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Forums / The hangaround / 12-sky : Free PvP Game

12-sky : Free PvP Game
09:32:02 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Twelve Sky is an oriental style, martial arts based Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Located in ancient China, Twelve Sky puts players in the middle of an age old conflict between three warring factions. Choose your side in a quest for honor and power. Wage a never ending battle to obtain ancient holy relics that will help destroy all that oppose you.


  • - Natural martial arts movements using motion capture technology
  • - Robust large-scale fast-paced Player vs. Player (PvP) battle system
  • - A large variety of authentic weapons and thousands of unique items
  • - Elaborate weapon and armor enhancing system
  • - Regularly updated content
  • - Exclusive abilities never before seen in any MMORPG

Battle System

The game features a battle system that is both solo and party friendly. Monsters are easier to defeat than in most MMORPG's which gives the player more opportunities to explore instead of just grinding. When you do spend time fighting Non-playing Characters (NPCs), there are a few features that make things a little more interesting. One is the 'Parts System' that allows your character to hit the upper, middle, and lower body parts of enemies resulting in different death animations. After you get some fighting practice in, heads will definitely roll.

Player vs. Player (PvP)

The game is designed around making an intense PvP experience for players. When you create a character, you swear allegiance to a clan, and you must do everything in your power to expand its power. This generally means joining the various clan battles constantly raging across the land. Be careful though, even if your clan is beating another in battle, a third clan may take you by surprise.


The battle system is based around the mastery of various martial art skills. Skill points are earned after each new level, which can be used to learn new moves or master the ones you have. Not all skills are based on combat. Like a ninja, you must learn to leap from rooftop to rooftop to avoid detection, or cross chasms to reach advanced areas. It will take more than brawn to fulfill



There are three martial arts factions, namely the Guanyin, the Fujin, and the Jinong. These factions are constantly in conflict. A player must choose among the three factions when creating a character so he or she can participate in bloody battles against other factions. Since the game is centered on battles among the factions, you cannot create a character of different faction unless you erase all the characters!


The Guanyin is a well balanced clan. Noble in heart, they are often underestimated by those who think they do not have the will to be devastating fighters. However, they're the most well balanced fighters when compared to the other factions. Proficient in all weapons, The Guanyin are just as well suited with a blade as they are with using their fists.


The Fujin is the master of the double-edged swords. While they have the lowest defense, health, and chi when compared to other factions, they can wear the most powerful armor. They are also the fastest among the three factions, making them very desirable.


The Jinong is by far the strongest of all the factions. Their damage increases dramatically according to strength, and the difference becomes huge as the characters level up.

In terms of stats alone, they are the most powerful characters.

While mighty as the ox, the Jinong is slow of foot when it comes to running. To supplement this drawback, the Jinong actually has a special form of martial arts that increases their speed.


If anyone is interested in getting started , I can help you out
Im on ' Serenity '  server
Lvl 76

You never know, if we get enough of us we can make our own guild ^-^


09:36:18 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


10:19:59 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I'm a Fuijin DB. =)

10:21:22 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:



What Server?

10:29:47 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Dude.. This game, 1 on 1 only? Cannot be like 5v5?

10:30:22 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Yer lol

You can have like 30 vs 30 vs 30

When Faction wars happen  lol

10:38:01 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


I now have Val downloading, Wraith changing to my faction
I did have Seloc before he uninstalled it..
I had someone else too...

10:38:04 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Sobs.. I cant download here. My notebook only has 256mb RAM.. I can only download at my another desktop.. I shall play it but it takes time.. T_T

10:44:55 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

My Laptop can do it ...   x]

Oh poopy

Once you got it, tell me
Ima go play it now

How do you embed videos?
I want to put one here...

10:46:32 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

11:14:40 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Bezza:

hmm looks like a good game, is it better then 9dragons? that game kicks ass ^^

11:32:56 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

oh, I thought this was like that Flyff thing, 'fly for fun' as it says...

This, may be good but im just waiting till Darkfall comes out....

12:24:31 Apr 6th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Similar to Silkroad Online, World of Kung Fu or 9dragons?

12:40:59 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Yes, its like SilkRoad but the graphics are better on this one
And also the PvP is amazing , best Ive seen in a long time
Its completly free too , Id say 40 mins to download { I did that on a laptop..}
Upgrade your weapons... New weapons..
Boots, gloves , hair
So much you can do...

When you get to lvl 30  { Not too hard, maybe 1-2 weeks.. }
You can go with your Faction to war


Guanyin vs Fujin vs Jingong

All in one smaller world and just beat the living crap out each other, its great fun ^-^

Ive been in one before when its like  30 vs 30 vs 20
It was Immense, I pwned like 5 Fujins and 6 Jins that day...

* Goes into a daydream....

13:16:46 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm going to try this... going to be a fujin

(argyle, silkroad online sux, you can never go on because of the mass bots!)

13:17:07 Apr 6th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Beware there are lots of *beep* that play te game and kill you for no reason : (

Even if you are in the same fraction.....

(Bezza 9dragons is probably better if you can get it to work, mine lagged way to much.)

13:20:00 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

okay, someone  took the name lewatha, what biatch did so?

I'll be playing under tahuwa than.

