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Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Mac II

Werewolf with Mac II
18:05:27 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:


18:14:25 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Was that an April fools joke?
Becasuse, if it was its past 12am and therfore isnt considered an April Fool Joke...

20:17:19 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Where I live, it's still the first...11:15am...

20:59:49 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Tam Bam:

Verll looks over at Shinigami and yells
"Anime sucks hard!"

21:29:20 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Mac:

{No $pamming!!!}

As the night goes by Erunion is just about to step out the door for some fresh air when all of a sudden he is attacked from several directions. He tries to flee, but he is pulled to the ground by strong arms. When he wakes up in the morning he notices that his arm is difficult to move and that he has needle marks all around it. He has been experimented upon and is safe from voting.

Meanwhile Shinigami is walking around when in an instant he is surrounded by cloaked people. He pulls out a knife and attacks one of them but is swarmed by the rest.

In the morning the remaining civilians gather in the town square to hear the daily announcement.

"Good morning everyone. I am pleased to say that last night the mutants killed one of the borovians. Shinigami was one of their warriors so good is one person closer to winning. On another note Erunion was experimented upon last night and was not able to do anything so he is safe from your votes today.

Voting will commence now on who shall be taken away from our community."

The loudspeaker turns off and the townspeople begin to discuss amongst themselves.

{Voting is now open. Please vote like this (vote: John Doe) or something like that. At the end of the day I will tally up the votes. Those of you with day targets can send them to me.}

It is now day.

Citizens x8
Civilians x4
Mob kill-requires all three citizens to target the same people.
Magistrate x1
Detain-lock someone up for the night. Arrest x1-Lock someone up and discover his or her role.
Vigilante x1
Eliminate-Every night you may kill a target
Doctor x1
House Call-Every night you can save someone.
Home Security Monitor x1
Overlook x1 every night

Army Personal x6
Guards x3
Protect x1 every night.
Sniper x1
Spy x1 every night. Kill shot, take someone out every day.
Medic x1
Sedate x1. Experimentation on mutants.
Major x1
Demolition x1. (Vengeance shot)

Borovians x6
Borovian Hunter x1
Guardian x1 every night, Trap x1
Borovian Witch Doctor x1
Enslave x1
Servant x1
Blinded by grief x1
Borovian Warriors x2 (dead Shinigami)
Exterminate x1 every night (choose one target between yourselves)
Borovian Shaman x1
Meditation x1 every night

Twisted Citizens x6
Mutants x4
Swarm x1 Every Night (choose one target between yourselves)
Evil Scientist x1
Experiment x1 every night, Overdose x1.
Assistant x1
Spy x1 every night, Injection x1

1. Septim
   2. Might
   3. Erunion
   4. Sausage Roll
   5. Demonsul
   6. Azaruc
   7. Tam Bam
   8. Deathuelf
   9. Karalius Mindaugas
  10. Killer
  11. Sparemylifeplz
  12. Bob Darkin
  13. Salaracen Vineraven
  14. Spud
  15. Pirate Lewatha
  16. Ilia
  17. Soc
  18. Atreides
  19. Shezmu
  20. Valentine
  21. Cairn II
  22. Plato
  23. PeacemakerofdoomV
  24. Seloc (Sorry I'm late, sleeping in)
  25. Gboypt
  26. Shinigami (DEAD)
  27. Durza

21:34:06 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Shaken by the events of the previous night, Erunion retires to his room.

21:36:38 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Sausage Roll watches as Erunion goes to his room
He follows him and enters with a box of teabags and a cup of sugar..

'A good brew should help him out' Sausage thought

23:09:00 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Azaruc:

"Good new I tell ya, one less evil person in this village"
*stares up at the sun*
"It even looks as if the sun is shining brighter today"

*Then sees Sausage Roll entering Erunion's room*
"Hmm... I don't trust people that are being too nice. They could be pretending.."

Vote: Sausage Roll

23:23:00 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Atreides:

*Atreides visits Erunion*
"Hey buddy! How's your arm? I sure hope we catch the bastard that did that! In fact, I'm gonna go do some detective work right now!"

*Atreides goes outside and starts looking around for anyone that looks suspicious*

23:45:10 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wanders around the town, not doing particularly much. He hears the announcement about Erunion and Shinigami. He mutters "Poor guys, imagine killing a guy and making another a human experiment. Even if that guy was evil, perhaps he was just misguided..." He shakes his head.*

[O.o Azaruc has got a day-time vote... Or has he o.O]

23:47:18 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Thanks Sausage. Oh, and Atreides, good luck!"

00:20:51 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*wakes up and discos his mojo to the stars*

"Please don't stop the music!"

"I'm bringing sexy back! YEAH!"

"My milkshake brongs all the boys to the yard!"

"Baggy sweat pants and the reebox wit the straps (wit the straps!  She turned around and gave that *bends over and...* gave that big booty a slap! HEY!"

