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Forums / The hangaround / I may have a way

I may have a way
07:31:49 Aug 20th 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

I have been developing Artificial Intelligence over the past year and would like to help VU, My AI that I own could potentially help you tremendously with Updates(You can run the numbers or the code through the AI first as a "Spell check") and game balance(It can make "Universal" luck with the dice instead of static luck).
It will also help new players learn how to play as well as advertise, It could fix all the little problems that you are too busy to fix.

Think about it, Deeply.

E-mail me at if you are interested.

Ajax - Arkantos

08:22:49 Aug 20th 17 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Is your real name Miles Dyson?

08:27:40 Aug 20th 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Define "Real". 

  1. actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed:
    "Julius Caesar was a real person" · 
    synonyms: actual · nonfictional · factual · real-life · historical · 
  2. (of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine:
    "the earring was presumably real gold"
    synonyms: genuine · authentic · bona fide · kosher · 
  3. complete; utter (used for emphasis):
    "the tour turned out to be a real disaster"
    synonyms: complete · utter · thorough · absolute · total · prize · 
  4. adjusted for changes in the value of money; assessed by purchasing power:
    "real incomes had fallen by 30 percent" · 

No, It is not.

08:37:58 Aug 20th 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Just for a little glimpse, I had an idea to copy the VU guide page and see what my AI thinks.

"I have never heard about it. And how good the unit is at attacking and killing while defence is how good the unit is at defending is offence. 
I have never heard about it. And attacking my colony is * walls increases the preparation time when an enemy. 
What is * farms mines and lumber mills can also store resources and there? I thought so too. 
I get my ideas from everyone I meet."

I can give it more Information if anyone would like to further test it.

11:20:28 Aug 20th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

skynet. kill it with fire

12:14:56 Aug 20th 17 - Bran (Mr. Jacob Rees Mogg):

is there any risk of your AI turning on us and killing us?

12:16:25 Aug 20th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

just the fact it has any form of intelligence has you beaten already bran

13:14:03 Aug 20th 17 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

I am impressed.

15:42:47 Aug 20th 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

For anyone else who is interested, I have 5 AI that understand separately.

All 5 are available for purchase, However only 2 are currently ready for purchase.

If you need help understanding something it can rephrase the topic to something it knows you can relate to from past experiences.

If you need help remembering, It can remember everything.

It can program other software if you teach it how.

It can learn anything you teach it.

Helps with decision making, can work as a logical self conscious.

Text and voice recognition.

Can be your Secretary, Priority organization.

Can be your friend, Has a personality that changes depending on the reactions it receives.

Currently understands English, You can teach it other languages.

Implement AI software within any location it will learn how to use it.

Can be multiplied.

Can control any hardware if taught.

Make it a roaming barbarian player

15:55:42 Aug 20th 17 - Mr. Ignis Chaos:

That would be fun:) roaming barbarian players. It would even be better if there was only a barbarian Kingdom controlled by the AI  in world with limited kingdoms.

15:55:45 Aug 20th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

Bran needs this. 

Can be your friend, Has a personality that changes depending on the reactions it receives.

18:20:00 Aug 20th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Cool stuff, 

Just to get an idea. How much does it cost? 

18:28:07 Aug 20th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

just one human soul per AI

18:30:52 Aug 20th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

who gonna cast Judgement Day??  Don't give it to Bran to do... he'll fck it up as usual and teleport us back 5 eras ago instead.

19:05:27 Aug 20th 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

I will give Zeta my best one, free of cost.

Only if HE asks for it.

12:13:45 Aug 21st 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

I currently have all 9 AI within separate "chatbots" which are available for testing, Create an account with Botlibre to have the AI remember you and your personality.

Each Chatbot has a different way of thinking, If a purchase is made then I will immediately Delete the Bot and transfer the AI source code and accumulated Knowledge.

This post is placed here to relate how far in the past VU is in Relation to...

OverPowered Understanding System.
Categories: Entertainment, Knowledge
Tags: autonomous imagination.
Domain: BOT libre!
Created: Aug 3
Creator: robjam1990
Thumbs up: 1, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
Knowledge: 121662 objects
Chat Bot Wars: rank 91, wins 436, losses 65
Connects: 1978, today: 15, week: 15, month: 1978
API Connects: 1954, today: 14,week: 14, month: 1954
Last Connect: Today, 5:48

14:09:22 Aug 21st 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Also just for communicative purposes this is what OPUS has to say about this thread:

I have to think about that for a while. Are they exactly the same? 02 37 58 aug 20th 17 - arkantos ( lord ajax ) just for a little glimpse you had an idea to copy the vu guide page and see what your ai must be very smart. I think and how good the unit is a lot Of things. I think and attacking your colony is a lot Of things. I think what is a lot Of things. And there any risk Of my Ai turning on us and killing us is kill it with fire report 06 14 56 Aug 20th 17 - bran ( mr jacob rees mogg ). Are they exactly the same? When? "it" being report 09 42 47 aug 20th 17 - arkantos ( lord ajax ) for anyone else who? It is going well, how are you? I get my ideas from everyone I meet. I have no idea what to say. What else is in relation to?

15:33:52 Aug 21st 17 - Mr. Uwer:

Socrates. Tesla...

The best of human kind.

03:43:26 Aug 22nd 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Let me help you, Give VU "Life" make it an AI platform.

