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Any1 else read WoT
18:32:53 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Just curious if anyone else reads wheel of time? I know there used to be some individuals but was wondering if youd come to my blog and post some input. Also if you guys know any sites with a large community would you let me know. I just am looking to increase people coming to my site and to be honest i just like the book so much i want to "theorize" with others. Thats the best part about reading a novel before its finished personally.

Just started today and im just looking for some positive feedback for now. Plan to reread that series starting today and open some discussions about it if possible.

18:57:49 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

Read all the 13 books that have come out so far, best series ever imo, and I have read a crapton of fantasy lol. XD

19:29:50 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Nice! I personally cant remember too much about the book tbh. I remember tad bits and peices, like the loss of moriane, the seige of the white tower, creation of the academy, the aiel etc. Though i have all books up to book 10 right here in front of me lol. Youd be suprised..its quite a stack.

19:40:26 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

I have 12 in a row right above my desk on a shelf :P so I can imagine.

21:56:09 Mar 30th 11 - Wolflord Karac:

Love the books, reading #12 right now!

23:01:40 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Ah seeing this warms my heart. So you guys find anyone that compares to him as of yet?

23:44:46 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Irule Here Tooo:

Who killed Asmodean?

04:16:05 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Dokken:

just started book 7. great series so far :-p

04:48:47 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Id put money on Graendal.

11:01:11 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

I havenīt found any other series that is as intricate and massive as Jordans I am afraid :/

11:59:11 Mar 31st 11 - Wolflord Karac:

Unfortunately no. Some people like George R. R. Martin, I myself am not a fan, but hey, you might enjoy em.

13:54:58 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

I will check him out :)

14:46:37 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

George RR Martin is the very author that got me started. Eventually Robert Jordan was introduced to me from my father. His books are somewhat fantasy but are more historical fiction if i had to take a guess.

15:10:43 Mar 31st 11 - Sir Ozymandias:

I have read about half of WoT. didnt get into Martin, I prefer authors like Sanderson (with the Mistborn trilogy and the Stormlight archives, not simply WoT), Rothfuss and Butcher (Codex Alerea)

15:57:54 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

never heard of the mistborn trilogy. What is it about?

02:15:50 Apr 1st 11 - Mr. Lan Almandragoran:

Only Sanderson I've read is the assists on the WoT series, his work seems solid though, I might have to check him out more indepth.

04:51:06 Apr 1st 11 - Sir Koolzz:

 Wot was ok, the magician series by Raymond E Feist i thought was far better though its only a trilogy. another author that i think is good is David Gemmell. he doesnt have a long running story like Wot though but his books are a good read.

09:11:12 Apr 1st 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

David Eddings is also a good author. And I have read both Gemmel and Feist, good authors too.

18:10:15 Apr 1st 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Well i head to the book store today ill go ahead and check em out. Can only buy one or two though. (on budget). Ive actually seen the magician series on the shelf a few times and have considered picking it up.






Please check out

19:54:48 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Binh The Acolyte:

Try out Tales of the Malazan series too from Steven Erikson.

Feist got several other series that follow up on the magician series if you like it.

21:27:10 Apr 2nd 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

I have read all the books including the prequel. XD

03:48:42 Apr 3rd 11 - Sir Ozymandias:

Good call to Feist, Eddings and Gemmell, all are really good (especially Magician). Brent Weeks and Tad Williams are other good ones. man now i feel like reading instead of studying...

10:13:37 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

Never heard of Brent weeks, but Tad williams is also an author I have read.

And I have also read the prequel and a fact book of the WoT series.

14:20:37 Apr 3rd 11 - Wolflord Karac:

Whats the prequel to the WoT?

15:24:27 Apr 3rd 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

The prequel is new spring. Its about when Moraine and Shiuan are novices.

