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Forums / Roleplaying / The Final Stand

The Final Stand
17:16:11 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike sends out 10 troops heading to Eternity.

i now have 70 guards...

17:18:13 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Yesterday's. Sorry, was busy and too tired when I got home.]

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,070 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,070 => 1,080                         
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  36 Farmers (1,800 food - 1080 - 300=420)
                                               2 ore gatherers(20 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               2 weapon makers(-20 ore, -20 tree, +10 weapon sets)
                                             70 Guards
                         - Construction/Building -  400 people - 4 Trebuchets (3 days left)

  3,190 food
         0 ore
26,030 tree
24,800 stone
  1,080 weapon sets


Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,080 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,080 => 1,090                         
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  36 Farmers (1,800 food - 1080 - 300=410)
                                               2 ore gatherers(20 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               2 weapon makers(-20 ore, -20 tree, +10 weapon sets)
                                             80 Guards
                         - Construction/Building -  400 people - 4 Trebuchets (2 days left)

  3,600 food
         0 ore
28,010 tree
32,200 stone
  1,090 weapon sets

17:36:46 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[Well, I would have posted yesterday, but I was busy :P. I'll just tack the population increase and building progress onto today's and wave farewell to the resources..]

Verthias(Dwarves) - Population, 7,365 Dwarves, 100 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 5% 7,365 => 7,733                        
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.   20 Watchtowers. (Around mountain)
                        - Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone - 30 food

So... (7733 + 200) = 7933 food required... 300 farmers (300x30 = 9000) 1067 food left over.

3000 Stone Quarriers (+60,000 stone)

2150 Tree Choppahs (+21,500 tree)

500 people working on Yet More Walls (5 days)

700 people working on Trebuchets (-3,500 stone, -7,000 tree. 5 days.)

1000 Weapon Makers (+5,000 weapon sets, -10,000 ore -10,000 tree)

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 326,000 stone, 93,850 tree, 2200 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae,

17:44:51 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Dang, and i'm meant to be under attack. Removed stone quarriers and tree choppers, new item list:

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 266,000 stone, 71,350 tree, 2200 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae.

Soldiers: 3,000 Crossbowmen up on the walls and manning the ballistae, with their axes as well, 2,000 Axemen holding the gate and entrance.

20:53:06 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*A huge swamp creeps across the land, destroying Eternity and everything in it's path. Animals are killed, new animals arrive. It is basically just water, but somehow the plants manage to grow rapidly with it. Elsewhere, the orcs take over Kharos Fortress(The walls were destroyed though), and are planning their next attack on some other race...(Zyrike, sorry, your trolls were killed apart from one, who came back and told the tale)

VU-1.jpg picture by Killer4_2008

20:55:51 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Deathuelf, one golem was killed. Killer, 937 halflings were killed, Verthias,  65 dwarfs were killed.

21:00:52 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 31,214 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 31,214 => 34,335                         
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 52,151 =  - 54,335 food)                                       
                                         0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         0 tree gatherers(0 tree)                                                                                    18,000 stone gatherers(360,000 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         335 guards     
                                         16,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building, 10 Onagers, 4 days(1,000 workers.)
                                                               3,000 Ballistas, 4 days(15,000 workers)

                         - Items, 0 ore, 85,000 tree, 715,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,546,980 food

21:02:27 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

(Wasn't Delran in Kharos Fortress? And how many orcs are there in Orc Town?)

21:05:26 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 107 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 107 => 108                          
                        - Siege Waepons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building, 2 builders /1 trebuchet 1000 tree 500 stone 4 days left 

 7 guards
                         - Items, 21,000 tree, 18,500 stone

21:05:49 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, he was. He said he was quitting though, so the orcs managed to take over the town with their meagre force. There are currently 875 orcs in Orc town, but you shouldn't actually know that...

21:08:34 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

yes, and eternity? zryike went for there as well
[sorry, just wanting to see my town distributed fairly, not consumed by swamp]

21:09:41 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Leave it be consumed by swamp... then noone will be overpowered and 1 less thing to worry about. =p

21:35:46 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: hmmm i thought because he gave up i could get them...)

23:13:08 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Hmmm... nope sorry... I don't want anyone to be over-powered. Anyway, the swamp will continue over the land, and you'll be needing swamp boats to cross it until it recedes. That's what I think will happen anyway...

