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Ye Olde Taverne
18:10:26 Nov 15th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Erikau rolls her eyes before blasting Xiax with pure holy energy, sending the body flying without any damage. Tasthos yelps as Xiax lands on top of him. Tasthos growls, yelling right in Xiax's eardrums, "Thanks for getting my wife started, *beep*! YOU CAN GET US ALL KILLED PULLING STUNTS LIKE THAT!!! SHE *IS* A GOD!!! THAT'S WHAT THE ARCHANGELS ARE IN MY REALITY!!"

Tasthos kicks Xiax off of him and stands, dusting off his armor before storming to Erikau and speaking, "Stop manipulating me!"

Erikau shakes her head at Tasthos before grabbing Senturu and pulling out the demon orb and aura from the mortal. Then, she transforms him, by simple thought, into a rat while she purifies the orb, disintegrating it. After all this, Erikau turns to Efrandor and asks, "May I have my tea now?"

18:39:56 Nov 15th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*Efrandor wakes up...*

- Oh yea, hes behind *hick* that table over there...     ...Oh, you already find *hick* him...   Cooool, tricks!

*Efrandor brings up a deck with cards*

- Here Senturu, I'll do you a trick if I get a free ber, it's a real good trick, might get that archangel to leave, pick a card....

*Gets abit more woken up when the archangel asks about some tea..*

- Tea eey?  Are you singel?  I might work something out for ya...  ...Senturu, nevermind picking a card, she seems rather nice.

(Edited by Lord Efrandor 11/15/2006 6:41:48 PM)

23:53:13 Nov 15th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*starts squeaking very loudly then bites her ankle for turning him into a rat*

01:11:03 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Ekirau jumps when Senturu bites her then gives his small body a good kick. Tasthos swiftly catches the flying rodent and smirks, "Isn't this the second time, I've hauled your bum ass out of the fire?"

Tasthos then sets Senturu down on a chair before casting a spell, reversing Erikau's. Tasthos then turns to Erikau and puts his hands on his hips, "For a godess, you're awfully evil right now."

"I'm in an evil mood!" Erikau snaps back, glaring at Tasthos, "I HAD A BAD DAY ALRIGHT!?!!"

Tasthos makes a face, "Dael?"

"Oh you have no idea what that perverted son of his has done today to make me hate his guts..."

"I can imagine." Tasthos grimaced.

04:36:30 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

Wakes up and asks Tasthos "So how is Karsath these days???"

(Edited by Mr. Tassadar 11/16/2006 4:37:11 AM)

05:21:03 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Tasthos glares at Tassadar before speaking, arms crossed and eyes closed, replying to Dael's old-time friend, "I'm gonna kill him. That bastard cut me off from Hell! No more demons but what I brought with me!"

Erikau, eyes closed, spoke, "Don't look now, here comes trouble. The kind that starts with a 'D'."

Tasthos turns his head and sees a four winged Hell Dragon enter the tavern, clad in a white tunic and white jeans. He has no weapon visible and approaches the bar, pulling out a scroll as he speaks to Efrandor, "Gimme some brandy."

Tasthos grins, speaking, "Dael! I was wondering where you were!"

Dael grins, looking up and speaking, "Hey brother. How's Karsath."

"Don't ask." Erikau stated, taking a sip of her tea.

(Edited by Mr. Tasthos Drathor 11/16/2006 5:21:44 AM)

06:00:46 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*rubs his ribs where he was kicked as a rat.*

one brandy comin right up.

*jumps over the bar and starts gettin the brandy.*

ok we have dirty glasses and......uh.......dirty glases. so ill give u a dirty glass.

*fills a glass full of brandy. and hands it to Dael*

ok. now that most of this is settled we still need to get ready for our party. oh yea and can i have my demonic aura back please it was really really really cool.

06:07:27 Nov 16th 06 - Sir Xiax:

*Xiax looks up.*

"Oh wow, the whole incestious family is here..."

