night his parents were killed, his hair is brown, but showing signs of gray. He is a good friend of Admiral Francis Bakor.

18:50:40 Oct 25th 08 - Duke Ozai:

Name: Bal'ut Argonar
Age: 32
Faction: Olkun’ut
Rank: Head Diplomat
Class: Dipolmat
Weapon: Automatic pistol (Colt .45).
Build: Athletic
Personality: Has a great passion of  patriotism, and always choose what is best for his country, he has a short fuse thats is easily set of my un-patriotic souls of  Olkun’ut. He always carry's his fathers pistol is it way always keep him safe.

Born of the streets of Ker'ut, a small town in the count of the great and noble nation of Olkun’ut. He has always had to work for what he wanted, he was never great at anything, until the day he wanted to join the military at the age of 18. a few weeks later he left the military, he was not cut out to be a front line solider. But his patriotism burnt strong like the fires of war that had ravaged his land's for far to long.So at the age 20 ha joined the diplomatic table of the Olkun’ut, his skill's helped sign man peace packs with smaller nations Neighboring Olkun’ut. By the age of 25 he was made head diplomat of the Olkun’ut, Kerait war's. To this day he stays up every night hoping to find a way to stop the blood shed that had destroy both great nation's land's.

21:17:39 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

(OOC: I will make occasional posts as the heads of both nations; but they will not be regular, fairly long occasional posts that will in effect sumarise events in the RP so far, put into the format of messages to the kings and their private thoughts.))

09:05:47 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak was about to load his things onto the transport when a messenger ran over to him and saluted.
"Staff Sergeant Perkins?"
Dak removed his helmet and nodded.
"That's me."
The messenger pulled out a piece of paper and read it to Dak.
"General Vermont wishes to meet with you immediately and quickly before you and your men go off anywhere.  He says it is important that you bring your men with you."
Dak sat at the door of the transport and wiped some sweat from his brow.
"Alright I guess.  Phil! Finn! Ulren! Tom! Form up!"
The four men ran to the door of the transport.
"We are goin' to meet General Vermont quickly.  Better grab your gear and come with me quickly."

The five men followed the messenger to a nearby building and walked inside.  They came to a door that was decorated with a gold plaque.  "General John Vermont."  They walked inside and sat down on some chairs.  The man behind the desk had a short grey beard and had a scar on his cheek from an old injury.  He looked like he was constantly angry at something due to the look on his face.
"Gentlemen I am General John Vermont as you must know.  I am giving you a proposal you cannot refuse.  I am proposing to form a special unit directly under my command.  I want your squad to be a part of it.  There are no rules of conduct while in combat.  You shoot first and ask questions later.  Everyone who is not an ally, is an enemy.  I don't care how many people get hurt in the process as long as you complete the mission.  So what do you say?"
Dak looked at his men and they silently seemed to vote between themselves.  Dak turned to General Vermont and smiled.
"Well, I find that it is much simpler and probably could keep us alive longer.  We will do it.  So what is the name of your special unit?"
General Vermont pulled out a folder and some patches toppled out of it.  He handed them to each of them men.
"Divinus Tentactio will be your name...the Death Tarkans will be your codename.  Tarkans one through five.  You will be the most deadly strength we have to offer in our wars.  Good luck those patches over top of your current ones and be ready for when I call."
General Vermont saluted the men as they filed out and went to their barracks instead of their cargo plane.

15:51:08 Oct 26th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

General James "Dragonheart" Septim was sitting at his desk when a man came in.
"What's up Waldorf?" asked Septim.
Corporal Waldorf Halvor was Vermont's messenger, courier, and driver.
"Sir, Vermont is up to something, read this," said Waldorf.
Waldorf handed Septim a folder, and Septim opened it up. The entire conversation between Dak and Vermont was in there, along with each squad member's name, height, weight, rank, history, and many other bits of information.
"Who the hell does Vermont think he is?!" yelled Septim.
"May I be allowed to speak freely, sir?" asked Waldorf.
"Go ahead," said Septim as he gestured for Waldorf to sit down.
Waldorf took the seat and looked up at Septim.
"To be honest, I have no idea how Vermont earned his rank. He is the worst officer I've ever seen. If a bullet comes to close, he loses control and falls down like a little wuss. Happened at the Battle of Berstron, they say that he was "overwhelmed with superior numbers", but I was there. He sent his tanks into an ambush, got them blown to hell, and then his men were chopped to pieces by airstrikes and armor," said Waldorf, "I only survived because I was the one driving him away! Not sure how he kept his rank after that, his dad probably got him off..."
"This squad will do a lot more bad than good," said Septim, "I need to stop them before it gets out of're dismissed, Waldorf."
"Yessir," said Waldorf before he left.

