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Forums / The hangaround / My Crappy Flash Game

My Crappy Flash Game
16:17:23 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Jelly:


Lols check out my crappy flash game :P

16:42:31 Sep 6th 09 - Duke Angelus:

did you make it?

16:48:12 Sep 6th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

well, it wasn't that crappy. I prefer to jump with space button. and Im rather sure you need permission to use the music of gary jules.

Also maybe adding some enemies, possible life and life drain when encounter enemies.

Perhaps add time counter or something, so there is something to improve for everytime you play. Or at least some goal, simply running and picking triangles isn't very amusing, there needs to be something to strive for.

16:50:49 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

I made it and i dont need copyright if you spend 15 mins looking at vids on newgrounds about 25 persent of vids use music that are copy righted and baciley the music people dont care .... :P

16:51:41 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats rate cool

22:28:20 Sep 6th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

not gonna lie but that was really boring.....but well done!

23:37:35 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

windcar exactly my game sucks ASS !!!!

00:40:18 Sep 7th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:


a strange thing to suck, that is..

yoda, i speak like

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