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Forums / The hangaround / EU2#2 AAR

01:14:17 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

So here is whats happening.

03:54:51 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

Current map of Europe, as you can see there is not alot of countries left. If you want to join Hanseatic league is a possible choise and maybe Portugal.

03:55:58 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Vulover:

What game is this?

03:56:42 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

England - 1492 in the year of our lord.

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(theme song for my AAR)

Chapter one; building a nation.

England was in the year of 1492 a nation that could be decribed with one word; decent. It was a land of some promise, with a good position but with limited possibilitis. It was ruled by the somewhat competent Henry VII founder of the house of Tudor. His intrests were rather in developing england then in expansion, but war was forced upon him by the scotts. The Scotts where sure of the support of the french crown but were sadly mistaken. The french king had plans of his own involving the lands of the habsburg dynasty and wasnt about to get involved in a war he could not win with England. The war wasnt long and it ended with Scottland losing everything but their capital.

The reign of Henry VII was peacefull but for the war with Scottland and during this period the arts had a time to flourish in England as it was greatly supported by the monarch who had constructed three Fine arts academys. Scottland was annexed six years later by Norfolk who had been in charge of the English army in the first war.

Chapter two: A new king, an italian man, and a new dream.

Two people of great influence took England in a new way during this time; the venetian John Cabot and its (England's) next king Henry VIII. Cabot (Giovani Cabboto) was an explorer who came from Venice to England and was awarded the right and means to explore the world under the english flag. He discoverd Newfoundland and Labrador in 1497. The first English colony was founded in Newfoundland and became a base from where wider explorations were made. While further colonisations where made more fine art academys where constructed until reforms to allow a faster colonisation was made and the money where invested in America instead.

Henry VIII was reformist who broke with the pope creating the church of England, he was also a sex adict but thats another story. Only 4 or 5 provinces converted naturally to protestantism when the reformation came, and after the decision to break with the pope Henry converted the rest of England and english America leaving only Kent and Calais.

Chapter three: Edvard VI's aftermath

Since the time of Henry VII england has grown, but is in a rather weak position compared to the other major nations, and the colonisation has been slowing down due to a total lack of explorers. A continued expansion at the current rate just isnt enough so there will either have to be reforms and bloody battles over the lucrative markets or England will fade away in mediocracy.

Current state of Britania:

04:01:58 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I haven't found America yet :/

I think I should get the whole thing sense I am the only American playing the game right now!

btw, Im God.

P.S. Don't be Hannesenic League or however you spell it.

05:16:10 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I don't like this game....I downloaded and installed it, but then the screen just went black after I ran it and it played this movie/cinematic thing :(
So much wasted effort :(

10:45:07 Dec 28th 07 - Lord Senturu The Bugabuser:

This game is awesome. where's you get it from?

Frederick Helped me get it, cuz was a lil bit weird to me that week. :P

15:16:15 Dec 28th 07 - Ms. Minge:


Hail, Emperor Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Aragorn, King of Castille and Leon, Archduke of Austria, Titular Duke of Burgundy, Ruler of the Burgundian Circle, Prince of Goa, King of all New Spain.

1492: A New Beginning; A New Empire.

The game started out rather slowly. Too slow in fact, but Sweden (Osiris) was adamant on the setting be set to low for him to be able to take some minor Danish provinces, which we never heard the end of through constant chat-messages. In the meantime, I dealt with 4 rebellions on the mainland, vassalised Navarre and Portugal, and underwent explorations of the Americas.

Honouring the age old tradition of the Spanish-Swedish alliance, I endeavoured to look out for all-Swedish themed interests, offering my wisdom and counsel to Osiris at every opportunity where it was deemed to be needed, in particular with regards to the rapid and hostile expansion from Muscovy (later, Russia). Sweden however seemed to be more interested in paying compliments to Russia at every opportunity, evidently a mild form of appeasement.

My exploration of the Americas was slower than I had anticipated. I moved up through the Caribbean and onto Central America to establish new colonies, from which a launching pad was to be made, and used to attack the native, primitive tribes that inhabited the area.

My initial expeditions ended with disaster, 10's of thousands of men perished against the hordes of Aztec warriors. Only with the arrival of Cortez, and several other Conquistadors, did my Spanish infantry conquer Tenochititlán and establish New Spain in my honour, expanding south and into South America, fighting an even battle against the Inca Empire before a peace resolution was made in my favour.

It was at this time, that England (Ghouma) privately convened with me on the American question, to which end we planned to divide the continent into two, and possibly three spheres of influence. I would be allowed Texas and everything south of it, Ghouma everything north, and should Ghouma need to appease France (Frederick), he would give them Canada. I honoured the agreement.

Such formalities quickly turned sour, however. On the mainland continent, France had established two wealthy Centres of Trades of its own and was controlling both, after it had made a rapid war with Austria (Might) and gained substantial territories. With the addition of New Spain to the Spanish Empire, my own CoT quickly became the wealthiest of all in Central Europe, and it garnered the interest of all nearby nations. French greed quickly spilt over the borders, as their traders rushed into my CoT, attempting to reap all the profit and plunder that had seeped out of the Aztec Empire. Faced with my own peasants being unable to provide bread for their own tables, as filthy rich French traders robbed them of their assets, I intervened and imposed an embargo on the French, forcing them out of my cities and back across the Pyrenees. Frederick didn't look too kindly upon this and demanded he be given access again. I refused, to which end, he immediately amassed two rather mediocre 20,000 men armies on my border, demanding vocally in front of all nations that I return access to him, while privately and more subtly suggesting that it was a ruse and he wasn't interested in war at all. I wasn't phased, either way.

