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Forums / The hangaround / The VU Shrink.

The VU Shrink.
06:11:01 Mar 16th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

One late Saturday afternoon Salaracen Vineraven was in his office reading a fairly unimportant magazine about bug dissections in North Africa, His graceful hair caressingly his cheek as he lent over the leaflet.
"Dr vineraven" said a young nurse of the age between 15 and 21, her hair tied back with a fringe at the front "The Patients are waiting for you!"
"Oh really, whats the time?" he said peering up at the clock on the wall.
He groaned "I guess Ive put it off for long enough" He stood up, the blood rushing to his head as he came to the altitude that his head usually was at. As he fell from the dizzyness nurse Katrina (thats her name) rushed out and caught him. After a few seconds of awkwardness Katrina let her tight grip around him go. "whats wrong Doctor?" she hastily said to break the awkwardness. "Whats wrong? The patients thats what!" "But what could possibly be so terrible about them?" he looked at her "Well, you know that saying about how the internet is full of loud and annoying people?"
Katrina nodded.
"Well Visual Utopia is were the worst of those people go after they die, I mean who names themself after an eating utensil?"
He sat back down at his desk, to see a framed picture of him and Spoon on a swing together. "You cant stay mad at him for ever you know" Katrina held his hand as he wept softly.
"Fine Ill do it, let the patients in. People need Diagnosing and I'm the one whose gonna do it!"

The door flung open and the patents begun to walk in, one by one.

[[this is a game,
okay so I'm the doctor and anybody can play, they don't need to have a serious illness or anything, just make what ever you want up.

I will tell you what ever your illness is and what you must do to cure it

feel free to let the illnesses pile up unanswered I will respond to all of them in one post if they do pile up.

also doctor Phil situations are accepted]]

06:54:51 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

ok i have a confession not really a movie producer ='[

im a fake, that old bloke made king kong and i got the idea of lord of the rings from a book =[

please Dr. Flameborn dude help me

07:01:19 Mar 16th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Septim walks in holding his stomach.

"It hurts doc!!!"

Suddenly, his shirt rises, and it rips open to reveal an alien. The alien runs off out the door. A predator walks in and stabs his combistick into the nurse, he then tosses her into the air and catches her by stabbing his wristblade into her neck. He walks over to Vineraven and grabs his face, he smashes it into the wall and blood pours everywhere before he grabs Peter Jackson and throws him onto the approaching alien's tail.

The alien throws Jackson's lifeless corpse off and the predator smashes it sideways with its combistick, he goes into a combat stance and the alien tackles him, he kicks it over him and throws his combistick at it, but it misses and goes into the wall. The alien stabs its tail at the predator, but the predator uses it's wristblades to cut the tail off. The predator turns and the alien splashes acid at him, he jumps sideways and grabs his combistick from the wall, he uses it to block the alien tackle and the alien goes flying into a wall, he then stabs the blade into the fallen alien's neck. He pulls it out and puts it away before walking out of the office.

07:03:07 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

screw your alien my problem is worse =[

11:23:43 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Darkin:

"The alien throws Jackson's lifeless corpse off "

Corpses don't talk PJ.

14:22:02 Mar 16th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

*Vineraven pulls his bloody face out of the wall*


*face heals*

"Anyway... so Peter, when did this copying begin?"

19:45:16 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Septim, I saw that movie already :P

05:58:38 Mar 17th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

Oh my god!!!

Quick he needs medical help fast!!!

07:05:25 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

my toe itches...

oh, and i was in a train wreck and had my stomach cut open, as a side note, of course...

07:09:01 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Andersin:


Mr. Penguincueso needs a brain, Stickman needs a heart, Septim needs to be more open and aggresive and less taciturn, and i need the cure for aids, wuttiv u got for me, doc???

07:13:13 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

u need a new face, andrsin!

all right, doc...

i thnk this whole "psychiatrist game was all set up as a way to get ur mind off of YOUR problems...

tell me about your childhood...

your mother???


i think we could make sum real progress if u would only open up...

*folds hands and waits patiently*

07:48:11 Mar 17th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

Okay first of all Andersin, Aids is a tough one for me to cure.... so, I'm going to have to send you to the research base in north Carolina.

*turns to Penguincueso*

*sits down*

"well you see being a Dark elf means that the society your brought up in is highly violent, after all we do worship the god Khaine, God of war.
During my childhood there were many traumatic experiences such as the festival of blood when the Witches of Khaine come out onto the streets at night and find whoever they can and sacrifice them to Khaine.

My mother was a Dark elf, and my father was a dark elf.

I have strange experiences involving Daemons from the Dark gods talking to me about the worship of their masters.
So what can you tell me about myself then penguincueso?"

06:38:55 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

uve been put down and told how to think ur whole life, so, by example, and to over compinsate for the lack of control in your own life, u tell others wut they need to do...

your parents being just like you just shows that u feel unspecial, as if u are just another dark elf...

the traumatic experinces just pushed you farther into ur shell, making you refuse to have your own life, knowing that lives can be taken so easily..

this also distanced you from others, including your own people, making you see yourself as not belonging...

this is why you chose to try and help others instead of helping yourself, thinking if u helped them overcome your problems, it would make up for not facing your own.... and putting yourself at a position above people and only having "patients" allows you not to get to close to anybody so you dont have to feel their loss...

there is a strong conflict inside of you telling you that you are not special, just a normal every-day dark elf, and then turning around and telling you you dont belong there, this conflict inside you can turn violent, and thus increases your fear of outward violence, thus your choice for a desk job, helping others be less violent and conflictual...

do u understand wut im telling you???


and plz, call me dr. cueso, i didnt get this phd for nuthin...

06:45:11 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Andersin:

wut about my new face!?

and u dont have a ph.d!


u drew a certificate out of crayon, that hardly counts!
and u never wait patiently!!!

07:06:24 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

the copying began when i made the first lord of the rings =[

07:56:08 Mar 18th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

I don't think you're being fully honest there Peter.... what about Heavenly Creatures?

Thank you Dr. Cueso! thank you!!

Didn't we go to Doctor school together?

08:17:02 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

ok im not =[

i even got my name from a packet of smokes =[


19:48:10 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

ya, ya its sad, get over it pj!

mehbe u shoulda smoked newports instead!!!

just give up on life there's no help for u...

i think we did Dr. flameborn, you remember our teacher, dr. Mary???

shes the reason i passed, if u catch my drift...


00:19:47 Mar 19th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Another Septim walks in.

"I can't stop sp@mming..."

08:22:58 Mar 19th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

*after being in a state of 'whatdoesthatmean' he realizes Septim has walked in*

well Septim...
I think when we say SP@M we misinterpret its meaning and by doing that we wrongfully title people as SP@MMERS.

I feel you aren't SP@MMER but an actual enthusiastic person.

I mean we didn't suffer when you invented all of those ideas, did we?

And so you just brought to us those new Ideas of what role play actually could be.

Plato on the other hand is the living entity of Sp@m.

01:39:31 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

yeah i dont have it that bad

look at plato, he needs help bad =]

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