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Forums / The hangaround / Neil Young

Neil Young
02:50:13 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Arzoon:

Is simply the best in the world. And guess what Mielo, hes from Canada : )

Music has gone to hell since the 90s, for those of you who know my age this seems odd to say but it is very true. There are no good bands unless they are cover bands nowadays. I am tired of all this generic punk "Rock". Thank god Neil Young will keep on rocking in the free world!

I want to hear what people have to say on their taste of music. A list of bands I like are The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Led Zepellin, Children of Bodom, Jimmy Hendrix, Black Sabath, Blue Oyster Cult and some more that I may have forgoten : )

03:14:23 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

I'll go for Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, haven't heard to much Zepellin though, but like what I've heard... The rest isn't much for me...

But there's alot of good new music out there, even if alot of it is bullsheit...

03:48:49 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Man, today's music rocks, but however:

Apologize: STOP THE MUSIC!

Please Don't Stop the Music: PLEASE DO!

And ZeTa knows the others, BUT!

CRank Dat Soul'ja Boy

Kiss Kiss


Over You

And a bunch of others.

04:12:08 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

plato, u obviously have no knowledge..........


arzun, zeppelin is where it's at!!!! i could jam to him, ac/dc, billy joel and tom petty all day!

new stuff is still good as well..................although it's not the same genre anymore. blue october, 30 seconds to m*beep*vans blue, finger eleven, hellogoodbye, the knife, keane, of montreal, the postal service, saosin, staind, state radio, and weezer are all newer bands. i tried to pick different types of rock, so let me know if any tickle ur fancy arzun :) 


and u can't ever forget the offspring, green day, nirvana, sublime, and even bush.

04:15:22 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

If we are thinking about the same The Knife Soccer, it sure ain't rock... ;)   But damn it's good, I saw them live -06, freaking amazing!

05:12:25 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

the knife that sings silent shout............... ur right, it's not rock. i guess of montreal and hellogoodbye fit more outside of rock as well. i was just listing what i am listening to currently :)

lucky effie! i wanna go!

05:16:53 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Yeay, we are talking about the same!:P  You bet you're ass, it was freaking freaking FREAKING awesome!

05:27:38 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

Im all about the rock guys. Rap is, well, for stupid

I dont care how old or how new, ALL about the rock.


05:54:40 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Womb Raider:

There are some good modern bands around, although there certainly aren't any led zeppelins or neil youngs.
My favourite band atm would have to be radiohead, they keep putting out great albums. Also, arcade fire are making good music.

06:46:56 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i listen to everything. And jesse rap is not for stupid ppl. rap relates to so many ppls lives, and those who listen to it understand that it does relate, and like it.Rap, rock, hip-hop, and classic rock are all i listen to.

06:55:31 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

And if you havnt noticed, 90% of people that listen to nothing but rap, thier lives are f-ed up in some kind of way... And I'm talking about the 1diots that rap about stealing, shooting, rape, murder, drugs, alchohol, and anything else thats illegal...the rest of rap is not music...

Answer me this Justin, do you like poetry?

06:59:03 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

yes i do like poetry. is there something wrong with poetry?

07:24:53 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:


What the feck are you talking about Spud? First; "90%"!? That's ridicilous, it's not true and you know it. Second; "f-ed up in some kind of way..." Find a life that isn't fecked up in some kind of way, I will not only give you a 90% certanty, but a full 100% guarantee that you won't find a life that isn't f-ed up in some way. It hasn't got anything with music to do.

Ever read or seen "High Fidelity"...?

"Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable, or am I miserable because I'm listening to pop music?"

Cause certainly you know that pop music is way more dangerous to listen to then hip-hop and rap, pop music with all it's talk about forbidden love, broken love, the love of the life cheating on you, the love of you're life not loving you, etc.
Far more dangerous listening to someone singing about emotions going down the toilet because some kiss didn't happen then listening to a song about a puke going down the toilet thanks to some alcohol, if you're lucky you won't remember that the next day, the emotion of someone breaking you're heart and then listening to a song about it? That's far more worse then hearing about someone singing about a puke, am I right or am I right?
In my opinion, most of the things you just counted isn't rap, there are in fact artists who perform music that has a meaning, they are trying to change something, not just the size of their rims.