08:07:16 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

*Tassadar glares at Xiax with disgust as he walked over to Dael to catch up on past battles.....*

(Edited by Mr. Tassadar 11/16/2006 8:10:19 AM)

08:52:43 Nov 16th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*Realising he won't get the hot and angry archangel Efrandor decides to get his wife instead.*

- I'll just be a few minutes.

*He walks out of the backdoor, the sound of a container is heard.*

- Hello my love, you wanna go to a party *hick* with me?

*A nice little 'mjaaaau' is heard and the backdoor swings open again, everyone can see Efrandor holding hands with the cat.*

- Gives us a big drink would ya Senturu, my wife here are great at planing parties with some alcohol in the body..

15:31:01 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*looks at Efrandor and his wife*

yea i guess i could use some help. with my parties u just drink till u throw up then drink some more.

*hands em both a bottle of whiskey*

i want a lotta help ok. dont let Efrandor drink it all

15:58:20 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Erikau give Senturu a look before looking at Xiax, "The whole family? If the whole Drathor house were here, this entire taverne would be on fire and there would be a war raging here..."

Tasthos nods, "Besides, the whole family? No. We're missing Karsath, Minio (dead anyways, and he was the incestious one), Ureln, Kulta, Seroyn, and Desikor (also dead). Those are the ones still running Hell. Then we're missing the better half of the family, Kurelia, Kael, Dekori, Crelix, and don't forget Eria!"

"Eria?!" Erikau spoke in disbelief, "She's considered a good guy?!"

"Yes.... She did attack our father alongside Dael and Kael."

Erikau rose a brow, "Huh... Ever hear from her?"

"As if..." Tasthos rolls his eyes, "Ask Dael, she doesn't even talk to him, or anyone, I think..."

Suddenly, the door opens slowly and in walks a grizzled cat-like Nephilim. His left eye has a scar over it and the iris has long since bled red. His thick, grey fur was shaggy, and wild. He wore a dark brown lether vest under a high-quality chainmail of unkown material. He also wore a black cloak around him and black khakis. The only weapon visible on his person was a huge oakwood bow and an empy quiver.

The Nephilim walked right to the bar and spoke, "Tea."

Dael immediatly turns his head and looks at Tassadar, "Is that who I think it is?"

19:01:35 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

"telepathically" *Yes old friend it is me, how goes the hunt?"

(Edited by Mr. Tassadar 11/16/2006 7:02:27 PM)

22:41:41 Nov 16th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Dael pointed at the Nephilim, "No, I was talking about him, Tass, I recognize you anywhere..."

Dael then looks at the Nephilim before leaning over, asking, "Is that Nighthawk?"

Tasthos is also interested, "Nighthawk? The Nighthawk? You mean-"

"The most dangerous assassin ever known to any race?" Dael spoke, "If that's him..."

"Hmmmm...." Tasthos rubbed his chin, looking over at the Nephilim, who had his eyes closed and was enjoying his glass of tea.

02:34:44 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

wat?!?!?!?! im the most dangerous assassin ever, i can kill more than any one ever. the grim reaper has nothin on me.

02:55:53 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

There is a soft 'kcht' sound and a bolt whisks by Senturu's left ear, nicking it slightly.

No one was paying any attention to Senturu, however. The Nephilim has his eyes closed, drinking his tea. Dael and Tasthos were into a lighthearted argument, with Tassadar just caught in the middle. Erikau was watching the argument, just hoping it turned into a brawl or a serious argument instead of just a joke.

05:31:37 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*brushes his shoulder*

yea close but not good enuf. u see that *beep* missed me. now who sux?

07:13:33 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

Tassadar shakes his head at the disrespectful mortal and hopes that Nighthawk stays calm..........

12:11:26 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*looks ut at Tassadar*

who u callin a mortal. im a god u little cracker. i am the god of the spoons. the god yes thats right i am god of spoons. not spooning but spoons.

