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Forums / The hangaround / Vowel game

Vowel game
14:22:20 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Right, this is pretty simple. Now, you shouldn't do this in real life, as it's stupid but...
You take the vowels out of your sentence, and then the other people have to guess the sentence, with vowels in. You don't have to pick any particul*beep*ntence, and the person who made the sentence can keep changing the sentence if s/he can, if you see another sentence there. However, the sentence has to make sense. You have to put spaces between the words, but don't have to say the number of letters in each word. If there is a word with only vowels in it, you have to type it down. Max. words, 15. Min. words, 5. So, take for example, this...

This is the sentence made:
Th mn ws bggr thn th hr.

The next person then say what he thinks it is:
The man was bigger than the hare.

This was originally what the first person was thinking of, but decides he sees another sentence.

The third person then says:
The men was bigger then the hour.

This, however, makes no sense. Firstly, The MEN WAS bigger then the hour. This, as you should know, is wrong, and doesn't make sense, as it's a plural with a verb referring to a singular thing. Secondly, The men was BIGGER THEN THE HOUR. What the hell's this supposed to mean?
So, your sentence has to make sense.  

It goes on like this through all the people, until finally the person who made the sentence either sees another sentence, or says that one of them's right when he's ran out of sentences. So, say that he still sees another sentence after all the people have gone, he says it:
The man was buggereD then, that hour.
This sort of makes sense, but I probably wouldn't allow you it, but however, the person added a d(shown in capitals), so he loses. Also, any punctuation has to be added in the beginning, and if you don't have the proper punctuation, you lose.
The man can't actually see anything else, so he loses. So, the last person that made a sentence that made sense out of it, wins, or else the person before whenever the person who wrote the sentence wins.
However, each person has five lives, and if you go on until the end, and don't actually have a sentence that makes sense, you lose all five lives towards one.

I suppose I drew that out a bit, but I hope you understand the rules now. The order is like this...

Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6

Player 1 makes the sentence first, then player 2 guesses, then player 3 guesses, then player 4 guesses, then player 5, then player 6, then player 6 again, then player 5 again, then player 4, then player 3, then player 2.
If player 1 is still able to make another sentence, all the other players lose 1 life. If one of the players gets the sentence before player 1 gives up, player 1 loses a life. However, if player 1 goes until the last, and then makes a sentence that doesn't make sense, he loses all five lives.

After that, you move up the position like so...

Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 1

And do the same as above, with player 1 at the bottom. This goes on until someone wins.


Sign-up here
  1. Killer

Put your name down here, and the order will be random. It's pretty simple, and you'll learn it as you go along, quickly, if you couldn't be bothered reading all the stuff above. I will see what sentences make sense, and even if they don't, and I say they do, I'm right and your wrong, despite my woeful ignorance at first. (Don't worry, I won't cheat... or will I?)

22:49:27 Feb 11th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

  1. Killer
  2. Quietone

23:00:13 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Link:

  1. Killer
  2. Quietone
  3. Link

00:18:36 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Wizardus:

  1. Killer
  2. Quietone
  3. Link
  4. Wizardus

04:26:23 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

  1. Killer
  2. Quietone
  3. Link
  4. Wizardus
  5. Pesterd The Sir Of all things!

09:19:15 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

  1. Killer
  2. Quietone
  3. Link
  4. Wizardus
  5. Pesterd The Sir Of all things!
  6. Meowman (Phew only just got it...)

15:37:06 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Right, starting now... You can join before the first person makes the sentence and will be at the end automatically, but after that, no more can sign up.

1. Quietone
2. Pesterd
3. Meowman
4. Link
5. Killer
6. Wizardus

So, you start Quietone.

23:57:56 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

1. Quietone
2. Pesterd
3. Meowman
4. Link
5. Killer
6. Wizardus
7. Arvious IIII(IV)

15:01:26 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*sigh* You can join still before Pesterd starts.

  1.  Pesterd
  2.  Meowman
  3.  Link
  4.  Killer
  5.  Wizardus
  6.  Arvious IIII(IV)

23:40:42 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errr... hello?

17:28:03 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Zeus Ding I:

hi! bye!

01:31:05 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

WTF is goin on here?

07:41:50 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

i dont know?
I thought quietone is starting??

07:42:58 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

bt whtvr 'll jst strt ths ne ll n my wn.

Guess away ?!?!? :-)

15:06:22 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Killer:

What the hell is ne?
Meowman, your turn to guess anyway, then down through the list.

12:46:18 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

But whatever I'll just start this all on my own.

(Ne has a vowel but is not all vowels, Pesterd dies!)

18:49:37 Feb 18th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

meowman got it right :-)

19:49:36 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1.  Meowman -  5 lives
  2.  Link - 5 lives
  3.  Killer - 5 lives
  4.  Wizardus - 5 lives
  5.  Arvious IIII(IV) - 5 lives
  6.  Pesterd - 4 lives

23:45:33 Feb 18th 08 - Mr. Wizardus:

This is stupid, for almost all sentences there is just one combination. We should play with consonants (take away), not vowels... that leads to more combinations and is still hard (I've played it against myself). The consonant one is also too easy to guess for the first player.

17:10:16 Feb 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Hmmm... a ou oa oo a.
In fact, there'd be way too many combinations, but there are too little with vowels... I'll just leave this to die.

23:26:21 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato:

This will be a puzzler for a prize for anyone who gets this right:

h wht tngld wb w wv whn w prctc t dcv

23:37:32 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

oh what tangled web we weave when we practice to decieve/deceive

00:09:03 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*claps hands*

"Good job!  Here is your prize!"

*turns Twamao into the God of -insert what you want to be god of-*

"Next one..."

th hm s whr th hrt s

00:10:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

The home is where the heart is

Not very hard...

00:21:38 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*gives same prize to Killer*


th pn s mghtr thn th swrd

"Too easy."

00:30:52 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

The pen is mightier than the sword.

00:35:49 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

"Told you..."

*gives Killer 10,000 gold*



10:31:31 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

oh that is way too easy, just put an e on the beginning

16:08:56 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*gets rid of Demonsul's pie abilities and gives them to the next one to post*


[ ] gv p n ths thrd ts brng nw

09:47:21 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I give up on this thread its boring now?

03:45:48 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Andersin:

sht, pss, fck, cnt, cck-sckr, mthr-fckr, tts, frt, trd, nd, twt!!!


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