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Forums / The hangaround / Dawn of WAR!!!!!!!!!

Dawn of WAR!!!!!!!!!
12:02:41 Oct 2nd 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

who plays it? is it good?

16:05:06 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Skullcrusher:

I like it a lot.

17:00:15 Oct 5th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

realy? whats it like??

20:17:12 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

 its a RTS in the future between diffrent races and beliefs.--> Chaos,order?,greater good, orcs, necrons and more.

it has a cool campain map too where you can manage like risk/Rise of nations
adn then u go into battle mode.

17:38:41 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

whats RTS?

20:29:49 Oct 10th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

real time strategy

20:31:53 Oct 10th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

Chaos !!!

Dow: Mark of Chaos is cool ;-))

20:32:29 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

DoW is awesomeness. I love those kind of games

I also like all of Warhammer stuff

21:29:17 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

link someone?

12:53:27 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

dude just search it up on google lol


Google is your friend!

15:46:02 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

15:46:52 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Verll:


I really couldn't find google, what is google by the way?

15:49:00 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Verll:

that link didn't help  me find google at all!!!

Whats the link to google?

17:52:14 Oct 11th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

19:00:15 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

Google it and you shall know. If you can't googleize it, search Google on Wikipedia. You can get on to wikipedia by browsing with Yahoo or Msn Search

13:16:52 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

Verll, to be able to do anything on the internet you need to send me or post here pics of ur sister naked, at shower or else when shes gettin bangd by her BF or whatever. If you dont have a sister, ur GF's pic would also work. If you ahve no life or sister just get me some pics of a firend's.

after doing dat, you go get urself urself *beep*ed by a dolphin, take pics of it and then you put them as your avatar in every forum you know of.

After theese prerequisites, you write -in the same bar as you write to get here- then click on buy pron days, insert ur credit card number and put "Sex-Ace" as the benefitiary of such a purchase, and click accept.

After all that,  in that very same bar you write and hit enter. You then write on teh search bar *Dawn of War* and it'll give you a list of awesome sites about DoW!

Furthermore, you can also search all of your other questions likewqise, just put in the keyword you want to know about on the firld marked with an *!


This post does not comprehend any kind of cheat or lie or in any other way intends to trick the reader for the poster's benefit.- not!!

22:49:13 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Verll:


00:54:21 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

DAWN OF WAR is great :)

PLAY IT !! i do :)

12:10:14 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

hows the tau and the necrons now? are they good races to play as?

17:16:38 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

necrons make me depressed :( never play them)
my gues is the Female race is the best. cant remember name

18:32:34 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

Chaos is by far the best...

18:32:35 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

Chaos is by far the best...

18:33:21 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

hmm double post ?

20:02:53 Oct 16th 07 - Lord Seloc:

no triple....

20:18:58 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Verll:

this is triple

20:18:59 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Verll:

this is triple

20:19:12 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Verll:

this is triple

20:27:30 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

is it real time like VU. cos if not i may try it to pass the time while w8tin 4 the next tic

14:07:47 Oct 17th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

well its realtime but you need to buy it.  but its worth all the money

06:39:25 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Stickman:

...its nothing like vu....
its awsome tho, go buy it

13:19:58 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

DUDe Dawn of War is not some random free Internet Game...


Its a well developed, huge interactivity and graphics and functions and all computer game which you aheve to BUY in a CD and then install (or else dl it from somewhere :P


14:03:35 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

Sir Iwasfrozen V


10/16/2007 8:32:34 PM

Chaos is by far the best...

Omg my avatar Pwns your bloodthirster over and over again

so does my hero :P and that thirster is greedy he keeps getting more expensive lol. my robots are totaly awsome 780 melee hahahaww beat anything you got.

07:05:12 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

im usually tau... not by choice, but the comp. ALWAYS
chooses me as em cuz i always random... but yeah, im a fairly
decent player, not that great.. but w/e

07:12:10 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Badmonur:

Why buy it when you can get it for free? ;p

07:13:24 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

im the original pirate, *beep*

14:25:15 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

why by the cow, when you can get the milk for free.


whats the worst race?

22:42:08 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

Theire all the same but probly Orge kingdoms...

I also love Orks ;-)

02:11:24 Oct 25th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

im a lizardmen man myself, i also gots me da tau and the tyranid, both exact opposites.

15:04:53 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

u mean croot :P

12:39:17 Oct 27th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

no... no i dont, in warhammer im the lizardmen and in 40k(dawn of war) im tyranid and tau, but tyranids dont realy egsist on dawn of war

19:34:16 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Angel of Death:

I play AOE3 so i have no clue what this DAwn of War is. So tell me is it really good or a waste of money

19:39:05 Oct 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Is Dawn of war worth playing without expainsion packs?

22:06:38 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

Cool, I play AOE3 aswell Angel, wanna play sometime?

13:36:02 Oct 28th 07 - Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven:

dawn of war is realy good, with or without expansion packs. but the expansion packs mean more races and more units for the old races.

its worth all the money you spend on it,

13:37:48 Oct 28th 07 - Sir Verll:

Who would play a game they have to pay for when they have VU O_O

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