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The Stormborn
19:15:54 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks at the bloodstain Ragnarr made on his shirt


19:17:33 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr laughs*
"That's the least of yer worries,..."

19:19:55 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The longship sailed towards the massive storm. Soon, it was crossing the high waves, heavy rain was sweeping the decks and lighting flashed from time to time, lightening the whole sky for a moment. The longship was struggling, and Ragnarr was holding on to the oars, while the rest of the crew were holding on to ropes, planks, boards or what ever they could.-

19:24:06 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim and Slasher held on to the footlocker that had been bolted to the floor

"Wooohooooooo! This is the perfect storm!"

*Septim opens his footlocker while holding onto it and grab a bottle of whiskey, he shuts the footlocker and starts chugging it down, he takes a break.

"This is good stuff!"

19:37:29 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-A massive wave, about three waves the hieght of the Stormborn, was ahead.-
"Septim, help me....hold the rudder oars,...the sea is too..*grunt*..mighty.."
*Ragnarr was holding on to the main oars, struggling with them to keep them straight in place.*

19:44:05 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Argh I'm awake I'm awake, Septim what have I told you about the water?......what the..........SAFTEY LINES everyone!"

*Seloc hugs the rudder to keep his balance then starts plowing the ship through the storm.*

19:49:41 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim puts his whiskey away and runs down to the oars (Somehow Septim knew that Ragnarr needed help...)

"I'm here!"

*Septim grabs the rudder oars

20:16:18 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"Hold them straight, because,.. *grunt*..if we let them go,...the ship will change course and ...ahh,...the longship will capsize most likely,..."
*Ragnarr coughs some blood and holds on to the rudder.*

-The Stormborn meets the high wave and steeply goes up, then down, the mast nearly breaking and the crew nearly falling off. Suddenly the wind gets stronger and the sail starts flapping loose.-

"The sail will soon rip, take it down."

20:37:25 Jul 21st 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

GAW works frantically at the mast

"How many more of this can she take?"

20:37:40 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim runs upto the deck and takes the sail down, he then runs back down to help Ragnarr with the oars again...

21:27:41 Jul 21st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"She has seen worse storms, but if we don't act quickly and skillfully,.."

-A wave hit the longship's bow, sweeping the decks with water. A few barrels fell, and one of the sailers fell off board, but managed to hang on a rope and was resccued by his mates. The rain became even more heavy, and a lightning bolt hit the water on the horizon. A lightining bolt hitting the sea looked just like a fire column, drilling in the sea. A frightening view, if a person was not used to it.-

09:41:46 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim continues holding the oars

"When is this storm going to end?!?"

09:59:23 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr raises his head and looks at the horizon.*
"I think I can see the end,..."
-At that moment, the yard of the mast ( the horizontal pole which carries the sail ) bent and broke off from the wind. It flew and hit the deck right infront of the rudder oars, shattered and the wooden remains flew into the chaos of the sea, leaving Ragnarr, Septim and Seloc with splinters on their skin.-

10:08:37 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-After another hour of mercyless struggles and endless fighting, the storm came to an end and was left behind the backs of the crew of the Stormborn. The casualties were not much - one of the sea veterans was hurt, since he fell off board but managed to get back on, a few barrels with provisions were lost and the yard of the mast was gone. Ragnarr looked upp at where the yard used to be.-
"Morning is here, we'll need to fix it by midday. Take spare material from below deck, lads."
*Ragnarr turns to Septim, Seloc, GAW, Samus and Defensive*
"Next it's the Sirens pass. If we are to ever reach the wealthy cities of the Golden Coast, we have to pass from there."

10:50:56 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(ragnarr have you just earn youre "sir" title from this post?)

"i can see a rocky outcrop ahead! archers to me prepare bows we don't know what lies in wait up there.."

11:53:55 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Scientist:

[[Defensive, you earn titles by doing in game RP messages with other people. RP in the forums does not earn you any points....]]

13:20:32 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(Hes had his sir title for awhile)

*starts plucking splinters from his skin.*

"death by splinter how honorable....."

21:20:01 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

*Goes below deck and carries the supplies the crew needs.

"The sirens pass is going to be incredibly difficult... the songs can't possibly be as enchanting as they say, can they?"

*Offers the crew some sausage

21:58:17 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban sits with the sirens who happen to be fawning over him and singing songs in his ear. Strangely enough, he's not getting eaten up by them (in the digestive manner of speaking). With his head comfortably laying on one of the sirens' lap, he happens to glance up and see a ship in the horizon.*

Well, lookie there ladies. Another ship full of men to keep you company, and provide a tasty meal. Be good girls now and get ready to do your thing!