07:29:36 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

very goog point Penor, all the suicides ive heard about where over love. a girl on myspace thought this guy loved her and when he said he didnt she killed herself over it

07:34:29 Apr 4th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Always sad seeing that happen... but hey!


07:37:05 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol nice one Penor

11:41:47 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. I don't care any musics as long its nice.. But im more into Rocks.. (as in in band player with guitar bass and drum) Cos i have a band and if i like that song, i will play that song myself or with my band.

My favourite band is Muse.. xD

But FYI, im not into heavy metals.. Arzoon, i heard of Children of Bodom.. I love their Final Countdown style only.. They played darn freaking fast and awesome though.. xD Children of Bodom can be referred as Black Metal i guess.. Sorry to offense anyone ok.. I heard lots of Black Metal songs but im not into it.. Just curious.. I have seen afew clips.. It has lots of naked and blood -thirst and cutting yourself and demons all.. The singer surely has those white eyes.. xD

But honestly, those Black Metals singers are good-looking singers.. Haha.. Its a waste(to me), they prefer to be underground band..

I have lots more to talk about Music.. but well. I don't want to make an essay out of it in this forum.. xD But dude.. I am sooo into music man.. Music is my life.. So yeah... I shall say sorry again, to anyone i offended.

No music, no life man..

15:34:17 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

Eminiem is the only rapper i listen to..................... MTV and the bands it plays, well that whole lifestyle, is bullsh!t if u ask me..................

16:33:13 Apr 4th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Anybody else besides me listen to this guy?


17:46:33 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

the postal service is not rock lol

21:36:00 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

the postal service is indie rock. so yes, it is a form of rock.

23:52:36 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Spoon's third arm!  Who is that guy!?!

00:39:33 Apr 5th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

It's Belzebub!!

(Anyone remember him btw... Are you still around but with a different name that  I don't know...? This was about 15 eras ago... :P)

04:00:01 Apr 5th 08 - Duke Arzoon:

Belzebub!? Where! :O

04:46:07 Apr 8th 08 - Duke Arzoon:

Anyone who has any doubts about Neil Young's superiour amazingness over all...

05:09:50 Apr 8th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Duke Greater Penor


4/4/2008 4:39:33 PM
It's Belzebub!!

(Anyone remember him btw... Are you still around but with a different name that  I don't know...? This was about 15 eras ago... :P)

I read his stuff in the first couple pages of Ye Olde Taverne a while back.

11:48:16 Apr 8th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Those first couple of pages where a while ago... ;) I guess he left... Doesn't seem to be around...

23:34:13 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Jibbly:

hey in my opinion its all about the DEATH METAL....Deicide, Behemoth, Disgorge, Wormed, Prostitute Disfigurement, Cannibal Corpse, Hypocrisy, Vital Remains...and the like, its just so amazing

01:23:22 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Mr. Jibbly


4/11/2008 6:34:13 PM
hey in my opinion its all about the DEATH METAL....Deicide, Behemoth, Disgorge, Wormed, Prostitute Disfigurement, Cannibal Corpse, Hypocrisy, Vital Remains...and the like, its just so amazing

LOL....its music that like thats screwing up the kids hearing those titles probably want to go out and disfigure prostitutes or kill someone X_x but I am just joking b/c i have never heard of any of those bands =p

I love rock n roll....but I feel that rap is mainly for people who want to to be whores or druggies.....I find all their messeges to be incredibly negative or degrading of some group of people.....Ill listen to classic rock and a little bit of modern rock but nothing too heavy....I like listening to the lyrics and relaxing to it....I love music that "soothes the soul" =p

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