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Forums / The hangaround / Sexeh!

04:32:37 May 11th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

A tribute to those sexy women who play VU and make our lives more intresting =)
off the top of my head:

feel free to add to the list and comment =)

04:36:10 May 11th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:


Is one of those names Mind's alias?

04:37:32 May 11th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

ah! i completly forgot mind!

04:50:45 May 11th 07 - Lord Senturu:


now thats sexy :D

06:02:14 May 11th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

Who is senturu ?

06:13:38 May 11th 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

THAT ONE VERY MANLY CHICK THATS HOT!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE CAP LOCK IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!Okay so yea...=)

10:30:48 May 11th 07 - Lord Senturu:

wow im soooo popular :D

10:56:03 May 11th 07 - Lord Oya:

clearly i should be included in that list....regardless of gender

10:56:58 May 11th 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

Mind is a guy..

11:26:25 May 11th 07 - Mr. Basch:

and who wouldnt know that? if they have with or especialy against mind he's never ever offline hes always online right around the clock 24/7 now a girl wouldnt wanna spent THAT much time playin this game

11:43:26 May 11th 07 - Lord Senturu:

unless they are VERY un popular with others. :/

11:49:31 May 11th 07 - Mr. Jesus:

what about ruxbury? :(

12:11:30 May 11th 07 - Duke Dork:

Does Jesus count..?

I mean, he used to be a woman after all...

12:37:03 May 11th 07 - Mr. Basch:

i forgot to say played

03:37:10 May 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Other then me I think were good.

07:15:57 May 12th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

<<<--------- SEXEY!

08:08:15 May 12th 07 - Lord Senturu:

haywood. is ghey.

Senturu is sexey. cuz he's a pimp like that :P

14:56:18 May 12th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

i thought you were married mate! lol

no pimpin for you!

16:02:07 May 12th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

Senturu weren't you into bum sex?

23:13:17 May 12th 07 - Sir Vencrow:

There was only 1 hot chick who played vu.. and her name was "Bishoujo" and i miss her!

02:19:25 May 13th 07 - Lord Senturu:

i remember her. or at least i think i do :p

and Smuff. i cant help it

Murphy, i would never be into that :D

16:46:23 May 13th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

all women rule

18:57:10 May 14th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Yaaaay!!! :P

19:14:01 May 14th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Lesbianism with video footage is a definate bonus. ;-)

21:32:55 May 14th 07 - Mr. Crash:

YAY! Lesbianism!!!!!

21:51:19 May 14th 07 - Lady Mifune:

Senturu is definitely sexy!


22:14:01 May 14th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ahh. Mifune your Sexyness is.....there is no word for you :D

01:40:34 May 15th 07 - Lady Mifune:'re so sweet!


01:48:19 May 15th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince


5/10/2007 11:36:10 PM

Is one of those names Mind's alias?

Mr. Dakarius


5/10/2007 11:37:32 PM
ah! i completly forgot mind!
Mr. Saint Just


5/11/2007 5:56:58 AM
Mind is a guy..


Well I am still waiting for Mind to declare it's gender. As of now my money is on N/A.

03:22:47 May 15th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ohh. Arzun is a woman.

04:53:36 May 15th 07 - Mr. Basch:

i can tell you right now mind is a guy. if you have ever fought him then you would know what i mean he's NEVER offline

04:55:06 May 15th 07 - Lord Senturu:

that has nothing to do with being a man or a woman :/ all that means is that person has no life. like me :P

12:30:19 May 15th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Yeah!  I bet that there are a few girls on here that play hour upon hour here!  I am really starting to worry if you are sexist or something Basch.  :P

14:56:07 May 15th 07 - Mr. Basch:

na im ugly cause one day when i was driving along my cousin stuck his ass outside the car window and i stuck my head out the window next to it and someone yelled out TWINS!!! cause i'm but ugly :)

21:50:13 May 16th 07 - Lord Senturu:

wow thats really funny :(

21:53:01 May 16th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

Your cousin is crazy :S =P

22:49:47 May 16th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Poor you.  All is well as long as your mother loves you.

23:46:33 May 16th 07 - Lord Senturu:

but my mom dont love me :(


23:59:16 May 16th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Don't worry.  She does.  Of course, she could not like you because you were just too sexeh for her liking.  My mother worries about me at times cuz of my sexehness, especially when I wear skimpy red dresses.

06:22:37 May 17th 07 - Lady Mifune:

I love you Senturu!



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