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The Perfect MMO
00:09:35 Dec 9th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Well I'm not sure if this is against the rules considering Im not putting any links up or not but Admin you may delete it if it is.

Im going to create an online mmo, and want to know what you players would like to see in an mmo. Any good ideas or helpful ideas will give you the players a free 6 month payed account. once it is made. And yes it will be made, just not sure when.

This is a game based in the Dark Ages.
The list I will have in this game is.

  1. Races
  2. Classes
  3. Skills
  4. Clans/Guilds
  5. Magic
  6. Good/Evil
  7. Huge worlds- Also need names of citys/towns
  8. Kings/Queens
  9. Prince/Princess
  10.  Lords
  11. Mayors/Watchmen
  12. Gods/Death- There will be only 3 gods and each will be staff
  13. Afterlife- You go here once you die.
          A little bit about this after life:
    You will be giving a quest by The god of good or evil, all depending the side you choose.  This god may ask you to destroy a bridge so he will give you a device that can destroy anything. Lets say you want to be a bad player so you take it and destroy a bank. This device will allow you to do it and every member in this bank on all game servers and in the game and after life will die if there in the bank. This bank will be lost forever unless the major of the town get it fixed.

Let me know if you guys/girls wanna add anything. Feel free to email me or coment on here.

00:41:03 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

Interesting, but I'll post again when I have something more constructive to post... I need to let it sink in... 




   ( wtf I know? sink in what does he mean.... )

10:57:00 Dec 9th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Ok im a bit confused.
( wtf I know? sink in what does he mean.... )

Why would you make fun of yourself

13:18:28 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

errr there werent banks in the dark ages....treasuries...not banks...

17:03:01 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Dope II:

My perfect mmo, would be one without a level system, and money is easy enought to come by.

17:39:59 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Oblivion style combat system. You know, where you click to attack and stuff.

Also, a big ice realm that is designed exactly how I say (well, you can design the frozen wasteland bit). I always wanted Bronimina to feature in something big.

17:46:55 Dec 9th 08 - Prince Mielo:

I would also make it a free game, since amateur mmo's are a total rip-off if you have to pay.

18:08:49 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Bow Master:

make it free for sure.

try to make up a unique race no other mmo goes for.

if your evil you could become a vampire or werewolf?





18:20:30 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Bow master, don't leave a load of blank lines in your post, it is very annoying.

But, here's an idea: make EVERYTHING player-made except the rarest of items. But not just click and make, you have to like assemble it in a minigame or something, so you actually choose what it ends up looking like (and during the process, the materials you use affect the quality of the finished product?).
Also, you could have a player-quest building. Put down what you want (lots of materials, a specific item made or retrieved) and what you will pay (items or cash) and when someone completes the quest, the items you stored get given to them. There may also be xp given or whatever decided by the average price of what you asked for or something like that.

Anyway, give me a while, and I'll come up with more.

18:23:51 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Bow Master:

oh sorry about that i didnt notice that was going to happen.

18:28:48 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Wraith:

What about Mounts? :p

18:29:25 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Bow Master:

how could we forget mounts!?

18:30:00 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Quite easily, it seems :p

18:30:17 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


18:30:35 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I want to ride on the back of a kitten! It should be faster than anything evvveeeer!!! Muahaha

18:31:59 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Please Note: Charley/Cedric is a girl.

And ofc fighting on mounts!! Thats the whole purpose of it :p
Also, what about Marriage and Player-Owned Housing? {Not sure if this is what Demonsul had in mind}

18:35:55 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Bow Master:

player owned housing for sure .

18:36:21 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Player-owned housing would be good. I was actually suggesting player-made weapons that looked however you made them, but housing would work on the same principle, and it could allow for more creativity. Also, you could get a home-teleport item and stuff.
But marriage? I'm not sure...if it was just for the roleplay factor, maybe, if there were bonuses, it would just promote random business couplings which would annoy RPers worldwide...

18:54:40 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

no marriage as quite frankly, I find the whole "marrrying online" thing RLY geeky lol. It basicly says that you cant manage to get a wife in rl life so u have to be so sad to find one online insted. HAHAHAHAHah

But the player-made thing you came up with is abit odd...mayb just the abilty to choose between 10+ themes/shaps/patterns on ur buildins an stuf bt watever dnt rly make a massive difference i guess...