17:58:56 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,090 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,090 => 1,100                         
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  36 Farmers (1,800 food - 1100 - 300=400)
                                               2 ore gatherers(20 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               2 weapon makers(-20 ore, -20 tree, +10 weapon sets)
                                             70 Guards
                         - Construction/Building -  400 people - 4 Trebuchets (1 day left)
                                                            -    20 people - 4 Ballistae (5 days left)

  3,900 food (-10 because of a mistake I made yesterday)
         0 ore
29,590 tree
39,560 stone
  1,100 weapon sets

20:48:44 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 34,335 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 34,335 => 37,768                         
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 57,768 =  - 57,768 food)                                       
                                         0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         7,000 tree gatherers(70,000 tree)                                                                    0 stone gatherers(0 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         335 guards     
                                         27,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building, 10 Onagers, 3 days(1,000 workers.)
                                                               3,000 Ballistas, 3 days(15,000 workers)
                                                               2 walls, 20 days(-200,000 stone, 2,000 tree, 1,000 workers)
                                                               100 Battering Rams, 7 days(-50,000 stone, 10,000 workers)

                         - Items, 0 ore, 103,000 tree, 515,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,489,212 food

22:31:53 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

can i build 5 guardtowers with 1 golem

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 108 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 108 => 109                          
                        - Siege Waepons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building, 2 builders /1 trebuchet 1000 tree 500 stone 3 days left 

 8 guards
                         - Items, 23,500 tree, 88,500 stone

22:42:32 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias(Dwarves) - Population, 7,733 Dwarves, 100 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 5% 7,733-53 => 8067                        
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.   20 Watchtowers. (Around mountain)
                        - Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone - 30 food

So... (8120 + 200) = 8320 food required... 300 farmers (300x30 = 9000) 680 food left over.

3000 Stone Quarriers (+60,000 stone)

2150 Tree Choppahs (+21,500 tree)

500 people working on Yet More Walls (4 days)

700 people working on Trebuchets (4 days.)

Everyone else is lazy.

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 326,000 stone, 93,850 tree, 2800 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae.

20:57:04 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 109 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 109 => 110                          
                        - Siege Waepons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building, 2 builders /1 trebuchet 1000 tree 500 stone 3 days left 

 7 guards
                         - Items, 26,000 tree, 98,500 stone

21:12:41 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,100 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,100 => 1,111                          
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1111 - 300=839)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                             70 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 4 Trebuchets (COMPLETE)
                                                             - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (4 days left)
                                                             - 400 people - 40 Guardtowers (3 days left)

  4,739 food
         0 ore
30,760 tree
42,960 stone
  1,115 weapon sets
         4 trebuchets

21:14:20 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

i forgot 2 days left on my trebuchet

21:54:18 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias(Dwarves) - Population, 8,067 Dwarves, 100 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 5% 8,067 => 8470 (Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe...)                        
                        - Siege Weapons, 60 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.   20 Watchtowers. (Around mountain)
                        - Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone - 30 food

8670 food required... 300 farmers (300x30 = 9000)  330 food left over.

500 people working on Yet More Walls (3 days)

700 people working on Trebuchets (3 days.)

800 people working on Trebuchets (5 days, -4,000 stone, -8,000 tree)

4000 people working on 800 Ballistae (2.5 days, -80,000 tree, -8,000 stone)

2000 people tree-chopping (+20,000 tree)

Everyone else is lazy.

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 310,000 stone, 27,850 tree, 2800 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae.

22:18:05 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 37,768 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 37,768 => 41,554                         
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 61,554 =  - 61,554 food)                                       
                                         0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         10,000 tree gatherers(100,000 tree)                                                                0 stone gatherers(0 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         768 guards     
                                         27,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building, 10 Onagers, 2 days(1,000 workers.)
                                                               3,000 Ballistas, 2 days(15,000 workers)
                                                               2 walls, 19 days(-200,000 stone, 2,000 tree, 1,000 workers)
                                                               100 Battering Rams, 7 days(-50,000 stone, 10,000 workers)

                         - Items, 0 ore, 203,000 tree, 515,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,427,714 food

17:44:11 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

You do seem to be somewhat sweeping the siege weapon market here, Killer. 3000 ballistae? o.O

21:37:27 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Well... they're only crossbows, but a bit stronger... I'll get more decent weapons afterwards... Anyway, I'll update the map now, and you'll see I'm going to send an orc army to hurt me a bit... Any of you could have picked gnomes, but you went and picked the low population increasing races...

21:54:29 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias(Dwarves) - Population, 8,470 Dwarves, 100 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 5% 8,470 => 8893 (Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe...)                        
                        - Siege Weapons, 60 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.   20 Watchtowers. (Around mountain)
                        - Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone - 30 food

9093 food required... 350 farmers (350x30 = 10,500)  1400 food left over.

500 people working on Yet More Walls (2 days)

700 people working on Trebuchets (2 days.)

800 people working on Trebuchets (4 days,)

4000 people working on 800 Ballistae (1.5 days)

2000 people tree-chopping (+20,000 tree)

Everyone else is lazy.

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 310,000 stone, 47,850 tree, 2800 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae.