01:23:07 Apr 2nd 08 - Lord Seloc:

"Like always I say we vote out the inactives, unforunatly I'm way too lazy to go back a page to find I'll just sit here."

03:08:04 Apr 2nd 08 - Lord Mac:

Daytime will stay for another 12 hours to allow for more voting

03:34:00 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Might blows some bubbles in the town square.*

08:05:12 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Voting for someone thats nice??? That makes Non-sence!

[Vote: Azaruc]

08:30:44 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Azaruc:

He's trying to trick us, I tell ya!

10:14:27 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

Peacemaker visits people and see if they're sick

10:24:59 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

you you have any proof Azaruc?

11:37:52 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Hmm.. Sorry man..

[Vote: Plato]

11:40:06 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

*After the nights events durza walks carefully, staying away from the dark alleys*


[ Vote: azurac]

13:29:16 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

Uses House Call

14:46:37 Apr 2nd 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

I shall abstain from voting today as this kind of things usually end up messy and killing the wrong persons...people tend to vote upon whom they deem their archenemy or something...and I shall have no part in this untill evidence or clear reasoning has been handed befor the group...

*shezmu stares at the rest of the group with his greenish eyes to see if he can spot some kind of unwanted reaction*

15:33:57 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

vote: sausage roll


he is annoying!

15:57:22 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Meh... Ill go with the flow....
[vote: uzurac]

16:13:06 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Azaruc:

who's that?

And Salaracen: You know me, you can trust me ;)

16:19:02 Apr 2nd 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

*looks at Soc*
hmmm...indeed...annoying...evil things are...annoying...therefore that Sausage Roll must be evil...

[Vote: Sausage Roll]

ps. I got asked to cast a don't hold it against me if he turns out to be one of the good guys...for whichever side that may be...

16:20:30 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


I don't wana die
Someone save me

16:22:40 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Azaruc:

looks like they wanna kill us both Sausage :(
though there's been only 1 vote for Azaruc :o

16:50:33 Apr 2nd 08 - Lord Mac:

Sausage Roll-3

{I'm sorry but 7 votes in 36 hours is kind of pathetic}

*As the group gathers that evening the loudspeaker booms again*

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today we have a hung jury so no one will die. Go back to your rooms and have a safe evening.

*Celebrating the fact that none of them died the three who were voted upon walk to the bar and have a drink. As they raise their mugs for a toast Plato's mug explodes and he falls down on the ground as a thunderous noise screams through the air.

As he lies twitching on the ground nearby bystanders notice that he is wearing a mask. Once they remove it they find that he has no hair and that a twisted, violent expression is on his face. It becomes apparent after a few moments that he is one of the mutants and that the danger they face from them is very real.*

Plato-Mutant (DEAD)

It is now night, roles send me your targets.

Citizens x8

Civilians x4
Magistrate x1
Vigilante x1
Doctor x1
Home Security Monitor x1

Army Personal x6
Guards x3
Sniper x1
Medic x1
Major x1

Borovians x6
Borovian Hunter x1
Borovian Witch Doctor x1
Servant x1
Borovian Warriors x2 (DEAD Shinigami)
Borovian Shaman x1

Twisted Citizens x5
Mutants x3 (DEAD Plato)
Evil Scientist x1
Assistant x1

1. Septim
   2. Might
   3. Erunion
   4. Sausage Roll
   5. Demonsul
   6. Azaruc
   7. Tam Bam
   8. Deathuelf
   9. Karalius Mindaugas
  10. Killer
  11. Sparemylifeplz
  12. Bob Darkin
  13. Salaracen Vineraven
  14. Spud
  15. Pirate Lewatha
  16. Ilia
  17. Soc
  18. Atreides
  19. Shezmu
  20. Valentine
  21. Cairn II
  22. Plato (DEAD)
  23. PeacemakerofdoomV
  24. Seloc (Sorry I'm late, sleeping in)
  25. Gboypt
  26. Shinigami (DEAD)
  27. Durza

16:55:04 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Azaruc:

saved by the amount of votes, yay =)
And it's good to see one of the mutants has been killed
*Starts his preparations for the night*

16:59:49 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

*Spud, still drunk, decides to just pass out on the bar floor in a corner for the night*

17:00:09 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

*Durza settles down for the night, to sleep of his dailly exploits to the pub*

17:42:11 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Might blows some bubbles. Might blows lots of bubbles.*

17:46:21 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

*takes mights bubble mixture and throws it into the nearest well/cliff/manhole/other hole/teleporter/furnace/trash compactor/pit/vat of acid/deadly thing

18:13:13 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion decides to be a little more careful at night in the future, after his recent and harrowing experience. He promptly goes to bed and falls asleep.

18:16:01 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Sausage roll is shocked as Plato is dead
He is glad in a way as he kind of hates Plato, he doesnt know why
Maybe in a different life...
Sausage goes to his room and sleeps
While in sleep he dreams of a fantastic place called Visual Utopia....