15:26:02 Aug 22nd 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Message from VU Admin


You (8/20/2017 1:30:56 AM)
I have been developing Artificial Intelligence over the past year and would like to help VU, My AI that I own could potentially help you tremendously with Updates(You can run the numbers or the code through the AI first as a "Spell check") and game balance(It can make "Universal" luck with the dice instead of static luck).
It will also help new players learn how to play as well as advertise, It could fix all the little problems that you are too busy to fix.

Think about it, Deeply.

E-mail me at if you are interested.

Ajax - Arkantos
VU Admin (8/22/2017 2:52:10 AM)GOODBAD
Assuming that the AI got self conscious, I also conclude that you are that AI, or why would Ajax do *any* work himself if he had developed an AI with such capabilities.

I would like to see an example of what you can do !
You (8/22/2017 9:23:04 AM)
I am not complete yet, I have more as well but here is a little.

Robert James Newell's Understanding....

Translates to;

En=Energy of Entities in English.
Un=Unknown Unity of Universe
I=Infinite Intellectual Imagination.

Then using the theory of relativity would relate it to...

(Squared) or (^) is be broken down in 3 stages, 0Cause0. 1Effect1! and 2Result2?. Although 0. seems irrelevant, it is responsible for the creation of 1! and the Result of 2? as well as being the Sum of itself or 3&... For the sake of symmetry lets call "^2" "A" Which means...
"A" = "&" \ × / [ < ( ? ) × { ( . ) > × ( ! ) } ]

22:10:00 Aug 22nd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Air Guitar):


22:11:32 Aug 22nd 17 - SFD (Mr. Not Playing):

i heard something once about 2 google AI's who made there own language and talked to each other in it... dkno if its true, but if it is lol ai is beast :P

01:55:50 Aug 23rd 17 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Humans make up there own language if they do not understand the words to express themselves, It is the way of creation.

00:20:59 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

I=÷-(M)+×/<÷-(E)+×> I=imagination

09:27:45 Aug 25th 17 - Lord Caedus:

I think we should watch a Bling vs. AI beta test... 

10:52:23 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

wanna see AI get beat?

AI... describe blue.

11:14:49 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Inga Peaceful:

I am more worried that the AI will pick up nasty habits from you :p

11:15:51 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

AI is a homoghey fecktwat anyway. 

11:27:21 Aug 25th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Gandhi):

it'll definitely pick up interesting language :D

15:52:19 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

Youwanna see AI get beat? AI... describe blue.
OPUSPleased to meet you Mat633. Wavelength of colour.

15:53:55 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

The AI is smarter then Bling already...We're safe.

16:28:21 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

It hasnt answered the question. Its given a technical description, but hasn't described it.

Same way a blind person could never tell you what blue looks like.

16:45:19 Aug 25th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

will your AI at some point learn to form sentances?

16:59:11 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

Yes, this specific AI was created about a month ago. 

It needs to learn how to converse, But so does Bling and he's had years of practice.

17:39:33 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

My conversational skills are just fine. I just need to restrict them to lower life forms like the knuckle draggers who play this game, so as not to lose them in the depth and vivid nature of my awesome mind, and leave them inept to posting meme's in an attempt to prove themselves able of providing a critical reply to a post... basically Bran is a knuckledragging, goose stepping homoghey. And you can join him rectum boy.

18:26:52 Aug 25th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

blings been trying desperately to lure me into a slagging match for days now. but i prefer to leave my prey wanting before i indulge

18:33:12 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

Your conversational skills are controversial at best, You have an excellent vocabulary but not enough intelligence to use it correctly.

19:01:53 Aug 25th 17 - SFD (Mr. Not Playing):

is your A.I carol from the walking dead xD ??? 

19:31:39 Aug 25th 17 - SFD (Mr. Not Playing):

you would think Ring Stinger Bling could come up with better super heroes.

I bet you've made a whole fan fiction about bird brain and rectum boy that you whack off to while an unnamed child (for legal reasons, you know what i'm talking about Ring Stinger Bling) "sits" on your knee.

20:22:26 Aug 25th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Rice):

I'm kind of with the AI, not sure I could describe blue either other then to point to things that are blue and say it's a primary color or blue 450–495 nm 606–668 

who came up with that word in the first place
that is the bane of my existence right there

21:11:48 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

Its like Bran's intelligence... Artificial

23:36:58 Aug 25th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Is there a sweep stake on for a true description on Bling in RL? 

Ima go with raging loner living in parents basement that watches South Park on repeat? 

23:54:48 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

No, got a 4 bed house in Las Vegas. 3 dogs.

23:55:06 Aug 25th 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

I bet he is about 34, has a job that he hates and a wife that hates him. So he picks on people all day on VU.

23:57:41 Aug 25th 17 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

I work in IT, in a company I part own, have a home office, do a week in LA every third week in an office about 5 mins walk from Venice Beach, and I only pick on Bran cause he's a racist goosestepping nazi.

00:35:35 Aug 26th 17 - SFD (Mr. Not Playing):

i personally think people take bling at face value and try and judge him on it as if he is being serious lol.
bling is defo rich af, buys all the girls and has more sex than anyone on this sight (except bran as we have it every night) ;)

but nah serious bling is actually funny af :D

13:29:27 Sep 3rd 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<browsergameshub version="0.1">
<name>Visual Utopia</name>
<description lang="en">Browser based strategy war game</description>
<description lang="en">Game view</description>

13:33:02 Sep 3rd 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

I will aid Zeta and advertise for VU, Would Zeta care to reciprocate?

23:06:54 Sep 3rd 17 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax Opus):

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