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The Gladiators
23:06:18 May 24th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(should i just post?)

11:08:48 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(well i have waited 3x of long as bruiant did)

Ant leaped on to Death's back, after taking out the spear in his leg. Bruiant moves forward at Death, while ant throws the spear and  Death charges at him.

11:09:05 May 25th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

oh crap, completely forgot about this :p

"Seeing death now standing at ants side, he discards his shield, and reaches into his scabbard for his short sword. duel wielding his long and short steel swords, he charges as best as his leg will allow him, whirling the swords down in arcs, swiping for his feet and torso..."

11:09:39 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(lol, a lot)

11:31:18 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(who's do we go from? KILLER we need you!!)

15:18:18 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Clips Bruiant around the ear.*

*Bruiant throws his shield away, and charges at Ant as fast as possible. Ant, at the same time, leaps onto the back of his rhinocerous, and starts charging. Bruiant leaps up before the inevitable crash, and swings his sword at Ant, cutting him fiercly down the middle, but Death takes Bruiant on his horn and continues charging with him until the wall of the arena. Bruiant is smashed against it, knocking the breath out of him, and nearly cracking a few ribs. Antio begins to rise*

(Ant is fatally wounded, but it will take a while for him to die(If he wins, he somehow magically is cured). Antio is capable of shooting, but not very accurately. Bruiant is winded barely able to move, and Death is trotting back to Ant.)

16:07:59 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(how long is a while?)

16:32:57 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[I don't know... 2-4 more turns I suppose]

16:35:05 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(didn't i throw a spear?)

(wasn't i on Death?)

16:52:15 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Alright, you threw a spear and missed. You got on Death, and were on him.

16:54:24 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

so how am i away from death

16:56:20 May 25th 08 - Sir Wraith:

You fell off or something when he slashed you... Just carry on >.<

16:58:49 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Antio fires arrow as ant gets on death, who stamps on Bruiant

17:08:24 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[I'm afraid you can't get your animals to do as you want, but you can get your hired dudes to do whatever you want.]

17:10:41 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(so having 10 riding skill isn't useful, as i can't controll the creatures i get(any warhorse crushes skull so why can't a rhino))

17:17:50 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

You can ride them though, and they are a huge advantage over an unmounted person.

17:20:34 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

well i walk over to Briuant, antio stops firing(had fired 3) at i cut at his chest move away then antio starts firing again(fires 4)

17:22:42 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Errr... you've sort of got a big wound through your belly/chest. You wouldn't be any quicker than Bruiant...]

17:24:52 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(but i have death plus briuant is winded and can hardly move)

12:20:00 May 26th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

you are heavily bleeding. lol. and im crushed against a wall.
"dropping his longsword, as his strength fails him, bruint clutches his chest, and heaves himself accross the arena, in a half crawl. luck has it, he was next to his discarded magic bow. as quick as his shaking fingers allowed, he strung up an arrow, and aimed for Ants torso, and another two arrows for deaths eyes and throat"
This allowed? :D

12:26:32 May 26th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(i have no idea)

Ant sees Bruiants bow in his hand so moves Death in a large loop round him, while picking up speed, to avoid the arrows then lines up Bruiant and sets Death in to a full charge, Ant lefts up his sword ready to swing at his head.

12:46:17 May 26th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

not to be a pain, but im laying down on the floor, unless you fell off death, you wouldnt be able to reach me.

12:57:56 May 26th 08 - Mr. Ant:

yeah well i might try that but still you can't fire on the floor so you will have to rise

13:03:53 May 26th 08 - Mr. Ant:

plus when you do that you make your self a target for Antio

23:39:08 May 26th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

ahh well.
"Bruiant grabs his sword, and wrecks his other equipment as to stop ant claiming it." good nuf? :D thats joke btw

22:51:58 May 27th 08 - Mr. Killer:


*Bruiant reached him magic bow just as Antio was aiming for him. Ant, getting on Death, falls off while charging around(Seriosuly, you have a big wound gaping through your chest, you would not be able to ride him), but luckily is not further injured. Antio shoots an arrow at a tremendous pace, missing Bruiant completely but putting a crack in the wall. Bruiant aims with his bow, but misses by even further. He collapses onto the ground with exhaustion. Ant felt his life slipping before him.*

(Ant, one turn to try and kill Bruiant, but he is in a bad position, to say the least.)

