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Forums / The hangaround / Top 3 most annoying things

Top 3 most annoying things
08:56:49 Oct 16th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Zuko):

What do you think the top the most annoying things in VU(During game play)?


#3, KD jumpers... Its annoys me!
#2, Gaia spam... just annoying!
and my personal all time most annoying thing!
#1 Binh in your core... Cancerous like imo! >.<

12:56:57 Oct 16th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Swifty taking all the mining spots

13:02:35 Oct 16th 12 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Legend):

Fordius stalking you for pictures of your sister.

16:02:50 Oct 16th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

#3 Slade for thinking he is as good as Binh and having such inconsistent leadership.

#2 Wilberforce for being such a damn liability to any kingdom he is in, and refusing to acknowledge it.

#1 The Quiet One - wherever the hell she is (Texas?), she is would be the big boss of a gang filled with the likes of Revenge and Cobra. Everytime I see these bunch of fools, I am always comforted to know there are folks out there that are way higher on the stupid scale than me....

16:13:00 Oct 16th 12 - Mr. Bran:

i hate trying to cast stg when i have 300k mages in my town, seriously zeta change something with that!

16:25:38 Oct 16th 12 - Princess Aisha:

Change what? You do not have to cast with 300k mages, there is a way to not cast with as many...

Edit: I think sponsored accoutns have ability to choose where they will cast from too :)

17:14:27 Oct 16th 12 - Mr. Bruce Lee:

i was complaining about having to split my mages up each time

edit: im bran, i also hate it when i reply to a forum post and im accientally in a diff character

17:28:25 Oct 16th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

Bran you can set a standard name for the forum just as I have.

18:21:08 Oct 16th 12 - Bran (Mr. Bruce Lee):

thanks leg!

18:30:37 Oct 16th 12 - Penguin (Ms. Christians Obese Girlfriend):

i hate getting banned from forums just after you get unbanned

19:28:51 Oct 16th 12 - Mr. Minister:

Walking on water.

DEAR ZETA FIX THIS OR BUILD A BRIDGE!!!! Had i only known, the agony!

Once again, brought up in TBLs only post. Damn, I am feeling the love. Dw, TBL, pine after me all you want. Think about me every waking moment of your life. I however, am not in love with you.
Sorry TBL, you don't make my list. This is list of things I find annoying. You aren't annoying. You're mildly amusing with your delusions. Infact, you're not even anything to me. You have no impact on anything in my life. Unlike my clear impact in your life. (I love being a part of my e-friends lives, so thank you TBL...makes all this worthwhile)

3 most annoying things?

....Slade talking.

12:47:14 Oct 17th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

I am apathetic as to whether I make your list or not, Wilberforce :)

14:11:43 Oct 17th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Zuko):

lol TBl, why bother talking, all you do is spout shit! i dont think i am as good as binh, infact i know i am no where near binhs level, But ok!


lol wilber

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