19:13:26 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   It looks like your mostly going in the right direction, a decent plot is important, you don't want to get labeled as another "non-stop grindfest"  other things you can do to prevent that title is to have a fairly detailed crafting system as mentioned above. Once you've got a decent plot, graphics, and crafting system, you should spend a lot of time on the skill chart, there should be at least a couple different ways to play each class.  

   Game to look at for skill chart:
 Rappelz-   has an excellent skill chart and great graphics, where it failed though is that there are hardly any good quests, and even less of a plot,  past level 30 you basically go on dungeon parties, and that's it. Don't make their mistakes, but check them out anyways. 
   Good game to look at for plot and crafting:
Atlantica online- great plot, decent graphics, good crafting set up.

  Another successful game to look at:
Perfect World- a well-rounded game, decent plot, you're kept fairly interested, and you usually have something to look forward to, this is because of the "special quests" you get at every tenth level, where you must enlist the help of others to beat a kind of dungeon-like area, you get special weapons and items from these quests, the items can be identified because they are glowing, making them very fashionable to walk around with.
     Perfect world also has in-depth player customization, with some work, you can usually get your character to look like you (or whatever you want it to look like) and they have a HUGE world.    Definetely look at perfect world, they know how to keep their customers.  

     And one last thing, consider making it free to play, but with an item shop, item shop games (that are good) will make alot of money, reasons:   
    you will bring in more potential customers because they are not immediately frightened off by subscription fees, game costs, etc. 
  Players have the option of buying a lot of things from you, or just a few things, some players will end up paying much more than they would have with your subscription fee. 

   Just make sure that you don't overpower your item shop, have items that are fashionable (special clothes, mounts, etc.[see perfect world]) or make things more convenient, but don't make them necessary, or way overpowered (special weapons that own everyone, etc)  this will annoy people and you will be labeled as an "overpowered cash-shop game"  yes, that is a label, and it's caused several games to not be as successful as they should.

   good luck.  I've played ALOT of games, if you have any questions you can pm me :)

19:40:09 Dec 9th 08 - The Architect:

as far as names go, since it's based in medival times, you could simply use names of towns from back then.

king's lynn
great yarmouth

those contain information about those towns, depending on how historically accurate you want to be, it could be useful.  as far as gods go, you could use greek and roman gods.



those contain links to more information about them, again depending on how historically accurate you want to be. 

as far as plot line, you could have it be all based around the gods of the time, with the good side being greek and the bad roman, or other way around, doesn't matter much.  everyone in the world/realm could choose their path and follow the diety of their choosing, each specific one within the greek/roman group granting a boost to stats/gains.

i assume you will implement quests right?  quests are a staple of any game, without them it's very difficult to get a game going.  anyways, more later, gotta go take some finals...  good luck.

20:07:17 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

erm, im pretty sure this was meant to be a completely fictional game, so including greeks and romans as the 2 main peeps wudnt be incredibly wise unless you want to change the genre of the game...

20:12:41 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I have to agree with Blast on that one. As for more ideas, I am probably going to go as far as come up with a detailed description of a region for you once I get my thoughts ordered.

21:28:50 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 ooh, I like the idea of choosing a god to pursue the path of though :) would add an interesting element to the personalization and skill chart.  Being able to choose a god to follow would mean there would be many different ways to play each class (as long as the god path effected skill chart and stats).   And have some gods evil and some good.  Oh and maybe once you reach a certain level it gets added in to your title, for ex: "Fitesalot of Zeuss", hmmm....   I would play that game :D assuming the other stuff was okay also (crafting, graphics, fight style)        
    What you need to do is let some of these roleplaying guys write you a plot, something about the gods chosen races, epic battles, good and evil, blah blah blah.

    Another thing you have to consider is how you let players interact, are you going to just have standard guilds? Just a group of players that band together to fight? Or can guilds own dungeons, cities, areas on the map?  Can guilds build/add things to cities? Will there be organized war zones? etc. , etc.

23:27:57 Dec 9th 08 - Prince Mielo:

And ofc fighting on mounts!! Thats the whole purpose of it :p
Also, what about Marriage and Player-Owned Housing? {Not sure if this is what Demonsul had in mind}

And you could call it fable! :)

23:30:22 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Lord Wraith


12/9/2008 1:31:59 PM
Please Note: Charley/Cedric is a girl.

