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Forums / The hangaround / Mr ObamaUS President

Mr ObamaUS President
01:17:38 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

So I know we have players from all over the world and I wanted to know what everyone knows of Obama and what they think of him.
Im sure flaming will happen.

 I myself do not support Obama. He is leading out country towards socialism, as well as not listening to what the people want. How the hell could he have read that 2400 page health care packet in such short time. We want reform, not the reform that he has put in place.

So post opinions and what you know =)

01:27:58 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kobold:

Who says socialism is a bad thing? Even if it is, who says it's any worse than capitalism? 1% of the population gets filthy rich and access to anything and everything they want, while the other 99% gets to die because they can't afford the medicine to keep them alive. You should really watch "capitalism: a love story" by michael moore. The man is a little radical but the movie is on the money. Capitalism is what's ruining this country, so what's wrong if Obama wants to bring a little change to our nation?

01:50:01 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Zephyr:

While I won't take a side on this issue directly (I am a firm believer that there are three things never discussed in public: money, religion, and politics), I will say this: Obama's plans are without a doubt the most radical changes since the New Deal, so it is to that time period one must look for comparison. At the time, FDR was instituting massive changes that we still feel today, and many of them were only moderately popular and even fewer were actually successful. It is important to note that criticizing radical change is easy to do while the change is still taking place, and thus only time can tell if that change is the right move. On the opposite side of the aisle, it is just as important to act prudently and think these acts through to their completion, as failing to do so can result in devastating failure that can potentially lead to one's ruin later. Again, I am not taking a side here, merely pointing out that I hope that everyone will act fairly and respect everyone's arguments, as there always are two sides to an argument. 

02:23:09 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

Kobald, we both have extremist views, I know for a fact that that is not how capitalism works. Everyone is given a oportunities. Its just those who capitalize on them that do well, and the wealth is avaliable to everyone, a person only needs 30k a year to live a happy life. One can make more if they truely try.

03:16:34 Apr 30th 10 - The Architect:

Mr. Kronos


16:17:38 Apr 29th 10
I myself do not support Obama. He is leading out country towards socialism

Do me a favor and define Socialism for us in your OWN words.  Not a dictionary definition but what YOU think socialism is.

What it all comes down to is the fact that he is our president, and since he got over 68% of the nations votes, the most since Kennedy I think (not sure), there's a good chance we will have him again when it comes to a vote again in about another 3 years.  Whether or not that happens does not matter.  

What does matter is that he is our president and he is the current leader of our country.  For you or anyone else to try and paint him bad and hurt his platform just because you do't like him is absolutely stupid.  It doesn't get us anywhere.  If you don't like it, then sit quietly and wait until it is over.  What effect is you going off about how crappy our president is going to have?  It makes us all look bad and keeps us from moving forward.

03:23:33 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

03:25:08 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Master Mind:

Obama dropped the protection of gray wolves in America, bad Obama.. bad... 

03:47:59 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

"and since he got over 68% of the nations votes..."

I lol'ed at that... how many of the people that voted for him were people who have never voted before, and are black? How many people voted for him that are black? They just did it because of their race. But I'm not here to flame Obama, I think he's doing fine. Unless he makes a huge blunder I don't see any problems, except the healthcare reform. I don't like it at all. I'm all about survival of the fittest, so why should somebody of upper class have to pay extra tax for some dipshit lower class who constantly gets himself hurt? But no, people say Obama wasted money on his reform. Well, let's look at it this way, Cops, Firemen, and Schools were extremely low on money, some even making drastic paycuts. Now, if this bill hadn't gone into effect (not the healthcare one, his first 100billion or something bill) we would be losing cops, firemen, and school teachers. Now I don't know about you, but they provide and infrastructure for society.. you may not have noticed a difference, but that's because it was a preventative. Just like taking medicine if you feel a little sick... you are only slightly better feeling, but it was to prevent it getting worse.

