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Forums / The hangaround / Yeah, Hi.

Yeah, Hi.
12:02:30 May 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Its me.
Basically, I was off pursuing a whim of mine to return to SMW hacking. The dream failed, and so I return here.
I know things change quickly in the world of forums, so I'm going to ask a few questions.
1. Does everyone still look down on Plato?
2. Have the RP forums been saved, or are they still declining, or have they died?
3. Does Verthias still write OMGHUEG RP posts?
4. Any other major stuff I need to know?
5. Does anyone actually remember me?

12:08:13 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i know the name, and things with plato have eazed down a little bit

RP forums arent too bad

no idea about verthias

and nothing real major

12:09:00 May 11th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

  1. Some of the time
  2. Somewhere in the middle
  3. Don't know. Haven't seen him post in some time
  4. Define: 'Major stuff you need to know'
  5. Yes

Btw, whats SMW hacking?

12:13:22 May 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

SMW = Super Mario World (on the SNES)
Hacking = Level editing, ASM coding, some MSDOS confusion and a whole lot of hexadecimals.
If you want to know more I suggest you look up the site SMW Central. They can do everything but supply you with the ROM (that would be illegal).
Anyway, 'Major Stuff' includes any big events or improvements to the site, plus some trivial things that everyone knows. You know, like a new 'most hated person' or something...

15:45:13 May 11th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

1. Does everyone still look down on Plato?  A little, I'm getting better... though I hate all of the VU members that are ghey.
2. Have the RP forums been saved, or are they still declining, or have they died?  Sort of, Werewolf is back!
3. Does Verthias still write OMGHUEG RP posts?  I have no idea, haven't seen him post at all
4. Any other major stuff I need to know?  Dunno
5. Does anyone actually remember me?  YAY!  Demonsul's back!

18:14:53 May 13th 08 - Mr. Stick Von Count:

Ive noticed Plato getting "Better"

I havent been working oh so hard on my RP sticky,

And yeah, i remember you. =]

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