And ofc fighting on mounts!! Thats the whole purpose of it :p
Also, what about Marriage and Player-Owned Housing? {Not sure if this is what Demonsul had in mind}
F*ck you......*beep*.  And yeah...why doesn't Septim come in here and tell us everything that Fable has? Let's just copy every other game made...

23:36:26 Dec 9th 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol, I thought charley <3 Wraith? Aren't you getting any more buttsex?

23:37:54 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Nope, I denied it to him and I'm cheating on him but SHH!!!! Don't tell him!

And lol, never played Fable. I just put in the points I've seen from other games. Filesalot seems to know quite a bit too. He wrote everything for me ^^ (and more :p)

23:40:25 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

  •    i think that if a race usually leans towards good or evil, it has the ability to switch sides, but it will be slightly weaker in its affinity, but it also is able to gain the affinity of the other side.
       or there could be a bar that leans to good or evil and it improvements by the actions that you do.
  • for the guilds i think that it would be cool if they could own property.
  • it would be cool if a guild got big enough it could break away from a city and create its own city, but this would not be easy to do. the guild could either be able to keep its property in the city that its located when it moves, or when a guild moves it sells all of its property to the city that it is in.

23:56:11 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Phht...yeah denied what? I have a gf you m0r0n...didn't think I have to tell all of VU nublets all the time...

23:59:43 Dec 9th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Just to let all you guys know im in the process of writing a huge part about this game. Using all the ideas  heard from all of you guys. It may be some time before I post it but I hope I will have it up today.

01:09:13 Dec 10th 08 - Master Cloutier:


(Not to be reveled at this time (FOR GOOD REASONS)



When you first create an account you will need to choose a GOOD/EVIL. Once you choose this you will be asked for a GENDER. (If you where Male you could pick to play a Female if you want) There will then be a huge list that displays RACES. All depending on your race you choose there will then be a CLASS list. One you pick this class it will tell you about how the war started… I won’t go into detail on this part.


SKILLS will be based under SKILL POINTS and SKILL LEVELS. By this I mean the say you choose to be a human there will be a max skill point for each skill. (Such as Strength, Agility, Awareness, ETC). The highest skill point will be 10. I made it at 10 this way because lets say that there is a player that’s an Elf, and a Human. The Elf will have skill points of 10 (That’s Max) and the Human may only have 2 skill points. For each skill points that race/class has can go up 5 Skill Levels.

This Is all I have time for but I will post more tomorrow. I’m off to bed. Goodnight.

05:36:25 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   so you have to have certain character attributes (str, agi, etc) to learn certain skills?  that could lead to a really complicated skill tree I think, plus people wouldn't be able to do hybrid characters, because they wouldn't be able to access higher level skills, and "pures" would become really popular. but maybe I misunderstood what you meant?

11:23:17 Dec 10th 08 - Master Cloutier:

The point of this game is to work as a team, You could servive on your own but better of in a kingdom. Ill get to those later

22:27:26 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

well that's pretty common.    But what I was asking is if you're going to make skills available according to character traits that you build on (str, agi), or did I misunderstand you?

22:59:30 Dec 10th 08 - Prince Mielo:

you forgot the FREE GAMEPLAY part ...

23:46:58 Dec 10th 08 - Master Cloutier:

The game will be free is certain parts while others will be a price. I wont say what the price will be but it wont be much. As for skills fightalot yes there are ways to train each one up.

23:52:42 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

So it will have the basics free while "members" get extra perks?

01:15:06 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

i think that it being free is good, but having it where people pay for extra bonuses is a great way for you to recieve funding. however dont have the free version suck, the free part is what you want to hook people on to play. but you do want the bonuses to be worth paying for.

02:17:08 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

1. races- humans, werewolfs, vampires, giants, elfs, undead, troll, shapeshifter
2. classes- mage, warrior,
3. skills-
4. clans/guilds- player created but need 5 or 10 people to start or need to be a paid member to create one. once they become big they could have the ability to move to the outskirts of town or they could have the ability to create their own town for a very large amount of money
5. Magic- have divided into two groups; destruction and restoration. destruction give you the power to wield fire and  lightning. restoration lets you heal yourself and others of cures and restore heath to yourself and others.
6. good/evil- 
7. Huge worlds-
8. Kings/Queens
9. Prince/Princess
10. Lords
11. Mayors/Watchmen- they could be either people appointed by people in server or they could appointed by admin/staff.
12. Gods/Death- There will be only 3 gods and each will be staff
13. Afterlife- You go here once you die. for the task given, i think that only the structure should be destroyed. to replace it the people of the town can donate their money to help fund the repair. if people are to be harmed  i say that their health should be lowered considerably like 5% of their current should be left.
14. member perks- have ability to create a guild. maybe have a special races, classes, skills, and/or magic
once i think of more i will add more

