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Forums / The hangaround / Visual Utopia News Network

Visual Utopia News Network
22:10:37 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Under new management and with a new Anchor, Wilover.

Todays top stories:

[20:53] *** Finwe is now known as Osiris
[20:53] *** Swifty sets mode +v on Osiris
[20:55] *** Finwe has joined #vu
[20:55] *** Swifty sets mode +v on Finwe
[20:55] <Wilber> multi!
[20:55] <Stirlin> quick
[20:55] <Stirlin> make a thread about it
[20:55] <Wilber> join no pulse, quick!

Osi, despite all his claims of not multi'ing, is spotted multi'ing!

[18:07] <Aligreat> hai mielo
[18:07] <Mielo> hi
[18:08] <Aligreat> how goes your spree as a serial rapist? have the cops got any closer to catching you?
[18:08] <Mielo> no
[18:08] <Mielo> it got that lame
[18:09] <Wilber> lol
[18:09] <Mielo> it's so easy

Mielo still eludes the Belgian Police.

Arresting the wrong man, in their gay knee high boots.

[20:24] <Wilber> Augh, hows the rehab?
[20:24] <Augh> rehab?
[20:24] <Wilber> yeah
[20:25] <Wilber> drugs rehab
[20:25] <Augh> oh that rehab
[20:25] <Augh> I quit.
[20:25] <Augh> it was boring

Augh escapes from Drugs Rehab clinic and whilst under the influence, develops two obsessions:

[20:27] <Augh> Wilber, tell Q I've recorded her voice from ventrilo and thats the only drug I do nowadays. I listen to it over and over and over again.
[20:28] <Augh> I just listen to it and play with dolls in my dollhouse. one of them is her the other is me. we live in a house and have 2 children. and a volvo


[20:30] <Augh> my hair owns.
[20:31] <Augh> its my main trait: 1. obknoxious. 2. spineless. 3 fabulous hair.

That has been today's top stories.

This has been the VUNN, sponsored by HIV - free infections for all. Good night VU.

22:13:17 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Osiris:

Vunn... stop reviving the dead!!!!!!

22:18:19 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

This just in:

Osi is an ass!

22:18:52 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Serious thread is serious

22:22:50 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

FAIL much better things have happend on irc which you fail to mention

22:22:56 Nov 7th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Best thread since Wilbercomics. <3

22:31:21 Nov 7th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

i dont like this network, its too augh oriented. surely theres something else interesting out there than just augh?

22:39:03 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:





22:53:25 Nov 7th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:


22:57:08 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

The Hair!

22:58:59 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

After a re-shuffle the news line-up is:

Wilover lead Anchor.

Stirlin - Co Anchor (the one with the big boobies).

Revenge - Sports

Arzun - Weather

Rocknrolla - VU Politics

Anything you don't hear from the above guys, do not take it for truths!

23:08:34 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Arzun:


you dick lol

23:09:09 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Also added to the line-up

Augh - Culture and Economy specialist

I will be posting once per day about news I have heard, seen and read.

Weather and sports can be daily also.

Co-anchor and culture + economy and politics is when news is in and when it's needed.

23:09:26 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

Politics for today:

Every dies at the hands of HIV


*ill kill you Wilover, i never agreed to shit*

23:19:43 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

you are a sucky reporter

23:22:52 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

I know :(

Its because i dont have breasts for people to stare at.

But ive got something for you penguin

/unzips pants

23:29:28 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

why the hell is my pic in this thread?

23:30:30 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

and rolf that isnt revenge

23:47:08 Nov 7th 09 - Endless Despair:

Breaking News

Endless finally gives Wilber a picture of her boobs :p

*omg you guys are all baby faces*

*wonders if Charley is going to give me another infraction since this isn't a hangaround thread but should be one*

23:54:53 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

ive seen a pic of you
you dont look like the chav in that pic

00:55:42 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

This just in.

MOD abuse!!!!!!


01:12:20 Nov 8th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Mr. Rocknrolla


18:55:42 Nov 7th 09

This just in.

MOD abuse!!!!!!


About as accurate as American news...if you are American you should know what that means...

01:13:24 Nov 8th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I'm not, so explain it to me ;)

01:24:14 Nov 8th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

It is biased in order to make the news more interesting.  More interesting = More viewers = More money.

20:03:13 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Felic:

new news made more news in the news today

The "anchor" has been spotted on several places. His recent activities will  most likely end in a trial for the brit.

As proven, he has been molesting innocent boys in the shower after their military practice yesterday noon.

The sick man tried to assault 20 year old women, by somehow luring a hand out of their bottoms.

If you see this person ... shoot him!

20:22:31 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

As you can see, we have a new addition to the news team.

Felic on VU Celeb gossip and footage:

Now the current line-up:

Wilover - Anchor
            - Co-Anchor (we need someone for this role)
           - Sports (we need someone for this role)
Augh - Culture and Economy
Rocknrolla - VU Politics
Arzun - Weather
Felic - VU Celeb gossip and footage

20:54:51 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

Today's weather in VU!