12:16:17 Nov 17th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*Hears Senturu talks*

- Oh my God, your a God!!?!?!

*Quickly gets down on his knee and bows deep and long, so does the cat, Effies wife.*

- Oh big lord, please give us something more to drink, my wife is still to dry to think, we beg of you, help us in this dark hour!

15:08:29 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*as senturu unveils his aura. allowing it to radiate forth from him. swallowing in the darkness and bringing forth light.. senturu looks down at senturu and his wife and then, with no thought at all two bottles of crown royal appeared in front of them.*

as i have said i am a god. mabye not powerful and have a stupid name but i am a god.

18:18:30 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Erikau laughs like a maniac, falling out her chair. Tasthos and Dael only smirk. The nephilim immediately notices something and bolts out of the way from being between Senturu and Erikau. Erikau stands and then throws a white energy ball at Senturu. Tasthos and Dael add their attacks as well.

With a blast of light, Senturu is gone, with a one way ticket to Hell. Only a crumpled pile of clothes remain where Senturu once was. Nighthawk, the Nephilim, walks over and picks them up then asks, turning his head, "Think he's gonna miss these?"

"Mmmm... Depends on if he gets the attention of a demoness or not..." Dael grins. At this, Nighthawk erupts laughing.

"Heh.. Yeah.. Some of them are just..." Tasthos shakes his head, smirking, then sees Erikau glaring at him. Tasthos quickly clarifies, "Of course I would never choose a filthy low level demon of you, my love!" Nighthawk and Dael laugh harder than ever before.

Erikau smirks, nodding before hearing a commotion outside the door. Erikau pokes her head and turns around, "Heads up! We got about fifty six elves headed our way and will be here in about two hours!"

18:33:52 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*stands on hot coals wearing nothing*

i hate when this happens

*closes his eyes and teleports to the tavern. once there he immediatly casts magic disruption spells. the spells were layed on so thick that they cant be undone except by the one who did them*

ahh much better. *looks down*

well allmost. anyone have my clothes? no? ok, well *snaps his fingers and new cloths appeard on him*

thats a bit better.

18:52:58 Nov 17th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- Hey *hick* a nice new coat there Sentie, btw, where have you *hick* been, we have been looking for you? I believe Tasthos and his friends will destroy the party later on, we need to make sure they will behave, that is also the first idea my wife got...    *hick*.   Oh, and some candles to make it nice to make out, hooja!!

21:16:28 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*candles appear out of no thin air*

thats better. ill lite them when the party gets underway.

now for tasthos's people. hmm...........*thinks a while*

i say as long as there good i wont have to try to make them leave, and mabye they wont take my clothes again.

21:42:20 Nov 17th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- MJAU MJAU MJAU mjauuuuUUUUuuuuuu!!!!

- She says we need a cake, a huuuuuUUUUuuge!!  And some turtles on top of it since the whole tasthos people seems abit of, and my wife love them, hihihi...     *hick*...    *burp*...   sorry.

21:49:23 Nov 17th 06 - Sir Xiax:

*Xiax looks around and sees his giant firebreathing elephant he made a long time ago but ignored till now.*

"Go my elephant, subdue those demons so they don't ruin the party! Yes, even the crossdresser who thinks he's an archangel. Yeah I know, it's just gross. I think he's *beep*... "

(heh heh heh....)

22:28:50 Nov 17th 06 - Sir Dark Mielo:

*wakes up .... looking around ... see that legacy owned another era...lays down his head again and murmbles* "wajawznoeeed wdienaleaimqeeaa .... YAGSHEMASH ... balamaneaborathalala ..."

22:54:16 Nov 17th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Erikau watches the elephant run towards her and smirks. The elephant then passes THROUGH her. Just as it passes through, Erikau vanishes, reappearing at it's neck, her angelic runeblade in hand. In one swift strike, she slices the the elephant's head clean off.

