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Forums / The hangaround / Unexplainable

00:20:13 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Basch:

00:55:23 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ping:

ill keep this simple...

what the hell ?

02:02:14 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Epyon:

I considered writing some elaborate story behind this picture but then I decided....


it's just not going to happen

02:32:33 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

I was going to write one too but...

I got nothing, there is absolutely no point to this picure. I cant even tell what he is holding 0_o

02:37:54 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Mlife:

Lol, very screwed up PERIOD.

02:43:38 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Probably Thinking

* ya baby i got a sewing machine. Im a BAMF now"

Lol sorry im bored and hyper =P

02:56:39 Sep 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

He probably ordered a sewing machine for his adopted family of slaves...and the UPS truck that was delivering it backed up into a river during a floor...but he still managed to get it on his prom night =D

04:10:50 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

 On his way to a fancy baby shower, Jim the UPS man realizes he's forgotten a gift. Screeching to a halt in front of a sweatshop, he steals a mini sowing machine from an 81 year old chinese lady.

   Unfourtunately, Butch, the bald midget secuirity guard saw him and took off in hot pursuit, taking advantage of his longer legs Jim hops into his UPS van and takes off, only to find that an accident has occured while he was in the sweatshop and there's no way around. Cursing he throws it into reverse and check his mirrors, Butch is standing in the middle of the street running straight for him. He swurves just in time but loses control and nearly crashes into the river. He tries to pull out but can't, meanwhile Butch the migdet secuirity guard has already called the proper authorities.

  While Butch is speaking to the authorities Jim tries to tell his fiance over the phone why he can't make it to her sisters baby shower, she of course does not believe him, so he has one of the locals take a picture of him on his phone to send to his wife, the picture later leaks onto the internet.

05:24:59 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:


05:56:06 Sep 16th 08 - Duke Spud:

lol wtf? Thats not a phone! Thats a sewing machine!

06:02:56 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

ya I know... 0_o wuts yur point? the picture was taken with his phone, he's holding the stolen sewing machine...

06:25:16 Sep 16th 08 - Duke Spud:

Oh haha! Now I get it. Nice story.

I would have just blamed it on gravity personally though.

*Grumbles* I Beeping hate Gravity *Grumbles*

16:20:30 Sep 16th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

I'll just use the excuse I always use...

When mommy and daddy love eachother very much...they...uhhhh...back a UPS truck into the river, then they take a picture of a guy in a tuxedo with a sewing machine...ummm...yeah...

16:31:21 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:


16:56:40 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

 no it's not the UPS driver, it's the angry bald midget secuirity guard! -_-


17:28:34 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

No. No, no no. Some pictures can't be explained.

17:42:30 Sep 16th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Hand break was left off, and it rolled strait into the river, while a guy was getting a picture of himself and a particularly crap wedding present probably given to him by his wife as a joke.

19:18:01 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

You forgot something. He got his hand stuck on some inconviently placed superglue, and managed to get it stuck to the sewing machine.

20:41:29 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

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