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Forums / The hangaround / Unban Prince Sprout

Unban Prince Sprout
03:06:33 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Xpumpx:

i miss Sprout.

03:08:21 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

i do to i think its a load of crap that he was banned also but plz unban him

03:37:04 Nov 6th 09 - Chancellor Ademo The Mzzerable:

Sprout got banned? :s

03:39:56 Nov 6th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Others did too that shouldn't have :P  Looks like his scan was aggressive this era :o

03:40:17 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

yeah he did and it's cause domination was bitching that he was feeding

03:40:46 Nov 6th 09 - General Zondervan:

is there a list of those that did?

03:58:23 Nov 6th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:


04:03:26 Nov 6th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

nevervmind thats wrong. my mistake..

04:07:00 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Arzun:


04:07:15 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

oh sorry, that isn't it, my bad

04:08:45 Nov 6th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

would definitely be a worthwhile list looking at tho...

09:26:04 Nov 6th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

yeah he did and it's cause domination was bitching that he was feeding

--> It's because he multi'd on the same world and than used his multi's to feed, if that doesn't get you banned I don't know what does.

09:58:44 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:


16:27:37 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Xpumpx:

i thought these bans were temporary things. wheres the slap on the wrist and the straightening out? killing a longtime acct just leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths.

17:25:24 Nov 6th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Not in mine it doesn't <3

17:39:27 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Log in wrongly, and it gives u the link to deletions, if gives reason there too.

17:41:11 Nov 6th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Or better yet, just click this link and you won't have to log in incorrectly.


17:49:41 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

He hasn't been deleted..
Just banned

17:49:56 Nov 6th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

My cousin got banned (Leader of Death List) for checking one of his kd members stuff while he had an emergency.


17:51:34 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Swiss:

If Zeta would like to avoid showing favoritism, I request him to multi search everyone in Domination.

Thank you,

*Sorry Karac!*

18:04:06 Nov 6th 09 - General Gokken:

Well i dont think he will find any in there Swiss. I have lots of respect for most of the members there and i know they would not accept multi`s in theyr kingdom.

18:11:11 Nov 6th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Swiss, when zeta does multi checks, he checks every kingdom, not just one.

Ty Gokken.

18:13:11 Nov 6th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

The great variable there is "when."  Deleting/banning players for multying is probably hard because people do have brothers, sisters, or spouses playing as well.

18:27:00 Nov 6th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

Swiss, dunno if you got anything against us or anything, but I can promise that we DONT multi. and, thanks for the support Gokken <3

19:07:46 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Domination has alot of respected players.
And if a multi were to be found in our kingdom, let me assure you we would simply report him/her to ZeTa and have him removed.

If it was a newbie or a vet.
Who ever it was, if it was Lew better, as I'd be king :P <3

Also, ty Gokken.

19:30:07 Nov 6th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

no rev, you wouldn't be king!!! its Lews kd :D

23:10:50 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

Sir Uther Pendragon


16:49:56 Nov 6th 09
My cousin got banned (Leader of Death List) for checking one of his kd members stuff while he had an emergency.



tell him to check the rules before trying that again..

00:26:42 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Sure your 'cousin'

And agreed with Osi.

00:49:53 Nov 7th 09 - Master of Death:

Mr. Revenge The Sexc


18:26:42 Nov 6th 09

Sure your 'cousin'

And agreed with Osi.


I can give you the REAL LIFE name of the person who has the account. I know him as well. Uroril is Uther's cousin. Uroril is in my chemistry class in school. I have his number and I can plenty give it to you and prove Uther's statement right so stop saying its a multi because it is not. Your just mad because you are outnumbered in a war.


00:54:20 Nov 7th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:

That's real convincing proof, lol.

01:06:30 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

Here are the rules that you all agreed upon when signing up for the game.

  • This will be my only Visual Utopia account
  • If I find a bug/loophole I will report it, NOT abuse it
  • I know the differences between real life and game.
  • I accept that cookies will be stored on my computer.