09:25:19 May 28th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Antio fires more arrows as ant advance and swings his blade quickly at Bruiants chest, Death seeing how Briuant hurt Ant and feeling compasion for his mastered atted Briuant with his horns as well,(Death has to usefull for something)

14:55:58 May 28th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Seeing ant give one last dieing push, he heaves himself on to his knees, and raised his swords into a defensive cross. time is the one advantage he has over Ant, and he must use it.

21:08:17 May 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Death, having remembered the beating Ant had given him to get him to move, and how he heaved his fat bulk upon him so many times(:P), fears that he might be beaten again, so he goes over to Bruiant to stamp on him. Antio fires his arrows, and one arrow spears Death, who falls and dies, landing on top of Bruiant. Ant, in his final moments, cannot move about much, but with the last of his energy he summons up, he hurls his sword at Bruiant, but misses him. Ant falls down into a pool of his own blood, as Antio twangs his bow one last time before leaving the arena. It thuds right next to Bruiant.*

21:12:16 May 28th 08 - Mr. Ant:

YAY we both die

(or am i wrong there?)

21:13:44 May 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Nope, Bruiant lives.

21:15:24 May 28th 08 - Mr. Ant:

even after being crushed by a rhino, after being and dazed?

15:21:47 May 29th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Ehh, i think i too died. and being dazed is far less life threatening than a gaping hole in the chest, many vital organs severed.
i believe i died, but if i survive, does any of my armour get trashed in the crushing? :D

15:23:43 May 29th 08 - Mr. Ant:


i still think it was unfair after the first move and the 3day break.

19:40:43 May 29th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Bruiant is still alive. His armour is crushed though, and he has only his weapons left. I'll do the weapons tomorrow, maybe...

19:43:20 May 29th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Don't forget the spears! Please :)

20:08:55 May 30th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

[activity] :D

00:03:24 Jun 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Wraith = 20,000 gold
Bruiant = 20,000 gold

Hatchet = 40 gold
Knife = 10 gold
Dirk = 40 gold
Spear = 50 gold
Javelin(Made for throwing) = 60 gold

Leather armour = 40 gold
Bronze armour = 70 gold

Slightshot = 40 gold
Plain darts = 50 gold
Heavy darts = 60 gold
Magic darts = 150 gold
Oaken Shortbow = 100 gold
Oaken Longbow = 150 gold
Willow Shortbow = 200 gold
Willow Longbow(Strength 2) = 250 gold
Willow Greatbow(Strength 4) = 350 gold
Yew Shortbow(Strength 3) = 300 gold 
Yew Longbow(Strength 5) = 500 gold
Yew Greatbow(Strength 7) = 750 gold
Magic shortbow = 750 gold
Bronze crossbow = 100 gold
Iron crossbow = 200 gold
Steel crossbow = 400 gold
Mithril crossbow = 3,000 gold

Wooden Round Shield = 20 gold
Wooden Kite Shield(Strength 2) = 60 gold

Bronze Shortsword = 30 gold
Bronze Longsword = 60 gold
Bronze Chainmail armour = 120 gold
Bronze Kite Shield(Strength 2) = 100 gold
Iron shortsword = 100 gold
Iron longsword(Strength 2) = 150 gold
Iron Chainmail armour(Strength 3) = 300 gold
Iron Round shield = 100 gold
Iron Kite shield(Strength 3) = 150 gold
Steel Shortsword(strength 2) = 200 gold
Steel Longsword(Strength 3) = 275 gold
Steel Chainmail armour(Strength 5) = 400 gold
Steel round shield(Strength 3) = 200 gold
Steel Kite shield(Stregnth 5) = 300 gold
Mithril Shortsword = 2,000 gold (Lighter and quite a bit stronger than steel)
Mithril Longsword = 2,750 gold
Mithril Chainmail armour = 5,000 gold
Mithril round shield = 2,500 gold
Mithril Kite shield = 3,500 gold
(Just putting in a few more weapons. Steel costs 1/10, Iron 1/20, Bronze 1/50)

Mithril Mace = 1,500 gold [Steel, strength 3. Iron, 2]
Mithril Battleaxe = 4,000 gold [Steel, strength 7, Iron, 4]

