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Forums / The hangaround / France 9 - 14 England

France 9 - 14 England
22:57:58 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Relictor:

COME ON!!!! England through to the final.....

*beep* YEAH!!!

23:05:18 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

to be honest im not all that keen on france or england im tryin to figure out if im happy or sad...

23:53:22 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

i hate france tho i don't like italy , just cuz france was the reason to make brazil loss

23:55:23 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Alexander..this is the RUGBY world cup.

Not FOOTBALL. Ignorant or what..

(and great win for England =))

00:03:28 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

sorry , lol

00:45:22 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Dos:

what a disaster :(

00:46:55 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I hate watching rugby, when ever I want to watch the tv someone is allways watching the rugby........

Good to know England is doing well know, but France arn't exactly hard the only thing there good at really is having the most annoying language in the world.

00:47:13 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Verll:

00:50:40 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

I thought Alexander's ignorance was astounding, but Seloc's takes the biscuit.

"France aren't hard"?

They knocked out the rugby favourites -- the all blacks. They're ranked 2nd in the world right now, ahead of our England. They won the last 2 six nation cups, and are thought to be the best northern hemisphere team.

"France aren't hard"?

Yeah right.

00:59:05 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Dos:

I don't like English rugby. None of their players really stand out to me and it's not the most exciting.

I would have liked to see NZ or France in the final but I'd settle for an argentinian win.

01:01:44 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Exciting play doesn't win you games though, the AB's and wallabies showed that. What does is pure grit and determination. England play to their advantages, just as France had been playing in previous games, and focus on the opponents weaknesses. While the play may not be fluid, it's certainly tense and gripping with the sheer ferocity and strength of it.

01:02:47 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

They knocked out the rugby favourites -- the all blacks. They're ranked 2nd in the world right now, ahead of our England. They won the last 2 six nation cups, and are thought to be the best northern hemisphere team.

All blacks = brazil?

01:06:41 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

New Zealand..the #1 ranked team.

Somebody smack him. Hard.

01:08:06 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc ducks.*

"Right new zealand, I must be thinking of football....or cricket."

03:36:57 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i gotta joke.

Condom sales have gone down in AUS after last weekend....







Cus they found out it only takes one Jonney to fuk 15 auzzies hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaa ;P

13:04:40 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

lol, when we won, i got beer all over me! i was so annoyed, but happy lol

13:34:40 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Dos:

The play is only tense and gripping for english supporters though. While I can hardly blame England for playing to win, I'm just saying I can't see any other nations supporting England through to the final.

I really hope Argentina beat the springboks today. There's no way England can have improved enough to cause any discussion over the result of a SA-england final.

15:31:12 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

tbh im gonna kill myself if england take the cup, i used to love the aussies but now they let engerland through ther now on my hit list

17:35:55 Oct 14th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

ENGLAND woot maybe the rugby players can show the footballers what heart and passion really is

18:13:40 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Dos, let's be fair.

The SA game was the rallying point for the England side. It's what changed them mentally, and made them a team to be contended with thereafter (although it wasn't really recognised until we knocked out the Aussies). I think you'd be pleasantly surprised if England played SA again, although I wouldn't mind the Argentinians going through either with their underdog status and good mentality.

England could play quick, expansive rugby like the likes of Wales, Fiji or Tonga. But where did it get any of those teams? They traded off their tactics, caution and stead-fast defences for quick free flowing play. And in the end, none of them got through because of it. For every try Wales scored, they opened themselves up and got hit for two. France, England and Argentina all played to their advantages, that is how they got through. The ABs and Wallabies were taken back by their refusal to play to the AB or Wallabies way of rugby. And while it may lack the adrenaline-pumped rushes, Englands play certainly has all the drama, the tension and pure physical strength to match it, imo.

Looking forward to the game tonight though. :)

19:23:27 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Verll:


20:07:31 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Dos:

I wish Ireland had a rallying point. We hoped and hoped after each test and pool match that they would improve but it never happened :(


But ok I've heard England played some pretty good rugby yesterday (I missed the match myself, Ireland were playing Germany in football. 0-0 if anyone is interested!)

