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Forums / The hangaround / MadUMad

08:10:52 Aug 23rd 12 - Holo (Lord Holo VII):

I find it hilarious that the Mad Kingdom was talking so much shit earlier this era in fantasia.  In the beginning they had posted stuff such as Messages and victories they gained over me personally.  But yet in the end they couldn't walk the walk.  I did not reply to their taunts middle of the era.  Inside of me, I knew I was in a better kingdom then mad could ever be.  The King of Mad, Aloysius is personally stupid I believe.  He blames his kingdom mates for the loss of his Kingdom instead of taking blame for himself.  He makes up excuses on his loss.  I find it funny none of them are talking shit now and if they do talk it will mostly be, 'we will get you next era'  Well, that is next era but you know, HEX stopped you many times when you baboons thought you could push through.  All you mad guys did was have 1 women take one city of ours and it was promptly returned to us after we took it back.  Aloysius the whole time was saying he would prove to me how better he is then I am.  Yet I have owned more land then him and stopped him twice when he tried coming my way.  After this all he did was send his members at us.  He personally did not come the whole era and all he did was sit inside his core and watch his kingdom mates fight. Fact is Aloysius, the only thing you prove you can truly do is take down a small city that barely gets out of protection inside your own core.  That is basically all the power you have.  I am laughing hard not so much as your loss.  But the fact that all of you were talking mighty high of yourselfs and so much shit at me and Hex.  But who owns all of your lands now.  Hex and Legacy.  Mad doesn't own us.  Hex owns mad.

Mad u mad.  Get a better king.
-Lord Holo

09:06:11 Aug 23rd 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

Yet this is coming from a person who kingdom jumped last year, joined MaD then attempted to backstab us but failed miserably?

You talk so fondly of a kingdom you've been with for an era and a bit. Ask any "Vet" they will say Aloy is one of the most honorable kingdom leaders and MaD is one of the best newbie friendly kingdoms to ever play and compete for the title of best kingdom on Fant. Not to mention it is the longest running kingdom (around 20-30 eras Aloy can confirm it for me) with plenty of loyal players, so he is obviously doing something right, I would also like to see you make a kingdom and even have a chance of going well on fant.

09:52:15 Aug 23rd 12 - Mr. Mlgxxquiknoscopexx:

holo sounds like is cry noobie who gives him voice lol. hex please keep lesser noobies in line. get pwn an cry more noobie holo )))

10:00:40 Aug 23rd 12 - Legend (Mr. God Hielf):

Kids gotta stay kids and stay of the forums...

And  Pure I agree with ya.

11:56:39 Aug 23rd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):


12:48:39 Aug 23rd 12 - Mr. Aussie:

Lord Holo VII (6/18/2012 4:09:40 AM) GOOD BAD
The Poeple of Kauzt declare war upon the poeple of Buffet. Reasons: Attacked.

Message from Lord Holo: "Come at me!"
You (6/18/2012 4:41:51 AM)
hehe no worries people of klutz :)


Lord Holo VII (6/19/2012 2:09:26 AM) GOOD BAD
come get sum u peice of *beep* come back seeing as u got slaughtered the first time
You (6/19/2012 2:13:17 AM)
Calm down Hilo.They tell me you forgot your meds.You really should take em every day you know :)
What happened to Klutz? I thought it was a very appropriate name.
Lord Holo VII (6/19/2012 4:07:59 AM) GOOD BAD
tough talk for someone that got owned by me. It was only the fact i didnt close my gates mad took era ull ee how much i didnt tak em y meds btw awesome insult 'meds' ur mom teach u this insult? learn how to troll. losing a battle against me and trolling doesnt really go hand in hand sum advice mate.
You (6/19/2012 5:01:54 AM)
:) bye.....
Lord Holo VII (6/22/2012 2:19:56 AM) GOOD BAD
lol, bye until i look fo ru next era *beep*

13:52:51 Aug 23rd 12 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

2.Mr. Aloysius has won 89 battles, captured 94 cities and killed a total of 969778 men and women.

where are you all mighty holo
*prays to god king holo*

15:32:49 Aug 23rd 12 - Mr. Mlgxxquiknoscopexx:

lol messages of cry noobie holo so funny )))

17:16:47 Aug 23rd 12 - Holo (Lord Holo VII):

yes, im not too sure if losing this era and trolling goes hand in hand you guys.

