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Forums / The hangaround / Dear visualutopia

Dear visualutopia
16:29:07 Jan 16th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Dear visualutopia, my name is Tatiana and i'm from Russia, but moved to
the USA three years ago. I came across your photos on one of the social
media platforms, and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I
want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-)

16:31:25 Jan 16th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Seems like our presence on social media (Facebook) is working, and the visuals (graphics) doesn't seem to be the problem!

16:37:54 Jan 16th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

I'd bonk you Zeta.

22:54:54 Jan 17th 18 - Princess Aisha:

Yes, Facebook thing is working

But to say graphics of Visual Utopia are not the problem is just foolish.
Comparing to any other game, we are very outdated, for 10 years there have not been any graphics updates. To be honest I am ashamed to actually ask people to play the game before graphics get to a level that is at least acceptable for a game.

Before there is an update to make the game graphics look something like this:

21:14:50 Apr 27th 16 - Runelord Arkan (Sir Arkan Stouterthanthou):

You can't really expect lots of players. The graphics we have now are ugly
And we're called Visual Utopia. The irony.

Its the game mechanic that keeps us all here, the ability to move armies anywhere you want, adjust to enemy movements. Make plans, do all sorts of different attacks, that is whats missing in most other browser games. 

I just wish we could have the graphics and the game play.
(Also do not do the update you suggested while back, the religions and everyone owning only 1 city and take over gives you % of resources... we do not need that, game play is not broken. Graphics are.)

23:07:35 Jan 17th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

i always thought the most important aspect of the game is teamwork. i probably wouldve quit after my first week if i hadnt discovered the chat. in fact ive stopped playing since the chat died. maybe make improvements to the ingame chat?

23:31:30 Jan 17th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Graphics are easy to fix. Its a case of getting ideas and consensus on the idea before creating the graphic. Done it for 20 years and thats always the problem... we dont all like the same thing

23:36:05 Jan 17th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

02:00:05 Jan 18th 18 - Mr. Google Bear:

Meh i like the graphics the way they are.. if this game looked like COC i dont know if i would play it... its a nostalgic feeling...

Maybe changing all the race cities to look different at least would be nice though..

10:39:45 Jan 18th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Well yes, its only the cities that need urgent update. Everything else looks fine

12:53:32 Jan 18th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

bling those pictures are lame. everyone who plays vu are adults

14:00:54 Jan 18th 18 - Lord Reddragon Unlimited:

Talk for you, iloved those graphics :D

15:05:51 Jan 18th 18 - Lord Caedus:

This game would thrive it had a smart phone app - graphics isn't the main issue. It's just the generation we're in. The amount of mates who've told me that if this had an app they'd be glued to it is not worth counting - too many!

15:26:47 Jan 18th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

yeah but you like playing farmville juan

15:46:08 Jan 18th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Mobile version:

15:59:41 Jan 18th 18 - Mr. Mullet Thc:

this game is over ten years old, and it is not broken just old. it was built when flash games and browser based games were it. you didnt need to BUY the game it was Free To Play and your more than free to Donate. now ftp is the vehicle  in game Purchases the model. vu has no shiny gold star to market ticks only work if you know how to use them. idk make half sale at market more intuitive. but again idk in the age of 3$ pre alphas and what ever star citizen costs people still play eve cause its solid and theyre invested. this isnt cookie clicker one of its own marketing points is its slow... strategic... and stable. its not hoiv its not total war its not they are billions or wow or broken its Visual Utopia and its just old and i love it. also chrome works on most smartphones.

games not broke we are
also boats

20:22:49 Jan 18th 18 - King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX:

In more then ten years I have played this game, regardless of all the new maps, tricks and changes to the game which I would say are an improvement. The game has clearly declined in it s ability to attract new players or keep up with the times. Proof is that when I started this game ten years ago, We had about 70 odd new and semi new players fighting all over mantrax around 50 new players in zetamania Then probably around 4 era's later when I started to play on fant. There was literally hundreds of players playing at the same time on fantasia. Playing in the lower worlds was actually looked down upon unless you where new. It was normal to have 7 kingdoms all fighting eachother with like 20-30 players each. 10 years later there are about only 30 active players on fantasia, the rest of the worlds are dominated by experienced players. I came back around a year ago with the intention to make a kingdom full of new or newish players which I did. I would say I have only come across 3 new players, who all have now quit. 

