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Forums / The hangaround / I loled

I loled
06:40:56 May 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

While I was asleep -->

* Grandmaste (~Grandmast@AFF66CC6.366A3985.1972DE20.IP) has joined #abydos
<Grandmaste> *beep*ing nub lets
<Grandmaste> pussies
<Grandmaste> crackheads
<Grandmaste> lewatha your *beep*
<Grandmaste> your a dirty bi
<Grandmaste> you filthy dirty bi
<+Slade|Away> haha *beep* off Kath
<+Slade|Away> your a *beep*ing retart
<+Slade|Away> im sure there is some queers ass you should be licking
<Grandmaste> bis are dirty
<Grandmaste> and should be burned on a stake

06:57:44 May 16th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

haha whatd you do to him lew? =P

07:25:47 May 16th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

just to say. that wasnt ACTUALLy me...... and those who recieved *beep* messages asking for *beep* sex............ not me either...........

07:26:18 May 16th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

lol for you who dont already know... that is Kath >.>

07:28:23 May 16th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

For those who are *beep*ing retards feeling a need to also hack my account and suicide random armies -_-  your so uber cool and all that wow i will bow to your greatness. *beep*ing pricks

07:32:42 May 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Old log :

<+Devastator> greetings and salutations people
<+Devastator> ts kathandarionbut the new and improved one
02* +Devastator (~Devastato@AFF66CC6.366A3985.1972DE20.IP) Quit (Quit: The reverse side also has a reverse side.)

the one made today :

* Grandmaste (~Grandmast@AFF66CC6.366A3985.1972DE20.IP) has joined #abydos

Good fight

07:42:05 May 16th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

WOW your so wise no go home fool.... the fact i use a internet cafe kinda destroys your whole arguement fool

07:43:09 May 16th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Lol Kath give up your not gonna win against Lew.

07:49:11 May 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Let's take a look...

So a guy, in your internet cafe, that you probably don't know, decides randomly that he wants to ruin your reputation in an online game (even though he doesn't know you), like vu (a very small online game), and decides to come on irc (how does he know the channel?) with your ingame name (no idea how he knows your name) and flame me (who he's never heard about) Also, he knows that I'm bi (it's not like the whole world knows that.)

And you try pretending it's not you, but that guy? I mean... that's just sad... surely there must be a better excuse? Or you can just be a man and admit it, but making silly excuses like that won't save your ass.

Or are there perhaps 10 people that play vu in your internet cafe? ah yes, maybe zeta will have to do a multi sweep than!

07:52:28 May 16th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Kath how the hell can you flame a chick for being Bi? One that just immoral and BS and uncalled for and two no guy will b1tch about a Bi girl.

08:38:16 May 16th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

unless he is a fan of penis.....

oh, he is

08:48:58 May 16th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lew just gg'ed him so bad..

09:25:11 May 16th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Are you hot and bi lew? ;)

10:03:12 May 16th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

decides randomly that he wants to ruin your reputation in an online game
What Reputation......

 Also, he knows that I'm bi (it's not like the whole world knows that.)

Your Bi :S

11:15:55 May 16th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

I didn't know.

11:34:15 May 16th 09 - General Gokken:

but then again Shmehss you dont know anything :P

11:35:52 May 16th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

I knew and I am growing :)

11:40:04 May 16th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

General Gokken


10:34:15 May 16th 09
but then again Shmehss you dont know anything :P


That was uncalled for :(, I thought we were friends :(.

11:48:24 May 16th 09 - General Gokken:

we are, but i will still make fun of you :P

12:15:32 May 16th 09 - Sir Santa:

he knows that I'm bi (it's not like the whole world knows that.)

All of VU does now ;)

And you assume the internetcafeguy doesn't know VU. Assumptions can be dangerous though..

12:28:55 May 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

so can lying be, but people still do it.

12:35:20 May 16th 09 - Sir Santa:

Then how would you be any better than Kath?

12:37:17 May 16th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

what the *beep* kath, your a close minded *beep*wit. either get some respect for people of *beep* off.