03:51:01 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kobold:

You're right each person has opportunities presented to them but the opportunities are not equal. for instance a poor kid living in detroit wouldn't have equal opportunities with a rich kid living in LA. The rich child will nine times out of ten be better off than the poor child for a number of reasons, such as security, healthy meals, close contact with other "successful" people, and so on. Yes there is the rare ocassion that a poor child can come out of the slums and become a huge success, but it's rare. One success out of thousands of failures is not acceptable. But capitalism thrives on these failures. It needs the poor huddled masses to fuel itself. thus the 1% of people at the very top get 90ish percent of the money. In reality there's really no reason everyone shouldn't be paid the same. why should a CEO make 1mil a year while most of the rest of the company get less than 30k a year. it's ridiculous. Even if I can't really say that capitalism is a bad idea, because in principle it's not entirely, i can say that capitalism has failed our country.

Also, you're saying everyone should make 30k a year bare minimum to be happy? if that covers all of the basics, food, clothing, shelter, ect. and allows for some extras then i'd agree with you no one needs much more than that. problem is even alot of employed people don't make 30k a year. take pilots for example. the median wage of pilots is about $19,000. that's not a whole heck of a lot when your profession involves flying a giant machine filled with passengers. not to mention the fact that if 30 is all a person needs then why do CEOs make millions every year? that extra money seems superflous especially when all they do is put the money in a bank to make more money. wouldn't it make more sense to spread that money around so that everyone could be happy rather than one possibly happy man and thousands of unhappy laborers?

03:56:23 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kobold:


04:00:44 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

You're saying that only 1% live in upper class in america? I'm pretty sure it's higher than that... remember here.. we're arguing about america.. not some poor country. I'm pretty sure more than 20% (and this is a very random number, but that's what I think is the LOWEST amount) live in upper class, with a majority % being in mid-class, and larger than upper class % in lower, but lower than middle. Maybe around...

40% lower class, 40% middle, 20% upper. Quite frankly, I don't care what you think bad about Obama, it's just sad whenever we're fighting so hard about our PRESIDENT and we elected him. I know I disproved the fairness in this in my post before, and I stand by that. But you won't always get what you like, you gotta learn to live with it.

04:07:39 Apr 30th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Income and wealth statistics may serve as a helpful guideline as they can be measured in a more objective manner. In 2005, approximately one and half percent (1.5%) of households in the United States had incomes exceeding $250,000 with the top 5% having incomes exceeding $157,000.[19] Furthermore only 2.6% of household held assets (excluding home equity) of more than one-million dollars. One could therefore fall under the assumption that less than five percent of American society are members of rich households. The richest 1% of the American population owns as much as the combined wealth of the bottom 90% [20], or perhaps even more [21].

Sorry to burst your bubble, Vuggy. However, in general, the rich upper classes make up very little of the population as a whole.

04:09:40 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

Socialism: Govement owning everything and in theory the people owning the government and making decisions, but in reality it is very corruptible and power corrupts most who have it.

Not saying our government now isnt corrupt, everyone know it is.

04:26:05 Apr 30th 10 - The Architect:

Mr. Vuggy


18:47:59 Apr 29th 10

"and since he got over 68% of the nations votes..."

I lol'ed at that... how many of the people that voted for him were people who have never voted before, and are black? How many people voted for him that are black? They just did it because of their race. 

And?  What does the fact that black people may have voted for him have to do with anything?  If in fact lots of people, be they black or not, came out to vote for him who've never voted before, that speaks more good about him in how he was able to inspire them and get out and vote.  

Does their vote not count as much because they choose not to vote in most things so when a presidential election comes around we should just exclude them?  If that's what you're insinuating, and that's what I'm getting from what you said, then you seriously need to reconsider your thoughts on how America works.  They are as American as anyone else who lives here, therefore their vote counts just the same whether they've chosen to exercise that right to vote prior to that event or not does not matter.  

