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The Stormborn
18:41:28 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(so what you going to do you got me in this mess you get me out....)

18:44:32 Jul 20th 07 - Duchess Samus:

(Defensive is the damsel in distress :))

18:45:31 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*The three pirates start beating Defensive with clubs until they see a mongoose climb aboard.

"HAHAHA, Look at that, a swimming rat!"

*They all walk over and start teasing it until it jumps on a mans face and rips his eyes out, the other pirates walks backwards and Slasher jumps on on of their faces, reaches his hand down his throat, and rips out his intestines. Slasher then jumps onto the last pirate and burns his head off with fire breath. He walks over to Defensive...

18:45:50 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(shall we just get rid of the pirate  bit?)

18:46:50 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"is slasher ina g0ood mood last time we me6t i inslted him..."

18:46:57 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The Stormborn was captured by brigands and setting off to sea with the other ship, but the master-at-arms was obviously dealing with the crew and slowing them down. They had not yet left port.-
*Ragnarr pushes Septim after dragging himself to him.*
"The ship, its captured,..."

18:48:12 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Suddenly another ship pulls up with Slasher piloting it, he growls

Translation: "Get on!"

18:48:52 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"do what? i dont talk mongoose?"

18:49:58 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - we need to find Seloc, have no idea where he is, he said he was not to be found, but then is he out of the -journey-?)

18:50:49 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks up

"He says get on!"

*Septim uses his staff to hold himself up as he helps Ragnarr up the stairs...

18:50:49 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(i think he meant he wanted to be found l8tr on when hesback on..)

18:51:58 Jul 20th 07 - Duchess Samus:

*Samus falls asleep while steering the boat to save the men.  The boat veers west and is out of sight of the men*

18:52:02 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The longship Stormborn was turning towards them, since it did not have enough speed to set sail against the waves. It was quite uncontrolled - it's sails slapping, oars dragging,... It slowly hit the docks, the brigand ship after it-

18:54:10 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*After everybody is on the ship slasher gives pursuit to the Stormborn

18:55:41 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Damn it, Septim, the longship is still in port! It was trying to leave, but had no speed. Just pass by it and we'll jump on it, leaving Slasher be with a lot of thanks..."

18:57:27 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*As the ship passes the stormborn everybody jumps on it and starts slaughtering soldiers, Slasher stayed with Septim, never leaving his master's side...

18:57:56 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-About twenty sea veterans from the Stormborn gather infront of the docks with a lot of plunder and treasure from the burning town. They see what is happening and decide to help. The ones with longbows shoot arrows against the brigand ship, struggling to leave port.-

18:58:39 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"yeehaa slaughter!!!"

18:59:35 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr jumps on his ship and slashes at two brigands and kicked two others over board. Then he shouts out:*
"Samus? Watch? Seloc? Where are ye, lads?"
*Then he runs to the rudder oars, stabbing a few brigands on the way.*

19:00:37 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*They find Samus asleep and GAW in a room below deck

"Where the hell is Seloc?"

19:00:50 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"seloc be overboard!!"

19:03:11 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Damn, look around for Seloc while I turn the longship towards the docks to get our lads with plunder aboard."
*Ragnarr steers the Stormborn and stops at the docks, letting the twenty sea veterans on board with the plunder.*

-The town of Lorencia was devestated and all in flames. A single longship and it's crew plundered the whole town, though they suffered casualties - half the crew was dead, and Seloc was no where to be seen.-

19:03:57 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim limps over to the edge of the ship and sees a human form on the beach.

"There he is!"

19:09:17 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"If that's him, bring him aboard. I'm too, ......too exhausted,..."
*Greyjoy jumped aboard and went to Ragnarr. Ragnarr stroked his wolf and sat on the deck, emotionless and very tired.*

19:10:05 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"quick shoot him!!!"

19:13:12 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim piloted the ship to the docks and the sailors went aboard, Septim went to Seloc and performed CPR (non of the mouth to mouth stuff though, ewwwwww) and gets the water out of the lungs. He drags Seloc to the boat and puts him in a room below deck. Septim goes to his footlocker and grabs some thread, a knife, and some cloth. He uses the knife to dig out the arrows and he ties the rag around the wound. He then sews up the back wound. Afterwards he goes to sleep...

