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Forums / The hangaround / image wars

image wars
21:38:01 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Dragonorc:

this thread is about images that look like there going to attack something so post and image like a fly kicking cat and the next person can counter it with another image (like a rabbid dog of somfin)

23:57:55 Nov 21st 07 - Duke Carlos Calabria:

"In this weeks episode we follow the real "dogs of war", the animals, as they battle eachother in some of the worst battles ever to be documented on the surface of earth!"

(Introduction music.)

"The first documentation of animals in wars was during WW1 where dogs, such as Billy in this picture, were used to attack evil enemies, but as time went they started to attack just the animals on the other side. Beliefs that horses, elephants and so on and so on were supposed to have been used in wars is in fact a lie, it wasn't until WW1 and WW2 that Poland used horses as means of getting to places faster."

"The different animals provided such a good help in the wars that new ways of using their sharp teeth and claws were considered, here we see two dogs tested as co-pilots incase the human pilot would fall asleep or die during a flight or/and battle, this worked extremely well until the germans started to use the same tactic and sent in spy-dogs to infiltrate the airplanes and make them crash before the battle had even started, thus ending the plans of using animals further as a mean of helping us humans in defeating whatever enemies we might have."

"As time passed the animals got better and better at warfare, now however, they weren't in the service of the humankind, now they fought other animal species for their own domination of the planet earth, here we see a monkey preparing a ambush which resulted in..."

"A dead horse, altough a happy dead horse, cause it was thirsty."

"During the 90's the animal-wars became such a slaughter that mankind had to step in and prevent several races from being exctinct, the dogs were the biggest reason for the slaughter, and here we see two generals from "The Combined Doggy-Forces", CDF, after their capture during a battle between dogs and rakoons in south america."

"As we all know, humans expands, as we expands we develop, animals are no exception in this matter, and after 100 years of constant war they have a rather high-tuned war technology, this technology began in the late 70's among the inhabitants of the sea."

"The biggest reason for this were the fishes need in seeing clear thorugh deep water and shot missiles faster through a material more rough then air, here we see a... rather big fish on a scouting trip in the water around Greenland."

"The rest of the animal kingdom wasn't slow in adapting to these new technologies, in fact, most humans believe earthquakes is something mother earth is doing, which isn't all entirely true, up to as high as 85% of all earthquakes are caused by elephants trying to kill of all the rats and mice in the cities."

"As the world entered the 21th century the time of animal war entered a new age, new technology, new species and new types of war, since 2001 all the animals are in a massive civil war with their own species, this is for reason we don't know for the time being. The worst of al these hundreds of thousands civil wars are the war that the squirells are fighting."

"Follow us next week as we bring up another disturbing factor with the real "dogs of war", the animals!"

(Outro music.)

16:57:39 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Brittannia:

who wants some! ( by the way this is dragonorcs new name

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