Having traversed the Cape of Good Hope with my explorers, I made my way up around Africa, past the Arab states, and onto India, where I established a colony at Goa. The inhabitants, already with the good grace and love for the one true God in their hearts, and adherents to the Catholic church, welcomed my entrepreneurs. Within a matter of weeks though this had attracted the attention of the pagan Ottomans (Love), who demanded I remove myself from what he claimed to be henceforth as his "Sphere". I ignored the demands, fortified the colony and conscripted nearby troops to invade local tribes and seize control of the area. This backfired on me however, when 60,000 natives started to siege Goa after I had invaded a nearby province with 18,000 infantry, and so I was forced to sign a favourable peace with the Indian tribes after the 60,000 were resoundingly beaten, and retired to my fortress. In the meantime, the Ottomans expanded through India and took control of provinces bordering Goa as a means of threatening my fledgling outpost on the Indian Ocean.

Elsewhere, the rival continental powers banded together to assert pressure on my domain. England pulled a stunt akin to that of France's, probably with the intent of gaining a cassus beli -- Ghouma attempted to gain control of my CoT and I was forced to embargo him too, to retain my hard-fought earned profits. The Ottoman Empire, France and England from there on voiced their opinions in favour of one another when any issue was raised with me.

It was the late 30's/early 40's when any sign of war really looked imminent for myself, though. France tried their luck at trying to gain a bargaining chip with me over the trade issue by colonising portions of the coast along Texas, to which end I demanded he step down under threat of war. England and OE quickly voiced their support for France and I, citing the agreement that I had made with England over the Americas, continued to stress the importance of France standing down. Rather than forcing a war over small colonies though, I endeavoured to contain the French expansion for a lower cost of life. I managed to colonise around the French expansions, forcing any further expansion by them to halt. Thus, France was left isolated and surrounded by New Spain.

Thus, ends the story so far.

16:15:59 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I got it from Piratebay lol :p
I dunno why it didn't work...I did everything! Then, it just doesn't work! No pop-up or anything :(
Could someone pppplllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee help me get this game?

17:25:50 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

You guys were mean to me :/ I didn't get to explore or anything cause I had to go through you all! You all surrounded me :(

17:48:00 Dec 28th 07 - Ms. Minge:

Austria is never meant to explore overseas. It's meant to explore central europe. With armies. ;)

13:20:05 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Love:

I had a dream that someone was sending pirates to the persian gulf. I think it was Spain.

I shall return with an AAR before the game tonight i hope!

14:31:05 Dec 29th 07 - Ms. Minge:

I didn't send any pirates to the persian gulf. Although I did have somebody send pirates to me in the caribbean to try knock some ships out I think, and it happened somewhere closer to home aswell IIRC.

16:11:33 Dec 29th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

1492-1548 Sweden is born


Sweden quickly broke its vassilisation with Denmark and entered into a royal marriage with the Tsar of muscovys daughter to cement the peace.

            Denmark did not take this too well and quickly declared war on the fledgling Sweden.


After a series of battles Sweden was victorious claiming many provinces from the now weak Denmark.




After ten years of building up its infrastructure and armed forces Sweden once again entered war with Denmark, This time Sweden’s victory was swift capturing Denmark’s Trade centre and forcing them to a humiliating vassilisation.




Many years passed since that defeat and Denmark grew stronger. Sweden converted to the one true faith while Denmark refused and worshiped the pope.

            Denmark finally saw the light and was annexed by the mighty Swedes once again unifying Scandinavia for the most part.    


Sweden went on a rampage with its new troops invading and subduing the Hanseatic league and conquering Holstein.


And thus the story ends for now.


Sweden circa 1548


18:55:08 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

im 50% away from getting this game and destroying you all

02:17:28 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

This is how Europe currently looks!

02:54:56 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I have a lot more but you guys heven't found it yet :D

Also everysingle war out there has been against me!

France vs Austria Round 1

France vs Austria Round 2

France(Peaced) Spain vs Austria

Russia vs Austria (Not really a war)

Sweden Vs Austria

And in every single one of those wars I was fighting 4 or 5 computer countrys.

Swifty <3

03:28:37 Dec 30th 07 - Ms. Minge:

I don't have any pics for this one, mainly because I didn't save the game so can't go back to take screenshots. Oh well. I have a lot to talk about anyway, probably to Fredericks intense dislike.  =P

Hail, Emperor Phillip IV, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Aragon, King of Castile and Leon, Archduke of Austria, Titular Duke of Burgundy, Ruler of the Burgundian Circle, Prince of Goa, King of all New Spain.

1580: A Tale continuining; A Tale of Treachery.

Barely 8 years had gone by before the Spanish Empire found itself with enemies conspiring at all sides, and a war of global proportions on its hands. Little did the Spaniard's enemies know though, was that the Spanish Empire was much more resilient than they had expected. Spaniard metal, mind and muscle would be an example for all to follow.

Towards the end of the first session, Austria had been in a fragile position with enemies on all sides. The Russians were rapidly expanding in all directions, the Ottomans were historically great adversaries of the Austrians, Sweden was demanding the Hanseatic league be left alone under the threat of war, and France, Austria's neighbour, had already warred and beaten Austria convincingly before. Such was the predicament for Austria, that many thought it would quickly crumble under the pressure.

Spain, however, extended a hand of friendship to the fledgling Austrians. Spain was already in a royal marriage with Austria, after Austria had requested it several years before, and being able to see each others forces and cities, they knew of each others strengths, and weaknesses. Convening with the Austrians in private, Spain offered the Austrians financial support in any war, should Austria be attacked. The hand of friendship wasn't reciprocated, however, and Austria snubbed the offer, thinking it's 600k-man strong armed forces to be any deterrent to its enemies. He was foolish. As big as his armed forces were, they were tactically, and most importantly, technologically inferior to the Spaniards, and most other European powers.