16:57:33 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Yerchico frowned as he looked over the latest reports from the battle front. Things were going the same as they had been for as long as he could remember; they had not lost ground or gained any. This put him in a foul mood, and when the leader of the Kerait was in a bad mood anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in his present would be lucky to leave with his life.

"Tell me, General" Said Yerchico, with deceptive calm "In the past twelve years you have been under my command, have we gained any ground against these accursed Olkun'ut? No, we have not" He continued, asnwering his own question. "Why could this be? is it that our soldiers are not skilled enough? we train them for many months befreo the head to war, so no, that cannot be it. Can you think of another reason perhaps? The only one in my mind is that their leaders are substanard. You are one of that number. Perhaps you would like to explain this to me?"

There was no responce. The General knew would loose his life; and the thought terrified him. Yerchico rose from his seat and swept the scrolls on his lap the floor. He walked over them, and then towards his General. He whipped out his sword, in a flurry of steel and blood, decapitated him.

Yerchico carefully returend his sword to its sheath. He knew it was a dated weapon, and others favoured guns, but when his enemies were hopeless he could not resist the lure of steel; the use of swords was a lsot art of war. With a sigh he returned to his seat. His nation would not fall, but neither would they gain more lands. He cast an irritable eye over the latest scout reports, then stood up. They could wait. For now he would walk to the top of the building, and look over his empire. There was nothing quite like being able to look over that huge area of land, and know it all belonged to him.

((I will post for the ruler of the Olkun'ut later))

22:58:56 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Name: Ryo Hirani

Faction: Kerait
Rank: Specail unit
Class: soldier
Weapon: Automatic pistol (Colt .45). Hunting Knife. anything he can get his hands on
Build: Athletic
Personality: born in the desert, lived without friends, til his parents were killed by Olkun'ut raiders when he was 13 years old. He decided to hunt them down, and by the time he was 18, all the murderers were dead. these experiences left him silent, mysterious, and friendless. now, he devoted his life to killing the Olkun'ut and helping kerait triumph.

Ryo walked down the hall, his hood on, and his jacket zipped up tight. Rounding a corner, he heard yelling inside the room he was approaching. As Ryo was reaching for the door handle, the door opened, and a man in uniform burst out, muttering curses. Ryo swept past him into the room, shutting the door. In front of him stood  Vermont, the notorious general.

18:09:53 Oct 29th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"What the hell are you up to?" asked Septim as he entered Vermont's office.
"What do you mean?" asked Vermont with a not so innocent smile.
"You know what I mean! That unit you formed, if this gets out, Kerait will get more bad press than when Operation: Derringer was blown!" yelled Septim.
"Operation: Derringer was full of flaws, why do you think Caedor was executed..." said Vermont.
"Disolve that unit, that's an order..." said Septim.
"I'm sorry, but you no longer outrank me, as of this morning I now control half the army...Yerchico killed General Farilor six hours ago and promoted me to take his place," said Vermont.
"Yerchico promoted you? Good Lord, he made a mistake...expecially after Berstron..." said Septim.
Vermont's face became red with anger.
"That wasn't my fault!" yelled Vermont.
"Of course it wasn't, this isn't over Vermont, not by a long shot," said Septim before leaving.
A few moments later, Colonel Felconson entered the room.
"What's wrong?" asked Felconson.
"I hate that guy..." muttered Vermont.

19:26:35 Oct 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak and his squad sat around the base, wondering when the higher ups would ever decide something.  Dak sat on his cot cleaning out his bolt action rifle with his cleaning tools.  He reassembled it and went out onto the firing range to test its accuracy.

Phil Calsbi took his carbine rifle and disassembled it while talking to Finn Hughs, who was doing the same to his.
"Finn, do you think we will be getting some new weapons soon? I was hoping they would finish testing those new semi-automatic rifles I heard they were working on.  They hold about ten rounds and fire pretty accurately according to what I've heard."