*With that, Fizban disappears and the sirens move around, ready to try and lure the men of the Stormborn in.*

(Couldn't resist jumping in :-P)

22:08:40 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks and sees a 75 year old man with three twentyish looking ladies

"That's not suspicious at all..."

22:27:09 Jul 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc looks and sees a anicent old man with three twentyish looking ladies*

"That's not suspicious at all..."

22:58:55 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim pulls out his flask and is about to drink when he hears the Siren's singing

Siren or one true love! Alcohol

*Septim ignores the singing and takes a drink. Slasher hears the voice of a mongoose siren singing, he looks at his dummy of Defensive.

I love rippin' eyes out!

*Slasher starts slashing the dummy

23:01:56 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-(I'll start the new chapter of the Sirens later, since I can't do anything right now. Tomorow I'll start the Sirens chapter Till then there's alcohol on the decks of the Stormborn.)-

23:45:06 Jul 22nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim continues drinking

00:35:41 Jul 23rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc starts drinking.*

"Wait i'm the designated driver.."

*Seloc stops drinking.*

"ahh well."

*Seloc starts drinking.*

11:29:14 Jul 23rd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

IV. The Sirens' Pass

The Stormborn slowly entered a small bay, narrowing as it goes with only a small pass at the end, covered by rocks here and reefs there. A skillful sailer would immediatly recall that the place was called Sirens' Pass. The longship slowly passed by recked ships, planks, floating masts, chests, crates,...
Ragnarr slowly walked by the crew, inspecting them. Most of the sea veterans were seemingly nervous.
After a few more moments of sailing towards the narrow pass, a faint sound could be suddenly heard.
"The Sirens, they call us, they sing to us,..." Ragnarr was also somewhat nervous.

14:31:28 Jul 23rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc took the widest route round the sirens he could make but due to the wreaks even this lead them dangerously near the sirens. Seloc was cupping his ear in his hand as an extra precaution.*

17:13:55 Jul 23rd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim had drank so much the night before that his hearing was disabled

18:53:08 Jul 23rd 07 - Duchess Samus:

*Samus had no need to cover her ears (if you don't know why then your an *beep*) so she just sat on the deck drinking a nice bottle of port wine.

19:00:20 Jul 23rd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim's hearing returns as he pulls out his flask

Ooooh...that's some nice ugly naked ugly naked ladies...BEER!!!

*Septim drinks from his flask

20:09:39 Jul 23rd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The longship passes by the rocks, on which the Sirens sat. They were beautiful creatures, tempting and seductive, and deadly . Many sea legends described them as the most dangerous thing for a sailer - they lore you to them, and if you don't crash the ship in the rocks they're on, not noticing by the lovely hypnotizing voice, then they would rip you apart.-
*Ragnarr places his hands on his ears and says a silent prayer to his old gods.*

20:20:40 Jul 23rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc guided the boat through gently as to rush would be more dangerous than offering yourself to the sirens.*

20:43:48 Jul 23rd 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

GAW begins to sweat, he is clearly thinking about jumping off!

Ollie trys to distract him by juggleing.

15:21:56 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The longship nearly reached the end of the pass, when one of the sailers could not resist any more and jumped in the water, swam hypnotized towards the rocks and climbed up to the sirens. The sea creatures seemed happy and started embracing the hypnotized sea veteran, but then all of a sudden they tore his head off with bear hands. They stopped singing and jumped into the sea. They headed towards the longship, obvioulsy to deal with the rest of the crew.-
*Ragnarr immediatly took  his great sword Darklighter out and yelled*
"Take yer weapons! To Arms! They're coming!"
*Greyjoy, Ragnarr's white wolf ran beside him as the sea sirens grabbed hold of the ship's board and pulled themeselves up.*

15:24:59 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-As one of the sailers tries to stab one of the beautiful but deadly sea sirens, she dodged quickly. The second time the sea veteran slashed, too fast for dodging,  but the sea creature then turned into a water figure of itself, and as the blade passed through, the water figure turned into the sea siren again.-
*Some one of the sea veterans shouted*
"Steel doesn't harm 'em!"

16:12:36 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks at the poor guy getting his head ripped off

"Ewww...not a good time to lose one's head..."

16:18:41 Jul 24th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"at a time like this iots not a time for youre "jokes" septim.."

16:24:23 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks over to his footlocker and grabs a strange sword. It is red and black with a glowing tinge.

"Say hello to my little friend!"

*Slasher jumps out

"Oh....I didn't mean you....but you can come if you want..."

*Slasher jumps on Septim's shoulder and they swing on a rope to the sirens


*When Septim arrives at the Sirens one of them approaches.

Siren: "Join us Septim"

*Septim uses the sword to cut her head off, to Ragnarr's suprise, the sword works. Septim procedes to cut off the other's heads before heading back to the ship.

