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Forums / The hangaround / You sir are banned

You sir are banned
17:31:31 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Dur:

Many moons ago I used to play VU (admittedly not very well) Since I have decided to come back I have decided to return this game!

The game is to state a reason for the person who has posted before you to be banned In the form ''I ban _____ for ______''

Rather simple. I will start the ball rolling.
I ban Dur for not playing VU in years!

18:59:41 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

I ban Zondervan for being a multi =)

(I know i pick on zond a lot of times but it's kinda funny)

19:54:32 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

I ban Edd for not following game rules. xD

20:05:42 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban Pure for also noticing Edd's lack of rule following (Y)

20:08:49 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Pure I:

I ban Dur for banning me

20:16:19 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban the other Pure for confusing me.

23:14:15 Apr 22nd 11 - Prince Mithras of Arunun:

I ban Dur for making this pointless thread :P

23:46:43 Apr 22nd 11 - Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel:

I ban Mithras for being a prince. :P

23:57:56 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban Mia for the use of a full stop.

00:28:30 Apr 23rd 11 - Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel:

I ban Dur for no reason. :P

11:47:08 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban Mia for banning me! XD

12:13:31 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

I ban dur for bumping this thread

14:34:56 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban pure for having a problem with my bumping

14:47:26 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Sladius:

i ban Dur for banning Mia

BANLOCK!!! i cant be banned now :P

16:00:40 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban Sladius for attempting to banlock!!! And failing XD

16:37:13 Apr 23rd 11 - General Who:

Correct would be. "I Ban Zondervan for Multing"

But, I Ban Edd for sucking at vu! :D

17:36:04 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jango Fett:

I ban Zondervan for not giving me his lunch money lolz

17:40:07 Apr 23rd 11 - General Who:

But i am trying to be fat so once im homeless in life from being a nothing i can at least survive a little while :(

17:44:39 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban General for not sticking to the rules!!!

17:51:12 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jango Fett:

I ban Dur for banning Zondervan on not sticking to the rulez.

17:54:50 Apr 23rd 11 - General Who:

I ban Jango for not banning Edd for not sticking to the rules!

18:31:53 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Pure:

I ban zondy for banning jango who banned dur who banned zondy

18:36:00 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

I ban zondervan for not leaving when he said he would.

18:44:04 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

I ban Dur for making this thread.

18:51:44 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

I ban Barny and Eddie for not following thread rules.

19:10:49 Apr 23rd 11 - General Who:

I ban Pure for not banning them quicker as If i was as bad as people say id use these rules here and really ban those not following.. :D

19:23:51 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Racer:

I ban everyone that is not following the rules!

19:28:58 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban Racer for being a Hippocrit!

22:44:07 Apr 23rd 11 - Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel:

I ban Dur for being only active in this thread. :P

00:45:58 Apr 24th 11 - Sun Warrior King The Sun:

I ban Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel for falling from heaven.

02:16:11 Apr 24th 11 - Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel:

I ban Sun Warrior King The Sun for having Sun twice in his name. :D

02:51:59 Apr 24th 11 - Sun Warrior King The Sun:

I ban Ms. Mia The Fallen Angel for being an epic fail at being an angel.

03:02:14 Apr 24th 11 - General Who:

I ban Sun Warrior King The Sun because hes a bad king.

03:45:54 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Pride:

i ban general who bc who is a very generic name

03:46:37 Apr 24th 11 - General Who:

I ban Pride because I have pride is who i am and my name who.

03:52:40 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Pride:

i ban who bc that makes no since

04:24:24 Apr 24th 11 - Sun Warrior King The Sun:

I ban General who for banning me about me being a bad king since I lead my people to a prosperous harvest.

04:41:16 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Pride:

i ban sun warrior king for gloating too much about a lousy harvest

05:44:26 Apr 24th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

I ban pride for a klondike bar...... yup, I went there, sir.

Ball is in your court now

05:46:31 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Koreh:

i ban you all because im pimp

suck it

09:04:37 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Nameless:

i ban Koreh cause i got the clap from his cheapass prostitutes.

11:19:47 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Dur:

I ban nameless for the lack of capitalised 'I' used in his ban

16:03:58 Apr 24th 11 - Sun Warrior King The Sun:

I ban pride for being prideless lolz

14:26:42 Apr 25th 11 - Mr. Flame:

I ban Sun king for still not following the rules!

19:16:20 Apr 25th 11 - General Who:

I Ban Flame for not flaming.

19:36:56 Apr 25th 11 - Sir Horus XV:

I ban Who for not answering my Skype

19:42:46 Apr 25th 11 - General Who:

I Ban Horus because i never got his Skype so he lied!

19:50:29 Apr 25th 11 - Mr. Panic XI:

I ban Who because I got proof (im DeanDod)

19:51:52 Apr 25th 11 - General Who:

I Ban Panic XI because i was half asleep and saw it on my phone but it didnt save on my laptop so your proof is gone! :o

20:57:25 Apr 25th 11 - Mr. Syg:

I ban General Who, because i'm a boss like that(;

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