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Who playes Turf Battles
17:29:42 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

Who play on a game that u download called Turf Battles


it a good game and fun if u wont to know anythin about it just ask

17:32:45 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Is it fun?

17:33:35 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

what the hell is turf battles?

17:34:40 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

it is fun when u r with friends


and turf battles is a online game that u download to play

17:38:48 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

and whats it like?

17:39:24 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

No clue, but it's fun when you play it with your friends.

17:40:58 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

on its basic form it is runescape but it is better than that and much different


if u r with friends it makes it much funner

17:42:21 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

And I believe it's like runescape if I read that post above.

17:43:12 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

it lets u pick 5

17:43:51 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

different classes and u dont have to lev skilles

17:44:16 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

5 of what? lol

17:45:04 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

it has better grahices and it is harder and better

17:46:09 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

oh soz


5 different people   blade,  fist, archer, red or blue wizards

17:46:32 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Atreides: idea what this game is about. But I really have no life so I'll prbly end up downloading it and playing it and getting bored of that is.

17:47:27 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

kk u probly will i play it as it is fun and i get to talk to friends

17:52:22 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

u can pk(kill players) take over islands with your tribes and kill other tribes aswell as  form partys to kill other people who r stronger than u

17:52:36 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

Facts about Turf Battles

- good game and fun
- fun when you are with friends.  Its not clear if it's fun if you play it with friends or if you are with friends playing with you
- Its like runescape, but better and MUCH DIFFERENT! (LOLZ)
- If you are with friends its funner
- It lets you pick 5 (5 of what?)
- Different classes and you dont have to level skills
- better graphics, it is harder and better

Blood Beast, dont take advertising as a job :)

17:54:11 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

i wont i cant do anythin but i tryin to get a good run down

17:55:07 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

it is online so if u have a friend he can play with u at his home whill u play aswell


u can talk to them as well

17:56:48 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

its hardly like runescape at all really


17:57:43 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

ye ( thank u god 4 sendin help)

17:57:46 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

u use ure keyboard to move instead of clicking the mouse


17:58:03 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

u cabn click if u wont

17:58:23 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:


17:58:52 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

ace 3d graphics


17:59:40 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Then it IS like runescape!

18:00:41 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

its really good when in tribe like me

leader of Tiger_Gods_Legends

18:01:07 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

no its not like runescape at all really


18:01:18 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

ye he is funny

18:02:01 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

watch the videos on

18:03:26 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

anyway if u want to play the game plz join Tiger_Gods_Legends as soon as ur lvl 10


18:05:22 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Hyper Pooey:

blood beast y u say it like runescape?


18:07:22 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

cuz it basicly is with out the grahices tribes partys (groups that if in all get xp)  island and master attackes and stuff

18:08:25 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Ok...I'll join your guild/tribe/clan/whatever you call it. But I'm downloading right in a while.

18:09:12 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

kk wot will be your name

18:48:43 Jun 26th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:


08:09:12 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:


13:20:42 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Animal Reborn:

I used to play it i know longer play it no more got slightly bored of the game

16:32:02 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

y u get bored

17:48:05 Jun 27th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

turf battles? is that like rival gangs? or more like "my lawn looks better than my neighbors"?

16:41:00 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:


it is sort of rival gangs    u can kill other tribes to take over islands

17:12:29 Jun 28th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

oh, that's funny, cuz your mom asked me to mow her lawn so i was thinking it was cause she was having "turf battles"

17:15:16 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

my moms dead

17:15:34 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:

kidding  she alive

18:48:32 Jun 28th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

oh, i was gonna say, she did look kinda used up, thought she might be your grandmother then

01:59:40 Jun 30th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

I think I'll give this a try.  Downloading.

08:46:48 Jun 30th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Played this game some.  Not really catching my interest.

12:14:57 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Blood Beast:


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