Fire rains from the sky as thousands of infidels are burnt to a crisp in the west! On the east coast however it will be sunny with a nice cool breeze, perfect to try on that new fall outfit and go for a nice walk. A cold wind is breaking the nice week of warm weather in the south, it is believed this nasty cold gust is originating from Ez's bed-rested loins.

21:23:47 Nov 8th 09 - Lord Wraith:

As usual the Weather is wrong.. As far as I know its a chilly frost in the East with showers and hail :\

21:55:24 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Felic:

This week we had the honour of interviewing a well known individual, we focused our attention on the wonderful creature:


On a cold winter night a creature better known as penguin, made the marvelous and wise decision to join our beautiful community, where peace and love is tolerated.

As he grew in the ranks of VU he made loads of friends, lovers and weener.

This handsome lad made journeys far and wide across the VU plains. We asked him how he felt to be part of the mostly homosexual VU community:

[20:30] <Wilberforce> how have you found VU since you started playing?

[20:30] <Penguin> saw my cousin playing this game , then i joined 

[20:31] <Wilberforce> do you enjoy being part of the community?

[20:31] <Penguin> um

[20:31] <Penguin> sometimes

[20:31] <Wilberforce> why only sometimes?

[20:31] <Penguin> sometimes its fun

[20:31] <Penguin> sometimes its just so boring will all the retards talking BS


We then proceeded to ask him how he gets on with his best friends on VU, Wilberforce and Mielo (pictured below):

[20:32] <Wilberforce> how do you get on with your great friends, Mielo and Wilberforce?

[20:32] <Penguin> "great" 

[20:32] <Penguin> i always love to cyber with mielo

[20:33] <Penguin> you know cam2cam

[20:33] <Penguin> and always like to make some fun of my homie wilber :)


Finally, we asked him if he would stay friends with the people he met in VU forever.

[20:41] <Penguin> cant say yes or no

[20:41] <Penguin> we will see in time :)



There we have it, the wonderful little creature we know as, the flightless bird has intergrated well into the VU community and is very glad, he has joined.

22:43:12 Nov 8th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

lol at the pics

23:00:47 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

XD haha wht is with the pose??

20:53:29 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Felic:


Wilberforce the macho and marine guy has just come out of the closet.

When he was seen in this picture:

We asked him following questions:

<Mielo> wilbarb
<Mielo> which blond is your gf?
<@Aligreat> talking about backwards, arent you from hull wilbah?
<@Grimey> the one with the dick
<@Wilberforce> me? gf?
<@Wilberforce> none
<@Wilberforce> im gay

The obvious facts were there all the time, now it finally is official.

22:40:38 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

01:33:40 Nov 11th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LMAO this is the makings of BToAT!

Best Thread of All Time!  At least here on VU,,,,

02:25:34 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

IRC event of the week!
A new series by co-anchor Arzun

In a series of simple events which lead to the complete destruction of Revenge in the #vu irc room, Swifty completely mopped the floor with the well known and now more thoroughly understood, Revenge.

Revenge made many mistakes, the main being his willingness to talk (and brag) about his life in Spain. To give the readers who were not present an idea of what happened here are the facts which were presented to us by Revenge. He is a whole 17 years old and his parents are old and retired, he is forced to pay his wealthy retired parents rent monthly and work to support their aristocratic lives, after being forced to move to Spain to appease them. Being the youngest and the only male, and his relation to his parents being questioned, he was eager to do so.

Revenge entered this troll battle a troll, but left a sad and hurt teenaged boy, raging his ass off. The entire thing would not have been so great if not for the exit. A beautiful ragequit left everyone feeling fulfilled and content, except for Revenge that is. After a full five smilies in a row, showing his immense rage and deflated ego, Rev ran away with his tail between his legs.

<Revenge> Like I said, I was only on here till tick change
<Revenge> and thats gone and past
<Revenge> Thanks for the laugh
<Revenge> LOL
<Revenge> Bye.
<Stirlin> dont lie
<Revenge> <+Revenge> :(
<Revenge> <+Revenge> I needa wait till next tick
<Revenge> <+Revenge> someone entertain me :(
<Revenge> No, how about
<Stirlin> photoshop obviously
<Revenge> you get your facts straight *beep*.
<Revenge> Bye.
*** Revenge has quit (Quit:)
<Swifty> win
<Cobra> haha there it is
<Cobra> beautiful ragequit

________Flame of the Fight!_________
Swifty puts it over the top with a brilliant and quick jab to the ego
<Revenge> Im living in Spain in a nice villa which I will inherite
<Swifty> in 5 years?
<Swifty> when ur parents die
<Swifty> of old age

Credit to Revenge for being such a great hunt!

20:22:10 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Wilover:


Belgian pedophille, exposed!

Michiel Vermeersch, under the alias Mielo, aged 21 (pictured below) has finally been exposed for pedophillic acts.

Today, this man, already accused of heinous acts against minors has been caught out by VUNNs very own lead anchor, Wilberforce. As seen in the picture below, he prodded the minor (unnamed for legal reasons) with a large plank of wood, while his associate made sure the victim could not escape.

After this act of unspeakable evil occured, they escaped through the forest. However, the police were quick to respond and were on their heels. Mielo, spots the police helicopter flying above them.