Pony(Riding 3) = 200 gold(speed 6, strength 7)
Horse(Riding 4) = 350 gold(speed 10, strength 6)
Rhinocerous(Riding 9) = 500 gold(speed 7, strength 10)
Elephant(Riding 7) = 1,000 gold(speed 2, strength 10)  
Ostrich(Riding 5) = 400 gold(speed 6, strength 4)
Baby Roc(about the size of a rhino, flying, riding 8) = 3,000 gold(speed 9, strength 5)
Griffin(flying, riding 10) = 5,000 gold(speed 7, strength 10)

Un-equipped, basic stats

Orc(Intelligence 9) = 1,500 gold
Elf(Intelligence 6) = 1,000 gold
Human(Intelligence 5) = 1,500 gold
Troll(Intelligence 8) = 1,000 gold
Halfling(Intelligence 5) = 1,000 gold
Dwarf(Intelligence 2) = 2,500 gold

Hero(Intelliegence, None required, but price is divided by intelligence level) = 20,000 gold, 11 in every stat
Helper(Intelligence, none required) = 5,000 gold. No stats apart from ten intelligence, and can recruit unlike other hired troops. Cannot fight(well, can, but badly)

07:51:31 Jun 1st 08 - Sir Wraith:

Magic Shortbow -   
Bronze Chainmail -  
Horse -                   
Iron Round Shield - 
2 daggers
1 knife 
1 sword 

680 gold + 20k = 20,680


Mithril Chainmail - 5,000
Orc Companio*beep*R>Spear - 50
Mithril round Shield - 2,500
Mithril Battleaxe - 4,000
Elf Companio*beep*R>Magic Shortbow - 750
Steel Chainmail - 400
Mithril Round Shield - 2,500
                                  17,700 total so I have... 2,980


*Wraith bought the items and looked at his companions. He wore the new Mithril Chainmail, picked up a Mithril Round shield. Wraith put the knife in the back of his pants and one of the daggers tied to his leg. Then he took up the Magic Bow and hung his sword at his side. He called to Loki to come.

His Orcish companion, Brutis, picked up the remaining set of Mithril Chainmail and put it on gleefully. Wraith handed him the Battleaxe which he holstered on his belt (or something..) and he picked up the Spear and Round Shield.

His Elven kindred lokked at the remaining weapons and slowly began putting them on. He put on the new set of Steel Chainmail, one of the daggers and took up the Magic Bow. Then they were taken to the entrance of the arena, waiting for the gates to open.*

{{Sorry Bruiant, had to spend my money on something/someone... =P
Oh, and out of curiosity, if Mithril is lighter then why do you need a higher strength to wield it? ^.- }}

12:49:40 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

ehh, mithril is according to fantasy etc as light as a feather, and as tough as dragon scales. i dont think you should need strength, i think you should need skill or something else.
i will do my list later, im really busy for the next day or two.

15:14:51 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

You don't need any skill for mithril...

18:14:36 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Ant:

[17:13] Mr. Bruiant: ant, want to ask killer if you can take my place on the gladiator thing? 
[17:13] Mr. Bruiant: i dont want to do it now
[17:13] Mr. Ant: if you want me too
[17:13] Mr. Bruiant: yeah :D
[17:13] Mr. Ant: ok

if this ^ ok?

19:04:38 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

just to clarify, i do want to step down for ant, i dont have enough time to do this now.

20:36:42 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

That's fine. Ant, use your own character.

22:54:09 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Ant:

ok so do i just forget the fight with Bruiant and just gain 20000g and my equiptment?

14:42:11 Jun 3rd 08 - Sir Wraith:

Bump, Hurry up Ant! You've been on loads of times... >.>

16:56:31 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Ant:

i don't know what i can buy wraith and what i have if Killer doesn't answer

19:31:10 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

ant, you have the 20k, you have antio, and i guess death is dead. just think that the battle went exactly how it did, except i died from the crushing, and you magically healed.

21:00:25 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Ant:

i don't know that is why i am asking

KILLER answer me

09:20:13 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(killer say of this is ok)

previous(after fight)

ant. riding Death,rhino,

Leather armour,Bronze Longsword (sells)


Mithril Longsword = 2,750 gold
Mithril Chainmail armour = 5,000 gold
Mithril round shield = 2,500 gold


yew longbow and knife

human(Bob) rides Griffin(flying, riding 10) = 5,000 gold(speed 7, strength 10)

Steel Chainmail armour(Strength 5) = 400 gold                                        Steel Kite shield(Stregnth 5) = 300 gold                                                Mithril Longsword = 2,750 gold

320g left

(wraith i will start the fight after this is checked out ok?)

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