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Forums / The hangaround / Choosing a Major

Choosing a Major
04:32:05 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Im in need of help of choosing a major, so here i am confessing i spent most my life in VU world. Hardly any of you would confess to that and swear you have lifes, here i am trying to make a life and i want help from all you.

Most of you know me pretty well, if not here some stuff.

I enjoy video games, swimming (love the water life). I live on the beach atm, i use to live on a river in LA, USA. Well more of a swamp, i love it. Always have.

I love to joke and goof off.

I write poetry, i draw, i love science related things. I love stratedgy. I think a lot and will go over everything over and over in my head until i get the right thing no matter what it is.

I LOVE candy, cant put the stuff down.

Im a night person, per say i come alive at night. Like to party and have a good time.

Im very emotional.

Cant think of anything else, but most of you know me well. If anyone wants to chat in mail or skype or anything and seriously wants to help me, then feel free.


04:40:05 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Path:

Theres no easy answer.  Only advice I can say is pick the hardest possible major you think you are interested in....if you change your mind, you can always swap out to an easier one with no hassle at all.  On the otherhand swapping from a liberal arts major to or architecture , is a *much* bigger deal.  Depending on the school, even could be impossible.

04:43:47 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Thing is, i thought about lawyer, i love politics and the such. Ive lways wanted to be a nuerosurgeon. Both complete oppisites.

Drawing/poetry and such has always been a hobby, but ive been told to write for money. But idk if id like to do it everyday.

I take those career tests, first one said engineer, second said architecture, third said a professional dancer. Meh, every company says something different.

And im stuck not knowing :(

04:50:02 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Restart Baywatch and be a sexy lifeguard!

04:51:37 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

I would if, i was the "rescue only females" lifegaurd. :)

04:55:17 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Nicks Last Era Ofvu:

Well I would say pick 10 majors you think you might enjoy, then ask people who may have done those before and see what they thought it was like. Shorten the list down to the top 4, people say were good and you have interest in. Then reseach a bit about the major whats the study, what do you get to do and so forth.

Or just go eny meny miny mo of 5 or so you like : D


04:58:31 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

lol i could put them all in a hate and draw one out. but then i want it to be something i enjoy. because its not work if you enjoy it.

05:02:43 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Nicks Last Era Ofvu:

Idk try eveything you can think of but pick something you will enjoy definetly otherwise you might only do it for a week or so.

When I first read the topic I thought it said Choosing a Mayor and i was confused with what you were saying and how that was connected to the topic, I didnt realise what it actually said until I read it 5 times over

05:08:52 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

lol yeah i was something i enjoy. I like both inside and outside and cant stand to be in one for a while. :/

05:13:56 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Xxpumpxx:

dont go into social work lol my wife is there and without a higher degree you will be broke :P
engineering is sposed to be coming back into the mainstream so electrical or mechanical maybe?

05:18:13 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Maybe, ive got like no clue at all. I got different ways and back and forth :(

05:47:53 Jul 8th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Sorry to ask but english is not my 1st language... Whats a Major?

Do you mean a Major a dude who cleans your house pick you up at work with your Mercedez? and drive you back home and makes you dinner? If thats it then its cool!

06:00:22 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Nicks Last Era Ofvu:

A major is like a degree or a important subject that you study at university or colledge

06:24:42 Jul 8th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Research Engineering
Stellar Physicist
Nuclear Medicine

06:29:26 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Path:

Dont worry about being a lawyer, you can get a degree in thumb sucking and get accepted to law school as long as your grades are half decent.  By hard degrees I mean the very difficult undergraduate degrees like I mentioned.

If things dont work out in undergraduate, or if you have a particular interest in law, you can pursue that later....but need to be thinking undergraduate now is all I mean.

06:40:22 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Briefcase:

well, you are a poster child for  the "thinker" personality type. See this for some links to career advice.

I too am a thinker and the best advice I can give you is that you probably don't have to worry about being successful at college, it will be easy for you most likely.
You should pick something, and if its like engineering or something technical, you might as well get a math minor as well. You will have taken most the classes for that anyway.
But on a personal level, (speaking from my own expeience) you should work on changing the types of conversations you have in your own head. If you are too technical and anylitical (spelling bad sry), then you need to start making jokes with yourself. Work on adding humor to your internal conversations. Life will be soooo much more fun if you slightly alter your thoughts.

And get this book, not a similar one, you must get this book. "Make Women Laugh" by Martin Merrill.

Maybe that helps, maybe not, depends on what you want.

06:45:02 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

I always laugh :D Ask anyone here :p

But thanks, its just so hard. Im afraid to pick wrong thing or afraid i wont like something :/

07:40:43 Jul 8th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

That is where your first 4 years gives you a chance to see what you want to major and minor in.  Just dont let anyone talk you into a terminal Masters.  That would make you very unhappy. You may well get more than one PhD in your lifetime because you are a bright person with an inquiring mind.