This will be my only Visual Utopia account = You are only allowed to create/use/manage etc. the one and only one account that you have created. You are for example not allowed to manage your friends account when he's on vacation.



i made it bold. it doesnt matter if it isnt his account. you cant log in to anyone elses account or its considerd cheating.



01:15:09 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Horny Honey Bear:

Feeding. Thats rich coming from you Lewatha. Still the suck up as ever.

When you are actually any good at this game, and could come close to Sprouts ability, then come talk. He goes out of his way every era to help new players. He stays away from big kd's and prefers teaching players EVERY era.

Should I ask you hand on heart if you have ever account sat a players account.... because I know 3 who will tell me you have. Stop kissing ass and play the fucking game... I have seen nubs put on a better show than half you so called vets who have claimed "inactivity" every time you get your asses handed to you. Lew has 2 accounts. Ban her. In fact I could name half of VU's "forum" accounts. If you are inactive, fuck off from the game and leave the players who want to be active alone... the ones that bring something to the game. Shit, Sprout has spent hundreds of dollars on this game... what have you done... spew shit on the forums.
Bunch of two faced twats.

01:18:30 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Bbcc:

Prince Charley The Kitten

18:13:11 Nov 6th 09 The great variable there is "when."  Deleting/banning players for multying is probably hard because people do have brothers, sisters, or spouses playing as well.

i believe they can see every logg in from all times :P
can;t they ? :o

01:18:53 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Bbcc:

Author Message
Mr. Xpumpx


04:06:33 Nov 6th 09
i miss Sprout.

me too :(
what's he banned for anywy ?

01:34:57 Nov 7th 09 - Master of Death:

Lord Onslaught The Sexciest


18:54:20 Nov 6th 09
That's real convincing proof, lol.


Want to see it? I am dead serious.

01:39:34 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Xpumpx:

Zeta where you at? i messaged you and nothing back.

01:53:11 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

Rev & Lew can brag and what ever, I was banned for babysitting, I have played in so many kingdoms and with so many players over the eras I know with no dought That babysitting happens every era in about every kd. The reason I was picked out is over the strat we were using witch zeta told me was legal, but being rev and lew cry so much he had to bann my acc.
Lew addmitted to me she has two accs witch is breaking the rules wether it is inactive or not the rule are clear one acc!!!!! But as many know alot of players have two accs and will switch back in forth over the eras, but this is allowed... why ?
Seems to be the rules of the game fit a few better then the rest like myself. Zeta told me I could make a new acc and still play so what good is the bann any way????

I have have helped alot of players over my yrs here and very few of them have spoken in here on my behalf... this saddins me a bit to say the least.

I was told the VU community (rev+ lew) wanted me banned. Over my yrs I have seen both these players flame and cause havac all over the forums and ingame cring and what knot. over my yrs here U wont find many if any neg post about me in all the forums over all my eras. U will find many players that I have helped in game with strat and so on. Point is none of it matters, I considered myself to be one of the more honorable fair nice players in the intire game, does it matter ? hell no.

I am sorry lew and rev feel the way they do I really hope the rest of the VU community will speak up and say something.

I made this acc as zeta told me to, I wont play but I will read the forums with it.

02:51:03 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Kaizen:

Its kinda sad when you see a threat so your way of taking care of it is nagging zeta, until they do somthing. Grow some effing balls

04:09:21 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

yes it is sad when two or three players all in one kd can (domination) can change the game so much... kinda looks unfair... Maybe zeta just has a thingy for them idk. Domination lies when they say they dont cheat cause they just did by gettin me and loads of other legit players banned. Zeta says babysitting is looked on lightly by the vu community,, 90k min bann does not look lighty to me or others. I know many players caught doing the same thing I did and just got 60 min banns or 24 hr bans but since lew and rev cring I got made a example. But am allowed to have another acc why that one is banned???? Am I the only one that sees this or what?? Why bann a player when allowed to make another acc and goes agianst rules ? why allow so many to have more than one acc so long as they dont play both the same era ??
why ??
cause some people are favored more than others by zeta is all I can figure.