Finn sat on his cot and began reassembling his carbine rifle.
"That rumor? I heard that there was a good chance the gun would jam often and it is a pain to unjam.  I would rather stick to these old reliable guns that are pretty accurate and don't jam in any kind of weather.  At least I can keep shooting instead of getting shot at while fixing my gun."

Phil looked down at his gun and finished putting it back together.
"I guess we will have to find out sooner or later.  I would expect we are going to get a mission sometime soon.  I am tired of the early wake ups, three mile runs, horrid food, another three mile run along with calisthenics, then more horrid food.  We are doing the same old drills over and over, but we are not going anywhere yet.  We are some of the best men here on this base..."

Ulren Wallace and Tom Olsey walked into the room.
"Hey you two, we gotta do some more drills now.  Grab your gear and let's go."

Phil and Finn stood up and swore under their breath as they got their gear and walked out the door.
"I hate these damn drills.  I don't know how those two guys can stand them."

22:37:27 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Ryo sat in his dim room, preparing for his mission. In his small backpack were a few explosives, a radio, and a disassembled sniper-rifle. Strapped to his belt was his pistol, and his knife was inside his boot. Zipping up his bag, Ryo stood and walked to the door. Opening it, he climbed down the steps toward the building's entrance. Nodding at the guards, he put on his hood and swept through the door.

Less than half an hour later, Ryo stood outside the city, watching the horizon. As the sun sank, he picked up his pack and loped off into the sunset, prepared to complete his next mission.

16:41:56 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Name: James Blake
Age: 33
Faction: Kerait
Rank: Sergeant First Class
Class: Soldier- SF
Weapon: Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 4 Mk 1 and Thompson Sub Machine Gun
Build: Muscular

Personality: He’s a silent one with eyes that in itself tell he’s seen a lot over the years. Walks
with a limp where a bullet hit him, doesn’t do or speak anything unnecessarily. Reserved and somber in demanour he gives all around a shiver down the spine but his presence is also strangely reassuring.

Description: Place of birth is unknown but believed to be in one of the rare warlike villages of the third nation, which contained arguably the greatest fighters of its day. He was brought up to be a master of all crafts with special emphasis on his militaristic training and survival, all traces of him are lost when he reached 17: but the popular rumour abound was that his village had been attacked by the Olkun’ut who after nearly being destroyed themselves killed everyone, man, woman and child and he was one of the few to survive. Nothing of him is known since then except that he swore vengeance and worked in the highest of levels of the Kerait government and was one of the few who predicted the failure of Operation Derringer openly in the military circles and was instrumental in the great victory of Teshezino.

16:52:15 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

While sitting on the heavily forested hill an indiscernible Himanil carefully watched Dak and his squad perform their drills resentfully. For some reason that he himself didn't know he liked Dak. He didn't look as the sort of guy who'd boast of herculean Rambo like feats in front of his girlfriend by the fire, he looked like an excellent fellow, cheery and amicable with friends but ruthless and efficient against the enemy. As he continued to silently observe them somewhere inside, his sixth sense told him that the intel he'd been given was somehow flawed, even though the thought seemed very dubious considering the place from where the intel had come. In the meantime he'd just have to watch and wait.

21:52:23 Nov 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak finished with his drills and then was given a letter from a man named James Septim.  It asked for him to meet later that day to talk about his squad's status.
"Well, maybe we are going to get some action after all..."

Dak waited several hours and then walked towards the office of General Septim.  He waited outside the door for several minutes before knocking.  He was let in and sat down in a comfy chair.
"You sent me a letter saying you had to talk about my squad's status.  Something to do with General Vermont?"

16:34:57 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

As James came out of the archives, his hands were trembling and his brow was sweaty, he twitched at every little sound even the flow of the wind caused his hand to snap towards his weapon. He was going through a route that he believed was unknown to all in the area after having crept in secretively into the Great Archives and come out after the most terrific firefight he had been in his life, he had encountered 17 and all lay dead with either a shot to their head, the complete destruction of their larnyxes or crushed basilar arteries. In the massive ensuing chase that followed he killed another 4 elite Kerait guards while avoiding the rest with great craft. The intel in his hands was one that would change the course of the war completely, the tiny object in his hands was what he had recognized instantly to be a cryptex, the code of which he had found after much bone breaking, neck splitting, covert work and the utilisation of his own wits. He marvelled that though it was a tiny thing, it was an object of such immense value the contents of which if revealed to the right people would almost certainly mean an unquestionably decisive victory for the Keraits.However his train of thought was interrupted and James broke into a sprint on hearing the howl of dogs and cries of men behind him hoping against hope that he'd find some trusted person swiftly.