So if the final is as good and exciting as anyone could hope I will change my opinion and give England some credit.

but if it's not I will completely blame England for ruining the final. Sound fair? ;)

20:09:42 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Vengance:

Mr. Verll


10/14/2007 6:23:27 PM



*goes to look for something to hit Verll with*

20:19:22 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Mr. Verll


10/14/2007 6:23:27 PM
how can you say that, it goes way beond boring.

20:28:00 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Vengance:



20:33:24 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Well, personally, I'm not sure if yesterdays game was as exhilerating as the Aussie one. Johnny's kicking seemed more off to me, although the early try gave us a good leg up. The match was much more even though -- Englands pack didn't dominate the French as much as the Aussies, although there was an obvious advantage, and Robinson made a couple good darting runs. Otherwise it could of gone either way until the final 5 mins where France failed to push for the win.

But for the final..okay, fair. =P

20:43:04 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Verll:


21:50:06 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Vengance:

not boring. yes, till the final five minutes it could have gone either way, but Johnny came through in the end to make up for earlier misses. now only got to w8 for the final!

21:54:35 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Dos:

I feel sorry for Argentina. They have such a good team, if it wasn't for that interception right at the beginning of the match I think they would have won. As it is now they're making too many mistakes to do anything. Unless the pep talk does any good.... :(

13:57:23 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

yes, same here. at the beginning they played better, but as u sed the interception pretty much ruined there chances. they needed to score quick after that but failed to do so, which was a critical thing in the match.


bring on south africa

14:30:41 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Patton:

I think of football all the time, and it's better than your all's football. Rugby however is a different story and I wish we had real rugby here in the States. ;-)

15:26:32 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Ignorentia:

i liked the french play better than the english ... (ofcourse i'm not an expert on rugby),    they looked better ;-)  especially that beast with his long hair and beard :-p, 125kg of muscles .... brrrr, i wouldn't want to stop him.

17:16:15 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

i hear you patton :P american footy is just a bunch o guys mincing about in about 3 tons of padding and a helmet, rugbys for the real hard nuts

17:19:42 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

rugby players are solid, everytime i watch it im amaized by how big they are, it scares me!

17:37:06 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Verll:

They are pussies compared  to me :p

18:03:36 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

im not expecting an English win tbh. the last 5 times we've played SA we got beat. Having said that. if we pull our thrumbs out and pressure their front line in and out of the scrum we gotta shot.

on another note: last two world cups we've knocked out the home nations :P

18:19:05 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

if we pressure the scrum we have a chance, we wont be able to destroy it like agenst south africa but we will be able to put ALOT of pressure on it i think. we need to watch... ahh 4got his name, that guy whos fast as hell, plays down the wing 4 south africa. wots is name agen?? anyway, we have got to isolate him and continually pressure him, if we dont he will destroy our dfence

19:22:01 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Dos:

Habana? Yeah I guess he's pretty fast.....


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19:22:48 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

thats the one!!! thnx Dos

20:31:19 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

come on england!! ANY1 NOT SUPPORTING ENGLAND, U R MAD!!!!!!


20:43:03 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Verll:

*wonders why this Vengence guy is stalking him....

20:52:44 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

come on england!! ANY1 NOT SUPPORTING ENGLAND, U R MAD!!!!!!

no im not mad im scottish

21:07:45 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

Well, na im not supporting england (im scottish), im just thinkinh well they is gonna get hammered by south africa, last time you played them you lost 36-0

+ most of my support is for scotland footy team, hammered ukraine 3-1!!! Euro 2008 will be scotlands year, meanwhile, england are struggling to qualify from the easiest group their is..

01:27:44 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

yeah, we dont talk about english football :P

01:28:50 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

we just won 3-0...


09:37:16 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

Lol against estonia?? Big deal, we've just beat ukraine 3-1 and france twice 1-0, you cannot say england have done anything better than that!

09:59:01 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

how can we? france arent in our group! but were the better team, wed kick your asses on a good day

10:17:10 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

lol from what ive seen in english international football in the last year is they take glory from beating rubbish team's lol. But scotland have been given the hardest group are top, have beating france home and AWAY.Lol also england don't get any good days they play utter poop almost everytime they play...

21:08:49 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Verll:

Durza from Eragon?

21:10:35 Oct 16th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Durza as in Durza the destroyer as in Durza! as in BoW got owned!

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