04:18:27 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Horny Honey Bear:

*Horney starts a hunger strike

04:58:19 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Stoned Polar Bear:

*me starts a marijuana strike

05:16:54 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Ninja:

seriously zeta.. wtf? 90,000 min ban? complete utter bs if you ask me... Mabe a 24-48hr ban but 90k is little to much. Its like getting a felony charge for stealing a gumball. And you do this to one of your loyal VU members? thats just wrong.. and you did this because a few ppl bitched at you? just doesn't seem right..

07:25:08 Nov 7th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Cry all you want. You're banned, I'm not. You broke the rules, I didn't.

I don't need to explain myself anymore, as it's all been done before me.

I take it Horny is Bling Bob?

07:39:23 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

More like U use proxy... just cause u dont get caught dont mean U don't.
U really trust thos that know the truth?

Lew u have always been a screamer since day one! you need to learn a lesson and banned? more like sorry sprout lew and revenge are cring so I will have to make example of you but make a new acc play it tell the ban is lifted. Your dam lucky I dont plan to play,

07:40:07 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Elit:

Sprout, Don't pretend to be "stupid". Its old "roro" tactic from utopia one kd to ask friends to make for them "farms" and feed on basically you can say "I'm not multi" but in real you cheat. What you doing is change game balance and give one person huge advantage vs all other. Do you think its wont force many other KDs to start use same? Now you tell RoC to Feed on part from your colony. WTF is it? Better don't teach new ppl because they cant learn any good from you!

07:44:19 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Offensivename:

I know for a Fact Lewatha used to Multi People have bad habits.

07:50:03 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

O so now u speak up .. the pretender newby ??

I know u been around a long time elit and know dam well what goes on!

Zeta said my strat was legal!!!!!!!!!! What i did was had nothing to do with the strat and the strat doesnt have anything to do with why i got banned other than domination cring about ther soon to be death.

Nature of the game my ass... Please .. have u never read these forums before today or what??

Feeding goes on every era alot by multi .. u dont think players just go inactive in kingdoms to be kicked and taken out?? ofc they do they were farmed .. I seen kds war kds that were farmed here in VU...
The diffierence is I was going after the top dogs that I know have abused many buggs and always think they own.. I was being open about it instead of acting like they do and say that guy went inactive or what ever .. I know for fact people use proxies and cheat .. FACT!!!!!

Idont use proxies and never have and have never been banned EVER tell domination cries ...

Welll Piss off domination.

07:50:17 Nov 7th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

I went inactive on my main, and started a second account. Yes. Big Whoop, it wasn't on the same world, and I never feeded.

07:52:01 Nov 7th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

I know for a fact there are a number of multis currently. None in the kd I'm in. Zeta has to be satisfied they are multis before he will ax them though.

08:13:29 Nov 7th 09 - Lord Pure:

Mr. Horny Honey Bear


09:15:09 Nov 7th 09 Feeding. Thats rich coming from you Lewatha. Still the suck up as ever.

When you are actually any good at this game, and could come close to Sprouts ability, then come talk. He goes out of his way every era to help new players. He stays away from big kd's and prefers teaching players EVERY era.

Should I ask you hand on heart if you have ever account sat a players account.... because I know 3 who will tell me you have. Stop kissing ass and play the fucking game... I have seen nubs put on a better show than half you so called vets who have claimed "inactivity" every time you get your asses handed to you. Lew has 2 accounts. Ban her. In fact I could name half of VU's "forum" accounts. If you are inactive, fuck off from the game and leave the players who want to be active alone... the ones that bring something to the game. Shit, Sprout has spent hundreds of dollars on this game... what have you done... spew shit on the forums.
Bunch of two faced twats.

Nicely said :P

Pirate Suqah


15:50:17 Nov 7th 09 I went inactive on my main, and started a second account. Yes. Big Whoop, it wasn't on the same world, and I never feeded.

But you still had two accounts. That is not allowed even if your not feeding.

Mr. Sprout Power = N()OB helper

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