During the talks, Austria begun acting strangely. When Emperor Might of Austria-Hungary threw about an aimless "Spain is offering me money if I get attacked" comment to me, I grew cautious. It seemed evident that Austria was talking behind my back to another power, and was informing them of my attempts to support Austria's cause. I confronted Austria and they denied any wrongdoing, or any betrayal of trust. Might said he was talking in third person to me, despite having already turned down the deal. So, I went on my way. I continued colonising America and expanding my empire, when 8 years passed. 1688 came, and was a year like no other.

1688 was the year the war of gigantic proportions was flung upon me, the year I had my eyes set abroad and was minding my own business, ignoring the internal disputes of continental Europe. France, my old enemy, in a coalition with Austria, had been secretly planning the war in advance without my knowledge of it. The years preceding the war, Frederick, the French king, had been bragging that he could beat my Spain on its own. Little did I know, he really was preparing for war in that time, and with Austrian spies, they were able to witness my full military strength. Austria, breaking the royal marriage, declared war at a sychronised time with France. France demanded the 2 provinces bordering France, Austria demanded he be given Venice, Milan, Tyrol, and the two southern Italian provinces. 7 provinces in total. I objected to the demands fearing they were asking for too much in a war so lop-sided, the rest of the European powers -- The Ottomans in particular, said it was a fair request for the Axis to make. War was on.

The first year of the campaign was poor for me. I had already spent my income on infrastructure, and war was declared in summer, so for the initial year I had very few troops stationed in Iberia. 80k in total in my Spanish Home Guard stationed in Portugal, versus a French number nearly double that. On the Italian peninsular I had even less, maybe 40k infantry in total. But I had my own trump cards to play: a gigantic fleet was stationed along the Italian coast at Venice. Venice, being an island city, was not takable without a flotilla to support the troops, and it is the Gem in the Italian peninsular. So long as I held the straits into Venice, Venice would hold. Abroad, the French possessions in Texas were quickly confiscated by my troops. The few French troops stationed there were beaten, and America was secured very early in the war. I could then focus on the home front entirely with all my resources, come the following January.

The home front was initially, as I said, poor. France invaded and started sieging two of my provinces. I could defeat one of their armies and push them across the border, but without reinforcements the 2nd army was too much, and so I was forced to hold back after a minor defeat. In the meantime, Frederick sent a small army into my Spanish heartland, pillaging as he went, until I caught and destroyed the army. In Italy, I was forced to retreat to the haven of Venice until the new year, while Austria took 3 of my provinces outright and prepared a fourth. The New Year then came.

In the New Year, the Year of our Lord, where the Grace of God shone upon the Spanish favourably instead of the renegade Catholics, the tables were turned. The superior industrial might of the Spanish Empire swung into action. Over 400,000 men were conscripted to the grand armies of Venice and Castile, whence they set out. The Venician garrison resieged the lost provinces and won them back, the Castile garrisons split into two and headed north to the border. France and Austria were getting worried. A combined Franco-Austrian army was massacred near the border of France, and the Austrians in southern Italy, fearing my Venetian infantry, assaulted my remaining city in fear with ladders, for heavy losses. A brave defence from the citizens held off the marauders, and in the following month a 30,000 strong army from Sicily drove them out completely, pushing the Austrians onto the defensive. The French begun to lose their overseas possessions elsewhere: I embarked from the Caribbean, taking out an outpost, and also took over a south African trading outpost to cut their exports down. A combined Austro-Franco fleet wasn't able to beat my own at the Venician harbour, and the war was clearly in my favour now. With it stunting all our growths, I embarked on an early conclusion, and demanded terms in my favour. France was happy to agree, Austria, being stubborn and wanting to save his pride, was not. I concluded a separate peace with France -- he would retain all continental possessions, I would seize control of the much-argued over Texan provinces -- consolidating my control there for good. Frederick privately convened with me, saying how he was taken aback by the ferocity of the Spanish resistence. It took a few more years of war with Austria, and a sieging of their very own capital, before he too succumbed to the peace table and willingly handed over control of Steiermark to me. This proved to be a wise move and deterrent for any future Austrian aggression, as Steirermark bordered his capital city. Total victory was mine.

With the war finished, I needed to recover. Spain had no interest in any future continental fights this session, knowing too well how they could stunt any countries growth considerably. I continued my path of colonisation, cities sprung up throughout America and brought in much wealth. I expanded greatly through trade, seizing many monopolies, which even brought me close to conflict. The Delhi market, owned by the Ottomans, was the richest in the known world, and it was fiercely contested by myself and the Turks. The Turks were already cautious of my presence at Goa, and when I expanded further into India through annexation of a tribe that the Ottomans had surrounded, it was used as a pretext to embargo me from their Delhi market. This was a huge price for the Ottomans to pay, however. Their greed emptied the market dry of competition -- with no competition, traders went elsewhere, and eventually the Delhi market disappeared and the proceeds went instead to my neighbouring province. The province that I had captured, and caused the embargo in the first place. The Ottomans were furious.

As Sweden and Russia double teamed England, I was aware of its need for assistance but was reluctant to get involved in yet another war. Urging the other countries on, France eventually joined in on the conflict to assist the English. This left me with room to manoeuvre elsewhere, feeling confident there was a balance in Europe once more, without having to sacrifice the lives of any more Spaniards at home. I established myself in the Philippines and set up luxurious outposts, from which I was able to launch attacks on the Chinese. They quickly capitulated, giving me wealthy ports to further my economic might. As the session drew to a close, my position could not look much stronger. The Papal States were annexed, leaving me with the majority of Italy in my hands. Spain was retained after the gruelling, yet resoundingly victorious Austro/Franco-Spanish war, the American assets were secured insofar, that the deal that I had made with England in the previous session was pretty much on target. The Goa outpost remained and was fortified, making a bastion in the Asian hemisphere and a constant thorn in the Ottomans side, and now I held provinces elsewhere. Spanish trade was still going strong despite the disappearance of the Iberian market, and the formation of wealthier Caribbean, American and Asian markets under Spanish control, and through technological advances, the Spanish were in many respects at this stage, pioneers and one of, if not already, the leading nation.