15:26:22 Apr 3rd 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

The New Spring novel was originally conceived of as the first in a trilogy of prequel novels. The second and third were to focus on Tam serving in the Illianer army and finding Rand, and Moiraine and Lan's journeys and discoveries to reach the Two Rivers just before the events of the first novel. Jordan's original plan was to complete this trilogy before books 11 and 12 of the main series, but he was disappointed with New Spring's reception and decided to postpone this until after the main series was completed. However, his death on September 16, 2007 before the completion of the final novel in the series leaves the fate of any more prequel novels unsure. Once the main series is completed Robert Jordan's wife will determine if Brandon Sanderson will write the other planned prequels as well.
:( , hope they wrote it.

20:41:18 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

WoT is just a poor rip off of the harry potter movies

21:47:00 Apr 3rd 11 - Wolflord Karac:

-.- idiot

00:22:25 Apr 4th 11 - Mr. Pinkeye Off Sauron:

Never heard of any of them... Is it worth a look, or am I better off investing my time in other things?

00:25:16 Apr 4th 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

not really, no.

harry potter movies came along, revolutionised the genre, and now nobodies are jumping on the fantasy bandwagon, ripping off HP to get in on the dough.

00:40:44 Apr 4th 11 - Wolflord Karac:

First Harry Potter published 1997....

First WoT published 1990....


Again... idiot.

00:55:09 Apr 4th 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

theres a reason the author stopped writing wot books..they sucked. he thought "why waste my time"

02:32:53 Apr 4th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Some pretty low quality trolling, Friendly. ;D

Remember, folks.

17:23:21 Apr 4th 11 - Mr. Pinkeye Off Sauron:

Fordius is a fraud who believes people cant walk through snow to earn money... 

So, anyone with atleast 2 brain cells to rub together care to answer me? :)

02:11:58 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

Brent weeks is a GREAT AUTHOR.


if i recall he was on best seller list for some assassin trilogy (sad i cant remember the names and i read them!).


Bout a backwater boy picked up and trained by a master assassin then has to choose between factions, love, past, friends and even the future :).

02:23:50 Apr 5th 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

Assasins? is that the farseers Trilogy? i  think Chadeīs got his name from there.

02:24:44 Apr 5th 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

And yes is worth the time to read wot. Also unknow user i looled ;).

03:34:05 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Binh The Acolyte:

The assassin series by Brent weeks is called Night Angels Trilogy. I read it awhile back. It's pretty good.

04:30:20 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

AHH i have read both farseers and night angel. Chade was the kings brother. I actually just finished that series about a month ago, by far one of my favorites of all time! The bastard boy who loses everything and is continually having to give everything he loves up and its expected of him. I wouldve killed everyone way before that.

15:19:02 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

never had a chance nor have I seen wot but atm I am loving the read I get from rangers apprentice, I'm almost finished book three of an eleven book series... I think, anyone had a chance to read it??

17:48:58 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Reitvondrak:

ranger apprentice? no but sounds interesting!

00:34:49 Apr 11th 11 - Mr. Koreh:

wheel of time is my favorite series, followed by Terry goodkind and the sword of truth novels.

06:22:03 Apr 11th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

Lol I have read the whole sword of truth too, very good also.

08:59:28 Apr 27th 11 - Mr. Brewer:

well havent read any of the WoT books i'm a Dragon lance and forgotten realms guy myself but if you want a good series to read try looking up the cleric quintet the first book is called canticle it's pretty good in my oppinion i'm on book 3 in that series and i can hardly set the book down

03:49:17 Apr 28th 11 - Mr. Rebecca Black:

just goes to show what kind of sick fucks u guys are.

i read like 5 pages of george r.r martins "a song of ice and fire" earlier. they have 13 year old girls getting raped by men wtf.

u guys should be arrested

10:12:43 Apr 28th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

If thats the only thing you have read then donīt start talking shit about everyone and their series since I havenīt read that book for example.

11:17:09 Apr 28th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Tyr, he's trolling.... don't feed it. :P

17:46:23 Apr 28th 11 - Mr. Rebecca Black:

it gets worst

the queen gets caught fucking her prince brother in a tower and is spied on by a 8 year old and they throw him from the tower? wtf

u guys are sickos for enjoying this

00:27:35 May 1st 11 - Mr. Koreh:

DUDE that sounds amazing, i wish i could do mah brother and throw kids off a tower!!!!!

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