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Forums / The hangaround / VU EU x

01:12:13 Jul 25th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

yo im a vateran of this game u might reminder me lol. im loking for awgh he is an old player two. p.s i like goth music", luv nimoink

By Nimic
Ghostwritten by Swifty.

So... like.. yeah.. let's play this autumn? Everyone in? Good. It's a date.

01:13:37 Jul 25th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

p.s zeta nimoink insulted ur forums i have proof via screenshots if u want them just contract me,


01:17:25 Jul 25th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Incognewbo, lol.

01:18:38 Jul 25th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

I was going to pretend I was Elellon, and parade around naked. But I figured you've seen his sweet, sweet buttocks up close enough times to notice a imposter.

01:20:06 Jul 25th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

No. I might recognize your rear-parts, though, considering all the naked pictures of you I'm emailed daily.

04:18:26 Jul 25th 10 - Mr. Rhade:

Nimic.  Let us playz.

04:40:07 Jul 25th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Just so you know, zeta doesn't give a SH*T about his forums, or his players for that matter. He has obviously shown this with the absolute disregard for great suggestions and the putting whatever he felt like into the game.

05:01:14 Jul 25th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:

indeed :) me and rhade play it time to time :P

15:47:17 Jul 28th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Show yourselves!

19:11:54 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

WHERE IS AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16:42:54 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Tob seems to think Augh is in a gulag. But Tob is up for it yo.

23:26:45 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Ghouma:

Do you need his msn or somepin Nim? Im not sure weather im up for it.

20:28:54 Sep 21st 10 - Mr. Lie:

hi i have gotten up to 87 inflation!! i'm very good see i went bankrupt 4 times!!!! i really want to play too!!! you can message me ingame i log in about five times a week 

23:30:16 Oct 15th 10 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

I've been playing EU3: Heir to the Throne recently. It's a ton of fun. :P

I tend to play as the Byzantine Empire...and I tend to mercilessly wipe out the Ottoman Empire. >>

01:33:33 Oct 16th 10 - Mr. Kastiel:

It's autumn-ish.  Let's pleeeeaaaayyyyy

00:15:19 Oct 24th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Have it your way!

21:00:21 Oct 25th 10 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

We love to see you smile. >>

03:56:05 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Mastermind:

Anyone playing this right now?

09:07:34 Nov 25th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I haven't played it since the last MP, but if we throw together another MP I'll play it again.

06:59:00 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Mexicana:

MP!  Let's do it.  Leroy Jenkins this biatch. (Rhade)

Brittany shall, as always, pwn Scotland.
Or we can play a different type.  Whatevs.

17:57:28 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

Nimic you sausage soldier. Stop buttfucking Elellon.


You need to get a hold of one of the vikings. Tob, Ghoumer or Augh. And they can use their secret transmitter to msg each other from there.

18:44:14 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

please i dont want to rape you all again

22:52:02 Nov 27th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

osiris, dont u have contact with tob in utopia or some shit? get a hold of him. he will be able to get the scandanavians

00:29:43 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

no no i dont

01:17:52 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

i remember somebody on irc talking to tob about utopia. arent you guys all in the same kd?

01:30:22 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Finwe:

no i dont really play it

21:34:14 Dec 26th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

"Playing VU", what a novel notion!

21:34:43 Dec 26th 10 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Oh, that was about Utopia. That's even novellelerer!

00:31:45 Dec 27th 10 - Mr. Verll:

Norwegians playing at englais... FAIL

01:51:12 Dec 27th 10 - Mr. Kastiel:


02:19:20 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:


p.s ellelon fucks nimoink in the assen

02:34:00 Dec 31st 10 - Mr. Spoon:


02:34:13 Dec 31st 10 - Mr. Spoon:


04:57:53 Jan 1st 11 - Lord Protector Nimic:

That was epic. And we didn't even notice until we had to do a rehost for some other reason. Shows how much attention we paid to your little corner of the world :D

04:58:36 Jan 1st 11 - Lord Protector Nimic:


19:25:07 Jan 1st 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

get out of ur igloo and get ghoumer auhg love etc gosh nimoink go gog og go

19:02:24 Jan 2nd 11 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I have no batsignal for them. I could get Tob, that's about it!

19:19:32 Jan 2nd 11 - Mr. Kastiel:

Get him.  Tell him to get others.  Then we play.

20:06:10 Jan 2nd 11 - Mr. Spoon:


21:23:03 Jan 2nd 11 - Mr. Ghouma:

Ghoumz is in. But we have to do smthn bout the format, play a mod that remakes the map would be exelent, or we can all play Europa universalis 3, this download includes everything and its 170mb only.

Also, Love is in. And most likly Augh. Lets make a list and decide countries etc.

21:49:25 Jan 2nd 11 - Mr. Spoon:

Ryokans, Interregnum, AGCEEP, Aberration.. WATK or what was it called again? 

22:04:30 Jan 2nd 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:


go get love/augh for definite, nimoink u get tobleronex :))) then we can discuss mappens.

In list thus far:

1. nimic
2. spoon
4. kastial (/?/??/ identify urself. rhade????)
5. ghoumer
6. love
7. augh???????????
8. tob????????????

22:38:36 Jan 2nd 11 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I'm still back home, where the MP probably wont work, but I'll go back to where I live pretty soon. Let's just start to see 1) who will definitely play and 2) which map/scenario/mod etc we'll play.

20:59:19 Jan 3rd 11 - Mr. Kastiel:

I am Rhade, I'll probably go idle in the EU chat again soon.  

1)  Will definitely play.  2) Need to know what we're playing so I can get it.

Personally, I love interregnum.  But I love EU2 so I'll play anything.

14:44:26 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Spoon:

Grand campaign with Navarra, Servia/Moldavia/Athens/Croatia, Teutonic Order/Prussia, Eire, Lorraine, Mecklenburg/Pommern, Norway, Georgia/Dulkadir? :-D

16:58:48 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Ghouma:

Thats one option spoon, I will take it onmyself to go and find a suitable mod now. Otherwise playing minors is much prefered.

17:05:11 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Spoon:

I've been looking around aswell, but A LOT of download links are dead. They might be recovered with the waybackmachine, but I'd have to check that out.

19:37:32 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Ghouma:

Im thinking of ump multiplayer mod, here is the download, and here is the small fix.

This is how to install, it will require a few minutes.
1: make a copy of the EU2 folder.
2: Unrar the files in a different folder.
3: Move the files not in any folder to your copied EU2 one.
4: Drag the files from each folder to the EU2 folder with identical name, DO NOT OVERWRITE FOLDERS, only files. As long as you do not overwrite a folder, you may drag folders without an equivalent to your copied EU2 folder.
5: UNRAR the FIX and move the files to your copied EU2 folder.
6: Start the game.

I only tried it a few times, I noticed some nations you could pick in the first scenario dosnt exist in the game and made it crash. Like the Netherlands. Otherwise it ran good, I played Burgundy for 50 years. Moving on, perhaps a game without the typical nations would be funny even with this bigger map. IDK.

20:20:41 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Ghouma:

Alright, so I have a few thoughts on what nations to play. It would be interesting to perhaps do away with a few nations, and see what happens in the power vacuum so that it doesn't turn out as predictable as usual..

22:32:35 Jan 4th 11 - Mr. Kastiel:

Should we be replacing sub-folders in this transition?  Like the Events folder within the DB folder or do we need to individually place those as well?  (Assuming we just replace the whole there'd probably be conflicting events otherwise...but meh)

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