And so ends this session from the Spanish perspective.

12:30:46 Dec 30th 07 - Sir Spoon:

Due to circumstances the king of France, Frederick, had to leave. This is where. Spoon took over. I started as China so can not describe what happened before I was France, but it probably was something in the nature of this.

Vive la France!

Le grande war with Spain.
In the year of 1580 the mighty France, colonial and european power became confident. They were settled nicely in the texan provinces, they quite some outposts, but the expansion didn't go fast enough! The French king his eye fell on the Spain provinces of Roussilon, and former Navarran province Béarn. After preparing a bit, he discussed this with Austria, who had just lost their Italian belongings due to an event. King Might of Austria in all his anger came to an agreement together with France. They would declare war together upon Spain, and get the provinces they demanded. King Might was royal married to Spain, so with this intelligence they'd surely win, no?

Once the time came, they declared war, this in the same month. King Swifty of Spain didn't expect this clearly, as there was little resistance the first few months. Béarn and Roussilon were sieged soon, as they were both bordering the French lands. One army got beaten back, but resistance is futile, and the second stood ground.
In the colonies however, it didn't go this good. Spain sieged two texan provinces owned by France, and took over a small outpost. That would be fixed later on.

Spain however managed to pull out huge armies the next year, pushing France back in it's homeland, where the borders were both heavily guarded. This wouldn't get anywhere.

Austria's war didn't go so well anymore this year either. After having lost several sieged outposts again, France decided it was best to agree upon Spain's demands. The two texan provinces were handed over to Spain.

The two former French provinces Rio Grande and Matagorda.

The time of economic rebuild.
After a lost war, France was hurt. Their economy was falling behind, so alot was invested in the trade and infrastructure, while their advanced military was still superior to most of the European countries. New manufactories were build at a rapid rate, while some new colonies were found in Indonesia.
Trading income was probably below average, Sweden and Spain dominated the European markets, and the Indian market was still hidden for us, kept by the Ottomans. The French will to expand however once took over the mind of the king. A few states were annexed, but the king was not satisfied.

War with Austria
The provinces of Brabant, Alsace and Luxembourg were demanded by France. The ministry of France has found out that those provinces would be happy to live under the French flag. War was declared, and soon the border provinces of Austria were sieged. A couple thousand men died this first war of the two, no provinces were taken by the peace deal, thanks to a lame ally of France, who offered white peace(?).

Five years of colonizing later France decided those provinces still belonged to him. Once again war was the solution. This war began pretty even, France had to take on rebels in Flandern, who kept coming due to an event, siege the Dutch provinces and stand against the Austrian armies, and try to advance into Austrian territory. Thanks to nasty politics driven by the Papal States, France was unable ot claim Luxembourg, Alsace and Brabant, eventhough the war was clearly won. Thus Mainz and Baden were both added to the French realm, two provinces who both became crucial later on.

Clearly shows the French shield on the provinces that were claimed.

A few years later, Sweden went to war with Austria, and claimed the provinces of former Brandenburg. France now promised to help Austria in their future defensive wars, along with England.

The Time till the great war
After this war, another period of rebuilding was needed. Another manufactory was build in the land won from Austria, and the expanding of Indonesia went on. In the far west, in America, France also managed to get three provinces on the mainland.

American Colonies

In the Caribbean there were also very little colonies owned by France. There were too many powers that were trying to get as much colonies as possible. Damn the French lack of colonists! England and Spain were both capable of sending atleast twice the amount of settlers to distant areas, so the leftovers were for France.

Then Sweden went to war with England, and soon it became clear that Sweden had a much better navie, so England surrendered and accepted the demands that Sweden would get to see their world map, and get Calais. France was not pleased, but remained silent. Another country trying to grab land would leave almost nothing of that what was not yet colonized.

The Great War
Five years later, war broke out again. England gave up soon again, and this time three provinces near the French establishment in America were turned Swedish. France did not like this at all, and started planning a war against Sweden, to take Calais and the three former English provinces now Swedish.

After five years, it seemed that Sweden declared again upon England. This was the perfect oppertunity for France to join the war. But then Russia delared war upon England aswell, for business in China it seemed. After a hassle France declared war on Sweden, and set a trade embargo, which cut Sweden out of 4(?) Centers of Trade. France soon took over Calais, and tried to get access to Sweden through either Austria or Hessen. Both denied, so France was now stuck.

That's when England came with an impressive 800+ ships fleet.
France quickly discussed with England, and they decided to try a landing on Swedish grounds. With a combined fleet of England and France (France wasn't very powerfull as a navy, but still =P) and about 100k troops, they went to try their luck. A landing on Bremen soon was the case. But in no time Sweden gathered a 120k army, which beat the English/French army.

Then France went defensive, as Sweden DID have access through Hessen to the French province of Mainz. He had to cross a river and fight a superiour leader, which failed each of his attempts. France had clearly won this war, and claimed Calais, and a white peace between Sweden - England.
England still had to fight Russia, which ended in a white peace aswell.

This is how France looked like in Europe at the end :)

13:31:06 Dec 30th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

The Swedish Chronicles 1580-1654



The year 1580 began with the Swedish war machine becoming restless. A time of great warring had begun. The Hanseatic League was its first victim.


The first Swede-Han War.


With lightning speed the Swedish army tore through the Hanseatic League, Attacking from Holstein the Han Army was quickly subdued and then crushed, The Swedish demands were simple. Bremen, Vor Pommen and Hinterpommen. These were quickly surrendered and the Capital of the Hanseatic was cut off from its remaining provinces.


The Hanseatic League was quickly attacked by Russia leaving it only a handful of provinces and its capital. But they would not keep them for long.