23:42:43 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

[[OOC: hey charley, maybe since i got sent by vermont and you by septim and they're rivals, we're supposed to fight each other but then urn out to be friends? how about it?]]

00:07:24 Nov 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[Septim has to do something first...otherwise I am still with Vermont...]]

00:19:08 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

[[ok. ]]

15:54:25 Nov 6th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

Septim looked up and into Charley's eyes with the same look that had scared both recruits and commanding officers since he first joined the military.
"I know about those missions that Vermont is going to send you on, and to be honest, I don't like 'em. Trust me, after killing an innocent, you will not be able to sleep at night..."

18:38:33 Nov 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak sat silently for a minute after hearing Septim speak.  He then looked at his squadmates before speaking.
"So would you want us to do? Do you have some sort of idea?"

20:41:35 Nov 6th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"Of course. I can either have you transfered to my command, or you can do a bit of spywork for me," said Septim with a sly smile.

21:46:43 Nov 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak folded his arms and leaned closer to Septim.
"What kind of work would my men and I do under your command? Or if we decided to do spywork for you?

00:36:00 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Name: Delran Dark
Age: 25
Faction: Keraint
Rank: Colonel
Class: Soldier
Weapon: Automatic pistol (Colt .45), he also has with him a cavalry sword kept in his family for generations
Build: Athletic
Personality: A great patriot, he always served his country with loyalty and honor. Has the respect of the men he commands and the sympathy of his commanders.

Description: Descendent of an old and noble family that lived in the country destroyed by the two warring nations, he comes from a line of military geniuses. Because of the military talent of their members,  Delran's family was spared by Kerait ruler, with the condition of serving into their military.
At a young age Delran entered military service, and due to his talent and training, he earned the rank of colonel and was given command of a mixed brigade composed of motorised infantry and armour.

00:55:12 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Captain Sharpe, Delran's aid entered his office with a sad face.
"What's wrong?" asked Delran.
"General Farilor is dead! Yerchico killed him several hours ago."
"Yes, I know that."
"That's not all. General Vermont has taken his place."
"My God! The entire Keraitian Military is doomed! Who gave him the command?"
"What was he thinking doing something like that? Does General "Dragonheart" knows about this?"
"Yes. A few hours ago he met with Vermont. Apparently they had a little argument about Vermont's history."
"And what was the purpose of the meeting?"
"Vermont has recruited a squad into his entourage, and has given those men orders to kill first and ask questions later."
"Good! It seems you are always earning your money, Captain. Keep me informed of the situation until further orders. Have your men survey everything in the capital. I do not wish a civil war here, nor a break in our forces. We have to wait for orders from Yerchico, but if the situation degenerates, we must take action for the good of Kerait."
Captain Sharpe saluted and left the room. Delran threw himself in his armchair.
"Bloody thing! And what timing! Just as I have received information that The Olkun�ut are preparing a large scale offensive spearheaded by their best units. And the inteligence says that they have some new kund of weapon! Bloody thing!"

01:25:10 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"For the spywork, you must recieve your orders from General Vermont, and the work I will give you is simple. I am forming a new unit, in it will be the best men from several branches of our military. They will be called the Dragons. The decision is yours to make, I am just trying to save lives, be them Keraitian or foreign..." said Septim as he leaned back in his chair.

01:39:52 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Dak looked at his men and then back at Septim again*

"I am not good at spying, only doing what I have been trained for.  I would rather take orders from you than Vermont...I would like to join your unit instead of being in his."

01:46:29 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"Good, some new armor is waiting for you, and yes, I said armor. We've developed the use of a strange new fabric called kevlar, it stops bullets, should be useful. We're working on an attachment for guns too, we're calling it a supressor, it's not finished yet, but it'll be done by the end of the year. Go downstairs to the quartermaster for your new toys, then keep in training. My guys are working on something big. Now, I need to take care of the transfer, you're dismissed..."

02:04:32 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

"Alright sir"

Dak and his men stood up and saluted before turning and heading out of the room.  They walked down the hallway and down a flight of stairs.  Dak and his men walked until they met up with the quartermaster.
"Hello there, General Septim said you had some equipment for us down here."