We like our liberties here in America.  We have freedoms.  One of those freedoms is that we get to vote.  Just because we have that freedom does not mean we must exercise it, but when we choose to it has just as much effect on the outcome as the vote of our president.  The fact that you're bringing race into this is seriously sad.

09:38:49 Apr 30th 10 - The Architect:

Mr. Kronos


19:09:40 Apr 29th 10
Socialism: Govement owning everything and in theory the people owning the government and making decisions, but in reality it is very corruptible and power corrupts most who have it.

Not saying our government now isnt corrupt, everyone know it is.

Okay, so now name all of the things that the government owns all of, meaning something where there is no private sector influence.

09:43:24 Apr 30th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

"We like our liberties here in America.  We have freedoms.  One of those freedoms is that we get to vote.  Just because we have that freedom does not mean we must exercise it, but when we choose to it has just as much effect on the outcome as the vote of our president.  The fact that you're bringing race into this is seriously sad."

Voting in a Democracy is a duty, not a right. It is everyone's responsibility in the country to see that it is governed fairly and justly by the right group, not by a select few who take up that duty. Otherwise you get the whining as stated above (No offence Kronos) In the end, it is to your benefit.

Just an opinion btw so don't take my head off ^^

09:54:21 Apr 30th 10 - The Architect:

I agree, everyone should vote, I personally think it is irresponsible not to.  However, even though I think that, I do agree that people have the freedom/right not to vote if they don't want to.  Hand in hand with that, I also think that people who choose not to vote should not be allowed to whine about things not coming out the way they wanted.

Basically the same idea, just different usage of words.

09:59:31 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I fully agree with Architect. about race and voting.

Also, the problem with socialism is not in the system, but the people who use it. Humans are 99% of the time to selfish to be good leaders for a socialistic country.

Another point I would like to make in support of Kobolds very true words, is that America is NO LONGER the country of opportunity, and has not been so for quit some time already. There are huge differences even in the basic education people get, because the differences between the poor and rich schools are so immense, the poor have no chance to get enough money to pay the fees for the to schools and thus rarely have a chance to get a good education and job.
I have also heard a lot of "anyone can get a good life if they just try" talk from Americans, this is pure BS. Modern societies are based on knowledge and education, if you canīt get that, then you got no chance.

As several knowledgeable persons have said in Finland, we live in the new country of opportunity and equality, we have free education and health care here. Anyone can become anything they wish as long as it is physically possible.

Some things I found that clearly state that America is anything but equal:

Research by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett has also presented evidence that both social cohesion and health problems are greater in countries or states where economic inequality is highest. For instance, crime rates, mental health problems and teen-age pregnancies are lower in countries like Japan and Finland compared to countries with greater inequality such as the US and UK.

The United States has one of the widest rich-poor gaps of any high-income nation today, and that gap continues to grow.[16] In recent times, some prominent economists including Alan Greenspan have warned that the widening rich-poor gap in the U.S. population is a problem that could undermine and destabilize the country's economy and standard of living stating that "The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself".

10:23:46 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Since I r not American, I will look at it from a world view :P

Potential rivals and enemies of the US think Barack Obama is a BAD president. Not bad for the US... in fact, he is too good for the US. He is actually a very good captain of the ship compared to the last president :P No, he is a BAD president for them (the potential rivals and enemies).

I bet rivals like Russia and China and potential enemies like Iran would love to have a Republican president back in the seat. Hell, better still would be an exact copy of the last president of the US (too bad he can't run for a second time :P). Absolute best case scenario would be someone like Palin as president (and yes, we know a huge portion of the US are STUPID ENOUGH to actually want to vote her in :P).

Then that would be the era of America's sunset while states like China, Brazil, Russia, India and other rising powers accelerate their ascendancy.