Tasthos smirks, "Xiax, you'll have to do better to defeat a goddess such as an Archangel, especially Erikau."

Dael chuckles, "That was pathetic."

23:06:39 Nov 17th 06 - Sir Dark Mielo:

*getting sober*

.... Who votes to get out that Tasteless Drathor out ??? He's doing everything to get us against each other ... :'( I don't want that

*sitting there crying in a corner*

"Hey a bowl with beer !!!"

*Mielo totally drunk again on the floor*

00:22:20 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Tasthos speaks, "Dael... Hold my seat.. I've got some unfinished business to take care of."

"Of what sort?" Erikau asks.

"One big ass family argument..." Tasthos replies, walking out.

Dael and Erikau look at one another. Dael asks, "You think it's Karsath?"

"If it is..." Erikau shakes her head and mutters, "Hoo boy.. Looks like I'll be tending to an injured Tasthos for a couple of months..."

"You didn't sense it.. did you?" Nighthawk stated, eyes closed.

"Sense what?" Erikau asked, "Karsath is a god among demons... It doesn't matter how much demon strength Tasthos has..."

"Demon strength.. What about his holy powers?" Nighthawk opened his eyes, "Tasthos has been expanding his magical options..."

Dael and Erikau look at one another. Erikau speaks, "Barkeep... Fifteen shots... I'm gonna need them..."

00:51:15 Nov 18th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- Mjauuu, mjauuuu mjaaaauu

- I agree my love, the incest family is way to serious for their own good.

04:00:55 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Nighthawk then looked at Efrandor and spoke, "Man.. Get your wife turned into a Romonthi or something.... That way you can at least have kids..."

"Oi! Like your mate?" Dael started laughing, "I mean, cats and birds do not get along..."

"She's not a bird, she's a... Nevermind.." Nighthawk looked away, grumbling, "I could do without those friggin' feathers though...." Nighthawk then plucks one of the said feathers, a blue feather with a white tip, out of his cloak and holds the four-foot long feather in front of him, speaking, "At least they make good potion ingredients..."

"Nighthawk Mayhein... You amaze me..." Dael smirked, shaking her head.

07:12:57 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

Walks out the door thinking...."The Queen of Blades has lived for far too long..."

10:47:42 Nov 18th 06 - Lord Efrandor:


- Yea, what the heck are you talking about, we have a lovely daughter and a lovely son!!

11:20:15 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*looks at the picture, then turns away just before he blew chunks.*

11:56:20 Nov 18th 06 - Sir Dark Mielo:

* looking ... turns around .... Trows up on Senturu*

13:59:20 Nov 18th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- Ooops, you dropped something on Sentie Mielo, you might want to pick...  that...   up.    The daughter we call Shelob and our little baby boy(six months on the first of december) is Adolf, lovely arn't they:)  May they come to the party tonight Sentie?

18:57:23 Nov 18th 06 - Sir Dark Mielo:

^^ oooh is there a party ?

19:42:06 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

yea but they uh...have to wear these good masks (hands Efrandor two paper bags with smiely faces on em)

yea theres gonna be a party here Mielo

22:05:35 Nov 18th 06 - Sir Dark Mielo:

I'll take beer with me ^^ ... *loading my truck*

23:55:01 Nov 18th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Tasthos opens the door, a huge grin on his face. Dael speaks, "What are you grinning about."

Tasthos holds up a golden necklace with a gold, demonic pendant. The pendant itself is shattered and demon energy is slowly seeping out, the power fading from the relic. Dael grins, "Karsath is gone, eh? About time!"

Tasthos begins strutting around like he's king of the world. Erikau rolled her eyes and spoke, "Amazing.. So, now who's the most powerful living Drathor in existance."

"That would be a tie.. Between me and Tasthos..." Dael smirked.

