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Forums / Roleplaying / court of justice re-made

court of justice re-made
20:46:09 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:


        ***The court of justice***

Right this is how it will work.......


1) organiser- ORGANISES STUFF!!! i will do this, and another role if not enough people join.

2) defendant (x1)- i think the name explains... they defend themselves....

3)witnesses (x4)- two per suspect. will give evidence against the opposing suspect (it wont have to be something i say, just mk it up, you just have to convince the investigator your suspects innocent)

4) the investigator- decides ultimately who is guilty

5) accuser- does what it says on the tin!


we will have more than one round, the losing suspect goes to jail (is out) and the people supporting them is out also. the winer goes through to the next round, if i have enough for another round.

soooo...... 7 people per round, so i want as many people as i can. if i do not have enough the witnesses can support two suspects, or one witness per suspect


  1. Vengence 

20:51:42 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ok, i have adjusted this slightly now, there will be defendant and accuser, the inspector says whether they are guilty or not.....

anyone who was signed up before, sign up with these new roles, and include what your name next era is.

  1. Revenge Sweet(vengence next era) -organiser, and something else if not enough players
  2. -Accuser
  3. -Defendant
  4. Judge(same role as investigator, sounds better)
  5. -witness
  6. -witness
  7. -witnees
  8. -witness


21:03:00 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Might:

Ill be Judge.

21:06:22 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:


  1. Revenge Sweet(vengence next era) -organiser, and something else if not enough players
  2. -Accuser
  3. -Defendant
  4. Might-Judge(same role as investigator, sounds better)
  5. -witness
  6. -witness
  7. -witnees
  8. -witness


22:01:34 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

I'll be Accuser!

wait i do RP now!? but i'm not *beep* :S

22:06:16 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

  1. Revenge Sweet(vengence next era) -organiser, and something else if not enough players
  2. Ulsfar-Accuser
  3. -Defendant
  4. Might-Judge(same role as investigator, sounds better)
  5. -witness
  6. -witness
  7. -witnees
  8. -witness


if your serious.....

22:07:32 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

RP is serious? :o

22:31:34 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

  1. Revenge Sweet(vengence next era) -organiser, and something else if not enough players
  2. Ulsfar-Accuser
  3. Wizardus-Defendant
  4. Might-Judge(same role as investigator, sounds better)
  5. -witness
  6. -witness
  7. -witnees
  8. -witness
Wait, so there is 2 witnesses for accuser and 2 for defendant? And the judge tells whether the defendant is innocent or guilty?

23:20:36 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

fuk off, I was judge last time, I should have it carried over, thats out of order

00:03:04 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Might:

Revenge Im judge sorry.

00:18:02 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Im just going to do what I do best then......






01:38:03 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

Wow... he doesn't just act ******ed in the politics forum, he even has to be ******ed here...
Just be a witness... or at least kindly ask. You won't get a kind response, acting like that...

To the mods - please suspend him if he spams...

18:05:11 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

yes wizardus. witnesses for accuser back up their story, and witnesses for the accuser gives an alibae or something.

18:41:18 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

How to find something to acuse Wizardus for? Or can i just make it up?

18:53:47 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

I think Revenge Sweet makes it up.

18:58:11 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

ah :) that's all ok than...

19:01:35 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

well, i can make it up or the accuser can, i guess whoever is accuser in each round says if they want to choose the crime or if i should. keep it sensible, nothing acussing of stealing your teddy bear or something, lol...

19:13:23 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

ok..i will think of something :)

14:07:48 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

the vengence machine is bk, bring on mantrax.

13:03:43 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

ok, if there are no more signups soon gonna stop this thread.

17:31:07 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

nobody wants to be a witness...

17:50:14 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:


that is a problem...

ok, stuff the witnesses!
you just fight your corner.

but, instead of witnesses you have laywers. so they help you defend yourself, or with the accuser prove they are right. list!

  1. Vengence-organiser
  2. Ulsfar-accuser
  3. wizardus-defendant
  4. might-judge
  5. laywer for the defendant
  6. lawyer for the accuser




hopefully this will solve it.

17:59:18 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Wizardus ate my coookies! KILL HIM!

18:01:00 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

your not the accuser.....


18:03:23 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

no problem, i'm going than to accuse him for eating Mights coookies...

18:04:23 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

remember the rules, no stupid accusations. besides, might would say he was guilty, as he is the judge and would want the cookies back. so no not that one.

18:08:07 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

besides, might would say he was guilty, as he is the judge and would want the cookies back

What do you think the idee was!?

ok but then i accuse him for stealing dairy products from dacia (the ones they got from holy cows) and selling them on the black market :O

18:18:41 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Revenge:

I will be the jury!

18:19:59 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

is there a jury than?

18:21:50 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Of course, they give there opinion on the accused before the judge  =)

18:35:32 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

in this game i mean..

18:56:14 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Why shouldnt there be?

18:57:47 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Defending Attorney still open? Or Prosecuting attorney?

