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Forums / The hangaround / Dream Job

Dream Job
19:08:16 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Sharma:

I'm always interested in hearing what everyone would be doing if it was entirely up to them. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

Me? I would spend my time researching culture, society, and the nitty gritty (economics and politics) then build a case to overthrow the NWO.

19:27:50 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

I would (and hope to actually do someday) be a concept design artist for video games.

19:30:27 Jun 29th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

I would like to be able to do watever i wish at that time, i guess thats be filthly rich and not have to do anything. Just live life

21:09:29 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Sharma:

I guess the question is what would you consider "live life"? The filthy rich aspect is a given, everyone just has a different name for it; financial freedom, retirement, payoff etc.

21:25:43 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Dur:

I'd be a sucessful Doctor and retire early with a nice wife.

21:42:02 Jun 29th 11 - I am Legend:

I'd be a top fraudster. And hopefully not get caught.

21:46:07 Jun 29th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

live life - have enough to do as i please whenever i please. like if i wanna go bowling, i can, if i wanna ride in a limo i can, if i wanna punch Legend in the face and hit him in the head with a 2x4, i can.

17:45:49 Jul 1st 11 - Mr. Sharma:

Now thats just mean

18:00:09 Jul 1st 11 - I am Legend:

Yea thats mean you low..

I am going to do a drive by... With my full automatic shotgun.

And hopefully I will hit some surrounding people that you like/love :p

18:01:03 Jul 1st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

i can just get more, im "living life" remember ;)

18:10:59 Jul 1st 11 - Mr. Valkyros VI:

Well, I would be a professional soccer player since I was working towards that until I ended my career with a terrible knee injury.  Now hopefully I will make it into university for architecture!

22:33:48 Jul 1st 11 - Wolflord Karac:


11:09:34 Jul 9th 11 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

i wanna do a degree in mafia studies and also do a doctorate on the subject then apply to the italian mafia and work my way up being a fully qualified mobster...

11:49:37 Jul 9th 11 - Mr. Bran:

i want to be a sugar daddy for a local football team

03:49:27 Jul 10th 11 - Mr. Soul:

I want to be someone that makes a program that if someone hacks a server that the server will instantly hack back through the same network the guy used.

and be filthy rich so i can have all the time in the world to sent detectives out to find girls that fit with me so i dont need to search a lot (not like i am doing it now :P) and be successful with them all.

10:10:29 Jul 26th 11 - Chris (Sir Kronos The Inactive):


23:43:13 Jul 26th 11 - Mr. Samwise Gamgi:

a Gardener ;)

05:11:10 Jul 27th 11 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

In a fantasy setting? A simple farmboy with a good moral code. I'm almost guaranteed to become the savior of humanity and the slayer of some great demon or evil dragon.

05:15:14 Jul 27th 11 - Ms. Flame:

lol epic

17:01:58 Jul 27th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:

Doesnt matter what job as long as I could be close to Jill the same way that she is close to my heart.

18:24:22 Jul 27th 11 - Lady Wilb Bride Sry Binh:

Dream job? A pr0n star, an astronaut, a professional football player, a special agent (MI5 or MI6) amongst other things.

Job I'd like? To be a copper.

21:26:03 Jul 27th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

copper? Copper is a metal!

21:48:50 Jul 27th 11 - Lady Wilb Bride Sry Binh:

Policeman ;)

22:53:51 Jul 27th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

u mean pig?

22:55:23 Jul 27th 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

I want to work for Blizzard(;

00:38:54 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Stonefly:

the worlds most powerful man, thats right, David Letterman ;)

00:41:27 Jul 28th 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

nah, you must be talking about Chuck Norris(;

03:46:39 Jul 28th 11 - Lady Wilb Bride Sry Binh:

Nah, he means Arnie, surely. Or possibly Ronnie Coleman?

02:30:27 Jul 30th 11 - The Pitbull (Death Lord Draven):

Or that Senator Weiner guy :p yeah thats it Weiner!

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