The quartermaster looked up from where he was writing and nodded.
"Yeah, I have some armor that works for infantry units.  Kevlar is what we like to call it.  There are several vests over there that are for you guys.  We are working on suppressors and they should be ready by the end of the year.  They reduce the amount of noise your weapons make, giving you more secrecy and stealth in your missions.  We also are going to have weapons for you here, so you can turn in your weapons now.  These are top of the line weapons that are not anywhere else."

Dak and his men each lifted the vests and tested out the weight.  They turned in their weapons that they always carried with them and left the building.  They headed back to their quarters and did their normal routine again.

03:44:55 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

[[OOC: so charley, how do we come into contact and fight or do whatever we're going to do?]]

04:06:37 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[May just play this by ear...we may or may not meet depending on our orders...I am under Septim's command and for the future...please message me instead of posting on here]]

04:24:22 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

[[hey wolven, would it be ok if vermont was trying to take over kerait, so he wants me to assassinate septim? oh yeah and septim would it e ok if i attempted to assasinate you but you use your amazing skills?]]

05:07:26 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

[[OOC: I'd be fine with it...but I'd like to write the assassination scene and send it to you...see what you think...:D]]

05:21:30 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

[[ooc: yeah, i like it. just don't break my arm :) ]]

05:30:53 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

Septim made the appropriate calls, and he soon had Dak and his squad under his command. He expected a call from Vermont, but he never got one. After retiring to his room he read a bit before going to sleep.


General Septim laid in his bed, he was asleep, but he was a light sleeper. Suddenly, he awoke. Under his bed was a .45. He grabbed it and looked around, seeing nobody, he smiled, for he knew that just because he could not see an enemy, does not mean that he isn't there. He listened for the slightest breath, and still heard nothing. His bodyguard was outside, or so he thought. Suddenly, from his right, an assassin attacked. Septim shot off a round, missing, and rolled out of bed. He then got up and shot off a few more rounds. The assassin stabbed his knife at Septim, at which point Septim dropped his weapon and dodged sideways, he grabbed the arm as it stabbed where Septim had been a moment before and twisted it. Pulling it up, he elbowed the enemy twice in the ribs and threw him to the floor. The assassin yelled in pain, but his intense training prevented him from giving in. The assassin yelled again as he struck the hard tile floor of the bedroom, but he still did not give in. The assassin drew his pistol from his boot holster and aimed it at Septim, and Septim moved forwards while going to the side, grabbing the gun, he pressed the clip release as his enemy shot off his only round. The clip fell to the floor and Septim kneed his enemy in the face. The assassin finally fell to the ground, out cold, and Septim picked up his pistol. He kept it aimed at the assassin as four soldiers entered the room.
"Sir!" yelled a sergeant as he saluted.
"Where the HELL have you guys been!? And where was my freakin' bodyguard!" yelled Septim..

[[OOC: Manwe agreed to this...]]

07:00:11 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

[[OOC: Sorry for double posting, didn't leave much room for anything...and since Wolven Warrior didn't establish a date, I'll make one up. I'll just use today's, it's November 6th, 7563. (The reason the date is so high is because they don't use BC like us, the year that the first major civilization was founded is year one. Don't ask why they use the same months as we do...I didn't feel like making up new months!]]

"Sir, we have no idea where your bodyguard is," said the sergeant.
"Well...go look for him!" yelled Septim.
"Richardson, Wellsley, move out!" yelled the sergeant.
Two soldiers ran out the door.
"Aim your gun at him, I'm going to check him," said Septim.
Septim bent down and began checking the assassin's clothing, after a few seconds he found what he was looking for, a wallet. He opened it and began reading.

Name: Specialist Ryo Hirani
Birthyear: 7542 
Sex: Male
Affiliations: Kerait Military
Height: (Up to Manwe)
Weight: (Up to Manwe)
Eyes: (Up to Manwe)
Hair: (Up to Manwe)
Affiliations: Kerait Military

"Why the hell did he bring his ID on a job? Oh well, helps me out..." muttered Septim.
Can't be Yerchico, if he wanted me dead, he would've just had me executed...that leaves the enemy and Vermont...if it's Vermont...he'll burn for this...he'll burn...
Suddenly, the two men sent out to find Captain Elbert, Septim's bodyguard, ran into the room.
"Sir, Captain Elbert is dead. His body's in the closet down the hall...several stab wounds..." said Richardson.
...he will burn...
"Two of you lift this guy, let's get him down to the holding cells, I want my guys watching him..." said Septim as he reached for his phone on the wall.
"Yeah, get Dak and his team to meet me at the holding cells..."
Septim hung up the phone and escorted Hirani down to the cells.

