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Forums / The hangaround / Kath never learns

Kath never learns
02:46:50 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

We had a CF with Leper Knights with a 72 hour break period and NO ONE in EITHER kingdom got word of us breaking a CF and I come home from school today to see that my city was taken and Kath prepping on another city. Whats his excuse?!?! We broke it! How do we break a CF when we have no armies on your cities. Yes Kath will say Noir attacked him first but WHY is that Kath!!! You were already prepping on our cities and had already taken my city Psy Path.

02:48:09 Jan 5th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

would think people learn and just dont do any relations to begin with right? guess not.

i thought he was a kill on sight dont trust.

02:51:43 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Ha thing was Max when i had made the CF with him I was leading Fallen Angels which only had 4 members in it and he had over 10 and we had GOTF along with RVL next to us so my thought was i would rather CF them and worry about RVL or GOTF rather than LK

03:16:31 Jan 5th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

well bart we all know kath, you had to know it was coming sooner or later :P


btw nice colorful banner

03:31:51 Jan 5th 10 - Duke Random:


don't say you didn't expect it barty.

03:39:30 Jan 5th 10 - Duke Random:

[18:27] <Random> oh yeah and barty is going to attack you btw
[18:27] <Random> just thought you should know
[18:28] <lazuras> lol
[18:28] <lazuras> why would i believe you
[18:28] <Random> I don't care if you do
[18:28] <lazuras> when we have a ERA long NAP
[18:29] <Random> lol

straight from the horses mouth :)

03:40:47 Jan 5th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

lol... thats kath

03:46:07 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

LMFAO Oh I did expect it guys!!! I'm not shocked just irritated that he did it again ;)

05:55:20 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Paveq:

That might have something to do with you having blockers leading to our core...

06:35:58 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Our allies have blockers near our cores!



thats a security measure man. if you dont have blockers and you rely on your allies then you get gangbanged

06:42:57 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

I think there was an issue that it delayed us from getting to random (Those blockers might have been set up after we took one of theirs though). 

06:53:04 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Justin:

lol Uther you would actually do that so dont act like you wouldnt ;)

Please tell me your not Niveko from Freelance Alliance?

07:02:41 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Mr. Paveq


20:55:20 Jan 4th 10 That might have something to do with you having blockers leading to our core...

Ummmm Paveq are you dumb?!?! As Uther said if were allies or even neutral we still need our OWN blockers and if you wanted blocker there like kath said it should have been a priority to get them up not wait till we put them up to wanna complain ;)

07:11:26 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Omg someone remembers me? Do I have a bad reputation or something? I hope not! =O

and Laz told us that by doing so you broke the CF and us not knowing the conditions went with it, so please don't blame us for not knowing =). 

07:12:49 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

Kath is a jackass. A traitorous bastard. People should have learnt by now that he can't be trusted.. :\

07:17:21 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Draconicwraith:

Hey Niveko, i got your back on this one, hehe

07:18:16 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Justin you do not know me and i do not break alliance for any reason unless the alliance provokes it...


nvm i just saw the ; )

my bad

And yes i have learned not to deal with him either anymore

07:29:38 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Just you still have not told me if being the Niveko from the Freelance alliance is bad? =P 

07:31:47 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Hahaha I just find it funny how Kath keeps on breaking alliances and than get pwned ;) has kath ever won a war?! haha

08:22:06 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Justin:

haha you should remember me Niveko you made me a vice of that Kd 2 eras before we all split because Apollo and Dark Trio murdered us because they restarted on the same spot we did. You went to apollo i think and i went to HH

=O uther meany :'(

09:08:42 Jan 5th 10 - Ms. Jade White:

The Kingdom as a whole did not know the terms of the agreement. And as such didn't know that it was or was not a violation of the CF agreement. We had discussed the blocker but I was infomred that we had can to an agreement in regards to it. Along the lines that we could get our troops through when we needed.

Lady White

13:27:24 Jan 5th 10 - Lady Jade:

That's your leaders fault for not sharing the agreement.

This is the reason Kath has never won a war and dies every era

14:07:22 Jan 5th 10 - Sir Sorra:

and because Sparta had all that drama with and eventually wared and destroyed The Freelance alliance all those eras ago.


After that Im pretty sure you and my KD Kingdom Hearts had a meeting aswell on starta a couple eras later.