[Well, I do hope that the other, non-rodent based races will have their logical advantages in battle..]

22:59:23 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

GO RODENT RACES! [Yeah, the others'll be better at fighting.]

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 41,554 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 41,554 => 45,709                         
                        - Siege Weapons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 65,709 =  - 65,709 food)                                       
                                         0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         10,000 tree gatherers(100,000 tree)                                                                4,000 stone gatherers(40,000 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         554 guards     
                                         27,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building, 10 Onagers, 1 days(1,000 workers.)
                                                               3,000 Ballistas, 1 days(15,000 workers)
                                                               2 walls, 18 days(1,000 workers)
                                                               100 Battering Rams, 6 days( 10,000 workers)

                         - Items, 0 ore, 303,000 tree, 555,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,362,005 food

23:13:05 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 110 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 110 => 111                          
                        - Siege Waepons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building, 2 builders /1 trebuchet 1000 tree 500 stone 1 days left 

 8 guards
                         - Items, 28,500 tree, 108,500 stone

23:17:55 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Sorry, don't have time to put in the pic(I've changed it, just would have to stick it photobucket etc...). I'll put it in tomorrow. THE SWAMP IS COMING!(For a while at least)

01:19:02 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,111 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,111 => 1,122                          
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1122 - 300=828)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                             81 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (3 days left)
                                                             - 400 people - 40 Guardtowers (2 days left)

  5,567 food
         0 ore
32,730 tree
50,360 stone
  1,130 weapon sets


Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,122 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,122 => 1,133                          
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1133 - 300=817)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                             92 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (2 days left)
                                                             - 400 people - 40 Guardtowers (1 days left)

  6,384 food
         0 ore
34,700 tree
57,760 stone
  1,145 weapon sets

01:19:14 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,111 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,111 => 1,122                          
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1122 - 300=828)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                             81 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (3 days left)
                                                             - 400 people - 40 Guardtowers (2 days left)

  5,567 food
         0 ore
32,730 tree
50,360 stone
  1,130 weapon sets


Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,122 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,122 => 1,133                          
                        - Siege Waepons - None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1133 - 300=817)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                             92 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (2 days left)
                                                             - 400 people - 40 Guardtowers (1 days left)

  6,384 food
         0 ore
34,700 tree
57,760 stone
  1,145 weapon sets

20:56:15 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Wraith, don't forget your trebuchets in the siege weapons part...

VU.jpg picture by Killer4_2008

22:45:33 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias(Dwarves) - Population, 8,893 Dwarves, 100 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 5% 8,893 => 9,337         
                        - Siege Weapons, 60 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.   20 Watchtowers. (Around mountain)
                        - Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone - 30 food

9537 food required... 350 farmers (350x30 = 10,500)  963 food left over.

500 people working on Yet More Walls (1 days)

700 people working on Trebuchets (1 days.)

800 people working on Trebuchets (3 days,)

4000 people working on 800 Ballistae (.5 days)

2000 people tree-chopping (+20,000 tree)

1000 more people tree-chopping (+10,000 tree)

Items: 15,000 weapon sets, 310,000 stone, 77,850 tree, 2800 food, 30,000 ore, 60 Ballistae.

23:31:58 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 45,709 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 45,709 => 50,279                         
                        - Siege Weapons,  10 onagers, 3,000 ballistas(Is it supposed to be an 'e'?)
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 65,709 =  - 70,279 food)                                       
                                         0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         5,000 tree gatherers(50,000 tree)                                                                    0 stone gatherers(0 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         709 guards     
                                         40,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building,  2 walls, 17 days(1,000 workers)
                                                               100 Battering Rams, 5 days( 10,000 workers)
                                                               1,000 swamp boats, 3 days(6,000 workers, -50,000 tree, -20,000 stone)
                                                               5,000 assault ladders, 1 day(25,000 people, -100,000 tree)
                         - Items, 0 ore, 153,000 tree, 535,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,291,726 food

00:18:03 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

I'm quiting... i just don't have enough time to put into this

00:28:33 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,133 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,133 => 1,144
                        - Siege Weapons - 4 Trebuchets
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall, 40 Guardtowers
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1144 - 300=806)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                           103 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 20 people - 4 Ballistae (1 days left)
                                                             - 40 Guardtowers (COMPLETE)
                                                             - 400 people - 80 Ballistae (5 days left)

  7,190 food
         0 ore
28,680 tree (- 8,000)
64,360 stone (- 800)
  1,160 weapon sets


01:33:41 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

Gboypt (God Of Good Boys) - population, unlimited good people, 50k good horses...

