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Forums / The hangaround / Shyers Embassy

Shyers Embassy
16:34:05 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Now recruiting spammers to fill these useless pages of flames and stupid remarks. Please don't send an application just start spamming. ... Senturu need not apply, or spam or anything else really.

16:53:34 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Naerey:

Howdy Shyers!!
How do you do my fellow ex-going-to-be-dead-enemy??

18:29:40 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

can i join?

00:00:31 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Hey Naerey!!! good to see you, yah salty dog!!!
i do fine, hope VU has been treating you well!
have you come to join my League of Evil Spammers?
Your a shoe in, with your spamming ablitlies i'm sure we can get off to a good start at taking over the entire forums soon!!!
oh, and no hard feelings for kicking my butt b4! lol, i never hold a grudge....well for long

and yes Soccerjester, i believe we can use you on our team, however you must first preform a must bring me..... a shrubbery, not to large, and not to expensive either, one that looks nice.

00:02:56 May 24th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

u want a bush? can i just bring swifty's................... "shrubbery" in?

00:31:16 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Spammers ATTACK: thread PHI EMPIRE

01:14:41 May 24th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:


01:29:19 May 24th 07 - Lord Senturu:

noooooooooooo. dnt attack my home. please no it hurts my head when i have to read your posts cuz it is so manny of them you know its like wow. theres like hundreds of posts and you cant read them all but you try anyway and at the end your head is like OUUUCCHHHH and your like why'd i do that im sooo stupid. but it was well worth it right? i think so mabye it was mabye it wasnt, i think we should spam another thread like this one cuz i think shyers would appreciate it cuz he's weird like that. or get weridgrivi in here to do some nasteh things with you guys cuz you know thats what you want. and im bored as hell so im typing like a mofo. ok peace laters ya'll.....

04:04:03 May 24th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

for that spam senturu, revenge shall be had! to PHI EMPIRE i go!

04:14:05 May 24th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

Hey Shyers!!!!!


04:25:18 May 24th 07 - Mr. Blackwell:

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

04:34:09 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

wrong thread you bastard!!!!! dang you blackwelll, just cuz your grandfathered into my spam league!

ARIEN!!!!! the queen of all spam, i've missed you my dear! how does my fairest lady fair? By all means you are the rightful ruler of my new forum league, i bow to your magestic spamfulness....did i mention i've missed you? :)

04:39:45 May 24th 07 - Mr. Blackwell:

wow, grandfathered!  i know i'm old, but...   i actually got a message saying that there's a rumor that i'm the oldest player here. i guess 35 is ancient!


04:46:00 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

lol.... i started that, hehe, i'm such a devil....

Senturu i guess your a part of the league weather we all like it or not :)

good job on the attacks guys! keep it up, soon that thread will be so spammed zeta will have to delete it or it will crash the server with spam related injuries!!!

05:56:19 May 24th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban sighs and then fireballs everyone in the thread, save Arien*

06:14:08 May 24th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

even me?

06:17:34 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

told ya, Red dragon disciple.... sorry guys, i'd have cast a protection spell, but you  know me, always fashionably late, got a rep to up hold.

06:35:14 May 24th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

Hi spayers!

As general of Spam words and all included, I offer you my services to the destruction of other kingdoms! May the spam be with us!

General Spamazar

06:38:46 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Yes!!!! i knew youd come through for me big bad Mielo!!!!
to the death, Spammers unite!!!

16:50:44 May 24th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

Damned ... this spam thread is so quiet for a spam thread ... I want more spamming units^^

17:04:16 May 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

If a thread is made for spam, how do you spam in it?

17:10:38 May 24th 07 - Lord Oya:

you write really philosphcal and serious posts...clearly :P

17:12:34 May 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

no, because that would be considered Spam, and since the forum is made for spam, it is on topic.

18:51:28 May 24th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

leave the forum blank...............?

00:34:15 May 25th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

i can't possible give out that information, or it would break the spam/time continuum....

We are still hiring Spammers, the pay is low but we got more missions!!!!! 
Next mission Spam all the stupid questions you can find.....oh wait everyone already does that, ok.... spam all the flames....*beep*! that's already been done too.... ok, ok, just build forces and ramonly spam untill i can get it together!

01:28:48 May 25th 07 - Mr. YI Sun:



03:47:38 May 25th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Damn you!!!!! now that is spam! get the hell outta my thread!!!! where is fizzy at? take care of this punk will ya?!

03:51:25 May 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

Shyers.. u suck... and that's no spam... u're a lousy player and the worst spammer... actually...with a bit of training u have the chance of becoming a less lousy spammer, but still a no good spammer...
Take a look at me.. i'm The Spammer... The Neo of the Visual, The chosen one. I've flamed and spammed even the guides, Admin, even the recycle bin has been spammed by me... can u possibly equal that?
I throw you the glove of challange. Are u up to it?

04:30:27 May 26th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

shyers does have a team behind him to aide in this fight......... i would watch it!

00:01:07 May 27th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

um, who are you Bood thirsty? i can't find any posts by you any where but this one... oh, do you only have access to the public forums, oh, ok, i see now.

00:25:31 May 27th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

lol ... Please blood thirsty, go away ... who are you?

15:34:50 May 27th 07 - Mr. Basch:

hes shyers multi :P their both lousy spammers lol

16:47:42 May 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

I would shyers, however I'm having breathing problems and forgot my running shoes, so it's hard to take care of him at the moment.

22:51:11 May 27th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

I have this huge Baschsack

02:23:56 May 28th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

is it full of baschs? your Basch sack

18:42:19 May 28th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Throws fireballs at everyone except Arien and Fizban. Causes a coruscating fountain of fire to explode beneath Fizban so he can't guard against it.*

There. If you want to see my spamming abilitys, look at the VU-Mon 2 thread. They are summed up nicely there.

21:39:28 May 28th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

hmmmm..... killing my highly trained league of Spamminators, is a poor way to impress me, and trying ineptly to D&D Fizzy into finding you attractive is poor as well, i rather like his unwitty comments of my demise, i think, however you have been Duked, so with a small test of faith i will accept you.
Sneak into the Abydos' sorority house and steal  as many panties as you can  then, maybe i'll think about it.

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