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Forums / The hangaround / Septim Gets Bored

Septim Gets Bored
06:34:49 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[21:16] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: >=|
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: There is nobody here
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: hmmmm
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: I shall begin talking to myself then
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: So, was the sausage?
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Quite good in fact, it was a rather large brat!
[21:19] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Ahhh, I see, so you'd say it was juicy as well?
[21:20] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Yes, the key to sausage is to not pop it, keep all the juice inside!
[21:20] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: What'd you eat it with?
[21:21] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: All I had was some white sauce, so I poured it on there.
[21:21] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Sounds excellent...what'd you do with the remaining sauce?
[21:21] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: There was none, I licked everything clean!
[21:22] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Interesting! How was your hamburger the night before?
[21:22] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Good, the buns were soft, but the meat was hard.
[21:22] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: you get used to it
[21:22] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Too true
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: So, how are your babies?
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Got tired of them, stored them in the wine cellar for a while.
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: What? They should be fine!
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...
[21:23] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: What!?
[21:24] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Did you give them a bottle opener?
[21:24] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Oh shit!
[21:24] * Prince Pelagius Septim VIII runs off, gives his baby a corkscrew, runs back.
[21:24] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Saved your ass.
[21:24] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: No kidding! That could've been a very bad parenting move!
[21:24] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Indeed.
[21:26] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...why are you so silent all of a sudden?
[21:27] * Prince Pelagius Septim VIII hears thumping
[21:27] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...what are you do-AGH! Gross!
[21:27] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It's natural for men to do!
[21:27] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: In public!?
[21:27] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Of course!
[21:27] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...*facepalm*
[21:28] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: I am releasing my white seed onto this towel.
[21:28] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: do you think the towel feels about all this?
[21:28] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: All what? Wait...towel, what the hell are you talking about?
[21:28] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: The towel! It's getting stained by your white seed!
[21:29] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It won't care, it's not alive!
[21:29] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Bull-crap it's not! It's screaming for you to stop right now!!!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: I don't hear anything!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Stop! It's yelling for you to stop you sick son-of-a-bitch!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It's a towel...there's nothing happening...
[21:30] * Mr. Codeaxis has left Lobby
* Ms. Lilly Telvanus II has left Lobby
* Mr. Chaser has left Lobby
* Mr. Jay has left Lobby
* Mr. Himanil VI has left Lobby
* Mr. Minor Threat has joined Lobby
Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Poor towel...
[21:29] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Bull-crap it's not! It's screaming for you to stop right now!!!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: I don't hear anything!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Stop! It's yelling for you to stop you sick son-of-a-bitch!
[21:30] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It's a towel...there's nothing happening...
[21:30] * Mr. Codeaxis has left Lobby
* Ms. Lilly Telvanus II has left Lobby
* Mr. Chaser has left Lobby
* Mr. Jay has left Lobby
* Mr. Himanil VI has left Lobby
* Mr. Minor Threat has joined Lobby
Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Poor towel...
[21:31] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...
[21:31] * Mr. Doomhand has joined Lobby
Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: Please...for the towel's sake...
[21:31] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:'s not alive!
[21:32] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It says it'll sue you.
[21:32] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...sue me? What?
[21:32] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: It's going to sue your ass for everything you have...
[21:32] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...I don't have anything except this towel, this lotion, and these magazines!
[21:33] * Mr. Nick has joined Lobby
Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:'s going to sue you for those, your clothes, your condoms...
[21:33] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: My clothes? My CONDOMS!?!
[21:33] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: And maybe even your left testicle.
[21:33] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: ...
[21:34] Prince Pelagius Septim VIII: He'll see you in court!
[21:34] * Mr. Matthew II has joined Lobby
* Prince Pelagius Septim VIII walks out

17:29:19 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Shit, how on Earth didn't I see you, damned VY glitches. (shakes his fists at the heavens)

'So then, could we continue our battle here?'

19:11:25 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:


22:23:44 Jul 5th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

again septim.....

maybe you could play VU instead of spamming one day :P

22:48:17 Jul 5th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

who are you Zalgo?

I like septim :)

23:05:52 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Zalgo is just another sad lonely person who tells others to "get a life" when he himself doesn't have one. Also, seeing as he capitalized Dick, it means that he would like you to suck a man named Richard. A rather odd request...>.>

23:13:56 Jul 5th 09 - Duke Pikachu:


23:16:13 Jul 5th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

ok not rev then...

plus saw your other threads.... kath?

23:19:01 Jul 5th 09 - Sir Santa:

I would love to see Septim ingame, I don't think any of my troops could bring up the courage of fighting him :S

23:19:18 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Anybody with a brain knows that Revenge always comes back, he simply thought that you were him. However, I think that you are...

*pulls of Zalgo's mask*

"Michael J. Fox!?"


*pulls off another mask*

"Michael Jordan!?"


*pulls off another mask*

"Michael Jackson!?"

*pulls off another mask*

"A man with a white mask!?"

*pulls off another mask*

"Oh, it's just Michael Myers..."

23:22:38 Jul 5th 09 - Sir Santa:

Whats with all the Michaels? :S

23:23:51 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

C'mon wannabe, you can troll better than that...

23:25:37 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

An example of what? Your ability to put on masks?

23:27:47 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Mr. Zalgo


15:25:48 Jul 5th 09
An Example of your 13 year old like Idiocy

You do realize that "example" and "idiocy" don't need to be capitalized, right? Also, you forgot the period...

23:31:20 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:



23:32:30 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

lol septim nice LOL

00:51:45 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Braggi:

yay Septim is giving out grammar lessons :D

You were this bored because I leave for two days? Dear god, you could have done something productive ><

01:54:13 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

*Gulps* 'Christ Charlie, you might have given him and me a death sentence as well.'


02:36:32 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

02:39:33 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

gawaine can you get me the code for this?

03:12:49 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Code for what?

07:29:25 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

For the picture lol I think he might mean the URL :)

Right click with your mouse, go to properties, and highlight the Address/URL.  A better weapon than the Golden Machine Gun is the ban hammer...

Unfortuntately, there is an error in the description...

11:24:18 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Interesting I would certainly like to use it but for the fact that it would imperil my own existence in a thread.

11:45:05 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Very original Septim.

18:11:53 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Or just right click the picture and click Copy Image Location. ;)

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