We are more bored of the game then broken, the same kingdoms still exist the same players dominate every map, the same cliques exist since I last player about 5 years before. The only difference is they have lost more then half their numbers. Zeta has not made a worthwhile contribution to adding new players. I am not trying to say he hasn't tried, but the fact is hes failed at getting new players or keeping the ones he already has is obvious for anyone who played long enough. Also the VU mobile absolutely sucks I can use it etc but it took so long to find a way around moving armies. I still cant cast magic. There needs to be something done about this for this game to improve, everything on earth can improve. I dont want to hear this caveman approach of if its not broken dont try and fix it. We need to improve it, the games not broken its just everything in life has to get better otherwise it gets left behind in ancient times. VU is from ancient times.

01:04:41 Jan 19th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Im prolly the one who most bashes this game. But VU is brilliant. There is no other mechanic that is even close to it.

The math is awesome, the curve for early, mid and late... its all amazing.

The problem is that is amateur.

It needs a team.

13:12:13 Jan 19th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

if uwer thinks VU needs a team, then i think we can assume that its fine the way it is

17:45:34 Jan 19th 18 - The Hostile:

Sure VU is great :) 

VU needs donations to thrive, so purchase them premo perks, buy a few bt or grab a title.

  drop those VU links everywhere, make a VU discord so we can invite friends from other games :P

18:48:47 Jan 19th 18 - King Justainius Fontainius XXXIIX:

We need to advertise more I think, I had never bought BT's and started the game as a child so decided once I was an adult to pay to get a custom account. Thank you for everything you have created Zeta the game is great and can improve by heaps too. 

19:10:15 Jan 19th 18 - Mr. Mullet Thc:

fuck it im drinkin now imma tell my shitty joke.

we should make T-shirts. that way we could have wet T-shirt contests

then the ultimate combo

19:59:17 Jan 19th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

ok go ahead, tell the joke

14:19:18 Jan 20th 18 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus The Inactive):

Well, something like this would probably help: 

Allies/enemies color, race/owner note. Various QoL improvements for a number of windows are also needed, I can provide a detailed list if needed (I wrote a script for this back when I was playing).

There's also the need to hide some information from the client-side code, as it can lead to cheating. It's possible to know various info about armies and cities just from the source code. Don't know if this has been addressed during my absence.

13:32:46 Jan 22nd 18 - Lord Caedus:

I hear you Zeta - I use the mobile version - but people will more likely stumble across this using the App store and therefore a string of constant players.

Not to mention that you'll probably gain extra revenue. 

16:21:24 Jan 22nd 18 - Woody (Lord Woody):

I, and a few others have been cawing for an app for years. Same reason as above, people finding the game and easyier to just click on an app. Really like the idea of coloured city names too. Would require formal relations being added but that also would be an improvement imho. 

18:31:20 Jan 22nd 18 - Mr. Uwer:

App store is the way. 

I go PC because Im from the 80s

19:45:47 Jan 22nd 18 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax And His Horse):

And I'm a firm PC-user. I'm from 1957.

I have a smartphone - but I'm not using it for anything smart........ Actual I don't like it.

21:45:59 Jan 22nd 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

If we add the game to the app store it will be buried deep, next to the daemons of Moria. Just like our Facebook app!
You only get free users from the app store if you are in the top, and I'm not pessimistic saying the we'll not be one of the top ten apps.

That said I do think the game should be fully playable on a mobile phone. So I'll happily receive ideas on how to improve the mobile version of the game. My plan was actually that everyone would use the mobile version as it also *works* on bigger screens. So I also want ideas on how to improve the *mobile* version for bigger screens. But currently I don't think you would be too happy if I disabled the PC version.
The reason I only want one version is because it's daunting to make all updates twice.