So yeah, vote Obama out please!!! And vote Palin as President!!! <3 

10:40:31 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Path:

Yeah, Palin and that batshit crazy Bachmann woman from Minnesota should run together.  Those two know what is going on!  *chuckle*

14:25:22 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

exactly :P

22:48:20 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

And? What does the fact that black people may have voted for him have to do with anything? If in fact lots of people, be they black or not, came out to vote for him who've never voted before, that speaks more good about him in how he was able to inspire them and get out and vote.

Does their vote not count as much because they choose not to vote in most things so when a presidential election comes around we should just exclude them? If that's what you're insinuating, and that's what I'm getting from what you said, then you seriously need to reconsider your thoughts on how America works. They are as American as anyone else who lives here, therefore their vote counts just the same whether they've chosen to exercise that right to vote prior to that event or not does not matter.

We like our liberties here in America. We have freedoms. One of those freedoms is that we get to vote. Just because we have that freedom does not mean we must exercise it, but when we choose to it has just as much effect on the outcome as the vote of our president. The fact that you're bringing race into this is seriously sad.

It's the truth and you know it. People that are probably never going to vote again, unless it's to re-elect Obama, voted for him. And that made a large %. I can and will bring race into everything, especially when I can bet you that at least 25% of his votes (out of 68%) were from people who've never voted before. Btw, I wasn't bringing the fact they don't vote in other things into it, I was bringing the fact they NEVER VOTED BEFORE ON ANYTHING. 

The above being said, I stated directly after that that I wasn't trashing obama, merely his supporters and the truth that most of them were black, who don't even know the difference between republican, democratic, whig (if it's still around), or the tea baggers. 

23:12:14 Apr 30th 10 - The Architect:

So you're seriously saying that those Americans should not get to vote?

Do you realize how that violates the very foundation that the USA was founded upon?

Black people whether or not they've voted before deserve their vote just as much as yellows, reds and whites.  There really are no true Americans, aside from the Native Americans of which there are few left.  We are all immigrants.  British, Irish, Dutch, Norwegians and a whole heck of alot more comprise what we now call Americans.  Included in those are Africans, there's no difference between them and anyone else who came here aside from how they got here.  Fact is they are here, and that fact alone makes them just as American as anyone else, therefore they get every right that anyone else gets, nothing more, nothing less.

I'm don't want  to "bet" you on this stuff.  Go find me facts, I'm sure they are printed somewhere.  However, since you're in a betting mood, I'd wager that significantly less than 10%, probably less than 5% of votes for him are from people who've never voted before.  I'd probably put the number closer to 1%-2% at a maximum.

00:18:36 May 1st 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Black people shouldn't get to vote, then it'd be fair. :) And I'm a true american. I was born and raised here. I descend from immigrants, yes, but I was born here. I just have to say that My president is black, my lambo is blue, and I'll be goddamned if my rims ain't too.

00:21:46 May 1st 10 - The Architect:

And the black people who were born here are just as American as you.

00:38:49 May 1st 10 - Dr. Willie Hardigan:

I have no problem with him or what he is doing.  flame on

01:12:02 May 1st 10 - Sir Cadmus The Miner:

I would just like to state that the majority of the statistics posted in this thread have been pulled out of the ass of the poster. If you're going to post figures and expect to be taken seriously, cite your source. Do not post numbers based on your own thoughts and opinions of what you think it *might* be. That's how false facts spread.

Also, I'm curious to know how many of you have actually read the bill? Or even part of it? My guess - none. It's easy to spout on about Socialism once you hear the word on the news, but very few can actually back up their claims with factual evidence based on what's actually listed in the bill. It annoys me when I see people ranting about the American ideals when it comes to contradicting bills, when they really don't know what they're talking about.

Here's a decent summary from CBS News:

Full Bill (I believe this is accurate, correct me if I'm wrong) (PDF FILE):

Vuggy: Just so you know, whigs are not still around. They were destroyed by a split between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions.

02:42:31 May 1st 10 - Mr. Path:

Many whigs are running for congress.  I think i will vote for one.