After the lightning war with the Hanseatic League the Swedish King laid his eyes upon the minnow of Hanover, with a few cash payments and a royal marriage Sweden invited Hanover to join forces with them, they were quickly Vasslilised.

            The King then turned his eyes on Hessen and again a few cash payments and a royal marriage was enough to tempt them into an alliance and later Vassilisation.


            The first Invasion of Brandenburg.


Austria had moved quickly to cut Brandenburg lands down to only its capital and neighbouring province, The Great King of Sweden saw this and acted swiftly, sending the now veteran army of Sweden the invasion of Brandenburg was ruthless and quick. Brandenburg surrendered without a fight and the province of Sachsen was added to our glorious empire


Sweden looked for a period of economic growth after this war Annexing Hanover and sending its merchants to every trade centre in the land. After most of the European Trade centres were Swedish dominated they looked towards improving the Swedish army and navy, this move would later be critical.



The Austrian Dogs used this time to annex the state of Brandenburg from under our noses leaving a Swedish haven of light totally surrounded by Austrian Heretics.

            The last laugh was to be Sweden’s however as Brandenburg rebelled and declared independence from Austria; Austria quickly declared war and took to seizing the lowly state now called Brandenburg.

The Swedish king was cunning, seeing that Austria had poor generals he quickly declared war on Brandenburg and sent his best general to steal the siege from Austria.

            This move was successful and Brandenburg joined our mighty empire via annexation.


            The Austro-Swede war


The Swedish thirst for the German provinces couldn’t be contained; in its first war with a Major power Sweden massed hundreds of thousands of troops along the Austria border. Austria apparently unaware of this did nothing.

            When the Swedish generals had perfected there plans they attacked with force and speed.

The Targets were the provinces of Brandenburg and Magdeburg, these were quickly conquered and the pathetic Austrian army defeated. This led to Austria surrendering within months of the start of the war.


The Second Swede-Han war


The Hanseatic League was now a lowly one province nation.

Sweden declared war and quickly overran the Han. Annexation was quick and the only real option and so ended the history of the Hanseatic League


The Great Empire of Sweden after its first major war:




England and France then guaranteed the Austrian borders cutting off any more Swedish expansion; The King swore on that day that revenge would be his. If he couldn’t have Europe he would take the world.



The Quest for the new World


The Quest for the new world began at home. With the construction of a 250 strong navy. The Swedish navy is the best trained in the world and a wonder to behold.

            With the navy ready and General Gustav the conquest of a new world could begin. There was only one problem; Sweden could not see the new world. The king decided to kill two birds with one stone and avenge the English guarantee of Austria.


The First Anglo-Swede War


Sweden declared war on the hated English with a simple demand. Give us your maps of the world and Calais or London will burn. The English quickly saw the futility of fighting the awesome Swedish armada quickly capitulated and Calais and the maps were ours.


The aftermath of this was that Swedish traders went global even trading in the hot Barbados trade centre.  The ease of this victory did not go unnoticed by the king and so we went for round two.


The Second Anglo-Swede War


Once again our claims were simple give us New Foundland or else. The English navy was quickly defeated and the Swedish army launched an amphibious attack on London. With London is Swedish hands the English surrendered New Foundland to Sweden.


Sweden was shocked with the ease of the victories over Austria an twice over England and there heads began to swell.


The Third Anglo-Swede + Russia and France War


Sweden again declared war upon the English in an effort to seize Canada from them. Russia saw this as a golden opportunity to take control of English possessions on the eastern side of the world.


What Sweden didn’t anticipate was the fear of the Spanish. Spain fearing conquest of its colonies by Sweden decided someone had to intervene. Being Spanish they were too cowardly to do it themselves so they pushed France into doing it for them.


The English had used the time well and had gained a giant navy of 1000 ships. The Swedish had captured two thirds of English Canada but with the giant English navy around we could not send reinforcements and so lost our gains and Newfoundland.


            The English destroyed the Swedish armada and ended the war at sea.

France and Sweden had numerous battles but the French generals proved tough to beat. With Russia ducats however the Swedish army went into over drive. France and England both failed in there attempts to land troops on the mainland and were driven into the sea. With 200,000 Swedish infantry standing by to defend the mainland a peace was inevitable. A white peace was signed with England and we surrendered Calais to France.


The Swedish generals were disappointed to lose Calais but the wise king pointed out that we had gained Calais and Newfoundland from the English, we still had Newfoundland so over the course of the three wars we had lost nothing but gained access to the world and its trade centres and a base from which we could colonise northern Canada.


Swedish colonial Territories:


21:04:21 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

That all happened after I left because they were forced to have some other kind of enemy. Swifty, by the way I never told anyone of our little transactions. All those wars against me in a 1 year period so that kinda sucked.

14:34:21 Jan 8th 08 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

updates pl0x :)

19:39:16 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

I want an ottoman AAR!!!

10:39:59 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Saladin Alsoltan Alnaser:

wow you people really belive yourselves , grow up

12:44:02 Jan 9th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

we belive ourselves? are you on drugs or just a vu nub gone mad?

13:49:21 Jan 9th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

The Swedish Chronicles 1654-1703


After the many wars in the years gone by Sweden turned its head towards expansion in the Americas.


            The Swedish King demanded that Canada be turned blue with the forces of Sweden as the spearhead.


The City of Caniapiscau was founded in the year of our lord 1670.


Flocks of patriotic Swedes set said for the new world to further expand the Swedish empire. The end result was cities in northern Canada being founded left right and centre.






As the rust of migrants slowed the King looked once more to central Europe.

            What he saw was a revitalised Austria. The Austrian economy grew and grew, this and the Franco-Austrian alliance made the king wary.

            A massive fortification of the German provinces began, Following the example of the Turks Brandenburg was surrounded by a mighty fortress while all other provinces facing the alliance are protected by large forts.