15:35:57 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

hmm, not bad, I'm a lvl 13 fujin with double blades wearing the best equipment I can!

I = ownage :)

18:37:34 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Woop =]

What server you on Lew?

Devotion or

18:37:34 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Woop =]

What server you on Lew?

Devotion o

18:37:38 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Woop =]

What server you on Lew?

Devotion or

18:37:42 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Woop =]

What server you on Lew?

Devotion or Serenity?

19:51:54 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

What server are you on...

20:33:20 Apr 6th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

hmmm...perhaps this is worth my little spare time...and a lot when I'm at home being sick :P

will all the "races" be starting mixed? or piled up together?!

20:35:39 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm on serenity..

20:55:54 Apr 6th 08 - Lord Seloc:

The races all start in there seperate areas.

22:08:24 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Lew, once you get good enough
Ill give you a duel and kik your but :P

Shezmu, you start on your own Faction's  'Home World'
From there you go through portals to other areas
As you get higher level you start to war against the other factions for

Special Items
And of course Bragging rights  :p

Amhang Valley.... Lvl 30 - 49 War
Samji Island ....Lvl 50 - 69 war
Wargo Valley..... Lvl 70 - 89 War
Heolgo.... Lvl 90 - 109 War

I forget the next one xD

After the war you got into a special cave where you can find unique items you can only get there =]
If you die in the cave you will be sent back to your home world, just like if you die in the war, you are sent back automatically

AV - Superior Tablets  { 2x xp }
Samji - Tickets { Cash Amount , around 250k normaly }
Wargo - Gift Boxes { Inside a valubul item }
Healgo - Lucky Tickets { A ticket that once used can get you a very valuble item }

You also get bonuses for winning the wars like , if you win Healgo you get 1 Million xD

Wouldnt it be cool Shezmu to go and kick Lew's ass ?
Oh yer!

And remember

If anyone is interested in getting started , I can help you out
Im on ' Serenity '  server
Lvl 77    { I lvled today xD }

[ P.S , to fight other people like,  Me vs Lew, we have to be on the same server, in this example Serenity.. ]

[ P.S.S , Dont be discuraged, from lvl 20-30 Its quite slow lvling for soe reason, after it goes faster again :S ]

[ P.S.S.S , On Saturdays they do 2x XP and sundays 2x Drop from Monstors, in this case if you use a  ' Superior Tablet' , you can have 4x xp! ]

22:10:37 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm jungyin or something.... called lewatha

I'm level 17 I think..

22:11:51 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

(I had a +10% exp boost earlier, how come?)

22:12:24 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


xD ?


Oh and Because I think Fujins own the dam Faction stone...
Stones owned by factions increase Damage etc, but factions can Invade each other once you reach lvl 70 into there worlds


22:26:10 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm Fujin, they had the coolest characters :)

I have like those double blade weapon.

22:28:56 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Oh yer, there good =]
They are dam fast at attacking ya...

22:32:08 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

yeah, I kick ass in duels :)

btw. how does the whole contribution point system work? I don't get it...

22:38:00 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

22:41:47 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Thats a DB  =]

And CP


Im not even 100% sure but

You can convert your time played to CP
Or, kill other faction players in W*beep*tc
CP improves your PvP  { As far as I know.. by like you could hit first etc }
Also, you need CP to make your own Guild

Like I still said, Im still not 100% on it yet :P

22:44:05 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

and how do I get gifts from that lady?

22:45:37 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Just click


Then Continue or Ok

It should say ' 2 ' remaining

I hope :S
You could get like 5 million xD

22:55:14 Apr 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

yes, I used those 2, so how do I get more? :)

22:58:52 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

You cant, but they do events like they did a saint patricks day event where they gave out Lucky Tickets
And another time they gave out ' Large Experience Pots' worth around 4 million xD

You can pay and buy things from the mall, but its really not necersery, hardly anyone does

09:28:39 Apr 7th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

well...Shezmu has arrived on that Serenity server...lew...let's have some lezzin' action in there ?!

09:58:48 Apr 7th 08 - The Architect:

09:59:00 Apr 7th 08 - The Architect:

10:19:40 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Midnight:

Looks ok...PvP based games are normally fun. Tried to download it but it failed at the last second :evil:. Trying again tonight....

14:54:28 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Cool =]

Look like this game has really got some interest =]

Are you Fujin like Lew?

Oh and , thanks Architect ^-^

15:59:43 Apr 7th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

yes I'm a Fujin as well...

and can anyone tell does that betting in the game work?! I'm at the track with those weird kitten-creatures and the fella wont let me bet on anything!!!

16:29:23 Apr 7th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

you can bet?! oh, I should try that one day... <3 betting!

16:58:40 Apr 7th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

well the gambler on the big can also pick Track  as an brings you to a race-track with...weird...yet somehow cute...kitten-creatures...and supposedly you should be able to bt on them...but it wont let me :(

still fun to simply sit down them run and miauw though :P

18:17:23 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

The minimum bet is 10k gold    xD

That could be why

18:20:42 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*stuffs a pill for Shemzu's sickness down his throat*

18:25:02 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Binh The Demolisher:

Any downside to this game at all beside players killing you for no reason?

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