07:27:55 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak was laying in his bed when a man barged into the barracks.
"Sir! You and your squad are to report to the holding cells ASAP! General Septim was almost assassinated and he wants you there immediately!!"

Dak bolted up in his bed and got dressed quickly.  He ran outside to find his squad just gathering and they ran to the holding cells as fast as they could.  They reached the cells and met General Septim, saluting as he did.
"Sir, staff sergeat Dak Perkins and squad reporting as ordered."

08:40:38 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"At ease sergeant," said Septim before leaning close to Dak.

"I want you or one of your men watching the prisoner at all times, notify me when he wakes up. If anybody tries to get in to speak to him that isn't the damn President, then I want to be notified, I'll be in the archives..." said Septim before leaving the holding cells. He then walked to the archives where he began researching his would-be assassin.

09:02:29 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak saluted General Septim as he left the holding cells and then turned to his men. 
"Phil, Tom, I want you two to guard the prisoners and then have Ulren and Finn take over for you.  I will be making regular visits during and in between shifts.  Do NOT let anyone in here.  Tom, I want you to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious, especially because you are trained in espionage."

Phil and Tom saluted Dak and then took up positions in the holding cell area, with Phil next to the cell.  The rest left the holding cells and went back to the barracks to sleep.

09:56:19 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Delran:

The door knocking was so intense that from the moment Delran heared it he got up.
"Sir! Sir! Please wake up and open the door!" Captains Sharpe's voice came from outside.
Delran got out of bed, put some pants on him and walked across the room to open the door. There, Sharpe was looking like death himself. It looked like something has happened from his expression. And he wouldn't interrupt his sleep nor his commander's for something minor.
"Come in Sharpe! Take a seat and tell me what is it."
Sharpe entered the room and walked over to a chair.
"Sir, I have grave news!" he said as he sit down.
"I am listening."
"Earlier this night, there was an assassination attempt, targeting general Septim!"
"Speak, faster!"
"He escaped, but Captain Elbert is dead. They have the assassin in a cell, guarded.":
"Thank heavens! Send someone to ask about the generals condition and find out more about this. Send a platoon of our best men to help the guard the prissoner. Organize patrols on a mile radius around the cell and put togeder an investigation team. I want reports every hour. Go!"
"Yes Sir!"
Sharpe saluted and left the room! Within 30 minutes the orders were carried out.
"I'd best dress and go to my office." Delran said to himself.

15:41:03 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

Septim was reading on about his assassin's past, the person who ordered the hit hadn't even burnt the files. Suddenly, a Captain entered the room and saluted. Septim got up and returned the salute.
"Sir, Colonel Dark has sent me to check on your condition," said Sharpe, "He also asked me to send a platoon of men to guard your assassin."
"I'm fine, don't worry about me. And we really don't need a platoon, we're in the middle of the Kerait Military Headquarters, if an assault force gets this deep, we have bigger problems. I have some of my men guarding the holding cell as it is," said Septim, "But when you return to him, tell him I said thanks."
"Yessir," said Sharpe with another salute, Septim returned the salute before Sharpe left the archives. Septim finished his research, and finding nothing more, he walked to the holding cell.

16:22:23 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

The assassin hung his head, his black hair covering his face. Slowly, he raised his head and began to speak. I will tell you all.

After waiting for the soldiers to pay attention, he continued.

Yes, I was sent by Vermont. He convinced me that he was a better leader than you, and i would do anything to accomplish the Kerait cause. But now, I realize that he was a fool, and just doing it for himself. I will join you if you let me...if not...I'll probably continue my life killig Olkun'ut. But first, no matter what i do, i must kill General Vermont. He is a fool, and if he lives, he will kill us all.

16:30:25 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

Septim walked in moments later and a soldier relayed what happened. Septim approached the bars and knelt down.
"As of right now you'll be expelled from the Kerait Military and probably imprisoned until you're a very old man...unless you do as I say," said Septim with a smile, "I can read people, I've read 'em all my life, and I can tell that you're sincere. If you kill Vermont, the blame'll get thrown at me, so I've got a better idea, get Dak over here men!"

