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Forums / The hangaround / Funny Gifs

Funny Gifs
00:34:57 Nov 14th 12 - Electric (Mr. James Doakes):

00:39:45 Nov 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

this is disturbing not funny lol...

00:45:11 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

02:00:37 Nov 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

theres clearly someone behind the pumpkin

02:25:02 Nov 14th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

We're friends and you wouldn't lie to me... right?

Sorry it just makes me laugh :/

02:28:01 Nov 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

didnt get it.

02:41:42 Nov 14th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

05:13:07 Nov 14th 12 - Ms. Hard And Rough Baby:

07:04:32 Nov 21st 12 - Electric (Mr. James Doakes):

Whats going on here.. .is it like refillable lube or something.

07:11:59 Nov 21st 12 - Electric (Mr. James Doakes):

The dark side of the toast

07:22:51 Nov 21st 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

This is how i see Hamish

Face dancing

08:54:33 Nov 24th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

06:40:43 Nov 26th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

07:03:11 Nov 26th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

So I heard this is a competition.

And I want to participate.
So I'll begin.
This is my reaction when I win a battle below 36% chances:

08:06:24 Nov 26th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu God of Evil Spam):

haha. very nice


08:00:45 Nov 28th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

Im gonna train up and beat you Zephyr

3 Really Funny Sports-Related Cat GIFs

09:29:19 Nov 28th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

nice one.

10:01:44 Nov 28th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

This is my reaction when I fail miserably after trying to take a city with 99% chance and 99.8887 dice...

And this is my reaction when  my biggest/strongest army gets whoop.

10:05:35 Nov 28th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

And this one is dedicated to Stormy and Chade.

JK :)

13:42:41 Nov 28th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

05:39:57 Nov 29th 12 - King Charley Who Deletes Dumb Posts:

Couple of my more embarrassing moments.

Me traveling about my home on a normal day.

What happens if you f*ck with me ;)

What I imagine your faces look like when you talk back to me ;D

06:50:58 Nov 29th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

the last ones were like lol, hilarious.

06:55:56 Nov 29th 12 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

Glad I could oblige a fellow lover of...stuff

06:57:17 Nov 29th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

I love Cats :) was gonna adopt 2 of dem cats, but the place never call me back again for me to adopt em :(

06:58:38 Nov 29th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Not a gif but look at it.

07:51:33 Nov 29th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

I have several recipes for cat meat dishes if folks need. Never waste a good source of protein, I've been taught.

08:12:24 Nov 29th 12 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

Hah! How primitive.

08:48:49 Nov 29th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

the wrestler one was hilarious!!!

10:02:57 Nov 29th 12 - heroix (Mr. Heroix):

This is me when war is declared.

21:25:21 Nov 30th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

^explains a lot.

03:06:49 Dec 1st 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

03:43:37 Dec 1st 12 - Zond (General of Love):

03:56:42 Dec 1st 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

Love how mine just doesn't wanna show 

04:08:47 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Use "Add Image" below font and size?

04:42:09 Dec 1st 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

I did ;c 

04:51:34 Dec 1st 12 - Zond (General of Love):

Sorry my friend, Zeta hates you now as well. D: 

04:52:44 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Mirai:

What was the link ._.

04:56:09 Dec 1st 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

I don't wanna go find the link again. ;c Zond, ZeTa's always hated me. Even though I haven't been playing long enough to even have a convo with him I've posted on the forum a ton of times :P

04:56:44 Dec 1st 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

05:13:36 Dec 1st 12 - Zond (General of Love):

cant find the gif for this.. but i remember the vid

screw it. tired trying make it work -_-

06:07:10 Dec 1st 12 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):

LOL! Wow.. That's funny. He's like, "Yeah, f*ck with me"

08:35:55 Dec 1st 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

haha XD

03:59:55 Dec 11th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

This is how i feel about VU right now

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