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Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Fizban! (Again)

Werewolf with Fizban! (Again)
23:37:48 May 19th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Lord Erunion Telcontar


5/19/2008 10:24:36 AM
"Aargh! Revenge, you were a madman! You murdered half of the good team, and one of your own men! You had to die!
Blasted Septim... At least you got your just desserts."


23:44:01 May 19th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

(coughs as a ghost: Evils name begins with T!)

23:45:02 May 19th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

[[Bruiant, just to make this clear, I'm a security guard.]]

00:14:30 May 20th 08 - Sir Cookie Monster:

You forgot to put Dead, Arvious.. You are a dead security guard.. xD

00:16:34 May 20th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Durza's next, I hope.

05:20:53 May 20th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(There were two, and it's because of him your butt is still alive Bruiant. :-P I just forgot to write that part down.)

09:51:03 May 20th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolf:

Here, i just took nat's clue lol, i change my vote!!

[Vote: Thomas]! He is evil, methinks.

14:15:54 May 20th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Well, look at this mess that I've got on my hands. I've got people who can't make up their minds with a majority rule (1 vote for multiple people).

Unless someone improvements their votes, I'll purge the lot of you in a couple hours.

22:25:25 May 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:


23:31:03 May 20th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

(i guessed btw!)

23:49:35 May 20th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

"Hmmm....this is a very difficult decision to make. Which of them is evil? There are many valid reasons, but they all lack concrete ideas behind them. I think I shall refrain from voting and see what happens."

00:38:04 May 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Mr. Atreides


5/20/2008 6:49:35 PM
"Hmmm....this is a very difficult decision to make. Which of them is evil? There are many valid reasons, but they all lack concrete ideas behind them. I think I shall refrain from voting and see what happens."
Sir Lelouch VI Britannia


5/20/2008 9:15:54 AM
Well, look at this mess that I've got on my hands. I've got people who can't make up their minds with a majority rule (1 vote for multiple people).

Unless someone improvements their votes, I'll purge the lot of you in a couple hours.
I think you better vote....

05:42:23 May 21st 08 - Mr. Atreides:

"Oh snap! That is some pretty intense pressure...
Well, if that's the case, I guess I will try to make an informed decision. I will pick Thomas because he seems to be defending Bruiant and it was stated that Bruiant was saved by a secuirty guard (neutral team). I'd guess that Thomas is that security guard."

[Vote: Thomas]

13:00:16 May 21st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

i was saved by a sec guard? where did it say this.

13:01:37 May 21st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

oh and, atreides, thats the worst idea of a vote iv seen. your voting a neutral player, why not route out evil?

15:16:31 May 21st 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

Kill me!!! comon

15:28:23 May 21st 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Well my vote stays, Bruiant is still more suspicious then any of the others imo. 

16:21:17 May 21st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

i believe kermit is evil. so i urge you all to vote the inactive.

17:12:43 May 21st 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

You all deserve to die!

17:29:15 May 21st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

lol. not me grouch, i didnt vote you :D

21:55:21 May 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

</3     =*(

00:14:29 May 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

It took a while but a final majority came through and by that time, Fizban was pretty zoned out. Still, he snapped-to everything when a little voice in his head said he got to kill someone. Perking up, Fizban sees a bunny trying to change Durza's vote but the majority still won out.

"Thomas said to kill him already right? Ok!" Fizban snaps his fingers and Thomas is suddenly on fire. Running around trying to put off the flames, another security guard badge falls down. Thomas the security guard has fallen.

"Alright folks! Go to sleep or something. I'm going to try and get a tan, or tipsy."

(Thomas - Security Guard - DEAD)

(Nighttime, message targets. Sorry about the delay guys, got tied up with a few things.)

03:15:14 May 22nd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Dundundun, another one bites the dust...]]

03:44:25 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[....well....that wasnt a happy ending....]]

07:59:06 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Atreides:

[Neutral team is not the good team....
And he mentioned the he forgot to write that part into the story in a subsequent post. Seems like I was right :)]

"Uh-oh...nighttime is when evil lurks. There isn't even any good people to fight back this night (I think...)."

*Hides in a corner*

08:54:35 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

and besides, if you lot think im suspicious, why whould i nearly have bitten the dust if i was evil?

14:48:44 May 22nd 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

If people wouldn't mind, and Sci is still silent

I'd like to hold the next werewolf, I have a good idea now, and I have a theme :)

Its up too you lot though  :p
Would you lot join :O ?

14:57:31 May 22nd 08 - Sir Cookie Monster:

What is the theme Oscar?

15:04:19 May 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(I've got the target from the last remaining good person, wondering if Evil's going to do anything...)

17:49:27 May 22nd 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

The theme is a secret :P

20:24:01 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Told you evils are inactives, thats why i voted an inactive.

21:53:54 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Someone name an inactive X_x

22:54:45 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Kermit the frog / iwasfrozen
want another?

23:08:19 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ill just vote Kermit for whenever X_x

23:18:36 May 22nd 08 - Lord Grievous:

{Come on guys keep it going. BTW once this is done I will host the next round unless Scientist beats me to the punch :) }

23:28:17 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[Oscar also just said he wanted to host the next one (probably after Scientist) so you may have to kill him]] =p

04:56:47 May 23rd 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Na, Ill let him do it, he will do it better
My theme was a school ..
Ohh well :D

05:03:52 May 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange: WOULD suggest school...I think I die there enough already....

06:33:37 May 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Hmmmm...crazy columbine kids, insane janitors, drug, who wouldn't die there!?

08:29:30 May 23rd 08 - Sir Cookie Monster:

Not only that. Books contains words.. Numbers.. Teachers.. and HISTORY!! Damn! I hate history.. Its a hell..

But lucky there are hot girls in the school to lessen the suffer.. Heh heh.. xP

16:23:17 May 23rd 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Cheerleaders was one.

Anyway, Ill still do It if Mac doesnt mind

16:53:48 May 23rd 08 - Lord Grievous:

{Sure Oscar go ahead. I think the school sounds interesting. I will host the round after Oscar's so just a heads up}

18:23:11 May 23rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Bruiant was walking around the night with a sense of fear. Everyone seemed to be looking at him oddly and he thought that he would be offed next. Running to what he thought would be the safest place he went to Fizban's closet. Seeking to further disguise himself, he put on his bunny suit.

What he didn't know was all hell was fixing to break loose. Suddenly the closest was blown away and three akuma came and attacked, they locked onto him and they started to fire their poison towards him. A few shot*beep*, but he was able to limp away from them. Then he came face to face with a guy holding a broadsword, "Well, Thomas won't be able to protect you this time. The guy then plunged his blade into Bruiant's stomach and disemboweled him. Bruiant the Bunny Girl was slain by everyone. :-P

Morning came, let the voting commence!

Bruiant - Bunny Girl - DEAD

07:36:39 May 24th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

I think this game is getting funnier by the day xD

10:42:36 May 24th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

lol, everyone hit me.  well, iv already said kermit is evil, take your choice on wether or not to follow it.

17:14:03 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:


*Sticks hand through his stomach*

Nevermind....hes a ghost....either that or I had better stop drinking so much...

17:27:11 May 24th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

its the shrooms, your imagining im here.

19:29:42 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

....dang I knew something was funny...

12:47:41 May 25th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

I think this is dead :/
Only Inactives left :o

Ill start the next round ... soon
Depends doesnt it, on whether this is good to continue :)

13:30:22 May 25th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Okay, the very inactives goes out first.

Keeeeeeeeeeeel the frog guy

[Vote: Iwazfrozen]

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