17:27:22 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr smiles faintly after seeing how surprized the sirens are from Septim's demon blade.*
(ooc - the sirens are boarding the ship, so I dpn't think 'before heading back to the ship' is, got the point.)

17:36:09 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

[[OOC: I thought they were on a rock, oh well, I fought them and won! And the reason I did that was that this is taking too long, I have to leave tomorrow at 3:00PM and I want to be able to finish...]]

*Septim walks back to his footlocker and puts his blade away, he then sits on it and takes a drink from his flask

19:53:20 Jul 24th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(What an anticlimax..........)

*Looks blankly at what just happened*

"Defensive has a point you know......"

20:10:13 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:


- The Stormborn slowly left the pass, leaving only one unfortunate dead lad behind. The crew was joyful, since not many make it through the Sirens' pass. They all called out the names of Seloc for his magnificent steering, Septim for his demon blade. Thoren got the alcohol crates on the deck and many started drinking before starting sailing again to the western horizon.-
*Ragnarr was very pleased with the work of his crew.*
"Well done lads, well done,... The next destination is the city of Quar-Ashel, in the south west - a very rich and prosperous city. Most of the merchants go there for trade. We'll sneek in the city, create havoc and escape with the plunder, maybe even burn the whole place up. Then we'll sail north up the shore, burning every village we see. It will be fun,  but first we'll stop at the Island of Ironkeep, north from here - there we'll get some more crew, get provisons and the crew will most likely want to visit some brothel. Seloc, take her north towards the Ice Star."
(ooc - the city of Quar-Ashel has an arabic-like culture, and the Island of Ironkeep is neutral haven for most sailers.)

22:10:02 Jul 24th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Right ho, skipper!"

*Seloc takes out his compass and turns the ship north*

"Onwards to another adventure we go."

22:16:17 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Arab-like culture...Right-O!"

*Septim pulls a turbin and some robes out of his footlocker and puts them on

"I'm in disguise!"

12:26:54 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

V. The Outlaw Haven


The Island of Ironkeep was a small piece of rocky land, unhospitable, yet easy to defend and hard to conquer. Most of the outlaws of the seas found a haven there, since the lord of the island was neutral to the world events around him. The small bay was well defended by many towers and a single castle at the end. The small town was placed on the side of the mountain, and from the deck of the Stormborn it seemed as if the houses were on top of each other. Taverns and brothels were a very common sight in the town, as well as brigands and wenches. On the docks of the port, one could see many different ships - caravels from the southern lands, quebecs from the western desert people, longships from the northern regions, cogs from all around the world, all docked in the haven of Ironkeep.

*Ragnarr was on the deck, looking at the town as the longship went closer and closer to it.*
"Well, Seloc, apart from getting more crew here, I was thinking of getting a new ship, which you could command. We would have a greater chance of sacking Quar-Ashel like this."

13:00:38 Jul 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Right Skip!"

*Seloc beams with joy, and starts scanning the ships currently harboured in the dock.*

"By getting you mean buy.....right?"

17:00:17 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Everybody sees a Galleon in the distance with flames coming out the top

"...drunk salamanders"

17:05:49 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

-The longship slowly entered the port and docked by some other longship with a blue flag with a black bear - the flag of Lord Keldwind. Once the ship touched the dock, the sea veterans jumped off and tied the longship with thick heavy ropes to the dock. Ragnarr came off the ship and looked around, enhailing the sea breeze.-
"Right, Seloc, go search for a ship for sail and take as much money as you need from the coffers. Don't forget to get a crew. Septim, you come with me, we'll search some crew for the Stormborn and get drunk in the local tavern. GAW, you're off duty, if you want you can come with us. Samus and Defensive, go search for good quality weapons and get our own ones fixed. Thoren (one of the sailers), make sure we have provisions for a long sea journey."

17:12:43 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"More drunk than I already am...hic...aye aye sir!"

*Septim follows Ragnarr to look for a crew

17:44:52 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - now anyone could write about what he is doing in the city, e.g. if he is attacked by thieves or if he goes to a pub and enters a bar fight or how he goes to the blacksmith, etc.)

*Ragnarr walked into the town's small dirty alleys. Old houses lined beside the cobble stone roads, timbered and old. The first tavern he saw was 'Godless Galley', but he passed by it. Then he saw 'The Seven Swords' and decided to enter. Before opening the door, he looked at Septim and said.*
"Septim. be ready for anything. We'll see if there is anyone who wants to join and have an ale."
*Ragnarr opens the door and sees a knife flying at him. He ducked as the knife passed above his head and struck the oak door. There was obviously a large scale bar fight with no sides - each person was fighting on his own agaisnt all the others.*

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