02:19:50 Dec 11th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:


07:37:01 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

uumm, I guess what Sanoh said is a good base, but it needs a lot of work, I don't really like the way you divided up magic, there should be "good" and "evil" magic, since that whole concept is part of the game idea, but it should vary some between races and class. I'll write up a detailed list of what I think good strengths/weaknesses should be for each race and class, and maybe make a basic outline of a skill tree...
     All in all don't really agree with Sanohs post that much... but hey, gotta start somewhere.  :)
  I think you should run a cash shop game, not a limited account game, those are annoying. If you make items in the shop that are cool, or make things much more convenient, you'll draw in much more customers, because they'll be able to compete even if their accounts aren't paid, but they will want to buy from the cash shop if you do it right. Look at Perfect world, you can purchase unique mounts in the cash shop, and after a guy riding on a dragon swoops over your head, you kind of want to :D    strongly consider doing a cash shop :)

16:53:19 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

u missed out TONS of classes...

Classes:Rangers,Swordsman,Beserker, Necromancer, Wizard, Paladin, Thief, Minstrel, and some others i probly left out. But basicly you would get a selection of these to choose from which are dependant on what race you chose. And some of them will be ruled out depending on what alignment you are, for example, you cant have a necromancer on the good side.

17:39:08 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

The 'war' should not be race group vs race group but one random side vs the other random side. Racial groups limit people to joining one side if one race is most popular, whereas if any race can join any side (or even go neutral, although this should not be a starting option) then the sides will be more even and more diverse.

(if you're saying 'whaddya mean, war?', all good MMORPG plots have a 'war'. That way you get a constant enemy, even if other NPC ones move around.)

23:47:18 Dec 11th 08 - Master Cloutier:

the whole game will be a war. its a huge war. ill right more in a min, i got stuff to do.

00:03:27 Dec 12th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

who the hell would want to be a minstrel? thats a good way to boost your internet ego dress yourself up in funny clothes and play some tunes for a knight....

00:04:14 Dec 12th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

Magic ideas and meaning

  • Abjuration- protection
  • Alteration- can affect a person's form (polymorph other), weight (feather fall), location (teleport without error)
  • Conjuration/summoning- can summon matter from another place
  • Illusion- can change the appearance of anything, but do not actually change the way something looks. It only improvements the way someone see it temporarily
  • Necromancy- bring the dead to life
  • Enchantment- can add magical properties to an object, but you must know an elemental magic
  • Elemental magic- fire, lightning, air, water, earth

i thought that it could be cool if there were different "books" or "schools" of magic that you could get while playing. but you could only get it after doing something. you could be limited to only being able to use 3 types of magic and 2 elemental magic maybe


sorry if im just listing stuff. i find it easy to think of what i want if there are alot of choices open to me

00:26:44 Dec 12th 08 - Mr. Zump:

Have a skill called "attack" where you attack someone with your sword. When do I get my free 6 months?  Oh and since I thought of the idea, every time you attack something my name should appear in the corner. 

00:30:17 Dec 12th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

You were just Zumped and took 5pts of damage!

03:02:25 Dec 12th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Mr. Zump Thats a *beep* idea. O im sorry a *beep* idea for a *beep* person/ Why would I put your name anywhere on the game besides the hall of SHAME.

As for class/Ranks. I will be making it so once you start you will start as a peasant. This is for free people. They can choose almost any job they can think of. Each has certain good traits and bad traits. But everyone can attack. Just some are weaker then others. Thats why I created the skill level and skill points. Anyone got a good name instead of skill points. Read the other posts I made to read about them. Now a nobleman is someone within a kingdom, and the only way to be a nobleman is to be born into a kingdom or for the king to let you in the kingdom. And yes you can have kids, and get married. The reason being is so you can be stabbed in the back. lol Better get good gaurds.

I recommend you guys watch some movies about this kind of stuff.

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