The fourth Anglo-Swede War


After the Swedish armada was sunk in the previous war a massive fleet was started. By the time Sweden went to war with England the Swedish armada stood at a colossal 1000 ships of the line.


Then the war came Sweden landed a massive force of 150 thousand Swedes in London and quickly assaulted.

            With surprising speed the south of England fell completely under the control of Sweden, but England had a surprise in the form of Marlborough’s army.

            The Swedish troops were forced back into the sea and the south of England was liberated.


            The war in North America also swung towards England as Austria granted England military access  but denied it to the Swedes effectively making it a defensive war.


            However all is not lost as The Swedish fleet was grew once more it attacked and beat the English fleet off the shores of Sweden.


Only time will tell what will happen in this war.

22:13:16 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

VIVE LA PRANCE! 1703-1705(sumthink)

So I took over a poorly fortified but wealthy france. People where talking alot and keeping the game paused. So I revoked the royal marriage I had with Spain and trained 400 men. A few month later they invaded. Our invasion of iberia backfired but we now controll large parts of italy and Russia is coming down to help keel these renegade Spanifarts.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

22:34:40 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Messiah played with you guys?

23:15:08 Jan 9th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

spoon couldnt sub so we needed a sub sub

01:54:10 Jan 10th 08 - Ms. Minge:


Hail, Emperor Phillip V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Aragon, King of Castile and Leon, Archduke of Austria, Titular Duke of Burgundy, Ruler of the Burgundian Circle, Prince of Goa, Ruler of Southern China, King of all New Spain.

1703: Treachery afoot, once more.

This session would prove to be the shortest of all, barely spanning 3 years, but arguably the most warlike of all. With the turn of the Eighteenth Century, fear and rumours spread across Europe, and indeed, the World, of coalitions and alliances being formed, each with different objectives and all vying for power. Emperor Phillip V the Bold was not phased by such petty rivalries, and was more interested in the promotion of peace.

France, who had in effect been ruled by Spoon for the past couple centuries as Steward of France in Frederick's stead, had grown an amiacable relationship towards Spain in this time. The French King Frederick as you all will remember, had declared war on Spain with Austria in the war of 1580 and was resoundingly beaten and forced to hand over control of the Texan provinces, in addition to Austria's Steiermark. Frederick, was unable however, for whatever reason there may be, to sign the peace treaty with the Spanish Emperor, and so Steward Spoon had since then ruled decisively and strongly as effective leader of the French in Fredericks absence.

France had been warring overseas against other powers, and to that end Spain had observed and maintained a policy of neutrality. It wouldn't interfere in France's wars, nor would it in this time go to any lengths to initiate one with it when France's back was turned. So strong was the bond, that Spain and France intermarried and established a Royal Marriage, solidifying any relations. This, however, changed, when Spoon was usurped by the tyrannical Augh for the 1703 session.

With the dawning of 1703, France, under Augh's leadership, promptly ended the Royal Marriage with Spain (just as Might had done as Austria, 1 and a half centuries ago), without warning, and underwent a rapid mobilisation that it aimed to hide, which I none the less noticed. Reminding Augh of France's obligations to the neutrality pact, I sent out several envoys to France -- again with no reply. Finally, requesting knowledge of his intentions, it became evident to me there would be no turning back on France's part. War was imminent, just as the Turks had forewarned in the game lobby before the session started. Mimicking the French mobilisation, the Iberian and Italian armed forces rolled into action, awaiting an invasion. By 1703, war came, but from the unlikeliest of places.

Tobler, the Russian Tsar, declared war and demanded the 5 Chinese provinces under Spanish control be given to him. Caught unaware, the Chinese garrisons were understrenghed and had only 35,000-40,000 men on duty at maximum. In tandem, a declaration of war from France was received and a 100,000 strong French army poured over the Pyranees into Béarn. Once again Spain found itself at war in a war of cataclysmic proportions, a struggle for survival. Soon after, French troops poured across the Alps and into the northern Italy, aided by Russian troops who had been granted access by the Austrians some time before.

The war, like the one in 1580, didn't start so well for Spain. In both instances it was caught unaware in a 2v1 planned manoeuver, and didn't have the neccessary troops on hand to deal with all three fronts accordingly at first. In Iberia, the French camped outside Béarn, trying to wrench our grip from the border city, while in Italy French troops poured down, before being checked by Spanish cavalry outside Rome. In China, Spanish resistence faltered. Outmanned, they could do little but hope to hold on for reinforcements later.

As the war drew on, the French armies in Iberia and on the French border were shattered by a number of battles in sequence, which sent them reeling back into France. The Spanish had successfully dispelled the invading marauders and begun a retalliatory campaign in France. In Italy, the French troops had moderate successes in beating off the Spanish defenders with Russian assistance, and made use of their superiority in numbers for the time being, while in China the garrisons were quickly over-run by the scavenging Russians.

With the war still fresh, and the session ending prematurely,  who knows where it'll lead, or who will lead should Spoon recover control of his kingdom and overthrow Augh.

The French campaign as it currently stands. Note: the discontent in the French capital, Paris. They seem to be very unhappy at the aggressive tactics and the way the war has progressed!

The Italian campaign. The French and Russian armies work in tandem to try bring down the Spanish.

The Chinese campaign. A Russian surprise attack took the Spanish defenders offguard, when focus was turned to the homeland.

16:54:55 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Ghouma:

England - An era of some expansion, some war and tons of mediocracy.

Chapter four: English expansion in the new world and other new worlds.

