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Forums / The hangaround / happy birthday to me! I

happy birthday to me! I
13:51:29 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

hey guys, its my birthday today, 29 of november. im now 13!!!!!!

14:59:41 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ummmmmmmmm............ hello?

15:20:55 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:


happy birht day

15:49:21 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

I've got your birthday present right here.....

*casts fireball on both of the Revenges, just because he can.*

16:00:37 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:


Naw just kidding happy birthday.

16:08:28 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

13? ah, to be so young again :)

16:10:10 Nov 29th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Happy Birthday,

being 16, I am obviously superior to you ^^

16:31:27 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

Wait a second, what are you kids doing playing VU while you're supposed to be in school? (If you're not in the States or in corresponding time zones, ignore this) Get back to work and filling your brain with knowledge!

16:33:35 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

1) im not in the states

2) im homeschooled, and i made this @ lunch

16:34:50 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

1) Im homeschooled also!


Lewatha is obviously superior to me.

17:05:31 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

And I'm obviously superior too you too, but equal with Lew.

also happy b-day revenge's multi.

Seloc laughs at the home schooled kids, that don't have the chance to make friends IRL.

17:07:57 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

yes we do, well, i do, go to youth clubs and stuff.

17:26:40 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:




But seriously I am 15 not 13, today is not my birthday, its january the 7th 1992, Revenge is weet is not my multi even ask ZeTa to look into it, i dont care becuse i am clean, he and i are not one, but 2 different people


18:03:13 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Zxcvbnm VI:

im olny 13, and my brother plays 2 and he is 10.... mind you he sucks but is he da yougest person playnig VU??     and does every one live in the US???? cos they seem to....

18:16:21 Nov 29th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I live in Belgium and I'm proud of it!

And Q is most likely the superior of us all, with her 67 year old life.



And 10 years old is probably youngest, yeah.

19:19:43 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

67 :o

20:12:36 Nov 29th 07 - Duke Mielo:

she's 52! (auch ... you are in deep *beep* lewatha) and she stays 52 like ... forever! ...Untill she confess'!

21:11:53 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Doesnt peter pan never grow up?

21:53:10 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

the person who got me playing this was 8 yrs old. he doesnt play anymore, but i guess he's like, the youngest who HAS played

22:28:20 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

Nope, I got my 4 year old cousin to play. For a few minutes.... I made her delete the account because she made a kingdom called Sparta.

00:39:10 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Just to prove you wrong I'm getting my 1 year old cousin to do something on VU and while she's playing prove that she is the youngest person to play.

FYI I'm 14 :p

14:45:54 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

a guy in my KD let his lil cousin play, dnt know the age. but he sorta left the KD, so i lost a player, thnx to sum players lil cousin. :(

00:18:55 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Tollbooth Operator:

Wow you guys are young. Now I feel really old. Excuse me whilst I go drown my sorrows...

00:22:09 Dec 13th 07 - Prince Aesius Septim:

Come to Ye Olde Taverne and I'll pour you a drink...

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