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Forums / The hangaround / Spiritual people be like

Spiritual people be like
11:09:08 Dec 14th 22 - Prophet Hanky:

Do you need a spiritual awakening?


I can guide you into the deepest meditation for £15 an hour

This will improve sleep, bring you clarity & sensations that can last for days, even reported to go on forever

I have excellent customer relationship & customers often come back more than weekly

You can set up a prescription straight away or pay for a one time only deal & see if it’s what you are looking for


Some need a break, others don’t, you decide for yourself

If you want it weekly or even daily

I can set deals up to work around your financial status

You can have anything from two bookings at a time

To every other 


30 days a month


Some find it very intense & it can be too much 

We have excellent statistics though & only 3 people are in the 1% that don’t come back

We have over 300 regular customers

From casual relations to people who become family

15:49:21 Dec 14th 22 - Lord Caedus:

wut - Jackie Chan Why? | Make a Meme

17:11:46 Dec 14th 22 - Prophet Hanky:


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