  • Population increase, 100% unlimited => unlimited
  • siege weapons - A Lot Of Good Catapults
  • Defences(Good ones), numerous Good Walls, many guard towers
    • Workers -  infinite Good Farmers (unlimited food - 500k =unlimitted)
                                                  50k ore gatherers(500k ore)
                                                 200k tree gatherers(2,000k tree)
                                                 370k stone gatherers(7,400k stone)
                                                     3k weapon makers(-30k ore, -30k tree, +15k weapon sets)
                                                 Unlimited Guards
      No Construction (building space is full)

        7,190k food
              50k ore
      28,680k tree (- 8,000k)
      64,360k stone (- 800k)
        1,160k weapon sets

10:08:35 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:


deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 111 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 111 => 112                          
                        - Siege Waepons, None
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building, 2 builders /1 trebuchet 1000 tree 500 stone completed

 8 guards
                         - Items, 31,000 tree, 118,500 stone

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 112 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 112 => 113                          
                        - Siege Waepons, 1 trebuchet 
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building,  

 12 guards
                         - Items, 23,500 tree, 128,500 stone

16:43:31 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Bugger off Gboypt. There's more then enough completely useless thredas to sp@m.

16:49:13 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

im not $p@mming  im just making a new city and army in this thread....

20:28:23 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:


deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 113 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 113 => 114                          
                        - Siege Waepons, 1 trebuchet 
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building,  

 13 guards
                         - Items, 26,000 tree, 138,500 stone

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 114 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 114 => 115                          
                        - Siege Waepons, 1 trebuchet 
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building,  

 14 guards
                         - Items, 28,500 tree, 148,500 stone

21:47:37 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer(Halflings) - Population, 50,279 halflings, 10,000 ponies.
                        - Population increase, 10% 50,279 => 55,306                                               - Siege Weapons,  10 onagers, 3,000 ballistas, 5,000 assault ladders
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers, 0 farmers(0 food - 75,306 =  - 75,306 food)                                           0 ore gatherers(0 ore)
                                         20,000 tree gatherers(200,000 tree)                                                                13,000 stone gatherers(130,000 stone)
                                         0 weapon makers
                                         279 guards     
                                         17,000 builders
                        - Construction/Building,  2 walls, 16 days(1,000 workers)
                                                               100 Battering Rams, 4 days( 10,000 workers)
                                                               1,000 swamp boats, 2 days(6,000 workers)
                         - Items, 0 ore, 353,000 tree, 665,000 stone, 45,000 weapon sets, 1,216,420 food

18:28:29 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Bleh, sorry been busy recently so....

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,144 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,144 => 1,155
                        - Siege Weapons - 4 Trebuchets, 4 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall, 40 Guardtowers
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1155 - 300=795)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                           123 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 4 Ballistae (COMPLETE)
                                                             - 400 people - 80 Ballistae (4 days left)

  7,985 food
         0 ore
30,660 tree
71,760 stone 
1,175 weapon sets

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,155 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,155 => 1,166
                        - Siege Weapons - 4 Trebuchets, 4 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall, 40 Guardtowers
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1166 - 300=784)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                           134 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 400 people - 80 Ballistae (3 days left)

  8,769 food
         0 ore
32,640 tree
79,160 stone 
1,190 weapon sets

Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,166 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,155 => 1,177
                        - Siege Weapons - 4 Trebuchets, 4 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall, 40 Guardtowers
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1177 - 300=773)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                           145 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 400 people - 80 Ballistae (2 days left)

  9,542 food
         0 ore
34,620 tree
86,560 stone 
  1,205 weapon sets


And to make things more interesting I declare war on one of you... let me see.... Zyrike. (Sorry, trying to make things interesting and can't remember who else is playing >.<)

22:29:04 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf(Golems) - Population, 115 Golems 
                        - Population increase, 1% 115 => 116                          
                        - Siege Waepons, 1 trebuchet 
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall.
                        - Workers   50 tree gatherers(2,500 tree)
                                           50 stone gatherers(10,000 stone)
                         - Construction/Building,  

 15 guards
                         - Items, 31,000 tree, 158,500 stone

10:09:37 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Forgot he left..... Then its Deathuelf that I declare war on.


Wraith(Elves) - Population, 1,177 Elves, 100 horses.
                        - Population increase, 1% 1,177 => 1,188
                        - Siege Weapons - 4 Trebuchets, 4 Ballistae
                        - Defences(unnatural ones), 1 wall, 40 Guardtowers
                        - Workers -  45 Farmers (2,250 food - 1188 - 300=762)
                                               3 ore gatherers(30 ore)
                                           200 tree gatherers(2,000 tree)
                                           370 stone gatherers(7,400 stone)
                                               3 weapon makers(-30 ore, -30 tree, +15 weapon sets)
                                           156 Guards
                         - Construction/Building - 400 people - 80 Ballistae (1 days left)

10,304 food
         0 ore
36,600 tree
93,960 stone 
  1,220 weapon sets

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