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Forums / The hangaround / Discord Server

Discord Server
02:16:17 Jan 22nd 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Prelate Rata):

Hi All,

For the last 4 eras CoZ has had a discord server that's been pretty lax. We've had some private channels, but many of our enemies were in the public ones(Shoutout to Sal & Peng)

Well, CoZ has disolved, we're all just a bit burnt out playing VU, so we removed all the private channels, rebranded the server as Generic VU and are keeping it going casually. We're talking different worlds, politics, hangaround, etc.

Courtesy of Percy, we also have a neat discord bot that does some cool stuff like show expected prep time & all sorts of stuff.

We would love for y'all to join us!

08:04:51 Jan 27th 21 - Exalted Knight Salamon:

come join us and enjoy the memes

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