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Forums / The hangaround / MOD ABUSE

16:51:06 Sep 25th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Just checking a theory ;)

16:51:48 Sep 25th 09 - Lady Kirs:

Charley <3

17:11:17 Sep 25th 09 - Duke Kevdwayne:

Personally I am pro-Mod Abuse, I think everyone should abuse Charley.  ofc I am also pro-post-natal abortion.... up to the age of 70 or so.

17:14:40 Sep 25th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Damn those MODS!

17:24:07 Sep 25th 09 - Duke Nukem:

Duke Kevdwayne


19:11:17 Sep 25th 09 Personally I am pro-Mod Abuse, I think everyone should abuse Charley.  ofc I am also pro-post-natal abortion.... up to the age of 70 or so.


17:34:46 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. The Bear Jew:

look, those pikeys found a top man store!

18:22:23 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

what did mods ever do to you.

So far all my encounters with mods have been only good ones

18:24:52 Sep 25th 09 - Sir Overcome:

thats a hilerious picture, but i do agree with Pesterd. its actually the best moderated forum i've attended=)

18:42:47 Sep 25th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I MODed my PS2...I wouldn't say it was an abuse tho, more like skirting the desires of an overblown company >.>

22:55:57 Sep 25th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

yo, i can watch now faggish type movies on ps2... and play all friggin games.. now thats what i call moding(pimping) ps2

23:06:57 Sep 25th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Karac, that isn't funny :p  Just because I told you on Facebook that if you scream "Mod Abuse" that I will come running :P:P I have a life you know! XD  I meant, in a post, not make a topic XD



either way, I gotta go for a bit :p:p


You know how to reach me ingame

just scream mod abuse and im there :D:D


k, cya man lol

00:16:30 Sep 26th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

haha karac u fool

00:40:16 Sep 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

i thought it was an open invitation ;)


01:38:56 Sep 26th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

Mod abuse? Thats old news... I abuse Charley when ever I want :P

02:10:50 Sep 26th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Wolflord Karac


18:40:16 Sep 25th 09

i thought it was an open invitation ;)


Not to start a riot :p

Duchess Medusa


19:38:56 Sep 25th 09
Mod abuse? Thats old news... I abuse Charley when ever I want :P

No you don't! :P  You haven't abused me once yet!

03:14:52 Sep 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

No riot lol. I'm hearing nothing but loving comments =)

03:19:47 Sep 26th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

/me stabs you with a toothbrush on Facebook* >:O

03:21:31 Sep 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

lol, hey, this is the first thread in a while where no one is attacking you, but instead, showing love.

i said it was a theory, and my theory worked ; )

03:43:48 Sep 26th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Just wait...I am sure the fail trolls will follow :p  I was planning on going silent for awhile but you just had to do this XD

Much love to the lovers <3

18:29:37 Sep 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Charly the abuser!

18:44:06 Sep 27th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:


18:47:20 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Invisible Pink Unicorn:

"I told you on Facebook"
"I have a life"

Does not compute!

21:31:33 Sep 27th 09 - Duke Random:

Karac you loser... <3

21:52:48 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Duke Kevdwayne


17:11:17 Sep 25th 09
Personally I am pro-Mod Abuse, I think everyone should abuse Charley. 

Sure Kevin. As long as it comes to real gameplay, Charley is a ......... not to forget a *****  and a ####.

But when it comes to RP points, you have to consider. I for my part am wondering if I should start making some RP posts - afterall I'm a little tired still to be a Mr. while (nearly) all the other guys and chicks are going Lords and Ladies - and considering that a low profile could be good.

As you know: Long live the little corruption as long as you yourself is part of it..........

01:49:38 Sep 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

You realize you DON'T get points if you DON'T have any messages marked as GOOD right? :-|  because giving out points to people who don't RP doesn't happen...maybe you should talk to the people you send RP messages to...otherwise, don't point the finger.

03:24:33 Sep 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Lol, everyone trying to blame everyone else for their problems.

As charlie said, you have to make sure messages are reported. There is a list on the forums of those who are willing roleplay participants. Start there. It takes time, not everyone who roleplays get points, it is only the best.

If over time it still is not working, consider buyin a title. You can still roleplay, and you will be exactly the player you wish to be.


03:28:59 Sep 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Here is some advice I give to people if they seem to have trouble with people reporting messages as GOOD.  Message your KD leader...if you are the KD leader, message a member.  Hopefully they have the sense to mark the message as good and not be a jerk or just forget to not mark it.  Send a small message first perhaps.
"Hey, mark my messages as GOOD if they are an RP message" and if they say "Ok, sure" then they should be responsible.  If all else fails, send a message to me and I will mark it as good and maybe even reply.  But I am rather busy lately so the most I may do is mark the message as GOOD and apologize if I cannot reply. 

04:18:24 Sep 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

mod abuse = charley

04:22:32 Sep 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Fail troll & nub = Stewie

05:13:03 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Secret lovers forever



you all know it's true

05:37:05 Sep 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Arthur summed it up the best :P

luv u charley! lol

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