17:31:16 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak, along with Phil and Tom, were quickly alerted and made their way to the holding cells.  They saluted General Septim when they saw him and regrouped with Ulren and Finn, who were already there.
"Reporting as ordered sir!"

19:11:02 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Validus Septim:

"Good, follow me, and keep your weapons aimed at him," said Septim as he pointed at his prisoner. Septim led Dak, his team, and his would-be assassin through the base until he reached his office. Septim closed the door behind them and sat behind his desk.
"This room is sound-proof, the mission I am about to propose is dangerous, very dangerous, but you can handle it. You are to pose as
Olkun’ut operatives when you assassinate General Vermont. He has tried to kill me, but that is the least of my worries. He encourages collateral damage in his units, and so he must be eliminated. A few months ago a group of Olkun'ut Operatives tried to blow up a fuel store, we caught them before they could do it, they work in groups of five, so we have five Olkun'ut uniforms and five Olkun'ut kits to work with, one sniper rifle, two rifles, one machine-gun, and a sub-machine gun. Their guns use different bullets than ours, they leave smaller holes. If you agree to do this, the mission will start three days from now, he will be visiting his son-in-law and his daughter at their house in Yelvon, there will be little security. And as you probably know, killing any civillians is unacceptable," said General James "Dragonheart" Septim with a sad smile, "I don't want to kill him, but I have no choice. If you accept, Dak will lead a team consisting of three of his men and Hirani. Dak, if he does anything suspicious, feel free to shoot him. I may be good at reading people, but there's a first time for everything..."

[[OOC: Feel free to fast-forward to the mission! :D]]

19:46:25 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak and his team arrived outside of Yelvon, careful to keep out of the eyes of others in the late hour.  It was dark and was perfect for the operation.  Dak was carrying the sniper rifle, being trained in the usage for many years.  Dak brought Phil, Tom, and Ulren with him on the mission.  Phil carried a rifle, Tom carried the machine gun, and Ulren carried the submachine gun.  While Tom was not trained in the use of a machine gun, he was trained in hand-to-hand combat and would prefer it more.  The group sat outside of Yelvon and waited several more minutes to move in.
"Alright guys, we will move into Yelvon in a few minutes.  Check your gear and we will move in on my command."

21:38:30 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Sharpe entered Delran's office.
"Sir, the prissoner confessed!"
"Tell me everything!"
"He said that General Vermont has sent him to assassinate General Septim and offered to work for Septim and assassinate Vermont."
"Who else knows about this?"
"Us, Septim, the assassin and the men guarding him."
"What else?"
"Nothing Sir! They went into Septim's office."
"I see! My office is an exact replica of his. Very well, Sharpe! Dismiss!"
Sharpe saluted and left the office.
"Bloody hell! He is going to do it! Can't stop it. Wouldn't think I'd stop it! Come what may!"

23:11:19 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Ryo prepared his gear as ordered by Dak. He trusted the man and he thought if they had lived in a different life, they would've been friends. But that was useless. they were where they were, and there was nothing to do about it. Dak was a Sergeant and Ryo was a prisoner, not usually types that befriended each other. Ryo jerked upright and continued to prepare, breaking off the thoughts.

06:43:38 Nov 8th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Dak waited several minutes and then gathered his squad close together.
"Alright, the house is on the edge of town.  Tom, you are to take out one of the guards and disguise yourself as him.  Then either distract the rest of the outside ones or neutralize them.  I would rather we not kill any of them, but use the weapons if you have to.  Phil, you will cover us as we move in and keep an eye on things.  Ulren, you will be the first man in after Tom clears the way.  Ryo and I will move into the house to take care of the general.  Everyone else will keep a look out for more guards or anyone suspicious.  Anyone who gets suspicious will be knocked out...carefully.  There are to be no civilian repeat it to me."
Tom went first, followed by Phil, and then Ulren.
"I will get a disguise and distract or incapacitate the few guards outside."
"I will cover the squad as you move towards the house."
"I will get to the door of the house and check for guards."
Dak nodded his approval.
"Finally, Ryo and I will move inside and take care of the general.  Any questions?"

17:01:16 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Ryo nodded.

"Yes, I'm ready."

His fists clenched.

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