18:39:57 Aug 23rd 12 - Ms. Beautiful Anouk:

MAD has had periods ohf time where it wasn't a very noble and honourable kingdom, HOWEVER, MAD is the most consistant, and continually good KD and the oldest KD around currently. It's testimony to Aloy's leadership and the general playerbase about how disciplined and commited they are.

Sure, they may not be the best, they may not win many eras and they are generally more peaceful than us (LGC), but if I weren't here, I would sure as hell be in MAD, or not playing at all. Aloy is a great player and I would consider him a friend on VU and have been friends for perhaps 25+ eras.

tl;dr, MAD is great (not as good as LGC though), Aloy is great.

20:30:11 Aug 23rd 12 - Holo (Lord Holo VII):

Alrite...I believe I was mis-understood here.  I had personal quarrels with Aloysius I brought a lot of things together to show himself how he failed this era.  I may have come off rough but hey, im a new yorker.  It is what I am like ..thing is...I didn't start this.  It is quite funny how they trolled hard in middle of era and I didn't reply  single message but when i did say something at the end of the era after a very hard fought front with mad and won.  I get hated on. .i deserve to say something back.  My victory along with hex's victory over mad was a long time coming.  I used that against Aloysius in my personal vengeance against him.  I knew it was wrong to do so however i still did it.  I admit I am no friend of Aloysius nor a friend of Mad of that matter.  But let this be known.. this was started not by me..but by the children inside Mad and the guy who all of you apparently think is 'cool' Aloysius.    Was not started by me.  I retaliate..I attack when I am attacked and I don't stop until it escalates.  But I chose my words wisely and I chose my battles wisely.  I did not flame in public forums until I knew we had a victory unlike them. 

However this does not go to say I may have portrayed My kingdom in a way that I was not intending.  Without the brothers I had inside Hex, victory would not have been achieved.  As well as the friendship we had going on with Legacy.  It was a beautiful era.  I will apologize for portraying my kingdom in a non graceful victory.  Everyone inside Hex has won gracefully.  It is I, Holokauzt, who threw it in mad's face.  It is me..if you all want to point fingers and start a war and fight.  Don't do it with the Kingdom hex.  Do it bc Holo is fighting back. 

That being said...I am not sorry for winning over Aloysius.  It was revenge a long time coming and their will be plenty more of it as i plan to play around in this site a lot.  I may not decide to play next era I have not know the full decision of what I am going to do.  If i don't i will be back in another era.  However that is that.

Hex won.  Mad lost.  Simple.  I just wish not to hear how 'Mad rules and they gonna kill me or Hex anymore.  Because it never happened.  Also, good game everyone.
-Lord Holo

20:46:50 Aug 23rd 12 - Mr. Mlgxxquiknoscopexx:

no matter hex cry noobies for happily keep cry noobie holo. no people care for holo story stop talk pls.

22:58:08 Aug 23rd 12 - Pure (Sir Screwbacca):

Once again I must bring up the subject of you joining MaD then attempting to backstab us last era and failing, so please tell me how MaD started this again? We accepted you into our kingdom after you were already in Legacy for a small portion of the era.

23:07:17 Aug 23rd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Holo has never been in Legacy
thank you

23:35:11 Aug 23rd 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

He was last era, he left then joined mad. I could possibly be mistaken I remember him being in a kingdom before us but he was positioned in the southern center of the map, slightly towards the west, he said he joined us to get revenge on you guys as your kingdom "Sucked".

23:43:27 Aug 23rd 12 - Legend (Mr. God Hielf):

Holo I dont f*cking care about your opinion about me. Your a disgrace to a kd and to this game. If a member is calling names to ya then you handle this with him you dont involve entire kds.

Your maybe a college student from New York but your acting like a spoiled brat from kindergarden.

You make every post of yourself in colours in kd forums and in public. Why would a person of 16+ do such a kiddy thing? You wanna feel special?

I hate these kind of no namers that played maybe 2-3 era's and insult in those era's 2 kds with a good name. MAD doesnt deserve this shit especially Aloy doesnt.