Upon escaping the scene of the crime, they boarded a bus. Mielo attempts to hide his face, incase anyone would recognise him later on, on the TV and tell the authorities where he got off the bus at.

Little does the person sitting next to him know, that the man she is sitting next to is wanted for rape and pedophillia.

Thats todays top story, thanks for reading VU!

20:25:00 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Felic:

he's hot though!

14:24:41 Nov 14th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

I think he just keeps smelling his finger for the "memories"!!!

15:24:36 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

He's subliminally pointing out his next victim......anyone seen her since this photo was taken?

06:05:13 Nov 18th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Where's the updates?

10:28:52 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Sorry, been busy IRL and stuff. You shall have your next story soon enough!

10:58:56 Nov 18th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

like everything which involves Wilbert, Mielo the frenchy, Ali the shoe pisser and milk in a bag.... it disbands


01:20:08 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

Touche ;)

01:29:08 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Touchme. Im sexy.

23:43:33 Nov 20th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Multis spotted, including 1 major KD leader!

<Wilberforce> no, he accidently said that on his multi
<Wilberforce> who isnt in domination
<Wilberforce> he meant to say it on elit
<twamao> > elit is your multi?
<twamao> > omg!
<twamao> > pony killer!
<Wilberforce> lol
<seijim2> he doesnt even speak the same way =p
<Sandoran> yea
<Wilberforce> thats his way of pretending to not be a multi
<Sandoran> i killed my own ponies
<twamao> multi slapping multi
<Elit> i wont bother read all spam with you and twamao
<Elit> but your talk for i'm multy is not true!
<twamao> are you sure?
<Sandoran> i am
<Sandoran> he is*
<Elit> yes i have 2 utopia acc but one is visual utopia second is just utopia :P
<twamao> i have vu account
<Sandoran> i have 2
<roxbury> I have 5, but theyre on different worlds so I wont get deleted

Secret pics found:

Arzun and friend must wear retard helmets, incase they try to smash their heads against anything.

Bowl haircuts are promoted in Canada from a young age!

Arzun becomes worried about the random guy whos jumped into a pic with him and other young boy.

Police become aware of Arzun's illegal activities and offer a reward for his capture.

This is evidence of one of Arzuns heinous crimes, stalking (rape is also suspected but we have no evidence of this...however this girl may be the victim of it). As seen by the girls nervous smile, she has no idea who this strangely tall man is.

The next and worst crime commited. Pedophillia, as seen in the following two pictures, he may have spent too much time alongside fellow DBer, Mielo.

The look on his face here, is shock. As he thought nobody would ever no of this secret pool party, with the kiddies.

Arzun finds out that the Police are en route to his house, from a friend just down the street. As such he becomes alarmed.

In other news:

Dominations priv irc chan sucks.

[18:42] *** Topic is  ==  Domination == 
[18:42] *** ChanServ sets mode +h on Wilberforce
[18:42] -Zlostur- Welcome current status and order for are:
[18:42] *** Channel mode is +pntrcQ
[18:42] <Wilberforce> fkjsd
[18:42] -Zlostur- Armies: INACTIVE NOOB!
[18:42] -Zlostur- Auras: INACTIVE NOOB!
[18:42] -Zlostur- ORDERS:
[18:42] -Zlostur- #01 (-/-) Follow your orders in the forum and read all messages, something not clear? Ask the mighty Viceroys or the almighty Pirate Thomaas [June 17th, YR2080]
[18:42] <Wilberforce> lol
[18:43] <seijim2> eh?
[18:43] <Wilberforce> :)
[18:44] <Wilberforce> eh to you too sei
[18:44] <lewatha> What the
[18:44] <Wilberforce> ohai lew
[18:44] *** lewatha sets mode +b on *!*
[18:44] <Wilberforce> noooo!

It ended with Lew very unpolitely telling me to GTFO twice as she couldn't kick me.

Peng gets beaten up, after asking some guy for gay butt seks! Proof in the skype chat:

[19:28:53] Mephistopheles says: need to clean up myself
[19:29:05] Josh Reed says: you fapped?
[19:35:07] Mephistopheles says: lol
[19:35:16] Mephistopheles says: fapped as in masturbated?
[19:35:17] Mephistopheles says: :D
[19:35:21] Josh Reed says: indeed
[19:35:23] Mephistopheles says: no the thing is
[19:35:28] Josh Reed says: hence why you cleaned yourself up
[19:35:29] Mephistopheles says: when a guy says
[19:35:34] Josh Reed says: cos of the mess in yo pants
[19:35:35] Mephistopheles says: i would love to take you down in one hit
[19:35:38] Mephistopheles says: never reply
[19:35:43] Mephistopheles says: i would love to rape you now

23:48:13 Nov 20th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

i broke muh middle finger in that fags head >.<

23:58:28 Nov 20th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Yeah, but not his face head ;)

00:01:47 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:


22:18:51 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

HIV secret is out.

-->|Kittie_She ( has joined #vu

=-=Mode #vu +v Kittie_She by Swifty

<Kittie_She>j #hiv antispy




23:27:11 Nov 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i was banned from their priv a week ago :(

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