09:55:11 Jul 8th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Zondy just pick something that you have interest in and you know u will enjoy.. fk the whole entire universe...dont think bout money or anything man

just something that you have keen interest in and u know u will enjoy it

Like for me, i am really interested in sciences and furthermore in neurology, so thats the direction i will be heading in

enjoy mate ;)


-Stewie Griffin

10:11:44 Jul 8th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

you dont need to go into college right away knowing your major there are some general prerequisites you will have to do no matter what you end up choosing.  you say you like sciences well take a class of the ones you enjoyed most in school get your english requisites and math going and see where life takes you. a extremely neutral field is business degree though it is not as exciting persay as some of the others listed here no matter where you work it is a business making a business degree pretty universal.

art is also a requisite and a fun class to take. im a college student for computer repair and i have taken pottery class because i enjoy art myself. it counts for my digree even sure its an elective but you need those too credits are credits. but as a field in general art is harder to get by in. yes, dont put down dreams just because you cant get rich in them but realize that money IS or should be a factor in things. for instance for me i is a computer repair minor a buisness major, so many people are flooding the tech fields making it harder for jobs to come by particularly in this economy.

i think ive prattled on long enough if you would like i can go further but via message =-)

10:37:06 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Rhade:

Marine biologist.  Water, lots of flexibility of schedule, good money.

11:27:36 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. William The Sneaky Bastard:

I say do something with what you can become a "theoratical scientist" all you have to do is come up with idea's... they can be the most utter bullshit in the world but that doesn't matter as its just a theory... i think it gets paid pretty good as well..

11:53:16 Jul 8th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

theoretical physics is fun according to the two I know who do this.  One is interested in teleportation of atoms and another is interested in the stars.

13:54:25 Jul 8th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

What everyone else is saying..... and more! <3

14:54:49 Jul 8th 10 - Lady Cao The Kozachoker:

hehe,  I'd say you want to look around online at a few universities and see what they offer.  I majored in History but regret not choosing archeology or classics.  anyway you never know what might suit you.  an MBA  pays the bills.  Good luck and remember to keep digging even if you find something that seems to catch your interest.  there are so many fields that you won't hear about until you get involved.  Environmental planning ?  wow the list goes on.

15:05:16 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Thanks guys, wonder if i can take a class for each of those and se which i enjoy the most..

16:10:26 Jul 8th 10 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Well, you and I area alike in several areas:

I enjoy video games, swimming 

I love to joke and goof off.

I write poetry, i draw, i love science related things. I love stratedgy. I think a lot and will go over everything over and over in my head until i get the right thing no matter what it is.

I LOVE candy, cant put the stuff down.

Im a night person, per say i come alive at night. Like to party and have a good time.

Im very emotional.

As Far as your first one, I enjoy video games, and at first, I considered a career in it, but its an awful lot of work, without a full promise of a dependable living. I'd doubt from what I know of you if you would want to go that route.

A sense of humor is something we have in common. Look for something that involves being social.

Taking into account those things, althought I only know you limited over VU, I could tell you what I would do, and what I'm considering.

Broadly, think about what Careers you are really interested in. Thats the most obvious. For me, I wanted to be a Missionary. Thats definitely NOT for everyone, and it cannot make you a fortune either. Its even hard to survive on the payment. For that reason, I am seeking another option:

Journalism.  If you seek a degree in journalism, then you would be able to express yourself, either in writing or through reporting. You would be able to investigate(strategy) as well as analyze situations as you report. For me, I'm thinking of being an Analyst/Correspondent for a News network in the Middle East, maybe Israel.

Thats the path I think I'm taking. Thats my advice for what I have to work with. Its a big decision, so I hope you do some considering. If I have some more ideas, Ill send it later.

EDIT: As a Journalist, you could also voice your emotions.

16:16:14 Jul 8th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

I'd like to offer my $0.02.


Consider chemical engineering. It is a strong BS to start with and you can earn it in 4 years. Some schools stretch it to 5 though. A ChemE degree can be a starting point for many professions, most of which require higher degrees anyways (more and more people are staying in school or going back to school because of a sucky job market so more and more jobs are requiring higher education). With a BS in ChemE you can go on to patent law, the medical field, and bio-related field, petrochems (including plastics [The Graduate, anyone?]), pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, the list goes on.


I also say this because I'm a ChemE and would love to share my experiences with you. Let me know what schools you were considering.


What Path said about picking the hardest major you can was good advice too. I wanted to be a music teacher for high school kids. If I started in music I would not have ever got into engineering, but now that I'm and engineer it would not be very difficult for me to get back into music.


Did you take any AP classes or tests? Whats your SAT? you can PM me, I'd love to continue the conversation. (or MSN messenger)

17:38:21 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Ive never taken chemistry so i have no idea how that wil go over. :/

20:18:23 Jul 8th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Oh thanks for anwering me.

Zond what about studying for Governor or part from the Senate.

''Zondervan for Governor'' <---lol

If you get into the army they make you learn a lot of things =/

22:55:52 Jul 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Lol i actually want to be in govt later in life.

01:04:02 Jul 9th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

You could go for some sort of rights movement... Zondy for Ghandi! :D

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