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Forums / The hangaround / Calling all creative people

Calling all creative people
15:14:57 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Roheran:

Hi, i am in the process of setting up a new RL company and i was after a bit of help. Believe it or not I have come across several very bright and creative people in this game (await the flames...) and wanted to pose a challenge.. Previously I have spent a lot of time and money designing my previous company artistry and Logos and was wanting to challenge your creative abilities.

My Company will be called Glebe Placements and is a recruitment company. I want a simple logo of GP but would like it funked up a bit. any ideas/thoughts?

15:40:28 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

whats glebe ?

you would want it to look profesional but funked up, right ?

08:00:42 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Roheran:

i'm sure i answered this.. Glebe does not refer to anything specific, its just a name.

want it to look more professional that funked up. i guess i need it to look relatively modern, I don't want the GP just in italics or something like that

08:12:29 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Spoon:

09:11:18 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Whats that? You have a recruiting company with the initials GP? Ok, I tried my best; I used italics because I heard you like them and they look professional. Great idea asking VU, your ingenuity will make your company succeed!

09:55:17 Feb 5th 09 - Prince Mielo:

you want a *beep*ed up logo?

10:02:38 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Ben The Fat Halfer:

lol @ mielo =P

well i was bored n i got on paint and made this >.<

hope u like it =)

16:28:54 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

I'd go with Barny's ;)

16:41:30 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

Hello there.. I think i can help you.

But first you should at least tell me whats your business is all about. I mean be specific..(other than just saying as a recruitment company) it may somehow help me to build better ideas tho.

for now, i gonna try to make one and send it to you personally.

22:26:34 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Sanoh:

i might also be able to help you. if i can get some details on the company either me or one of my other art major friends can could be of assistance.

23:32:50 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

10:39:39 Feb 6th 09 - The Architect:

What would help more than anything is a company slogan or motto.  Since this could potentially be what you'd be using to get get your companies name out, your image should reflect either your name, which is kinda lacking, or what you do, and there is no sleek or modern way to simply show a company that recruits people, or at least not that I can think of. 

More than your services, what is going to attract customers is how you sell yourself, or how you advertise yourself.  If you are not confident and put together well, then people will move onto the next place and you loose business.

Give us a slogan or motto, very short and concise that accurately describes your company and how you want to be perceived.  Don't be afraid to talk yourself up, don't be timid, this slogan will be the basis of what your companies foundation will be as from this slogan comes your work ethic and everything else about you.

When you can give me that, come back.

13:15:47 Feb 6th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

oh my he is my KD mate

17:25:34 Feb 6th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 I pretty much agree with architect :)   I didn't really have enough to work with to make a serious logo.  But you have to admit, that one is pretty sleek and modern^

08:59:47 Feb 7th 09 - Sir Spoon:


09:16:39 Feb 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Magnesium bro! u get the "BEST LOGO EVER AWARD! " lmao...very nice and creative logo u made there i must say =P

09:44:17 Feb 7th 09 - Sir Roheran:

well i gave a loose description only beacsue i didn't want to get penalised for advertising. If i gave a full and frank description of my company the mods would delete! Ultimately all i am asking is for the letters GP to me formatted in a professional way. i spend a lot of money on design agencies and they have come up with nothing suitable.

magnesium.. if i could... I would!!!

09:51:19 Feb 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

lol Roheran...cmmon bro use Magnesium's...its too sure its gonna promote sales of your company xD

10:15:05 Feb 7th 09 - The Architect:

When all you give for direction is, "I want the letters GP in it", you can't honestly expect to get anything good out of it...

12:14:16 Feb 7th 09 - Sir Roheran:

@ architect. correct. look at where i have posted this request, it was worth a shot just to see if i get lucky i guess :p there are actually some very talented people playing this game and i have now received a couple of designs where just the letters GP are incorporated, one of which i have passed on as it looks very good. thanks all anyway for your comments, flame and non flame

18:48:04 Feb 7th 09 - Demonslayer John Berkeley:

Stewie cover your eyes! You are not old enough to see that!

19:07:11 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 I'm good at photo-shopping stuff, if you don't want to give more of a description of the company here, you could pm me.... I'm listed as one of the many vices for Elements. :)

20:29:40 Feb 7th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Demonslayer John Berkeley


2/7/2009 10:48:04 AM
Stewie cover your eyes! You are not old enough to see that!

*peeks thru again *

lol xD

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