We continued our focus in the west creating a new England, there was plenty of land but lacking in the richness that could be found in the colonys of Spain or the lands in the far east. Our traders demanded better markets with such preassure that the King was forced to take a break in expanding in new England to desperatly claiming the last rich provinces in the Carribean. Three provinces was claimed by England, and rumours of great richness in the east combined with the succes of the establishment in the carribean made the proposed explorations eastwards accepteble even if very expensive, colonys along the route would have to be constructed but never the less it would be done. Explorations began along the African coast and a colony was established on the soutern coast of west africa, another near newly found Spanish possitions in South Africa, and two more on islands in the Indian Ocean. We also created a small colony in India where the Ottomans had established themself aswell as Spain. Later we came to some ilands we called Indonesia and we began building colonys and where soon joined by the Spanish and French. The Ottomans had notcied the new English arivers and we made a deal, they let us keep the indian colony aslong as we stayed out of Indochina and they out of Indonesia. The english traders was disapointed with the succes in Indonesia and wanted more, and as we were established enough to send expeditions the king accepted their demands of expansion and a navy was built in england to send the English army to the pacific Ocean. The target decided was a large Island called Nippon by its inhabitants, they were no match for the English army and the Island was soon British. This wasnt enough, so another expedition was sent to china, but it ended in a fiasco because the chineese goverment fell and we stood without any gains, at another war the same thing happend but we got one province that time.

Chapter five: Surprise and dismay.

Even though the English expansion was small compared to that of the Spanish kingdom, Ottoman Empire and Russian empire some where jelous. Seeing that England was the only country weak enough to attack war soon came to England. We had nearly had no contact at all with the Swedish kingdom and the attack was not anticipated. Had not the english people trusted the English king in protecting them? When the attack came the English navy proudly sailed out to crush the navy of the invaders! Oh how dismayed was not the people when the navy was completly crushed, who could have anticipated that the navy of the nation whos soul was the sea defeated! The nation was horrified and the king was terrified of the nation. The Swedish demands for the English maps, wich were the most extensive maps in the world and for the Last continental English province, Calais was accepted. What had gone bad? Why wasnt the king prepared? The Swedish army and navy had been superior, the king now orderd the research of naval technology and everything went back to normal but the people where still in a state of shock and gone where the love of Royaltys. The next five years passed fast and the king had seemingly forgot about the Swedes in the same pace as the Swedish arrogance had grewn. The Swedes attacked again this time with the outrageous demand of the oldest English colony in America, New foundland. Seeing that both the navy and army was no match for the Swedes the king surrenderd. And the English people surrenderd their spirit with him.

Chapter six: End of royalty and great victory.

Resentment of the king grow strong in the following years, instead of shock the people was angry that the king could not defend the nation. The king desperetly tried to change the nation into a jingoistic frenzy directed at the swedes instead of having it directed at failed. Although investments into the navy continued the swedes were far superior. The swedish leader Del now fancied himself a God, full off arrogance after gaining a large part of the English american colony and backed with money from the new markets he got acces to with English maps he attacked England a third time this time demanding a large part of canada. This time also the Russians had enterd the war on the swedish side striking the English possesions in China and sending greats amounts of money to Sweden.  The English king panicked when the Swedish navy landed an army in the south and wanted to surrender, but rebells led by Oliver Cromwell revolted and took power and a civil war broke out in the middle of the swedish invasion of the mainland. The royaltys where defeated, the king executed and cromwell comisioned many ships to be built expanding the English navy that had been somewhat improved during the last years of peace. The English army was expanded aswell and marched south to meet with the Swedish invasion. The whole world expected another quick defeat of England but the Swedish army was defeated and utterly crushed. As this was done the new English navy of an astonishing 100 warships and 900 galleys moved out to meet with the Swedish navy and the Swedes were beaten both at land and in sea.

The shock had not settled before the French joined us in the battle with the swedish agressors, after an extensive war campaign Calais was sceded to France and there was peace again. Sweden was greatly humbled. Russia remained at war and where scared of the succes the of the Englishmen. A great navy was sent to china and the Russians were crushed and they had to accept a white peace.

Chapter seven: Further expansion.

Theese wars had been a great drain on the English economy and the expansion had stoped for a period, we realised the Spanish had effectivly surrounded our American colony and its position in the world was superior to the English. English expansion continued in Indonesia and in the Americas claiming as much of the remaining land as possible. The Indonesian colonies continued to be a dissapointment especially since the French controled the trade and threw out the english traders at first sight. But the trade added up anyway, we got a decent income from the east and from the Americas. Later we joined in an alliance with France and Austria wich secured peace for some time, when it expired we continued without them. This was a long time of peace and we had time to send many colonists, but the grip of the chineese trade was lost and both the Spanish and Russians expanded their territoriys in Asia leaving the English court deeply worried. China is to important to be given up and it will be greatly contested before anyone gets complete dominance. A smaller colony was also created on the northen coast of south America.

Chapter eight: Swedish arrogance.

After another long period of expansion the Swedes struck again, desperate after expanding their possesions in northen America they claimed a large part of the English canadian possesions. After such a long period of peace and the previous crushing defeat of the Swedes the English royalty did not expect another attack so we were taken by surprise. The swedish landed ar major army of maybe one hundred and twenty thousand men in southen England, we didnt have an army large enough to stand against that so we patiently expanded the army and southern England fell to the swedes. As the army led by the greatest English general, Marlborough, was expanded we sent out our fleet to engage the Swedish navy and a great victory was won. When the army was at an equal size to that of the swedish Marlborough led the attack and crushed the Swedish invaders in a surprisingly easy battle. Now the front moved to north america where we quickly recruited large armys and New foundland was taken from Swedish control aswell as a nearby Swedish colony. The war drew long and eventually the Austrians joined in to take Swedish provinces in the south. The Austrian campaign was greatly succesfull as all major swedish armys had been crushed in England. Another great event happend and our nation went through a great transition during the fourth Anglo-Swedish war and we changed our nation to Great Britian instead of England. We tried to land troops in scandinavia but lost several naval battles in wich we lost about half our fleet, the swedes had in their phyrric victory lost more then us and we continued expanding the navy in a pace the swedes could not match. After another pathetic Swedish landing atempt we crushed their navy and army and followed them back to the swedish mainland where we landed our great army, but to little succes.