12:48:59 May 16th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

Calm down Pickachu..don't need to go letting off some bolts of lightning by getting too excited ;P

13:02:56 May 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Who says dinosaurs aren't just made up and aliens actually put those skeletons and feces in the ground just to make us believe they have actually once lived the earth!

lots of things are assumptions, but that doesn't make them less accurate.

13:48:05 May 16th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

or, it was aliens using earth as a graveyard :D and dinosaurs lived somewhere else :P

13:52:24 May 16th 09 - Sir Santa:

There's no proof to believe it were aliens. However, is there any proof that this fictional internetcafeguy does or does not know VU? There isn't, and therefor its an unwise assumption.

15:42:11 May 16th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

well 2 things kath when u do go to a internat cafe make sure u dont save ur password and make sure u log out

also ive been out with a bi b4 so good :P bi's are awesome

15:47:44 May 16th 09 - Sir Santa:

I learned yesterday that one of my best friends (girl) is bi too. Very...surprising actually but well, they can be more fun I guess ;)

15:59:35 May 16th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

very fun :D

there is sumthing wrong with bi/*beep* men it just wrong the other day at school a bi guy got punched and he got 7 sticches in his face :o

16:06:15 May 16th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

@thomass one problem y dont they use earth as a graveyard any more?

16:10:10 May 16th 09 - Sir Santa:

I've got to disagree with you there. I personally don't like it but if its how he feels then he should be left in peace with his feelings. Beating someone up because you don't like a certain aspect of them is, in my opinion, for the brainless. You could argue that homosexuality isn't natural but I doubt thats the case tbh...

16:15:04 May 16th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

because they see to much actions going on here Angel :P

22:51:51 May 16th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

Lew i know nothing about you. the fact i never even knew you was bi makes it extremely unlikely that i was able to ... ' call you bi' the fact 10 other people were pmd called bi and 2 people messaged called *beep* *beep*ers none of which were *beep* means it was more likely coincedence so please go *beep* urself backwards with a glass dildo

23:10:15 May 16th 09 - Lord Howard Moon:

And you just keep digging yourself deeper.

23:19:41 May 16th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

o to be honest i dont care.


00:28:32 May 17th 09 - Sir Santa:

Well like all of you said all that time, Kath is lying :)

00:42:23 May 17th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

nah, he was just drunk when he talked on the mIRC and sendt messages to people :P

01:04:45 May 17th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

if he was was drunk he would of not been able to type proply unless he was tipsy :P

01:08:34 May 17th 09 - Mr. Bran:

i can type okay when im drunk

01:31:49 May 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

LOL he's *beep* and doesn't wanna admit it!! I lol'ed too Lewatha!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

03:41:22 May 17th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

bran tipsy or full on??? i can type good when tipsy but not full on

11:29:42 May 17th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

I like the way this has gone from:

Kath insulting lew, to discussion about how great bi girls are, to talking about lies, to aliens, to bi's again, to kath and finally, to being drunk and typing.

My opinions on the matter:

Lew does have alot of evidence it was you Kath.

Sure bi girls are great.

Lies are bad, very bad!

Aliens didn't use Earth as a graveyard, they used it as a toilet. They pooped out the big dinosaur skeletons... yes aliens are HUGE.

Theres alot of people who think you done it fool.

I really cant type when I'm drunk. You should see some of the texts I send too.

Also, lol @ Ali.

11:32:07 May 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

wait kath drunk? isnt he like 11 years old?

12:56:57 May 17th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Dark Prince Stirlin


05:32:07 May 17th 09
wait kath drunk? isnt he like 11 years old?


Now this will get really ugly.

18:03:47 May 17th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol underage teen drinking... tsk tsk....

lil kathy has been gettin into his daddys liquor cabinet again....

18:24:13 May 17th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Duke Pikachu


20:03:47 May 17th 09 lol underage teen drinking... tsk tsk....

lil kathy has been gettin into his daddys liquor cabinet again....

you drank why you were under age to *beep* i have proof

18:32:26 May 17th 09 - Mr. Ninjas Theyre Everywhere:

Show us the proof :P

19:03:03 May 17th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

He is Australian :P

Nuff said :P

19:31:25 May 17th 09 - Mr. Justin:

hahahaha nice

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