03:27:48 May 1st 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Mr. Vuggy


22:00:44 Apr 29th 10

You're saying that only 1% live in upper class in america? I'm pretty sure it's higher than that... remember here.. we're arguing about america.. not some poor country. I'm pretty sure more than 20% (and this is a very random number, but that's what I think is the LOWEST amount) live in upper class, with a majority % being in mid-class, and larger than upper class % in lower, but lower than middle. Maybe around...

40% lower class, 40% middle, 20% upper. Quite frankly, I don't care what you think bad about Obama, it's just sad whenever we're fighting so hard about our PRESIDENT and we elected him. I know I disproved the fairness in this in my post before, and I stand by that. But you won't always get what you like, you gotta learn to live with it.

So if you cant achieve an A in class, you should stop trying? That is probably the worst attitude ever stated. Now everyone who posts on this thread should be happy that they have food, water, and this game. Some ppl around the world and as well as those living here that are living in slum conditions dont have this kind of luxury.

05:06:17 May 1st 10 - Mr. Justin:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government."

Im not Obama supported and im not even going to start flaming but seriously. Those who bitch about it and just read that long post. If you dont like what the government is doing then do something about it. Bitching and moaning about it doesn't get you anywhere. Either shut up or take action. From time to time the tree of liberty must be replenished with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

05:25:37 May 1st 10 - Mr. Path:

haha, yes, how dare you folks talk of politics.  There is no room for logical discourse in politics.  Either shut up, or grab a gun!!11!

lol, romantic little kiddies.  I love seeing people reciting stuff like this like the good little programmed peons they are.  Who taught you to recite this little gem Justin?

Maybe you can join my kingdom.  Every time I say the word "waffle" you say "peanut butter on my tacos".  Granted....this wouldn't be too useful, but it'd amuse me for a couple minutes anyhow.

06:09:28 May 1st 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Mr. Path


11:25:37 May 1st 10
Maybe you can join my kingdom.  Every time I say the word "waffle" you say "peanut butter on my tacos".  Granted....this wouldn't be too useful, but it'd amuse me for a couple minutes anyhow.

Yup yup, you should join us Justin *thumbs up*.

Everytime I say "Path", Path says "TBL". And everytime Path says "TBL", I say 'Path".

We would make a fine kingdom indeed :)

06:12:36 May 1st 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

So if you cant achieve an A in class, you should stop trying?

That doesn't pertain to what I said at all. If you don't get an A on a test, you gotta live with it don't you? Never said stop trying, said you gotta live with it. Read and interpret before you post. You can only correct below 70 where I'm from.. may be different elsewhere, so if you're above 70, you're stuck with it, get over it.

16:14:09 May 1st 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

>So you're seriously saying that those Americans should not get to vote?

Why should the miscreants that turn beautiful cities into slums feared by all that aren't black/wigger or in a gang, who go around killing people for fun and because "yo dis b mah territory dawg", stealing from people and indirectly stealing from the U.S. government... be given the chance to vote?

And before you say generalizing, I'll admit there are blacks that do, infact, act like humans, not animals. These (the ones that act like humans) are the only ones that should have the opportunity to vote (as they're the ones that would have voted in the past and have continued to vote)

>Do you realize how that violates the very foundation that the USA was founded upon?

Nice try Archi, but the USA was founded with blacks being slaves, not free people with the right to vote on serious issues, eloel.

18:24:33 May 1st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

nice KKK propaganda.

Reality and ideals all to often do not match, doesnīt mean you shouldnīt follow them as well as you can.

And do you seriously think gangsters bothered to vote even if it was for a black president? I wouldnīt be all to sure about that, they donīt care about anything except themselves and their gang. Its more like the common poor black people who have not seen a reason to vote before that got engaged due to such a historical opportunity.

