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00:19:00 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon had not heard back from his ambassadors for some time, so he considered going to see what had happened...

18:11:31 Jan 11th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul continued to tinker with his Empire, investing a little here to get a boost there...the economy would never be as great as it once was, but at least they had a decently financed scientific sector now. Hopefully, things would be back to at least a representation of what they were at before.
The barbarians had gone back into the wilderness, apparently to work out what they wanted from Bronimina. Demonsul wanted them t return soon, Bronimina was becoming isolated.

Several days later, Demonsul was taking a trip in Nebaal with his wife, when news came in from the seafront. An unknown vessel had just docked in the grand port, apparently carrying a king of a distant land. Demonsul was intrigued, and organized a meeting with this lord, who turned out to be named Adam. They had sailed from the mountains of Farathor, and had somehow ended up in Nebaal by sheer chance.
When Adam walked into the Nebaal city hall (which had been stuffed with guards) later that day, Demonsul was further intrigued. He decided to greet this newcomer formally, and to try and ascertain as much information as possible.
"Greetings, I am Demonsul. I am the Emperor of this land. What brings you across to us?"

22:44:04 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

That night in the Inn, Travis was sleeping in his room, the world of dreams upon of, or more actually, nightmares.  Visions of horror and death crossed the border of his mind, his night of sleep far from energizing.  Travis leaped from the bed and woke up.
He heard a sound outside, the sound of a man.  Peeking out the window, he saw nothing but the great city of Cidel at night.  Calming himself, he turned around.  Infront of him, a masked man with two scimitars stood in front of his, dress in black garments.
"An assassin, I presume," Travis said to the black bandit.  "May I ask if you combat skills are great?"
The man flashed his sowrd in several circles and flourishes and remarked with a smug voice.
"Yes."  Then, the man attacked.

Travis jumped out of the way of the incoming sword, dashing to his bag, where he pulled a shortword out and parried the blow the man sent towards the King.  While the black man took the offensive side of the attack, Travis merely parried all of the blows to remain safe.  The assassin swung and Travis's arm, however, and thrust into his elbow.  Groaning, Travis dropped his left arm and swung the steel sword with all his might at the assassin, and luckily hit his chest, and leaving a large cut.

His has no armour! Travis thought, and then began to attack with a series of blows and parries.  Wait a minutes, I don;t have armour either.  Dammit...

Travis finally brings the final blow to the assailant and stabbed him through the heart.  The man fell on the floor, and Travis wiped the sweat from his face.  The King examined the corpse and found a piece of paper with familiar handwriting on.


The people of Port Traven were in in crowd form, surrounding a large podium, on which Lyon was stsanding, speaking to the people.

"As you are aware of, King Travis travelled to Cidel to join in on the tournaments.  However, news has came to us that he was murdered by Cidellian assailants, along with the two other competitiors.  Also, earlier today, Cidellian guards disguised as the Royal Guard of Reveritt, otherwise known as the RGR, kidnapped the royal family, and is holding them hostage in Cidel.  However, the country of the Rim has decided to join the Reveritt Republic, giving us complete control over the desert lands.  This is enough land to give us the wealth to train a grand army, and take over Cidel for their treachory.  Cidel shall fall!"
The crowd, moved by the speaker roared in agreement.
"After them, we shall move on to the Kingdom of Tasidian, and taken their lands for our own!  And Tasidian shall fall!"
Another exclaimation of agreement came from the people.
"We will move onto the entire planet, and attack the world.  And the world shall fall!  The planet will be ours!  For the Reveritt Empire!"

The crowd cheered, and Lyon walked to the royal guards, who held a crown in their hands.

"All hail Emperor Lyon!"

The cheering lasted until nightfall came.

03:55:23 Jan 12th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

A few weeks have passed since the death of the Emperor. Delran took control of Andoria without anyone objecting. Everyone knew that he was greatly esteemed by the Emperor and those who were present in the Imperial Chamber supported him, as that was the dying wish of the Emperor.
Because the economical state of the Empire was good, the borders secured and the internal peace kept by the Imperial Militia, Delran focused on the military. New ships were ordered to the shipyards, great ships that could carry the Imperial Armed Forces across great distances to where they were needed. Also, several wargames were held at the base of the Central Mountains to keep the army in shape and to ease the baptise of fire for the recruits when time came for battle.
In External Affairs, agents were send through out the world with the task to report back everything happening with other nations.
To maintain the security of the Empire, the fleet had orders to patroll the ocean on a radius of 100 leagues from the shores of Andoria.
After seing his orders carried out, Delran concentrated on the war games. If anything of importance were to happen in the world or within the borders, he would found out with two weeks delay at most.

00:29:35 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

~Two days ago~ (I hate my faulty internet. >_<)

Travis immediantly reported to King Septim about his attack, and seeked advice from him.

~One day ago~

After that day, Travis with full haste returned to the Reveritt borders, to find martial law in state, and the people corrupted.


Travis stormed onto the palace of Port Traven, sword in hand, and a glint of fury in his eyes.  He passed the guards, who attempted to hold him back, but Travis knocked them to their knees.

I am willing to do what it takes to bring justice back, Travis thought.   That bastard even got rid of the People's Council.  I'll show him who is the true King.  Hmmm... it never came across my mind that a Republic has no King.   I'll have to change it to Chancellor or something like that.  Oh well, back to important matters.

Travis burst open the grand gate of the palace, and unsheathed his sword.

"Where is King Lyon?" Travis inquired loudly, making everyone look up from their seats.  One of the diplomats stood up and had his hand on a hidden dagger in his pocket.
"He is currently having a meeting with the Council of War.  If you wish, I'll have a meeting with him scheduled within the next four hou-"
"I am meeting that... man, if you can possibly raise him up so high to that, now."
"I was afraid you might say that," the diplomat replied, and pulled out his dagger, and thrusted at Travis's chest.  Travis easily knocked the dagger out of the poorly trained diplomat.
"If you are going to challenge me to a fight, you should at least put some effort in it."  Travis walks up to the room the man had indicated, and barged in through the small door.
Travis, sword in front of him, saw Lyon depicting over apiece of paper his planned attack on Cidel to the High General.  The wretch lifted his head up a little, and turned pale.
"Lyon, you bastard!" Travis exclaimed.  "How dare you attempt to defile the history of my fathers!  How dare you attempt to bring an end to peace!"
"How dare you," Lyon retaliated, appearing to not recognize him, "say these things in front of your king, peasant!  I should have you executed for treason!"
"Why, you are the traitor here, Lyon!"  Travis looked to the other generals.  "This man has fooled you into believeing that I, King Travis, has been killed."
"Lier," one of the generals remarked.  "Guards, imprison this man for treason against our King."

Two guards surrounded Travis, holding swords.  The two men were clearly undertrained in the ways of the sword, and Travis easily knocked the sword from their hands, and knock them to their hands.

"You chose pitiful guards, Lyon," Travis said.  "Now tell me, why?"
"King, if you wish, we will app-" the general was cut off.
"Everyone please leave the room, including you two guards." Lyon let out a forced smile, and stared at Travis.

Travis grunted as Lyon gestured to him to take a seat, which he refused.

"Come now, yo umust be tired from all of your travelling," Lyon said.  "Wouldn't you like t-"
"Why, Lyon?"  Travis held his sword up high.  "Tell me why now."

23:53:22 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:


Lyon is exile, I rule again, and then I die happily shortly after publishing a children's story, The Tale of Two Brothers.

The End.

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