P.S: Nice to see you back.

14:44:40 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Justin I think I left after FA, History suggests I was never in a different Kingdom.

And my memory is horrible, I didn't even remember what Kingdom I was in =P. 

17:40:09 Jan 5th 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

To clarify this , as bartimaeus has posted a very biased point of view. Bartiameus built blockers that delayed us from reaching juicy , random  , and sending aid to starta. our more south members had to wait a extra 20 ticks to reach ANY of our warzones , on top of the 50 ticks to starta , and 20 / 24 to random and 19 to juicy. I spoke to bartimaeus in regards to it , he said that the blockers were on the edge of our land instead of IN our core so they didnt stop the CF.

I agree to , on that technicallity let him keep two , two however seperated us from some of our own cities , i said he could either wreck them or hand them to us. To this he replied he would keep the blockers open.

The next day when attempting to pass through a blocker held by him this happened

Leper Riders lost a battle against Runner from Ms. Noir. The army retreated to Acre Guards. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 272 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 21 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

After this , i took the blocker in question over , and that was the end of our hostilities. I messaged bartimaeus about it and waited for him to come onto chat. when he came on chat i said to him , if Noir is punished for her actions , then we would allow them to take back the blocker. in response to this he said 'your dead kath' and went off of chat.

At every possible turn i attempted diplomacy with psy , who were BLATANTLY supporting random by stopping us from reaching random , who his kingdom had relations to. His excuse for building the blockers were if they were that important we would of built them already , but having an empty space , and a closed blocker belonging to another KD are two different things.

and uther you allow kingdoms who you only have a  CF with , who betrayed and kicked every member of your kingdom the previous era to build in your core and build in YOUR blockers spaces , and threaten your players to move scouts in your own core? we have been more then reasonable and bartimaeus threw every attempt of diplomacy back in my face , which is the reason for this.

Lazuras Of Acre

19:49:53 Jan 5th 10 - Ms. Jade White:

The dated reports do show that Noir attacked first. Thus she canceled the NAP not Us. As such I'll be more than happy to take the fight to her. We have to walk through their bodies to reach the other side so be it.

Lady White

19:55:42 Jan 5th 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

Also to clarify , the wars ive been involved in and lost are as follows.

IoK vs MAD , IoK vs Heaven and Fuzzy , Vs slade , Fallen Angels and Heavenly persuasion and a few others i cant remember.

Ive won GODLIKE vs Starta , IoK vs valhalla , Godlike vs hellfire , IoK vs Crazy (the era they started ) , IoK vs TAK.

So to those wondering if i have ver won a war. Ive won equal , or more wars then ive lost.

Lazuras Of Acre

20:01:15 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

Lies, Kath dies ever era. Impossible for him to win anything more than a tombstone...

20:09:41 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

actually you got to give the guy(who with a name like kath i assumed was a girl for two eras)...but here is a guy who dies and dies again every era, constantly remakes new alliances that you cant even keep up with the names of, is called a traitor constantly and STILL manages to find new people every era to join his kingdom...i mean if i started a kingdom again i wouldnt be so confident of so many  joining as he gets...and being killed so often and still playing...i am not sure of the right quality to describe it but it isn't all that bad for the game for someone like kath to be here. kudos for that.

20:58:43 Jan 5th 10 - Duke Random:

he gets newbs and multi's to join him.

They probably all quit after an era because his KD made their game experience so shit.

he's really not doing any favours to the game.

21:02:49 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

well i would argue it's in the keep the game interesting category..

21:13:37 Jan 5th 10 - Duke Random:

and it does make my kill count look good ;)

21:19:29 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Pikachu:

Hehehe :)

22:31:48 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I can has kill count? :o

23:23:34 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Ms. Jade White


10:49:53 Jan 5th 10

The dated reports do show that Noir attacked first. Thus she canceled the NAP not Us. As such I'll be more than happy to take the fight to her. We have to walk through their bodies to reach the other side so be it.

Lady White'

Haha are you stupid i have my battle reports kath attacked before Noir get your facts straight

23:25:55 Jan 5th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Sir Lazuras of Acre


08:40:09 Jan 5th 10 To clarify this , as bartimaeus has posted a very biased point of view. Bartiameus built blockers that delayed us from reaching juicy , random  , and sending aid to starta. our more south members had to wait a extra 20 ticks to reach ANY of our warzones , on top of the 50 ticks to starta , and 20 / 24 to random and 19 to juicy. I spoke to bartimaeus in regards to it , he said that the blockers were on the edge of our land instead of IN our core so they didnt stop the CF.