The war in north America:

Indonesian possesions expanded:

Chapter nine: A world in war.

The world soon exploded in fire and blood, as Russia declared war on Spain, France soon joined with them. Austria was still at war with Sweden, but had to get a fast peace as the Ottomans declared war on them and France and now every kingdom in the world was entangled in war. As the Russians demanded all the Spanish possesions in China we strongly objected demanding that they reduce their claims or we would declare war, the Russians remembering their previous losses against the unbeatable English army accepted our demands and reduced their claims on China.

17:07:28 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Now im sad I missed the last game :(

03:45:50 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Ghouma:

great britain - a time for peace and war

The gargoyles only sit and grieve
the gypsy fortune teller told me that wed been deceived
you only are what you believe
i believe the war is over.
its over its over.

poem from king george's diary, on the ending of the war with sweden , and how newfoundland was gained.
Chapter nine: rehabilitation.

the fourth anglo-swedish war had been very costly on the british economy, war exauhstion was extreme and japan had declared independence. after the war with sweden was won, we had to crush the japaneese rebellion before we could begin calming the people. the siege of the rebellious towns grew long and we shiped a major army from indonesia to take care of it fast, and crush the rebellious armys in japan. when the indonesian army arrived the fort was stormed and we could rejoice in peace!

on the continent the war raged on, spain fought against france and russia and the ottomans against austria. the war went bad for spain they had lost most of italy and was starting to lose battles in iberia, aswell as in china. the ottomans and austria however did a white peace very soon. as the war grew long on the continent spain eventually had to accept the french claims of the border provinces and the russian claims on parts of china.

the english people are peace loving and peace have always been kind to england. this time it was no exeption. there had been rumours of gold in the lands of zimbawe in the darkness of africa,  theese rumours had by chance been heard by the powerfull lord necker who was the current minister of trade. having a spanish mother he had inherited large lands in the spanish cotton producing carolinas, he knew there was high demand for labour, and the spanish population were a lazy bunch who didnt want to do any cotton picking. however slavery was a controversial question in england and the state was hessistant of colonising provinces whos ecomomy stood on slave trading. but necker was a smart fellow, he knew that rumours of gold would attract the right kind of people.

the king was talked into sending a small expedition to set up a colony on the coast of mosambique that was was very loosly populated. the town was slowly expanded and when it had recived the status of a colonial town lord necker had a few of his loyal men dress up as if they would do a minstrel show and they massacred a covoy of immigrants. this caused an outrage in london and an army was sent immidiatly from jamaica, they exterminated and enslaved the entire native population of the neighbouring provinces and the african colony was greatly expanded. england would soon be the worlds largest slave trader. and we have yet to see any gold.

chapter ten: great, great tensions.

we continued expanding slowly in north america, leaving two reservats for the indians, we also slowly continued our expansion in south america aswell as a few islands in the pacific. the english finance minsiter had been careless and investments had been neglected, the money had instead filled the pockets of the king. money is always needed but inflation had arisen, money was invested in converting herretics, not to much succes, and building more manufacturies.

the english court was contacted by the ottomans about the russian threat, that the russians planned an attack on the ottoman empire laying more lands in asia under the terrible rulers of moscow. we could not accept this, and a plan was made to provoke the russians into action, 160 thousand men was recruited and shiped to japan. when they had arrived war was declared on china to see what the russians would do, they protested but did not dare much more. we grabed one of the two major chineese centers of trade in the peace with no real opposition.

we all knew something would happen soon, and soon europe was a mess of blood and fire. france had been wanting to expand its empire but an alliance of spain, austria and the ottoman empire did a preventional war on france. russia saw themself threatend by the power of this alliance and joined france in the war, sweden soon followed and england was the only country outside the war. this however proved very good for the economy and the english income skyrocketed, as pleas from the ottoman-austrian-spanish alliance increased our conscious forced us to interviene to stop the agressive russian empire and their bloodthirsty czar.

so war was declared and large numbers of soldiers landed in china, the russian army was more concentraded and won all battles, but our numbers was enough to take many towns. france droped out of the conflict after financial problems but the war rages on around the world. the wisest speculate in the largest war in history will end without comming to any conclusion.

18:18:37 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Love:

The Flag of the Ottman Khalifs Ottoman Empire is waved outside Berlin. Poor germans who are held captured inside the city walls by evil swedens. May them one day return to their Austrian motherland.

04:46:02 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

It has waved outside the gates of Paris as well. And you are welcome back, Turkish corpses make very good fertilizer.

16:12:53 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Ghouma:

Imageshack seems to go down from time to time and taking the hosted images with it, heres the intro image hosted by the more stable tinypic.

19:35:52 Jan 16th 08 - Ms. Minge:

The changing face of Europe: 1492-1731

20:27:38 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Pan:

what is the name of this game ?

20:35:18 Jan 16th 08 - Ms. Minge:


20:52:32 Jan 16th 08 - Ms. Minge:

Might, he's actually done a lot to Austria.

When you controlled it, you had the worst economy in the game. No chief upgrades, no manufacturies, the worst military techs (4-5 behind the average, I think) and you were losing land rapidly.

When Nimic took over, the economy was stabilished. Manufacturies, chief upgrades, etc were implimented. The inflation was stable. He brought Austrias techs up to speed (now in line with the average power for military (i.e he doesn't lose every war like you did, and infact is winning some)) and has been gaining land through wars.

So yes, he's done stuff to Austria. He's improved on the bundle of crap you left him.

16:55:10 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Oh my it seems the admin on kept the unimportant stuff.

09:06:03 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Lyko:

Looks like you guys had alot of fun in this campaign....

12:06:38 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Clone V:

ENgland PWn'd?

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