19:17:50 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr closes his eyes and falls asleep, leaning on the board of the ship.*

19:34:38 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

GAW offers sausage to the famished crew.

19:35:52 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

*defensive starts filling in for the bard singing to cheer everyone up

19:36:41 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim continues sleeping but would gladly take a sausage if he was awake....

19:56:39 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr wakes up from his sleep and sees that everyone is drinking their pain away with beer and ale. He slowly stands up and leans on the mast.*
"Today was a bloody day, and most of our friends died. But they all died bravely, and now Odinn awaits them in Valhalla. This is to their glorious fighting, to our mightly battle, to us and our bravery!"
*Ragnarr takes a drinking horn, fills it with mead and takes a deep drink.*
"Samus, some of the men told me about yer struggles. You did very well, I am proud to have ye in my crew. Watch, if it wasn't for ye, lad, the ship was most likely not be here. Seloc is asleep and badly wounded, but fought bravely, and I know few as good as him. Septim is aslo asleep, but he is one of the best warriors I have ever seen. Last, but not least, Defensive - glad to have a great man such as yerself aboard the Stormborn. And men, this is for yer bravery!
*Ragnarr takes another deep drink.*

19:59:02 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim wakes up and walks over in time to see Ragnarr make his speech, he pulls out his flask, holds it up, and drinks...

20:01:42 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Heal yer wounds now, we'll devide the plunder tommorow morning. We'll aslo set sail then,.."
*Ragnarr sits around the cheering crew and leans his back on the mast, drinking his mead,*

20:11:57 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim limps over to the loot pile and sees a box, he opens it and finds a bunch of health potions, he distributes them to the crew...

22:11:38 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"woot medi packs!"

22:33:03 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim chugs his down

"Ahhhh, that feels good!"

*Septim goes and sleeps

23:26:07 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Cough, cough, splutter*

"Argh I feel like *beep*, what the *beeep* happened? someone take me up on deck to my chest."

*Hold out his arm to be helped up.*

(O can we have a storm next?)

23:27:34 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim wakes up for some reason and goes to check on Seloc. He goes downstares and sees him begging for his chest. Septim helps him up and takes him to it.

23:32:40 Jul 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*opens the chest and take out his map finding himself something to occupie himself with*

"Thanks Septim, i'll stay out here tonight weathers fine, almost a bit to still......"

23:35:09 Jul 20th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"No problem"

*Septim walks to the door, and decides to sleep on the deck as well

00:20:33 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Game and Watch and Ollie sleep more soundly then in many nights because of their weariness. Today they have learned something very valuable: a life like this demands you make sacrifices...

07:22:01 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim wakes up in the middle of the night and walks to the deck, as he looks out he sees lights in the distance, he looks at them for a while before he realizes that they are getting closer. Septim curses and runs over to Ragnarr.

"Ragnarr! People are approaching on the horizon!"

08:42:08 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"and i can see a dirty great cloud bank behing them... what do we do? plow straight in?"

10:58:17 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr wakes up, and stands up immediatly.*
"We are in no condition to....*cough* ....fight, the men are still tired. We have the black sails up, so we'll just pass by, unnoticed. Seloc, we should pass from their northern side, so they don't notice us."

11:16:21 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc turn the ship to meat with skippers demands.*

11:26:29 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

III. The Storm

The Stormborn silently passed by the ships, unnoticed and unheard. Soon, the longship was far from the unwanted company, heading west towards the Siren's pass. But as they sailed towards the dark horizon, black clouds appeared. The wind became strong and unconstant, the waves high and dangerous.

11:27:29 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Seloc, can we avoid the tempest?..."
*Ragnarr looked at the navigator, then coughed and spat blood on the deck.*

14:13:34 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

16:45:16 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Game and Watches's ship watch senses are going crazy and are able to defeat his deepness of sleep...

*GAW looks through his spyglass

"Cap'n you don't need me to tell you this, but there is whale of a storm ahead of us"

18:47:22 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Olaf, Jens, Thoren, take the black sail off. Sven and Eric, take the heavy sail from below deck and put it up with the others. Place the oars back inside so they don't break. Make sure all on board is placed below deck, then grab on to something. We'll try to pass right through her,..."
*Ragnarr coughs blood and grabs the rudder oars.*

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