18:29:43 May 1st 10 - Mr. Kronos:

One of my new favorite quotes, because I dont agree with where this country is headed,

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." Mark Twain

19:19:34 May 1st 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Kool Kats Klub ftw?

20:50:18 May 1st 10 - The Architect:

Wow, obviously logic is something that's lost on you and the Constitution and the words written upon it mean nothing to you.  Friggin bigots. 

21:17:48 May 1st 10 - Mr. Koss:

the best government is communism but it will never work so id settle for socialism

23:29:37 May 1st 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

>And do you seriously think gangsters bothered to vote even if it was for a black president?

>Its more like the common poor black people who have not seen a reason to vote before that got engaged

Sorry Tarwut, but you confused me a bit with the above statements. First you claim that gangsters (who are notorious for being poor members of the African American community) wouldn't vote, then almost directly after, you claim that poor African American's would vote? Please make up your mind.

23:57:45 May 1st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

So according to you poor blacks are the same as gangsters?

Are you a member of KK yet? you would really fit in.

00:32:19 May 2nd 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

There's no need to twist my words Tarwut, I was merely pointing out facts (gangsters in the USA are notoriously poor and of African descent), as well as your conflicting statement. 

Why do you feel the need to continuously bring the KK(K) (an abbreviation for a racist group against those of African descent, for the historically uneducated VUers out there *glances at Architect*) into this discussion, almost urging VUers to join? Are you a member of this vile organization, Tarwut?

00:45:51 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Mr. Vuggy


00:12:36 May 1st 10

So if you cant achieve an A in class, you should stop trying?

That doesn't pertain to what I said at all. If you don't get an A on a test, you gotta live with it don't you? Never said stop trying, said you gotta live with it. Read and interpret before you post. You can only correct below 70 where I'm from.. may be different elsewhere, so if you're above 70, you're stuck with it, get over it.


When you say that you must live with it you are basically saying that you cant do crap to change it. Not really in some cases, you are sometimes not always stuck with it. There are oppurtunities in which you can improve. Life does not always have to be full of pessimism my friend. There is still hope.

00:47:30 May 2nd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

White Power!!

00:50:48 May 2nd 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

"Life does not always have to be full of pessimism my friend."

The mere fact that you're interpreting his words the way that you are makes you the pessimistic one, my friend.

01:43:35 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Wow okay have you seen what he has said? He has had a lot more pessimism than anyone here. My point overall is to his statement that if you cant get something that you have to live with it. Again not always.

02:11:38 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Its hard to be a member of KKK if you live in Finland, we have never had such racist groups here. And the reason for brining KKK up is because you talk like one who shares their despicable believes.

The fact that a large part of the gangsters are black does not automatically mean that all poor blacks are gangsters. People usually become gangsters when they are poor, and they are poor because they are oppressed and despised by racists like you.

And please stop saying that I am confused, because you seem to be a bit illiterate when I have to explain my posts to you 10 times before you even manage to get a clue of the meaning of half the words.

You can crawl into a hole and rot, while people with more brains, courage and better values go and make the world a better place. No need for you to tell us that you want to hide under a rock for the rest of your miserable life.

02:38:25 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Are you a member of KK yet? you would really fit in.

There is no KK... that'd make it the Kool Katz. That doesn't work.. need to specify what it is... A Klub! :D

As tyrgalon has shown, Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words last FOREVER. How does it take courage to say someone black is the same as me? It doesn't take courage.. just acceptance.. and understanding. I understand that there's a Klub.. for Kool Katz... And they have great parties!

02:53:38 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

word games is not of much use in a debate.

04:26:28 May 2nd 10 - The Architect:

There really is no debate here.  He's a bigot, simple enough.  The only thing that makes him "American" is that he lives here.  He is neither a patriot nor anyone deserving of living in a country founded upon the words written on our Declaration or Constitution.  

I'd not be opposed to giving him my address so I could permanently fix him for trespassing on my property.  The Castle Doctrine is a great friend and I'd not hesitate to use it.

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