"Alright! Stop struttin', old man, we've got a party coming in!" Kurelia shouts, walking in, "Eighteen elves, sixteen dwarves, ten  humans, twelve hobbits, two orcs, and a Harpurion princess and all of them want something to drink and eat."

Tasthos and Dael look at one another before Tasthos snaps his fingers and a fifteen strong troupe of golems of rock and stone walk through the back door and line up in front of Senturu. They filed up and stand rigid, like troops before a battle. Tasthos spoke, "Senturu.... You're might want to make use of them..."

Nighthawk and Erikau smirk. Nighthawk murmurs, "This gonna be a loooooooong party.. If I know this particular princess..."

12:14:30 Nov 19th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

yay my own rock golems. ok now first i  want two at the front door and two at the back door. one by the bathroom and two by the beer storage room. the rest of you will divide yourselves and one half is to be bouncers the rest of you are now servers. ok get to work.

17:16:10 Nov 19th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- Wonderful, the party is arriving, hooja!!!   Yes, my love, sorry for screaming, may I give you a drink to help ease the pain?

19:19:19 Nov 19th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

The huge procession of elves, dwarves, humans, hobbits, and orcs entered. The Dwarves, as usual, where already smashed, so Dael wondered about how many drinks they'd have from the tavern.

Among them, however, was a blue haired cousin to the Harpy, a Harpurion. She wore a white tunic under a thick diamond plate mail and white jeans that came down to her second ankle where her bird feet came forward, the sharp talons liek those of a hawk. Her hands had sharp nails that could do some serious damage to flesh. She had a tail of blue feathers with white tips with similar plumage running from her ribs to her wrists. She wore a wedding band on her left hand along with a couple of high quality diamond rings. Around her neck was a diamond necklace.

The Harpurion walked to Nighthawk and smiled. Nighthawk spoke, "Ishna... Good to see you.."

Ishna nodded, her blue hair shifting as her amber eyes locked to his, speaking, "You too, Nighthawk... I've missed you, you know.." Her voice was a gentle breeze, soothing and calm.

"Hey... We gotta have money..." Nighthawk smirked.

Kurelia spoke, "Awww... Lovebirds!"

"She's the bird..." Tasthos stated.

"HARPURION!!" Ishna turned, her soft voice becoming slightly harsher and demanding, "And be more respectful to royalty!"

"Oh yeah.. I forgot.. She's the princess of the Ice Feather tribe..." Erikau grimaced.

"And Nighthawk is a prince by his own right," Dael stated.

Ishna turned to Senturu, speaking softly, "Some wine, please."

19:23:57 Nov 19th 06 - Mr. Senturu:

*jumps over the counter grabing one of his oldent bottles and a clean glass. then starts pooring the wine*

ahh this is so nice. i dont have to go midevil on any of ur asses.

*finishes pooring the glass and hands it to Ishna*

ya know im a king. very welthy at that. also have minor godly powers and the ability to control spoons. so wat ya say?

19:41:13 Nov 19th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*Turns to Senturu*

- Come on Senturu, she is mine to try and hook up on!

*Turns to Ishna*

- Sooo, you just got married did ya, how 'bout a drink and a bed?

02:32:15 Nov 20th 06 - Mr. Tasthos Drathor:

Ishna shakes her head before speaking, "No thanks... I have Nighthawk as my mate and that's all I need right now..."

"Among other things..." Nighthawk smirks.

"Nighthawk... Do not get me started..." Ishna looks at him, "I am extremely frustrated right now..."

"The harpies again?" Nighthawk asked.

"No... The Empire..."

Nighthawk shakes his head, "Egh.. Yeah.. I agree with you there..."

13:03:40 Nov 20th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- Well... *hick*  ...the real question here is, is he good enough for you, he might have muscles and a hawk that can fly during night, but if you come with me I will give you a life you will never forget, hooja!!!  *hick*

21:24:02 Nov 20th 06 - Mr. Pirate:

*Stares through the window and sees several men passed out

arghhh this is teh place for mi

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