09:47:38 Jan 24th 18 - Lord Caedus:

I see what you're saying - the movement of armies on the mobile version can sometimes be a bit clunky in my opinion. 

I'm still an avid app fan for the survival of this game though - imagine the amount of people that would just quickly log in whilst on the toilet etc. :P But I seriously think we'll gain more players. However, it's probably a lot of work for a game that you're not making money off... but you never know, it might just be the next flappy bird! haha

12:59:41 Jan 24th 18 - Lord Reddragon Unlimited:

mobile version never worked for me, y only play pc. :(

16:42:20 Jan 25th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Still having the same fantasies that I become a billionaire and invest a millions into this game as I had when I was 13 (now 22).

01:07:22 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Beadlefinger:

suck my ballz

21:35:33 Feb 17th 18 - Mr. Bate Borisov:

Since this thread seems to be something close to a suggested improvements forum, I figured I'd share some of my not-so-positive views of the game in a sort of short review of my first close to four weeks playing this game. I'll highlight negatives over positives, not because I don't think there are any positives, but I don't see how just saying how good the game is will help change anything.

Cons On Starting Game -

- The lack of description as to what each race offers when you join the game. What I mean is, you make your account, type your details and have to immidietely select a race. I'm glad that I decided to make an account anyway, but I imagine there's a lot of people that would appreciate a brief pro/con description of the races and what they offer so that they can make an informed decision of what race to choose.

- The lack of a tutorial. I'm not saying this game is particuarly complicated. I'm lucky that I'm a quick learner but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have a brief tutorial. It could include a suggested start strategy for new players, what each resource does, how to get optimal productivity in a city, the basic military mechanics and so on. I think this is one of the only games I've gone to play which doesn't give you any indication of how to play other than pages and pages of dull, boring "Guides" to read through.

- The lack of description on the sciences. This really only applies to medicine and magic. What I mean is, if you look at magic, I was considering whether or not to upgrade it but it doesn't give you any indiction what upgrading it does. I finally found a forum and read up on magic and the new spell unlocks and so on, but why not make the game a bit more user-friendly and have links below to tell a new player what upgrading it does? I still have no idea what medicine does.

- A personal forum, I'll explain. So I've already dived into fighting some people and up till the last few days was kingdom-less. However it was quite frustrating that there was nowhere for me as a solo player to document anything. Anything being such as if I want to to add up and then record my attacking and defending points, notes for me to recap my progress for the next time I log on or the results of when I cast eye on the sky on somebody elses army. I know for some people they can just remember a lot of things, but it would be nice to have a facility for writing things down as a solo player.

As Time's Gone On -

- The lack of variety of city designs make the game less visual utopia and more a visual abyss. The massive human city in particular is quite visually unappealing.

- It would be nice as a solo player to be able to display a banner, just like a kingdom, without the need to form a kingdom. I quite enjoyed playing on my own, but it doesn't mean I want to be represented by a green square blob.

- The lack of community within the forums and in-game chat. I'm not sure why they're both so quiet, perhaps it's just because you all seem to know each other already and maybe you have your own out of game communicaiton methods, but it would be nice for someone joining the game, especially when you can't get in a kingdom, to chat to you all a bit more.

In Summary

The game itself is great, I enjoy the mechanics and finding out how bits work. I think that that game could just be a bit more user-friendly. A lot of my suggestions might seem trivial to someone that's been playing the game for ages but if you want new players to stay, I think you need to make it so that it's easy for them to find out how to play.

Perhaps some "how to play" videos, just an idea.

23:07:53 Feb 17th 18 - SockHer (Ms. Sockher Face):

Any chance you could hire someone zeta? Doubling your power should definitely generate more than double the revenue....

03:46:02 Feb 18th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

dear VU. I'm bored with the game now, so decided I am going to crash the servers while I play this years fifa. 

04:46:55 Feb 18th 18 - SockHer (Sir Socceratious):

you could help zeta, might be more productive

04:54:48 Feb 18th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

nah, bored with that too.

11:19:47 Feb 18th 18 - SockHer (Ms. Sockher Face):

What a benefit to society.

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