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Gods Of War
01:39:37 Aug 28th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

{small wound :)}

01:43:17 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(If I was using something other than a spear then I'd take the injury seeing that very purpose of using a spear is to keep good distance from the enemy. And honestly man- the buttocks. I doubt if there's any armour for that part)

From his distance Adam constantly keeps Windscar on his toes looking for a chance when Windscar got careless. As he saw Windscar limping Adam hurled his spear, drew his sword and in a rapid zig zag movement designed to confuse his opponent landed a blow on Windscar before making a quick getaway.

12:42:03 Aug 28th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[you said you charged me....1 more post from you and my leg is healed]

windscar saw the spear coming and pulled his shield from his back. the pear bounced off and windscar lets his shield down and sees adam zig zaging at him. he gets a bit confused as to which way his opponent is going, and then is hit. the blow nearly knocks windscar on his feet, and puts a deep gash in his left breastplate. he sees that adam has his back to him as he is running and unsheaths his sabre. windscar then sends two wind blade at adam.

[i have 2 more spells i havent used...i will be able to use my wind blade again in...lets say...4 posts?]

13:24:24 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(I really don't know how this Windblade is going to work. And could you please use capital letters, it takes very little to use but makes a great difference]

03:25:00 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[but im a lazy teen....capatials are for teh nubs...fine...ill try to remember

if windblade hits armor, it weakens it slightly and knocks you off your footing...if it hits anything organics, it cuts, but not straight and inch deep i guess]

03:36:19 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(That'a a poor misconception there, not using capitals is what is actually uncool)

As Adam had run the other way after charging he started to turn around but instantly almost fell to the ground as he felt a great force slam against his back. Wide eyed Adam managed to turn completely around before getting the air knocked out of him as one of Windscar's knives made contact with his stomach. Reeling from the blow Adam gasped taking in huge breaths trying to get the air back inside him.

This time Adam drew his shield from his back before cautiously approaching Windscar.

04:16:56 Aug 29th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[Actually godmoding is worse than any grammar error that I can think of]]

04:21:31 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

[(Assumes an innocent face)]
"Couldn't agree more, no more at all......."

09:08:14 Aug 29th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Lol, the irony..

11:20:33 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

"I know, it's killing me..................."

17:20:53 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[windblade...not knife...picture it as something about as long as a sword shaped like this:
yes i made that in paint...skillz]

Windscar assumes a stance so that he is more agile, and watches as the large man slowly moves toward him while mimicing his every move in the opposite direction. Windscar draws his shield as well, and charges with his sword ready to strike.

17:26:11 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(You already have a drawn shield)

Adam watched Windscar charge and decided on a move that ought to be totally unexpected from a man his size. He allowed the charging Windscar to draw close to him before falling to the ground and using his legs to make Windscar trip over and then stab Windscar in the leg while keeping his shield ready.

17:43:26 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[no i put it back earlier...btw my wind heal is ready again]

Windscar yelps in pain and instictively swings his sword. It bounces of Adams shield and a clanging noise is made. Windscar hits the ground and rolls to prevent further damage. He sits on the ground with his good leg tucked under himself to keep balance. Windscar draws his bow and fires an arrow at Adam while he is still turning around. Windscar then calls the wind into his leg at it materializes. He sheaths his sabre and ties his sheath to his leg to provide support. He stands up and grimaces, but is still ready to fight. He puts his shield on his back, and now has to rely on speed and suprise until his leg heals.
Windscar fingers his bow with three arrows, and waits for Adams next move.

[leg will heal in 5 posts from you]

17:46:26 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(What all are you carrying? Sword, Shield, Knives, Bows Arrows. It is impossible to have a quiver and a shield at the same time)

Adam feels the arrow fired strike him in the centre if his chest. Grunting in pain he pulls it out of the armour and approaches Windscar slowly with shield in front of him.

17:56:55 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[sheild (not a giant one...fits on 3/4 of my back), quiver (takes up the other 4th), 2 throwing knives (one located on each thigh), a dagger (strapped to one of my shins), my sabre (starpped to my injured leg atm), and my bow (in my hands)]

Windscar fires his arrows. One shoots low, one high, and one toward the midsection.

18:03:47 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[gonna go for a while back later]

12:49:11 Aug 31st 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

[im back :)...but now i have to go to school so i will reply to any posts when i get home]

13:19:05 Aug 31st 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(Your maoneuverability should be seriously affected then)

As 3 arrows streaked towards him Adam sidestepped swiftly to avoid then one aimed at his upper body while hitting the ground and using his shield to block the one aimed at his lower body. Within seconds Adam heard the streaks of two arrows passing above him and heard another one slam itself in his shield. Getting up Adam raced towards Windscar and leaping into the air brought down one terrible blow onto Windscar's head.

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