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Forums / The hangaround / Any old friends about

Any old friends about
15:32:49 Sep 23rd 13 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Ive been gone for about 10 months due to things happening in RL but cant stay away forever so I wondered if any of my old friends were still about for an old fart like me to join up with :-)

16:16:37 Sep 23rd 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Hi there :)

16:30:47 Sep 23rd 13 - Grim (Mr. Bili The Axe):

Hey Von!!!

16:46:07 Sep 23rd 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

hey von dorkmoor

20:09:31 Sep 23rd 13 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great II):

Hey how you doing, I remember that name.

I remember that name as well, hmmm. Very familiar.

21:18:05 Sep 23rd 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormycrow):

darkmoor you sexy sexy man some of us u hung out with were wondering where the hell you went to:)

contact meh in if only i can get feanor and adakis back as well.....

22:07:57 Sep 23rd 13 - Princess Aisha:

It would be nice to see Fate back indeed :)

22:13:08 Sep 23rd 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

it would be nice to see you gone indeed :)

01:29:22 Sep 24th 13 - Sir Knigh:

von baby!!! never ever jus dissapear with out a gdbye again, do it stormy bring back fate!!!!

02:10:57 Sep 24th 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

you still dont get what the F in Fate stood for ?

04:13:11 Sep 24th 13 - Endless (Ms. Endless Ona Break):


04:16:21 Sep 24th 13 - Zond (The Czarcasim):

yo tyr, he said old friends. ur like 13 arent u :P

and aisha.. you are not near old.

but the rest of you.. old farts. besides a few, but still old ;) 

04:32:53 Sep 24th 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Watcher):

good to see you back Von Darkmoor :)

04:44:38 Sep 24th 13 - Mr. Aussie:

Hey Von :)
You think we'd be getting older and wiser but still here :)

12:34:06 Sep 24th 13 - Mr. Babytalk:

Welcome back 

15:29:08 Sep 24th 13 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Good to see alot of you, even you Penguin lol

I hope to see you all on the field of battle soon :)

15:38:59 Sep 24th 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

Hey Von, good to see you around again.


16:18:03 Sep 24th 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

even me?, thats not nice coming from a guy who's that old that every morning that you wake up with a pile of sand under your arse.... i was gone almost the same as you, got back just three weeks ago :)

08:49:08 Sep 25th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Lol zond might wanna almost double that :P

Been around since era 25 ;)

17:38:13 Sep 25th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

I think I played with you back when we had Immortals original line-up.

17:49:26 Sep 25th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

No idea lol :P

01:21:36 Sep 26th 13 - Mr. Cantbefuked:

I cant believe my eyes.. 

My heart even skipped a beat.. :)

Good to see you again mate.. (it's your old Aussie mate). <3

06:50:12 Sep 26th 13 - Ms. Nicolepwn:


15:04:56 Oct 23rd 13 - Prince Chade:

freakin h3ll!!!

with vonny back, i am tempted to come out of retirement as well :D


And about getting MEH back?!

20:18:05 Sep 23rd 13 - Stormy (Sir Stormycrow):

darkmoor you sexy sexy man some of us u hung out with were wondering where the hell you went to:)

contact meh in if only i can get feanor and adakis back as well.....

09:07:00 Nov 23rd 13 - Architect (The Architect):


11:16:24 Nov 23rd 13 - Mr. Kemosabe:

wooooo chade get ur god dam ass back here!

18:50:00 Nov 23rd 13 - Sir Vengefull:

Nice to see all you guys still play Im back about 2-3 Months enjoying the lower relms off VU.

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