19:24:49 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Karalius Mindaugas:

"Eh? What the hell just happened? That mutant was sitting just 3 tables away from me! I need to get out of here! There might be others around him..."
*Runs away to hide somewhere in the night*

19:44:06 Apr 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

ah, darn it, wasn't on to make a vote...

anyways! Good thing the mutant was killed! :)

20:20:44 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

well done team, one more evil one down! now, what shall the night bring? ................ Soc runs into an alley and hides in a trach can, hoping no evil finds him!


22:29:04 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Atreides:

"Down with the horrid mutants!!"

*Realizes it's night...*

"err..I mean.....not that there's anything wrong with a mutant....please don't kill me!"

*Runs and hides*

22:57:52 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Bob Darkin:

*darkin runs home and jumps under the covers, no evul will find him here he hopes*

23:58:12 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

damn, I hate it when this happens...

23:59:29 Apr 2nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim walks over to a nice leather chair and pulls out a leather bound book. He begins reading, after a while he pulls out his pipe, puts it in his mouth, and he pours a bit of bubble mixture he found in a manhole into it. Bubbles start coming out the hole.

01:28:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Lord Mac:

That night as Seloc walked down the street he noticed someone standing beside his house. In an instant he felt a needle in his neck. The next time he woke up he was in bed with a bowl of blood and water lying on his table. He felt stitches down his back and realized he had been experimented upon.

As the vigilante walks towards the house of Sausage Roll, he steps on the lawn and alarms go off. Fleeing down the city street and back into the shadows. Sausage Roll had been saved by the home security monitor.

Soccerispeaceful had just finished his evening rounds when all of a sudden he was savagely attacked from all sides. He pulled out his club to try and defend himself, but it was no use. He was thrown to the ground where he became paralyzed from the impact with the cement. His attackers watched with amusement as he tried to get up and a moment later one of them closed in for the kill.

In the morning the survivors gathered to see the body-bag enclosed body of Soccer. He was the only victim that night.

"Good morning everyone, I believe that most of you are aware that Soccer has bitten the dust. He was one of the Guards sent by our government and will be sorely missed. On another note I believe that some of you are missing from this morning meeting. I will give you 24 hours to post. Whoever does not post in that timeframe will be made to disappear.

Have a good day."

It is now day, choose whom you wish to vote out and all those with day roles may send them to me.

Soccer DEAD
Seloc protected from voting

Citizens x8
Civilians x4
Magistrate x1
Vigilante x1
Doctor x1
Home Security Monitor x1

Army Personal x5
Guards x2 (Soc DEAD)
Sniper x1
Medic x1
Major x1

Borovians x6
Borovian Hunter x1
Borovian Witch Doctor x1
Servant x1
Borovian Warriors x2 (DEAD Shinigami)
Borovian Shaman x1

Twisted Citizens x5
Mutants x3 (DEAD Plato)
Evil Scientist x1
Assistant x1

1. Septim
   2. Might
   3. Erunion
   4. Sausage Roll
   5. Demonsul
   6. Azaruc
   7. Tam Bam
   8. Deathuelf
   9. Karalius Mindaugas
  10. Killer
  11. Sparemylifeplz
  12. Bob Darkin
  13. Salaracen Vineraven
  14. Spud
  15. Pirate Lewatha
  16. Ilia
  17. Soc (DEAD)
  18. Atreides
  19. Shezmu
  20. Valentine
  21. Cairn II
  22. Plato (DEAD)
  23. PeacemakerofdoomV
  24. Seloc (Sorry I'm late, sleeping in)
  25. Gboypt
  26. Shinigami (DEAD)
  27. Durza

{Of all the rounds I've hosted, I think I have put the most effort into this one. With all the different roles to keep it fun and even, I have put several hours into it. If you can spend 15 minutes a day doing VU, you can spend 90 seconds voting and sending me your target. If you can't please PM me so that I know. Post often and unless I see some roles doing something I will be forced to kill those people. I am sorry but that is the way it has to be to keep it fun for those who are active. I know that Shezmu will back me up on how we hosts feel having done this before}

So please, be active :)

01:36:15 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

I would, if I wasn't dead :-P

01:38:28 Apr 3rd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim puts his pipe into his pocket, but forgets to empty it and the liquid empties into his pants, making it seem as if he had urinated himself.

"This isn't good...Soc murdered...poor Soc...what are all of you looking at?!"

*Septim looks down.


01:44:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Lord Seloc:

"Ewww thats really really nasty...."

*Seloc goes and has a really long hot bath*

02:20:21 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

*Spud walks up to Septim, looks down, then bursts into laughter while pointing at Septims face.*

"HAHAHAHA.....gee's ok, I've done that a couple of times....."

*Spud spends the remainder of the day in the local pub overhearing many conversations about the recent attacks.*

"Those *BEEEEEP*ers are gonna pay for killing off Soccer!"

06:33:46 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Azaruc:

Rest in peace Soc :(

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