And reading that you backstabbed a kd. And after it insulting it while in another kd in the same world? Your a f*cking joke!

I hope you will have a fun time further on VU. But I wont be playing with ya ever again.

23:45:02 Aug 23rd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

He was never in LGC, his app was rejected

00:19:43 Aug 24th 12 - Prince Pesterd:

I stopped after this. " Not to mention it is the longest running kingdom (around 20-30 eras Aloy can confirm it for me)"

00:27:39 Aug 24th 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

Stirlin, I thought he was, I guess I was wrong.

03:14:07 Aug 24th 12 - Mr. Sun Tzus Lovechild:

Why does Holo write in fancy colours, while every else doesn't?

03:38:23 Aug 24th 12 - Mr. Voltron Defender Ofda Universe:

He wanted in and messaged me planning on back stabbing Mad and I informed Aloy of his plans and he was promptly kicked. He was never in LGC...

03:55:09 Aug 24th 12 - Holo (Lord Holo VII):

So funny everyone..also, it doesn't matter what you say god heilf to be honest, Your kingdom is shit now and will be torn apart next era and i already left it.  In fact everyone left it. Nobody wants to be around you when all you do is talk shit to the people who actually held it up for you while you played with yourself all era.  In fact its most likely you who needs to grow up.  As well as you are more of a disgrace then anyone for not doing anything in the era and still talking as you do now.  Keep up the good work of sitting on the toilet next era again and eating Twinkies.  This time nobody is gonna fight and keep it up for you.

Edit: No, was never in Legacy. Quite funny tho nobody knows the true story behind it.  Not that I care to even go on about any of this.  talk all the shit u want have fun.  Im e-hurt so badly I swear.....haha.

05:24:32 Aug 24th 12 - Pure (Sir Screwbacca):

This era I was to inactive to play on fantasia. Wait till next era.

06:27:38 Aug 24th 12 - Zef (Mr. Zef The Unholy):

I like touching myself too

07:05:53 Aug 24th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Damn, a kingdom flaming thread and I am not involved! I feel so left out :(

07:24:14 Aug 24th 12 - Mr. Devi:

Id love to hear the true story behind it....I have the messages to prove it between you and I Holo and Aloy and I when I told him about your plan to backstab MAD

07:26:43 Aug 24th 12 - Mr. Thickest Rooster:

Edit: No, was never in Legacy. Quite funny tho nobody knows the true story behind it.  Not that I care to even go on about any of this.

his mad I wouldn't be his bitch and walk over to defend his cities that he kept making, after I told him countless times that he needed to stop making new cities and instead needed make an army to defend his main one.

08:00:23 Aug 24th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

Hex isnt shit your shit your so proud of yourself that you wanna backstab people. I was never gonna lead Hex again but since levi left I had to. And if I was going to lead it I want loyal members dont care about how good they are and how active. Only that they are loyal and not some b*llshit retard as you.

Your acting like you hold an entire side of MAD by yourself I only saw an underaged kid crying that he was going to lose his 90k city to Blue.

To bad you dont know me. Levi knew if it went wrong with MAD I would come with my toilet and do something. But since LGC carried us out of there, with some good vicing of the Hex vices/ldr.

Good job you aged abit no strange colours.

16:55:38 Aug 25th 12 - Mr. Dustan:

what is this sh!t all about? ahh....

LordHolo, kakakaka! you failed miserably! :P

MAD started era 19. that is around 40eras ago. Im curious, how many eras does LGC have?

16:57:59 Aug 25th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Beautiful Anouk):

EDIT: Oh w8, Dustan = Aloy. I never know that.

17:14:41 Aug 25th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

That was the other character, I lend to my nephew. I thought, I was using the right one. hahaha!

Is the era in Fantasia started already, I mean we can settle cities already? I just came back from a little vacation. :D

11:12:32 Aug 26th 12 - Mr. Kasakasz The Second Dwarf:

i wish i could just paste here mr lord frying pan army at the end of the last era :/

what was it 300 k .... swordsman ?

+ next time learn that u have to put mus in ur armies or someone is going to fry them again just like i did just a little advice from noob player ;)

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