I agree to , on that technicallity let him keep two , two however seperated us from some of our own cities , i said he could either wreck them or hand them to us. To this he replied he would keep the blockers open.

The next day when attempting to pass through a blocker held by him this happened

Leper Riders lost a battle against Runner from Ms. Noir. The army retreated to Acre Guards. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 272 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 21 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

After this , i took the blocker in question over , and that was the end of our hostilities. I messaged bartimaeus about it and waited for him to come onto chat. when he came on chat i said to him , if Noir is punished for her actions , then we would allow them to take back the blocker. in response to this he said 'your dead kath' and went off of chat.

At every possible turn i attempted diplomacy with psy , who were BLATANTLY supporting random by stopping us from reaching random , who his kingdom had relations to. His excuse for building the blockers were if they were that important we would of built them already , but having an empty space , and a closed blocker belonging to another KD are two different things.

and uther you allow kingdoms who you only have a  CF with , who betrayed and kicked every member of your kingdom the previous era to build in your core and build in YOUR blockers spaces , and threaten your players to move scouts in your own core? we have been more then reasonable and bartimaeus threw every attempt of diplomacy back in my face , which is the reason for this.

Lazuras Of Acre

Post the dam time kath not just the reports and dont BS the time kuz i have it

23:31:57 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm on bart's side, because quite frankly, kath has now faked 2 things. First he faked a report of me attacking him, then died. Now he faked a chat of me, which is mostly what I said, except for 1 sentence, and he shall die. I'm not concerned in the least.

00:20:44 Jan 6th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Ha even Vuggy doesn't like you hehe :p

01:13:09 Jan 6th 10 - Master Windu:

Yeah Kath just post the times. If you keep denying it its only going to get worse.

01:22:48 Jan 6th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

This is all my news up until the attack by Kath

10:01:51 Grand Elven Riders lead by Sir Lazuras of Acre attacked and took over Psy Path. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Psy Depot. We lost 1 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans and 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle.
09:29:02 We received a message from Duke Random of Randum Teh Pokemon.
08:44:53 We received a message from Mr. Crouchintiger II.
04:50:53 We received a message from Duke Bongs of Guild of the Fallen.
04:50:51 We received a message from Duke Bongs of Guild of the Fallen.

01:23:32 Jan 6th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Ha i bet he will try to BS since he has in the past.

03:29:59 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

"even Vuggy"? I've hated him since he was dumb enough to try and fake that report about me in my first era.

07:45:57 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. William Sexeh Feetz:

kill him bart ^^

08:29:19 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Koss:

technically hes one 1 against me but it was me vs. darkmoore kath and a few others so i think its not a bad loss and a pretty lame ass win for him

Prince Bartimaeus XIV


00:31:47 Jan 5th 10
Hahaha I just find it funny how Kath keeps on breaking alliances and than get pwned ;) has kath ever won a war?! haha

22:06:26 Jan 7th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:

Kath reminds me of a young Henry 8th. (sod roman numerals...dyslexia I am).

23:07:51 Jan 7th 10 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

Mr. Koss


23:29:19 Jan 5th 10 technically hes one 1 against me but it was me vs. darkmoore kath and a few others so i think its not a bad loss and a pretty lame ass win for him

Prince Bartimaeus XIV


00:31:47 Jan 5th 10
Hahaha I just find it funny how Kath keeps on breaking alliances and than get pwned ;) has kath ever won a war?! haha

Ha umm Koss we slaughtered Kath in the north last era so you can shut that up

02:24:30 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Koss:

lol i had more to deal with there

13:49:25 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Norse Warrior:

umm bartimaeus , i was on your world (in stormknights til it disbanded ) and kath werent even in the north...he was in the south east...

06:12:06 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

their in the north norse warrior. They may have had a couple of cities southeast, but were mostly in the north. At least that's what it looks like from my los

12:58:05 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Norse Warrior:

No dwarf nub we are talking about last era not this one...He was not in the north i know that for a fact,  i was just saying it as a suggestion so bartimaeus didnt get annoyed but o'well.

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