20:06:42 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

ok....we can have a jury. the jury is basically anyone who happens to have been following the current cases progress. anyone who has been following it can at the end give their opinion, though the judge gets final decision.

20:51:32 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:


  1. Vengence-organiser
  2. Ulsfar-accuser
  3. Wizardus-defendant
  4. Might-judge
  5. Erunion-laywer for the defendant
  6. Vengence-lawyer for the accuser


union, look at the list. im sure you can do that, yes, both are open.

as you can see i have put in myself for the last slot. unless someone else decides tocome and play within the next 24hours, then we will get started with that. the Judge starts, stating the crime that has been done.

the crime Wizardus is accused of is: (since you failed to get a sensibled one i have chosen my own)

going into umbers town and vandalising several of the homes in the city, and stealing the gold out of the mines


Might, get things going, tomorrow @ this time or when we have another sign up for the position i have put myself in for.

21:06:00 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"Alright kids, bring the accused foreword and smack him in the face. NOW!"

21:09:27 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

did you actually read all that? and if your just going to *beep* i will kick you out of the game, ok?

21:10:25 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

*Smacks wizardus in the face...

"He stole MY gold! My nice yellow glittering doesn't rust...mouses don't eat it...:) ..."

*starts dreaming about his gold...


"oh..and before i forget...he smacked some peasants dead...."

21:14:11 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Vengence:


please, stop with the spaming

21:35:02 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"i'm not *beep*ming...and what Might does is completly right! All this *beep*..i mean orcs dwarf elvies .etc is all in medieval period...and in medieval period the accused ar smacked, tortured, etc!"

*Looks around

"So we go now to the torture chamber? Wich way is that? Or will the accused ....
(forgot word...that you say it's true what you have done) his dreadfull deads?"

21:51:37 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Vengence, that was one of the ways it was done back in the days.

"Accused, sit down."

21:59:44 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

*looks puzzled at the stool

"Why there aren't any spikes on it ?"

22:52:38 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Um... I didn't steal your gold. I have proof! I don't have any gold!!!
*Lawyer motions to talk with me and calls me an *beep**
Er... I meant to say... Prove that I stole your gold.
*Lawyer says what he is accused of in more detail*
Oh... Why would I do such a thing? I have only went into your town once. At that time, I was being escorted by YOUR police. If they let me steal the gold, then you really need to hire better police. But seriously, can you PROVE that I stole your gold?

Second, how can I kill peasants by smacking them? Show me someone who died.

22:58:56 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"As the defending attorney, I would like to point out that the prosecution has not shared any evidence with the defendant. All evidence and witnesses must be submitted to the defendant, or his attorney at law, before the opening arguments can be made. Mr. Sparemylifeplz, or Wizardus, whatever you wish to be called, it is my advice, as defending attorney, that you take a seat, and do not yell, scream or in any other way make noise without first consulting me. Thank you."

23:07:46 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

*Sits down*

so... what should I say?

23:08:29 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Nothing yet. Wait till your called to the stand."

13:03:19 Dec 12th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

sparemylifeplz, wtf are you doing? you didnt sign up!

17:48:41 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

  1. Vengence-organiser
  2. Ulsfar-accuser
  3. Wizardus-defendant
  4. Might-judge
  5. Erunion-laywer for the defendant
  6. Vengence-lawyer for the accuser


Ok, wizardus is accused of Breaking into Ulsfars city, vandalising several homes and stealing gold.

Accuser, state your case and proof, you nay bring forth witnesses to fight your case, people living in these homes ect (I think get someone from your KD to be a witnees for you or something, bringds a new element to the game)

No-one is to speak before the Accuser has spoken, except the judge.

Commence the case!

18:24:22 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Oh... Why would I do such a thing? I have only went into your town once. At that time, I was being escorted by YOUR police. If they let me steal the gold, then you really need to hire better police. But seriously, can you PROVE that I stole your gold

"Police?  Not in my gate gaurd have let you in and that's it...they didn't escort you..why should they do that? I they were going to escort every beggar that enters my city ( yes you are a beggar, you said yourself you hadn't money, what is a good reason for you too steel gold and than spend al of it in the usual for beggars) imagine that! I have not enoug soldiers for that...and te city were i was talking about was a mining don't expect me to have much soldiers in mining city? (apart form some gaurds to protect the mines and some at the gates)
Evidence? is hunderds of people who have seen it is not enoug?
You had under influence of strong alcohol beatet one of my peasants ti'll death when he addressed you about the destroying of several objects (vandalism). After my few gaurds that where in my city arrestet you and brought you to this courthouse they searched the room (more a rathole) where you where staying the found some of the gold tha was stolen form the mine earlier..."

"O, and here is the vidence!"

* 123 peasants walk in....

"Do you want to hear the story from all of them?"

18:30:40 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

(Umbar, he did not say what ya jus put for him, wizardus has to say it himself)

and ya want witnesses? well, your going to have to find a peasant to give testimony

(another player)

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